HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-08-05, Page 1• ti $2.00 A Year. --In Advance; • 50c Extra o ' U. S. A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST .5th, 1943 EIGHT PAGES �iheral Government Out Hanna Wins `As we Ngo to `press 'Wednesday night thedefeat of .. the Liberal. Government ; is conceded, ' al= though anything like a definite standing is not yet .announced.' Both the Progressive -Conser- vatives and C: C. F. have made substantial gains, but it is ' -no. t apparent at this time whether or not any party will have a clear= cut majority. - John Hanria, -.Progressive-Con- servative candidate , nosed. out ,Hugh Hill, 'Liberal by 139 votes. uron•'.B.ru'ce Mr, Hanna put everything he had, into the campaign; Total vote 'polled yesterday. the riding was more than •2000 less' than- in 1937, and Mr. Hill polled .4050 votes less than • C. A. Robertson did at that time. Mr. Hanna polled 4404 -votes as corn - pared with , Mr. Logan's 4780, ' and. Mr. Lantz polled 3304 as compar- ed.. with 692 votes polled by two other independent candidates in 1987. Complete unofficial` returns for Huron -Bruce are as follows: • HOW THEY VOTED Adjacent Municipalities by Sub- Divisions. LUCItNOW OrangeHall - - Reid's ' Restaurant 'Hanna Hill 30 92 68 4419. own Hari, TOTAL K'INLOSS 1 -Kinloss . 2-Kinlough 3-Holyrood 4 -Second Concession • 5-Langside A 6 -Whitechurch TOTAL' - ASHFIELD ,.1 -Dungannon 2=Finlay's • 3 -Zion ' 4 -Port Albert 5 -Kingsbridge .6-Farrish's •7 -Laurier TOTAL . WEST WAWANOSH 1 -Dungannon ° 2. -Auburn 3 -Township Hall ' 4 -St. Helens 5 -Anderson's 6 --St. Augustine. TOTAL - HURON TOWNSHIP No. 1 No...2 No,3 No. 4 • No. 5 TOTAL Lantz 38 32 35 75 46' 133 '.., 206 116; , Hanna • Hill . 28 1 20 11. 28 . 18 17 49 49 40 48,.'. 41 72 r�. 34 37 26. 62, . 20 RED CROSS NOTES Volunteer knitters are requited by the Lucknow and Vicinity Branch of . the, Red Cross to make prisoner -of -war sweaters, ' ° The Red Cross work roomy is noels clos- ed but wool, earl he obtained from Mrs. Wm. Hornell or from Mrs. C. D. McAlpine: - It, is hoped that a- goodly nuns, bet ' will respond" to ' fill this em- ergency quota of knitted goods. ACTED • AS , RIDING CAMPAIGN MANAGER A. W. Hamilton of Lucknow was campaign manager ' of the Huron -Bruce C.C.F. Riding'. As- sociation, and .took' quite .an, act- ive. part in 'the conduct of . the whirlwind campaign. The :biggest event of the campaign was, the rally , held , in the Town Hill, Wingham' last. Friady night when, Miss Agnes MacPhail addressed agathering of some ;four` hundred persons. She was .introduced' ,by Dr. W. V.Johnston of Lucknow._ 'Had Charge of Office During the past two weeks of Lantz -, 1 theelection campaign, 'John Han- na, Progressive -Conservative can- didate, opened a campaign office in Lucknow in the former Little shoe ' store with Dave 'Horne in charge. ' 193'' 206 -180 Hanna Bill- Lantz 69 38 47 '' .28 46 ,,. . .28 46 33 1 9 , 49 19 39 15" 72.' 27 • 46 . 67 12 .43 ' 25 • 14 251 2817 234 Hanna Hill. Lantz • 77 39. ' 16 85 ' •35 14 49 25' 16 27 45. 26 26 46 36 12 44 ' 13 276 234 ' 121 Hanna : Hill Lantz, 75 - 57. ,29 79 39., , 35 • 41 ' ••32 76' 22. . 42.' 39 51 55 ° 61 266 225 240 HURON -BRUCE BY MUNICIPALITIES ' 'PLACE Ashfield Blyth Brussels Carrick ' C.uhross' Colborne. East Wawanosh iowick ' Huron , Kinloss Grey ' Lucknow • Mildmay . Morris .... Ripley Teeswater Turnbrrry, West W'awanosh Wingham TOTAL • Hanna Hill Lantz 251 132 179 155 153 127 25'8 552 268 193 305 133 '67 352 100 113. 