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•••• • '
THURSDAY, JULY 8th, 1943
Lyceum Theatre
Two Shows Saturday' Night
ThUrsd4y, Friday, Saturday1
PIERRE All1110$T
A s'Wiftly told, smart,action:
story .against a commando
background. .
3114iffine_ Sat.: afternoen at 2.30
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday'
Juiy12 13 14
'Air Raid Waidens"
Here is'gaiety from Laurel &
Hardy, those artists of comical
.Also "Short Subjects"
THERE WILL be an afternoon
show on Monday, July 12th.
Mr. andMrs...Will Forster and
familyspent • Sunday with • Mr.
Janiesi' Forster.
Mrs. .Harold .Dawson and Don-
nie, and' Mrs. • P.haris 1VIathers
and. caroline;spent Thursday-. af-
ternoon' with Mrs. Ed. McQuillin.
. Recent' Visitors at Mr. John Mc-
Millan'S were Mr. Scott Paterson,
Helen an,d Jack Mundell of 'De-
troit, and Mr. and Mra. Al Morri-i
sob and 'Son of London: . .' • • •
.; ',1V1r.,,- and Mr. Albin Griffin,
Teddy and .Lorraine of Detroit
are 'spending...a few days' at Mr.
.Pat. McMjjjafl'L 0
• Mr. John Griffin 'and' Larry:Of
Detroit visited .over. the -week -end
With Mr. and Mrs. ,Milas McMil-
lan. - ' . .
Mr. and Mrs, .Pharis Matherrg
visited at the home of Mr. Earl
Whitman of Auburn on Sunday.
Mr. Robert Laidlaw„ who • hag
SpeutAhe,..pits.t..4ewl.-weeks-attits:„ e,--and-eousrri-of -the-bride
• •
FAULDS—pmuur S
The summer cottage of Rev. C.
H. MacDonald at Bruce Beach
was the scene of a quiet wedding
at 3.00. p:m. on, Friday, July 2nd,
when Miss Elizabeth' Forsythe
phillitig (Beth) of St. Catharines,
younger daughter of Mr. :and
Mrs. S. E..• Phillips, Ashfield, was
united in marriage with. Mr. John
James Faulds of St. Catharines,
y,ounger son of Mrs.:FaUlds, Lon-;
don, aricl the Tate -Mr, Ern t
Faulds. .=
The bride, who was •give in
marriage by her father, was be-
corningly gowned in a street
-length' dress Of• white sheer, with,
white accessories% She parried • a
bouquet of Dream roses and bou-
' Mr:- and Mrs. Farrish Moffat
and Mr. Alex 1VlacKenzie attend-
ed the Robb-Dustpw reception at
Bel/bore on Tuesday evening.
Miss Margaret Moffat of Sault
g,te.. Marie and LAC. Graham'
Moffat of• the ,R.0 A.F Halifax,
N. S. are visiting? at their home
Mr. and Mrs. Win; IVIeAlliater
• and Evelyn and Mr: and 'Mrs.
Lorne McAllister and Shirley
•were Sunday visitors with Mr:
and"Mrs, Lloyd Moffat.'
Mrs. Turner. of -OttaWa visited
last week with Mr:: F. G. Moffat,
aneother :friends. • - • •
• .The Jtily•rneeting of the Mis7
vardia. Mrs. Frances' Omans- of a. t• e home of Mrs. Frank.Miller
Detroit, - gowned, • in, fern green with an'attendance of 20. . 0.
with. white, was her sister's Mat- Miss Eileen- Stewart is aSsist-
ron of • honor, ...while Howard , ing Mrs. Farish Moffat
Blake,' son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ' ••
sion Band was held on Saturday
ome, has returned to Galt.
The annual picnic was held at
S.S.,No. 9 school grounds on June
29th and in spite of the very dis-
agreeable weather a .good crowd
attended. The ball game was a big
feature of the program with cap-
tains, George Fisher, and Eddie
Moore,, the ,former's team winning
with a sore of 72-31. The races
and winners were ,as follows: un-
der -3-years, Myrtle Crowston;
4 and 5 years, Allan Miller- 6 7
was the best man. Rev. C. H.
