HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-07-29, Page 3.45 • a •- b. - 'THURSDAY,. 411714E-,- 29th, 1943 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 'THIS WEEK GEORGE will speak Inver all RadiO' Stations THURSDAy, JULY 29; 8.30 P.M.. SATURDAY,• JULY 31 9.00 P.M. SATURDAY, JULY 31 11.30 P.M. Vote for a LETTERS TO II T H E EDITOR PAGE THREE Ottawa, July 23, 1943 Mr. L. C. Thompson, Lucknow, Ontario. • Dear Campbell:' Enclosed please find $2.00 to cover my subscription .for an- other year. Will. - you please change my address'. to " CanOra, Saskatchewan,: for :the balance of the rear. want to'thank , you for the space you 'gave to the C. C.- F. • 'Meeting and norninating conven- ,tien• on Satiirday;,and- for your ditorial. Your , criticism regard- ing the generalities of the Speeeh- es and the lack of detailswas well taken. This is a Criticism that is .fairly levelled at most meetings. However, with the two s • eakers getting started late, and with the desire of •the majority of the audience to -get away be- fore the Stores closed• at 11, it cramped our style considerably; It is difficult to go into the de- tailed changes that must be made in an economic system as complex as our present one at a Single' meeting,' but I do thinlg that we than we did that night If I am back to Lucknow again I will try to profit by, your comments. With kindest personal regards, • Sincerely: yours, A. M. Nicholson, •- M.P. for MacKenzie: ' In parliamentary • affairs when the electors :freedom of choice is about te be: exercised, the 'para- mount consideration influencing his decision should naturally be. and to be' honest;, conscientious person always is "which :candi- dates"' offering his service should have his support•'' Iri this connection, the matter of service .looms laige and de- mands most ,careful thought. If a candidate .has alrekly establish- ed a serkrice record of unimpeach- able integritY inthe municipal field;' if he has been true to the Pledges before his election; if he has shown real. administrative ability in .the exercise cif his chit- ies, when .he offered his services in a twider- and more important field,j he has a claim support Which cannot be gainsaid. I sub- s,cribeto the opinion that experi- ence -in municipal affairs, though perhaps not 'absolutely necessary to an. aspirant for seat in the Ontario Legislature is certainly most dedable. Mr. Hanna has 'had experience in municipal. af- • fairs, three years •as councillor arid fiv,e years as mayor of Wing - barn. During. his various terms of office' he acquainted himself in. masterly fashion, never evincing the slightest bias, never paying any attention tosectional inter- ests but always looking sedulous- ly 'for *the general good. 'If he is elected to the legislature on Aug- ust 4th, he will continually.cham-. pion the general good. His idea of the 'general good inVolVes the bettering of the farmers' lot and the elevation of the VOlsOci‘ng clas- ses. These combinedly represent the bulk of our population and to their aspirations his at- tention is focused. ' John Hanna will make an 'ideal rePtesentative. in the House. ,tet us send him there. • Jas. G. Webster. (Reprinted from Wingham Ad- vance -Times, July 22nd, 1943.) Strong Ontario • Wed.., Aug. 4 Mark Your BaHot for the 1)11011ESSITIE CONE v • Mr. SarnCarnochan -6f.Seaforth visited With friends•in and around •Ltieknow. last •week.. • .• • • ,•• MiSs Mary and .Grace 'Reynolds of Toronto spent a few days. with. • rcaltiyes on the fourth. andsixth' • . recently.. • :. . • :•.. • •• Mr. Billie •Black.Of Toronto. is ..si:ionding his vacation at R.'Mi& •' dleton's. .•.• Mr. Mearle Middleton bf • HamI- ilton spent' the -week -end at.: his , home... • . • • The,•:JulY meeting of the U. F. W. 0. was held at the home of Mrs. J. L. ••McKiririon.with- a large. attendance of members •and Visi tors. . The meeting. opened with • Singing the opening ode and re•-"' . peating the 'Lord's prayer MiS. V.F. MacDOnald, pre-' sided. The minutes of last meet-, • roll call was answered by exhib7. itingan article made of second 'hand' material. This .was• a work .meeting and, sev,eral. quilts .were •quilted and a lot of knitting done; . I:and'. the small 'girls sewed sev- eral strips of. patches • together. • Mrs. McCallum moved a vote of .• thank, to the hostess for the use . of her home, 'and to those helping to. make- the work meeting a sue •_cess. Singing God Save The King ' • 'closed, the • meeting. 'Lunch was • served and a pleasant' time spent. • . Mr. -George Robinson • of• the. • R.C.A.F.,• 'Edmonton, • is • visiting • at his home. •„ 'Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bain qf Lon- don were visitors with relatives - on the Sixth last Veek. • • Mr. and ,Mr. R. Moffat--.