258 275 672" 287 127 182 298 279 284 221. 438 225 224 390 206 106 292 59 136 187 ' 234 238 234' 44. 14 621 262 71 88- 245 240 ' 197 1o9 116 130 97 35 121 158 121 131' R.C.A.F : SPI PERS HERE SATURDAY Hundreds of :Scots in this dis- trict have 'this summer missed the Saturday night pipe band • con- certs which ' were.. _a feature of other years. ' But th'ese.. folk are. ,in, for at least one treat this summer, for this' Saturday night the Centralia Air Force Band will . perform in, Lucknow. This is a .17 -piece' band,; of . which -:Frank MacKenzie is ..a - member, The concert will, :start' .at eight o'clock and 'will continue. for an hour. MEMBER. OF R. ' A. F. PRESIDED AT ORGAN Bob Cunningham of the R. A. F. Air Navigation School. at Port Albert, presided at the organ .in the United '-Church 'en Sunday. .arid was a guest at' the Hall. home. Bob, is a. native of Scotland and Harvey Hall, and Raymond Rich- ards, who are overseas, •planned' to spend a recerit leave at the. Cunningham home in the land o' the hea'th'er. .• TO • HOLD TOXOID CLINIC TUESDAY A clinic will -be ' held 'in ' Luck - now Town Hall, Monday morn- ing, August 9th from. 9 a.m: to 10 a.m. Diphtheria toxoid injec- tions will be given to all child- ren brought -in .to the clinic who are, between the ages of nineteen months - and ten years. There are patients with whoop' ing cough in this district. Whoop- ing cough .vaccine Will also be given to those desiring it. This may be given to very young in- fants, and it is to this age group that it should be. given,' . as with these this disease is a serious one.. Subsequent clinics will be held in. the same place atthree week intervals. This service • is free to 4443 4404 3034 ibLiICL W. V .Johnston, M.O.H. (oundl Strikes. Tax Rate, School Rate Advances Sharply, In regular, session on Tuesday night, the Village. Council struck the . 19.43. tax ,rate it 43.5 'mills. This is an . advance of '`1:8 mills over the 1942 rate of 41:7.' Increase in the rate is due to a 41/2 mill increase in the 'school rate;' which is partially offset by reductions in . street lighting, de, benture,relief and Village rates. The curtailment of street light- ing by 20 per , cent, has brought the ate down from 3.7 'to 2:5 mills. The Village debenture debt is steadily retiring with the - rate down t year to. 1.9 from 2.7 mills.An addition. relief is, down .4 mills ..arid the, Village rate .3 mills. The 1943 rate as compared with 1942 is as follows: 1942 5.2 Street Lighting 3.7 :Relief Debentures ' 2.7 Library., 1�1 School 14. Village 14. 1943 5.2 2.5 1.9 1:1 18.5 13.7 41.7 43.5 It was pointed out that the fin- ancial position of the village is in a healthy state? ,,A year ago bank borrowings at this time had reached $7000. . This ' year they amount to Only $4,200. , ' Protest Account • council was billed .:by the County in the amount of $90 for indigent : hospitalization,, and, Councillor B.oyes' voiced particul- ar disapproval to paying the ac- count. It was finally passed how- ever ,and Reeve Joynt said . he would have- as lull a report as possible for the ne*t meeting. Mr. J, R. McNab advised coun- cil that the R.C.A.F. Pipe Band from Centralia was to play in Lucknow on Saturday night,.and asked, permission , to block off a portion of the''. street' for the per formance as' well as: requestipg _Council. ;to . appoint four. traffic officers for the occasion_ . Council receiveda statement from the County Engineer to the effect that the work done' on re-' surfacing and repairing' Village , strAets_amnu*nted=to-$:41.0...