1VIacDonald officiated: •
• After the ceremony, the corn-
pany repaired to the home of the
bride's parents, Concession 9, of
Ashfield, where a wedding dinner
was served, only immediate rela-
tives -being,• present, Mrs. Hugh
Menary and Miss Phyllis Blake,
cousins of the bride, assisted in•
serving. The table was , centred'
the-we-dding cake..andmasses`
of roses and delphinium added to
and 8 years, Harvey Miller,'Reria •the attractiveness rf the large
farm home.
Moore; 9 and 10, Clarence Crow-
ston, Billy Fisher; over 10, Ray- Mr: and Mrs. Faulds left by
'inand. motor on Saturday forLa_sh:or
;--ho-Y8 honeymoon to Aroma, parkhill Si
-4-wtte-etuarrce, BW: Fis4er London, the • bride wearing for
and Clarence Crowston; men's travelling:a two-piece suit of rose
race, George Fisher, Eddie More;
'couple race, Geo. Fisher and Mrs. crepe with white accessories.:
.They will' 'reside in St Cathar-
• Ted' Collyer; paper bag race, Bet- inei
br Mille '
race, Betty Miller's team; match' •• BRECKENRIDGE--.-ALLIN.
_.... an • - sh— - e elp iniunt
r steam;: croquet relay.
. = - Lhoir.".raee; Vivi
relay- tace„ Betty Miller's
Standardgfof-bin h
O er's team. The ticket was drawn
on the ..c.u,shion top by Freddie
Moore with Mrs. Norman 'Calvert
of Lucknow the winner. After
this lurid' :was served:and 'then'
the pupils sang a number Of chor-
uses. The program ended with
God Save The King.
• The big event of 'the week, was,
the barn raising held at Mr. John
McMillan's when around 200 peo-
ple gathered for the :occasion. The
Men worked, in perfect harmony
and the barn went up, without
a hitch arid was finished by iive
p.m. when the workers ' filed- to
the lawn for supper. During the
afternoon some' of the ladies did
a, Red Cross quilt on which tic-
kets were sold,during lunch hour.
Mrs., Al Morrison of London held
the Jucky.:-.numberis---Proceedg-On-
the quilt amounted to $12.55 to'
be •used for patriotic purposes.
We extend our thanks to those
O who so kindly .did the work;on it.
Miss Betty Miller was hostess
to the Langside, Mission Band on
Saturday 'afternoon. •
Mr. James Orr spent Sunday
with his parents on the Sixth.
Mrs. Merrill Cantelon 'of Wing -
ham visited the. latter part of- the
week with her brother, Mr. Al.:
fred• Patterson. Mr. Wm. Wraith
and Mr. and Mrs. Jcihn Wraith,
Roddy. and .Eldon of Langside
spent Sunday at the same home.
• .• Mr.. Bill Frezieli..•of
• ,
spent • last 'week with Mr. 'and
.• -. Mrs. •Cecil*Chairiney, Belgrave..
• • .Mrs: Bert. Treleaven •spent • the'
O • Week7,end • with • 'her daughter,
• Mrs,' Vernon Hunter.
Mr. and. Mils. Palmer' Kilpat-
riek and 'Brian of Toronto are
' visiting _friends here.' • ._
• • ••• • Miss • Lorainne 'Drennan, sent
• akfew.days• with .her"cotisiri.Hel•
Stothers,', Dinigannan. • •
•. Mr. . and. Mrs. Lorne Emmons
and .Muriel spent•a day -recently
• • .v7411 friends' at London.•
• -• • . • Mr... Robt.. Durnin whb Spent
• • . the 'pagt• week, with Mr. and Mrs.
• M_arvinDurnin,. made a busines
. • •
• Misses :Frances. Si, Lorena . Croz-•
• ier :of. London were, week -end,
guests with their ..parerits,--Mr.-and
Mrs. Wm: Crozier. • •
Mrs,: Wilson of •WaWabosh vis-,
.ited few days with her datigh•-•
•• ter, Mrs:- Will Reid:0
• Mr. Jim. Sherwood spent :a few
• days in LOnd•on. •
• A most interesting program of
readings, solos, chorus, dialogues
and folk dances and a short play.