-and- •fainily visited with friends in, • 'Clinton and London. • • Mr.. and' Mrs. ,MePherson and Dorothy of Tceswater spent Sun- ' day at Mr. D. L. McKinnon's. Dornthy remained to spend a..ieNV days with Jean. • Mrs. W. I. MacDonald spent:. a •fewdays in -Tordnto with her. ••sister, Mrs. Sangster. • Mr. R. "RobertSop. :Christine, • • ' Mary .and• Mrs. Ware and Shirley • Ann visited during the week with Mrs,, Middleton. • K N LOUGH • The Women's Institute meeting will be held on Thursday next at the home of Mrs. Roy Graham. Cqnvener, Mrs. Richard Elliott; • assistant, Mrs. Tom Hodgins; ,mot - a merry heart rnaketh a cheeP- ful countenance; roll call,- A cop- per for each letter in..your name; lunch committee, . Mrs. R. Gra- ham, Mrs. -Alex Percy, .Mrs. Al- bert Crang. • • . • Friends and relatives.from here attended ....ate, bonera.... of ;the :late. • Mrs; John MccOrrnick on Sunday last, The deceased, the former Ida ..percy;. was ,the daughter .of the late Mr. and Mrs.-4.as.'Percy of ..this. place. Sympathy IS ex- tended to the bereaved 'Ones. Miss. Winnie Percy, 11.N. and Miss S. MacKay of Londen, en- joyed a pleasant motor and boat trip to Muskoka. They also were guests of Mr. and Mrs. • Frank Maulden (nee Bess Lane) at Mrs. Wm. Holland and John are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mc- • Lean: • ' • Miss Eliza' Thompson' iS, visit- ing wih kr. and Mrs. Perry Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs.. Hareld Percy, MTsapePeTcy and Mr. 'Wilbur EnSil- spent Mon- day in London. • • Balfour and•Bevin McLean are holidaying at Southampton. BORN • • - BROOKS—In. Kincardine General •.11ospital, July 17, 1943, to Mr. and at Mrs. liarvey Brooks, R. R. 3 Lucknow. a daughter. • HETHERINGTON—At .Wingham General Hospital, on July 15th, 1943, to Major and Mrs. R. S. Hetherington (nee Louise Thonip- son), "Vv'ingharn, a daughter, Jane Macintosh. • • When •the House is in -"aim- aittee discussing departmental estimates, a, table is brought in on the' floor ithmediately in front of the Minister _at bat. '• Here sit deputies*Who quickly furnish him information' on questions which are popped with astonishing reg- ularity from- the benches. Atmds- phere is quite informal, but often very electric. How they pick those items to Pieces, bit by bit. It looks. to me like a Minister has -to be a -cross between a shadow boxer and professor of universal know- ledge. •. „ • •• 'chile spent few. days in the Village, Gordon Neff of Hamilton is holidaying at the Pinnell, home The Lane families from. here 6 amous for flavour since 1892 the ‘Salciala' name assures you of a uniform blend of quality teas. were guests at the wedding of 1 Miss lVfa:clelirie Lane, daughter of Rey.: and IVIr.i David Lane .of Clinton. • •. Miss Mildred Pirthell returned home after 'holidaying for the past two weeks 'with her Sister Dorothy in London.• • . . Mrs. John Slessor returned homefrom a visit•'with -Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McBurney, South-, ampton. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold HaldenbY and infant daughter Sheila are • enjoying a week's holiday with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thomp- son and Marie visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T3oy1e. Mrs. Lavina Hodgkinson re- turned home after !spending • a few days with Mr. and 1Virs, Herb Pettipiece t Langside. Leod and Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence MacLeod, South Kinloss. " Miss Mina' Hodgins .and her friend, Miss Ruth Robinsbn :of Kincardine were week -end visit- ors at the former's home here. , Mrs. Ben Logan of Ripley spent •a day with her brothel -lir, .John• • Hodgins and Tena. • Mx and 1hsievrtknwille_ andIDOuglas of London are visit- ing, with their parents here. Conduced Services Rev. Edgar Roulston, a forrrier Huron Tewnship boy, Crnducted services in .0livet and Ripley Un.• ited church on Sunday in the ab - erre of Rev. Eugene Beech; who, with his wife and family are ye., -.vacatidiiing in Eastern Ontario. ONE OF THE • TUCK 'SISTERS, ter of her home at-Millarton after spen- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tuck suffered ding three Weeks; With Mrs. B. a compound "fracture of the skull E. McLean. : when she ran into the side of Mr, 'Vrid. Mrs. Wilbert 'Hodgkin:, the Hanover Coach bUs. She is son and Kenneth spent Sunday expected to make a complete re - with Mr. and Mrs. Alex! Mac- Coyery. Vote • Mr. and Mrs. Huron - Bruce Elect 0hn NNA • eduction school taxes • ....[ X MANPOWER SHORTAGE • MUST BE CORRECTED Huron Bruce Progressive Conservative Association "It's Time For A Change" -. • 4' • • • • .4