HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-07-29, Page 4PAGE FOUR • cc, THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL, LUCKNOliy; ONTARIO • ' THURSDAY, JULy, 29th, 1913 — • •sui"ort IY FAAN Huron..- Druce • • • • Candidate and... • :I •••' `.• reak the Mon polies SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY LORNE 'MacLENNAN, LUCKNOW OLIVET PICNIC HELD THURSDAY (Contributed), The Olivet 6nnual picnic was held at Point Clark last Thurs- day afteinOon with a large and jolly crowd in attendance, and with ideal weather °and lots of good things to eat provided by the ladies. The gathering was honored and assisted by 'the pres- ence of 'Rev. Beech, our own pop- ular minister, and..by Rev. Edgar ROulston. wh.o,- by his. kindly_m- teresfin us, isalways a welcome guest. A softball garno, captained by Frank 13arkwell and Rod 'Mc - Charles as played by mixed teams oti boys and girls. Mr. Beech and, Gilbert Bark - well were horse shoe champions With W. T. Roulston and Wm Mc- d-uii:e second. Race results were as follows: 4. years and under, Margaret McTavish, Marion, Mc-% Tavish, Louise MacLennan; 7nd- under, Lawrence Beech, ja0c Mc- Lennan; Gordon Roulston; 10 yrs. boys, Finlay MacLennan, George• MacLennan, Nannie Rose; girls, 10 years, Betty Kempton, Joy Whitfield; boys 14, Allan"Colling, Robert Osbofne, Eldon MacLen- nan, . girls 114, Mary. RoulSton,. Louise McTavish, Rhea Barkwell;. free-for-all, men, Rod McCharles, Donald McTavish, Frank Barl'c-: Well; free-for-all, ladies„Margar- et McCharles, Sadie McCharles, Beth. McTavish; married women, rs. "a er ouls on, rs. mi MacLennan, Mrs Thos. Kemp- ton• married men, Oliver Mc Charles, Walter Roulston, Emile Mactennan;,. couple race, Frank Barkwell, Margaret McCharles; Rod McCharles; Sadie McCharles, Donald McTavish, tillian Os- borne; slipper ,kick, ladies, Alice• Barkwell; Gwen Robb, Louise. McTavish; shoe kick, 'men, Mor- • ley Stewart, Harold Ritchie, Jack Roulston. ' Regret was .expressed by the crowd that our worthy young Men in the armed forces, vvho have offered their 'Services that we' may be free, could not be present. HAVINGBEEN Requested 'by the Business Men's' Associa- tion of Lucknow to do so; I Hereby Declare Monday August A Civic Holiday In The Village of Lucknow • AND REQUEST All Citizens to observe it as such. ' • ,•••„ • • FOXES in the Auburn district 'are believed responsible for, the loss of 180 young chicken' sus- •, tained by, Albert Campbell. Will- . iam Buchanan ' sawno less than 15 of them in that ilistrict. • Kinloss Native Dies - The death .of Mr. Alex McKay,. a native of theSecond Concession of Kinloss ,occurred last Friday - in Winnipeg, , where, he hasre- sided for many years. fEINEPIffEREACEPIIRIMMA For Greater Volume and Production° FEED'THESE PURINA CALF STARTENA—no milk after 4 ,weeks. PURINA DRY & FRESHING CHOW—Growing Heifers on Pasture. PURINA ,CIOCK STARTENA—Start Fall brood of chicks, more eggs for 'Victory from present housing.space. PURINA SOW & PIG CHOW—for pregnaut sows, breeding • to farrowing is 'a period most hog men nedlect. PURINA SANITATION PRODUCTS PURINA HOG CONCENTRATE FORHOGS • Add' 1 ,Bag Hog Chow to each 5 bags Chop — Produce 4 Hogs per ton of Chop instead of just 2 — Apk for plan of self feeder. For reliable farmers, we will supply you with Hog Chow at today's Cash Price, pay when the Hogs go to market --no carrying charge. Lorne MacLennan, 'Phone 77-w ••••••••••••~Mor • ••••••• • ""' • \Ooo. '4"1"444121, ••2. "," .7" 2,74v ,*••.-Ar f••••4 FOR. SALE—A good buggy. Ken- neth Cameron, R. 1; Lucknow. WANTED --gpod. second ,hand c fiflicle'es. tricycle. Apply at Sentinel . .4. -YOUFt SEWING MACHINE re., paired properly to,perfect . sew- ing at yObr horne. Fbr informa-' tion Phone 35; LuCknoW." . . •FOR SALE—r6-foot 'Massey -Har- ris binder. R. E. Gilmore, R.R. 3, Lucknow, Phone 61-13, Dungan- non.•. . Attending Kintail Camp • Among those who have been attending the Presbyterian Camp at Kintail. are, Ardonna. John- stone, Jane Johnstone and Mari- lyn IVIcAlpine of Lucknow, Mary Joan McKenzie of Waterloo and Marion Robb' of Ashfield. 'RADIO 'INStiECTORS 'Were in Goderich and district last, week. ZION Mrs.'Will Ritchie and daugh- ters, Misses Violet and Elsie spent Friday afternoon with Mr. and. Mrs. Ivan Papernick. of Goder:- ich. Mumps and"measles have made, the rounds on this line and now an outbreak of whoopiing cough has begin: Here's hoping it may soon clear away. Miss Agnes Lindsay is at pres- ent spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Will .Gardner. Miss Kathleen Gardner of Tor- o-nto' is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gardner. , • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gardner, Misses Caryl and Kathleen vis- ited Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs. Lorne Woods and Mri4 John Helrn • of St: Helens. Mis. Isaac Andrew returned Q n Saturday from a ten day visit with friends in Brockville.,, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson spent