• were put on in Crewe school on
• Tuesday evening by the teacher
• and pupils. The teacher, Mrs. T,
Durnin; is to be congratulated
on the :wonderful training of the
children in presenting such an
•excellent concert. Proceeds are
• for the. Hot Lunch fund.
and orange blossoms• framed an.
effective setting in 7 North ,Street.
:United -parsonage, when
Marjorie .• Eileen, only • daughter
.Of. Mr. and Mrs,: C. 'B. - Alli.
GOclerick. becarne .bride 'of
M. Ernest Breckenridge,: son :Of
Mrs. M. E. Breckenridge and
late Mr. Breckenridge. of God.er-
The'• ceremony was.,Perform-
ed 71;•3r. Rev-. R. Tui-nbull. The
Wedding music'waS, played by the
-bride's' aunt, Miss Mabelle Allin,
A.T.C:M., TorontO,' • and. who
also sang "ThrOugh the Wart"
• during the•Signing of the register:
The' bride was given' in mar-
riage by • her father: . She wore, a
gown „cif white French embossed
•de-sior, with -full bOufant skirt,:
styled with a princess necklin
point :cuff, over white 'bridal 'sat-,
in...A ha -lo ofwhite rosebuds held
'her fingertip. veil and -she car-
.-fiedfa bouquet. of .white and pink
Delight roses. Her ,only ornament'
Was three. stranded pearl neck-
line. The' bride's attendant Mrs.
Breckenridge, wore a ,town.
of ' pink silk 'jersey, torso Style.
With 'three „quarter ' sleevei arid.
sweetheart neckline :and Matching
flowered hat With veil -and car-
• ried a bouquet of Talisman roses.
The grdoni.waS attended ,hy his
brother,. Mr: Roy. Breckenridge..
After the ceremony • luncheon,
• served at the Park 'House. The
rang room was profusely. dec..-
ated.' with • roses and orange'
ossoms...The bride's • table -Was
centred' with. a tall 'tanking can
diesat-,..each- end: ••• The 'bride
mother- wore a biege.' Iwo -pied
MURRAY RAE, former Wingham odri
ball player, is playing senior ball bl
with the Hagersville R. C. A. F.
tearb. •
Sionday, July 12th
Street .Cairnival
Afternoon and kvening
°• tinder Supervision of Winghain Lions Club.
MEALS SERVED by Hotels, Restatwants and various or-
. .
ensemble with square yoke neck
line in our contrasting shade
orchid accessories, and a corsag
of .yelloW -roes. The groom'
mother was dressed in rose, an
wore a black redingote and • aO
cessories and a corsage of dee
pink roses.'
For travelling the bride donne
a navy' crepe dress with ,assets o
lace, white' aceessories and a cor
sage -cif roses. ,Guests were pres
ent.from Toronto and Guelph.
4' recent- weddng of interes
on. May 22nd at. Grandview Un
iet d Church, .VancoUver, was the
marriage of Corporal H. V. Alii
only son of Mr. and Mrs. C„B
AM Gederf, eh to - Miss Eliz-
abeth Hope Morris, youngest dau-
• ghter of Mrs: M. Morris and the
late Warrant Officer W. J. Mor:-
R.N. of Vancouver, B. C. Of-
ficiatink at the 'ceremony •- was
N.IL. Henderson, R.C.A.F. Chap-
lain. Given in marriage by M.
H. Blair, the bride wore an Eliz-
abeth blue ensemble with corsage
of talisman roses and lily of the
valley. Mrs., Wirt. Alonauft..pt,.
Cpl. Charles Allen was bet man.