--Timis- °is , approximately $6:00' .more than • the amount of the County grant for road', building and mainten- ance.douneil studied. Village . expen- ditures to, date, and decided they could spend $150.00 on gravelling this ' year, tq maintain Village "dirt" roads in their- present good. condition. ' Hydro- arrears .totalling ' only $166.37, were reported to be the -best, in years. Water arrears stand at $280. ' al • DOUG MacDONALD TO PREACH ON SUNDAY • HjCapt. R. D. MacDonald will occupy,, the pulpit in the United Church .this ' Sunday, both morn- ing and evening, and as well will have charge of the ' afternoon ser- vice at Erskine Presbyterian. Church, - Dungannon.. ' Doug who has been taking a chaplaincy course at.'-Barryfield Camp; is at present, home on -fur- lough. Short On Pop And ' Ice Cream The holiday week -end. brought another shortage of pop and ice cream locally,, and With no hope of . getting supplies renewed be- fore . Tuesday, a couple of rest- aurants , were 'closed both Sunday and Monday: COYLEE RUSSELL IS WAR• PRISONER Mr. . and Mrs. W. A. Russell •of Wingham, and formerly , of Lucknow, received • thehearten- ing news the end ,of the week that theiryounger son Coyle, was' a prisoner of ' war in Germany, They had . been ' anxiously a- waiting further word. since the announcement that he was miss- ing fallowing air operations over enemy territory on June 22nd. Word that Coyle was safe was received from the International Red Cross -in Switzerland, and was based on a German report. . F.O. James Coyle Russell, to which rank he was promoted since arriving overseas, enlisted in the R.C,A.F. on August 26th, 1941, and 'upof graduating as a navigator headed his class: -He' Vass married on June 30th of last year, and by mid-August had arrived ' overseas. After further training he commenced operation al flights ' in February and had -1..... times before being brought down, Underwent Operations Kent. Hedley, son of, 'Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Hedley. and . Charlie Chin, son of Mr, and Mrs,. C..I Chin underwent tonsillectomies: in Wingham - Hospital last Thurs- day.' morning. • BORN HELM • --o At. Wingham General Hospital on'Tuesday,. July 27th. to' Mr. and Mrs.'William Helm, It. 3, Lucknow, a son, YOUNG At Wingham General Hospital on . Tueiay, . July 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley. Young, R; 3. Teeswater, a - daughter. CONGRAM-In -Kincardine • Gen- • eral Hospital, July 24th, 1943, to Mr.' and ' Mrs, Harold. Congram, R. 3 Lucknow, a son. RHOAD-In Kincardine General Hospital, July 24th, 1943,.to the Rev. Dr. and Mrs.' W.. O. "Rhoad, Ashfield, a son. . LEGION, •: 'B'UYS SPENCE HOME ° I The Lucknow Branch of the Canadian Legion completed neg=. otiations . last week for the Tut - chase of the former Spence home, from T: E. Convay, Kincardine• barrister.' ', , Mr, Convay bought the . prem- ises three years ago ' and for a time visited P the -Village weekly to cpnduct his .practise here. The upstairs was tenanted as, an a- partment ,for a' . while, but has been vacant now for some time. .` The Legion bought the prop- erty at a snap. Their immediate plans for use of the building are not completed and will be dis- cussed at;'early meeting of the organization,. ; The ' building adjoins the Bunk of M6ntreal and was the former L e. a e A. M. Spence, r. rs,