Thursday lastin Goder- ich. Mr. and Mrs., Ewart Taylor and family were, guests 6n Sunday with Mr. and Mrs., George Min- ter. , The Sunday School picnic will be held on Friday, afternoon ,at Point Clark. All: are welcome. Miss Trivia Hackett had her tonsils removed in Wingham hos- pital and is progressing • favor- ably. • , s, Wm, Little Spent Thurs- da 'afternoon at the horne of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ritchie. CLERKS NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST :Voters' Lists, 1943, Mimicipality of. Kinloss, County of Bruce. Notice' is hereby given that I ,have coinplied with Section 8 of , The .Voters' Lists -Act and that I , ,,have posted up at ilaY 'Office at • R.R. 2, $olyrobd, on the .24th day of July, -1943, the list of all'per- sons entitled to vote in the said 1VIunicipality 'at Municipal Ele0- flops, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all vot- WANTED TO PURCHASE,—Pul- ers to take immproceedediate ings to have any errors or °Missions lets all.breeds ancr ages,, 4 weeks corrected according to laW, the un .t 20 weeks. Highest prices • ,last day for aprall_Deing the 14th ' Paid. Write f filll—detaiIS: day of August, 1943.. Tweddle ,Chick, Hatcheries Lim- Dated this 24th day' of July, ited, Fergus, Ontario. 15 CHESTERFIELD SUITES in rich coverings and colourings at Schnett & Sons, Mildmay. Free delivery. Bargain' prices. Also 15 Reconditioned Pianos': _ J. F. SCHUETT. &' SONS, Mildmay and iVlount Forest. FOR SAL:E-32-50 White Separa- tor; 28-50 White Separator, (cut- ter); 33-45. Waterloo • epara or; 28-42 Waterloo' Separator •(cut- ter); 32-50 Bell Separator (cut- ter); 45 Case- tractor; 60 Rumley tractor; 62 Huber tractor; Frame Barn,with #alvanized roof. • George Smith, Durham. CLEARING .AUtTION SALE of Household Effects 'will beheld at the residence of the late Moore - 'house Mitchell, Gough St., Luck - now on Sattirday evening, July 31st, at. 730 p.m. The following. are to be sold: desks, chesterfield suite, rattan sunroom set, dining room furniture, kitchen furniture. sewing machine, washing mach- ine, verandah furniture, hall rack, odd_ tables and chairs, bedroom furniture, rugs, day couch, gar- den tools and other articles. The property will also 'be offered for sale subject to reserved bid. Donald 'Blue, Auctioneer. 1943, • Clerk of Kinloss. o ' • • T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW. SDAX OR EACH MONTII, • • AFTER JUNE '1st 10 a.m. to 6 o'clock AT WM. ,SCIIMID'S STORE ONTARIO °ELECTIONS 1943 NOTICE TO PROXY HOLDERS IMPORTANT OWING to the delay of Extra -Provincial Active • Service Voters overseas in completing and return= -ing Proxy appointments to Ontario, special arrange- ments have been made to protect the franchise of such voters.. 0. Special Sittings of Revising Officers will -be held in each Electoral District on Tuesday, August' 3rd, to receive' applications from holders of Proxies from -Extra-Provincial Active Service Voters to have their appointments certified. If the appointments are certified by the Revising • Officer, they can be presented by the. holder to the 'Deputy Returning Officer in the proper Polling Sub - Division on Election Day and application made for a'ballot. .1 The holdef, of the Proxy form must be a voter in the same EleCibral District as the Active Service Voter, and must be able to vouch for the fact that the Active Service Voter resided *in the Electoral District for • thirty days prior to his enlisttnent, or in lieu thereof Must have him vouched for by a voter who is familiar with the facts. • ALEX. C. LEWIS CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER ' ONTARIO t• • e 2 9' • k ' , - P. Stuart MacKenzie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario. - 'IN LUCKNOW --,.....------ Each Wednesday - Afternoon & Evening At G. H. SMITH'S IOFFICE ONTARIO °ELECTIONS 1943 NOTICE TO PROXY HOLDERS IMPORTANT OWING to the delay of Extra -Provincial Active • Service Voters overseas in completing and return= -ing Proxy appointments to Ontario, special arrange- ments have been made to protect the franchise of such voters.. 0. Special Sittings of Revising Officers will -be held in each Electoral District on Tuesday, August' 3rd, to receive' applications from holders of Proxies from -Extra-Provincial Active Service Voters to have their appointments certified. If the appointments are certified by the Revising • Officer, they can be presented by the. holder to the 'Deputy Returning Officer in the proper Polling Sub - Division on Election Day and application made for a'ballot. .1 The holdef, of the Proxy form must be a voter in the same EleCibral District as the Active Service Voter, and must be able to vouch for the fact that the Active Service Voter resided *in the Electoral District for • thirty days prior to his enlisttnent, or in lieu thereof Must have him vouched for by a voter who is familiar with the facts. • ALEX. C. LEWIS CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER ' ONTARIO t• • e 2 9' • k '