HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-07-29, Page 3.45
• a
- 'THURSDAY,. 411714E-,- 29th, 1943
will speak Inver all
RadiO' Stations
8.30 P.M..
9.00 P.M.
11.30 P.M.
Vote for a
Ottawa, July 23, 1943
Mr. L. C. Thompson,
Lucknow, Ontario. •
Dear Campbell:'
Enclosed please find $2.00 to
cover my subscription .for an-
other year. Will. - you please
change my address'. to " CanOra,
Saskatchewan,: for :the balance of
the rear.
want to'thank , you for the
space you 'gave to the C. C.- F.
• 'Meeting and norninating conven-
,tien• on Satiirday;,and- for your
ditorial. Your , criticism regard-
ing the generalities of the Speeeh-
es and the lack of detailswas
well taken. This is a Criticism
that is .fairly levelled at most
meetings. However, with the two
s • eakers getting started late, and
with the desire of •the majority
of the audience to -get away be-
fore the Stores closed• at 11, it
cramped our style considerably;
It is difficult to go into the de-
tailed changes that must be made
in an economic system as complex
as our present one at a Single'
meeting,' but I do thinlg that we
than we did that night If I am
back to Lucknow again I will
try to profit by, your comments.
With kindest personal regards,
• Sincerely: yours,
A. M. Nicholson,
•- M.P. for MacKenzie:
' In parliamentary • affairs when
the electors :freedom of choice is
about te be: exercised, the 'para-
mount consideration influencing
his decision should naturally be.
and to be' honest;, conscientious
person always is "which :candi-
dates"' offering his service should
have his support•''
Iri this connection, the matter
of service .looms laige and de-
mands most ,careful thought. If
a candidate .has alrekly establish-
ed a serkrice record of unimpeach-
able integritY inthe municipal
field;' if he has been true to the
Pledges before his election; if he
has shown real. administrative
ability in .the exercise cif his chit-
ies, when .he offered his services
in a twider- and more important
field,j he has a claim support
Which cannot be gainsaid. I sub-
s,cribeto the opinion that experi-
ence -in municipal affairs, though
perhaps not 'absolutely necessary
to an. aspirant for seat in the
Ontario Legislature is certainly
most dedable. Mr. Hanna has
'had experience in municipal. af-
• fairs, three years •as councillor
arid fiv,e years as mayor of Wing -
barn. During. his various terms of
office' he acquainted himself in.
masterly fashion, never evincing
the slightest bias, never paying
any attention tosectional inter-
ests but always looking sedulous-
ly 'for *the general good. 'If he is
elected to the legislature on Aug-
ust 4th, he will continually.cham-.
pion the general good. His idea
of the 'general good inVolVes the
bettering of the farmers' lot and
the elevation of the VOlsOci‘ng clas-
ses. These combinedly represent
the bulk of our population
and to their aspirations his at-
tention is focused. '
John Hanna will make an
'ideal rePtesentative. in the House.
,tet us send him there.
• Jas. G. Webster.
(Reprinted from Wingham Ad-
vance -Times, July 22nd, 1943.)
Strong Ontario
• Wed.., Aug. 4
Mark Your BaHot
for the
• Mr. SarnCarnochan -6f.Seaforth
visited With friends•in and around
•Ltieknow. last •week.. • .• • •
,•• MiSs Mary and .Grace 'Reynolds
of Toronto spent a few days. with.
• rcaltiyes on the fourth. andsixth'
• . recently.. • :. . • :•.. •
•• Mr. Billie •Black.Of Toronto. is
..si:ionding his vacation at R.'Mi&
•' dleton's. .•.•
Mr. Mearle Middleton bf
• HamI-
ilton spent' the -week -end at.: his
, home... • . •
• The,•:JulY meeting of the U. F.
W. 0. was held at the home of
Mrs. J. L. ••McKiririon.with- a large.
attendance of members •and Visi
tors. . The meeting. opened with
• Singing the opening ode and re•-"'
. peating the 'Lord's prayer
MiS. V.F. MacDOnald, pre-'
sided. The minutes of last meet-,
• roll call was answered by exhib7.
itingan article made of second
'hand' material. This .was• a work
.meeting and, sev,eral. quilts .were
•quilted and a lot of knitting done;
. I:and'. the small 'girls sewed sev-
eral strips of. patches • together.
• Mrs. McCallum moved a vote of
.• thank, to the hostess for the use
. of her home, 'and to those helping
to. make- the work meeting a sue
•_cess. Singing God Save The King
' • 'closed, the • meeting. 'Lunch was
• served and a pleasant' time spent.
• . Mr. -George Robinson • of• the.
• R.C.A.F.,• 'Edmonton, • is • visiting •
at his home. •„
'Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bain qf Lon-
don were visitors with relatives
- on the Sixth last Veek. •
• Mr. and ,Mr. R. Moffat--.-and-
•fainily visited with friends in,
• 'Clinton and London. •
• Mr.. and' Mrs. ,MePherson and
Dorothy of Tceswater spent Sun-
' day at Mr. D. L. McKinnon's.