The -bride- donned a blue topcoat.
over her ensemble for a honey-
moon trip •to eastern parts. of
Vancouver. .•••
pretty June wedding took
place at 3 o'clock on Tuesday af-
ternoon at • McIntosh: .United
ond daughter of • Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Dustow of Mildmay,' became
the bride of Mr. Harvey Robb,
soil of Mr. and- Miis. Thos. Robb
fdafrrneCI the" cerernohY;
The bride, given in marriage by
her. fathet, wore an, attractive
gown Of, pale pink Freneh or-
gandy de'Soie; with floral brocad-
ing. The 'long torso skirt and
sweetheart neckline were. tritri-
Vet ribbon. ker. veil was of new
- Mrs: Ward Shickluna and little
.daughter Gail of Port Colborne
are visitors with her .itother, Mrs. •
Jas. Gaunt. • •
•.Mrs. Mel Brown of .•Kitc,hener
is the 'guest of her parents,
and Mrs. • R. Woods. • • • , • •
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DoughertY• ,
and Gwen and Mr. and • Mrs. Wil-
son 'Woods. 8.A children of.Guelph
were week -end ,Visitors• with Mrs,,,_
R. J. Woods. - • •. • •
Mrs,. Ramage of Porter 'Hill and ,
'Miss'. . Norma Weatherhead a.
Ix • '
• StaTper. are home - for the vaca-
tior.j. Salkeld.ar4
'family,. Mrs. Gordon, • Mr.• and
Mrs.. W. I. Miller,. .Miss Isobel .
Miller,. Mrs. McIntyre, Mr. and.
Mrs.'• W., A.. Miller,'Mrs. Wilson • •
and Al an Miller attended the
funeral:. �f the fel:Tiler's niece, Miss
Charlotte' Mae' Salkeld at -Goderz
11-1V1711-Sut..-RobP.7.1VI. C•Guire OfLondon,
renewed old'acquaintances here
last vteek as the. guest of Mr.'and .••
Mrs.,. E. J. Thom.
AC. Russel tWebb of the R. C.
A. F. :is home .on ..farni leave for, -.
two months. -
There -.was a• ',large. attendance
of ladies and .children :at the Wo-.
men's Institute meeting.' held
'the community. hall •on Thursday
-aftern-o-on. Gaunt
presided and the.•f011ciwing pro-'
gram: by the children was • in
charge of Mrs. Archie. Aitchison:: .
choruses by' pupils of St. Helen's
.001 ,
•, elen Barbour • and Mar- . • _ . • • --
gare • McPherson,, reeitation-.:0bY. • ,
. .
. • •
fingertip •length With sealloPed
edge of Molyneaux and Was,held
in place by a wreath of rosebuds
She carried an arrn bouquet of
Briarcliffe rosesand maiden hair
fern The. bridesmaid was Mrs.
Gordon Grant,.sister of the, bride,
and was attired iri a floor length
gown, of blue net over •taffeta
with •full skirt and velvet top
with sweetheart neCklirie. Her
flowers were yellow, .roses and
:foern. Mr. Wilmer Robb, brother
f the groom Was best Man. Mrs.
Russel Nickel played,the wedding
music and. during the signing of
the register Mrs. H. Ferguson and
• Mr.; GOrdlon, Wghtparig.. .Iome.
The ushers were. Mr.
Orville Elliott and • Mr. Carl
Douglas. . • •
Following the ceremony a buf-
fet luncheon • was .served for the
immediate relatives: At the re-
ception held at the bride's home
the bride'stmother recerved• in a
blue, printed silk with white ae
cessories and corsage of pink
gses. Assisting ,was ithe groom's
other in a twd-piece dress. of
• black lace with white accessories
and corsage of. peeam roses: The
bride and groom° left the follow-
, on a brief honeymoon.
For going 'away the 'bride chose
'a red figured sheer in redingote
-style. They will in Hamil-
_ ton.-
- • The marriage of Miss Freda A1.'
s, ma 1VlacDougall, youngest daugh-
e ter of Mrs, 1ViacDougall and the
s late John MacDougall, SeCond
d Concession, Kinloss, to Mr. Leon-
ard Finley McInnes, youngest son
of Mrs. McInnes and the late Mal -
d colm McInnes; Second concession,
f Kinloss ,took place at the hbine,
- of the bride's Mother Satur-
- day. Rev. H. F. Dann officiated
and the wedding music ,was
ed by Mrs. L. Philip.