Dornthy remained to spend a..ieNV
days with Jean.
Mrs. W. I. MacDonald spent:.
a •fewdays in -Tordnto with her.
••sister, Mrs. Sangster.
• Mr. R. "RobertSop. :Christine,
• • ' Mary .and• Mrs. Ware and Shirley
• Ann visited during the week with
Mrs,, Middleton. •
• The Women's Institute meeting
will be held on Thursday next
at the home of Mrs. Roy Graham.
Cqnvener, Mrs. Richard Elliott;
assistant, Mrs. Tom Hodgins; ,mot -
a merry heart rnaketh a cheeP-
ful countenance; roll call,- A cop-
per for each letter in..your name;
lunch committee, . Mrs. R. Gra-
ham, Mrs. -Alex Percy, .Mrs.
bert Crang. • • .
• Friends and relatives.from here
attended ....ate, bonera.... of ;the :late. •
Mrs; John MccOrrnick on Sunday
last, The deceased, the former
Ida ..percy;. was ,the daughter .of
the late Mr. and Mrs.-4.as.'Percy
of ..this. place. Sympathy IS ex-
tended to the bereaved 'Ones.
Miss. Winnie Percy, 11.N. and
Miss S. MacKay of Londen, en-
joyed a pleasant motor and boat
trip to Muskoka. They also were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. • Frank
Maulden (nee Bess Lane) at
Mrs. Wm. Holland and John
are spending a few days with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mc-
• Lean: • ' •
Miss Eliza' Thompson' iS,
ing wih kr. and Mrs. Perry
Mr. and Mrs.. Hareld Percy,
and Mr. 'Wilbur EnSil- spent Mon-
day in London. •
Balfour and•Bevin McLean are
holidaying at Southampton.
- BROOKS—In. Kincardine General
•.11ospital, July 17, 1943, to Mr. and
at Mrs. liarvey Brooks, R. R. 3
Lucknow. a daughter. •
General Hospital, on July 15th,
1943, to Major and Mrs. R. S.
Hetherington (nee Louise Thonip-
son), "Vv'ingharn, a daughter, Jane
• •
When •the House is in -"aim-
aittee discussing departmental
estimates, a, table is brought in on
the' floor ithmediately in front of
the Minister _at bat. '• Here sit
deputies*Who quickly furnish him
information' on questions which
are popped with astonishing reg-
ularity from- the benches. Atmds-
phere is quite informal, but often
very electric. How they pick those
items to Pieces, bit by bit. It looks.
to me like a Minister has -to be
a -cross between a shadow boxer
and professor of universal know-
ledge. •. „
• ••
'chile spent few. days in the
Gordon Neff of Hamilton is
holidaying at the Pinnell, home
The Lane families from. here
amous for flavour since 1892
the ‘Salciala' name assures you
of a uniform blend of quality teas.
were guests at the wedding of
Miss lVfa:clelirie Lane, daughter of
Rey.: and IVIr.i David Lane .of
Clinton. •
Miss Mildred Pirthell returned
home after 'holidaying for the
past two weeks 'with her Sister
Dorothy in London.• •
. .
Mrs. John Slessor returned
homefrom a visit•'with -Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon McBurney, South-,
• Mr. and Mrs. Harold HaldenbY
and infant daughter Sheila are
• enjoying a week's holiday with
their parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thomp-
son and Marie visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. T3oy1e.
Mrs. Lavina Hodgkinson re-
turned home after !spending • a
few days with Mr. and 1Virs, Herb
Pettipiece t Langside.
Leod and Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence
MacLeod, South Kinloss.
" Miss Mina' Hodgins .and her
friend, Miss Ruth Robinsbn :of
Kincardine were week -end visit-
ors at the former's home here.
, Mrs. Ben Logan of Ripley spent
•a day with her brothel -lir, .John•
Hodgins and Tena. •
Mx and 1hsievrtknwille_
andIDOuglas of London are visit-
ing, with their parents here.
Conduced Services
Rev. Edgar Roulston, a forrrier
Huron Tewnship boy, Crnducted
services in .0livet and Ripley Un.•
ited church on Sunday in the ab -
erre of Rev. Eugene Beech; who,
with his wife and family are ye.,
-.vacatidiiing in Eastern Ontario.
ter of
her home at-Millarton after spen- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tuck suffered
ding three Weeks; With Mrs. B. a compound "fracture of the skull
E. McLean. : when she ran into the side of
Mr, 'Vrid. Mrs. Wilbert 'Hodgkin:, the Hanover Coach bUs. She is
son and Kenneth spent Sunday expected to make a complete re -
with Mr. and Mrs. Alex! Mac- Coyery.
Mr. and Mrs.
Huron - Bruce
eduction school taxes
• ....[
Huron Bruce Progressive Conservative Association
"It's Time For A Change"
-. •
• .4