The bride were a frock of hea-
_ ven blue organza trimmed with
ribbon taffeta and having a
sweetheart neckline.. Her finger7,
. _tip veil .was- held with' a -halo of
shirred net and orange blossoms.
, She carried a bouquet of iv-hite
carnations .and, cornflowers., Mrs,
Percy Crozier attended her sister
O and 1,5.`•-oree, a frock, of pink het
and tarried a bouquet of pink
roses. Little Sandra Crozier was
flower girl and carried a, nose-
gay of sweet peas. Mr. Roy Mc-
Innes, Toronto, was groomsman
I . -
. —
honor wearing_a4usty rose sheer
dress and corsage of carnations.
:. • .
. .
. .
. .
, .
• ' •-•
J.• D. Durhin, violin and guitar
duets by Helen and, Mary Dur-
nin of Lueknow and .a duet.by
Murray Gaunt and Lorne Forster. • •
July 16th was the' date 'set .for
the Red Cross quilting. •
1VIT;Lanii.--Mrs: Vie Taylor -and—• - • - -
family of Brucefield, Mr. and...
Mrs. McGowan and Mr. and Mrs.
George Charters .and family of
Blyth were recent .guests of Mr.
and Mrs: Lorne :Woods.
Miss Betsey 'Walker of Hamil-
ton is visiting Mr. and Mrs., R. '
Bissett. •
- ,
Mr. David Cown, E.R.A.; who•
has been stationed.in Nova Scot-
ia is 'spending a few' days at his
home here.. . •
O Mrs. Effie; MacLennan, Miss
aeil Ross, R.N., Misses Louise
and Florence MacDonald of Tor-
onto are„sPending their Vacation
• Miss MarianMacKervierNlisse-s-
1Vjrid Bertha MacKendrick of •
Toronto called 'on' friends here.
The Henilock City At:Lilting
group net tetentlY. and finished ••
one quilt. '
BORN—In Kincardine 'Hospital
On Saturday, July 3rd to Mr. and
Mrs. Mervin Avery, a daughter.
•Mrs. J. Bullen visited one
day ,with cousins in Clinton.
Sunday, July 4th, was anniVer-
Sary Sunday in the Presbyterian
church. The church was beauti
'fully decorated witi-Cflowers and
O Dr. A. O. Thompson of Auburn
was guest speaker. The choir was
assisted' at the morning service
service by two airmen from Port •
Albert School with Mr. Donald
Ross of Au:burn at, the organ. In
the evening they were assisted by
Mt. Harold V. Py rn of Wingham.. •'
The •people of: this connnunitr
Were, sorry to learn lof the very •• '---
--tUdden death of Mrs. Fred
Hams in' Toronto; Thursday; July
ist. Funeral service was. held, in
Kincardine on Saturday with in-
terment in Kincardine. cemetery.
Mr. Wm. JOhnston of the., -12th
Concession is a brother. .
00 Mr. .and Mrs: Joseph Pre.ernatk
and fatnily spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gardner. Miss
-Lois and Master Joe remained
to visit for a 'while.
Miss Marion Gardner is to be
congratulated lrf obtaining all her
subjects in farm one at Luckno-,
HighmastSeerhoBould. Quaid of
is -a-visitor- with Mr; and Mrs.
Cecil Gardner..
Master Bert Howse is assisting
Sidney Gardner with the haying.
Mr. Jack McKay of Toronto
spent the week -end with his uncle
and aunt Mr. and .Mrs. Nixon.•
Mr. Harold Gardner of Hamii-,
ton was a holiday •and week-evut
visitor at his home here.
Mr. ande, Mrs. Fred AnderSont.•
received a cable last week t
After tson David who had gone over
he ny a ceremolunch,eon One of the largest contingent&
was served to about thirty guests. ever to cross the ocean.
11. 1,0', •