HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-07-08, Page 44
THURSDAY, JULY 8th,, 1943
July Chicks valets
at Reduced Prices
From a breeding farm. of. 4000..Layers •
WE CAN BOOK ORDERS FOR day-old Legliorns, Rock x
Leghorns, Sussex x Le ghorns on July 6; July 9 .& ' July
,:Sussex, Sussex, x New Hamp., and Barred. Rocks for July44.
_•Leglio rn, Sussex x Leghorn and. Rock x Leghorn iullets 23c;
Mixed chicks 12%c.
STARTED Leghorn and Hybrid pullets 1 and .2 weeks old. • -
Egg4-prices 'arc moving up—HOOK •NOW. -
Lorne MacLennan, Lucknow, Ont.
Lakeview Poultry Farm
Exeter, Ontario.
Wein Bros.
Mr... arid Mrs. Chas. •Twamley
and family of London and Pte.
John: Federatipt -of Camp- Ipper---
wash visited at Milton Kilpat-
rick's on Saturday. , • Shirley and
°' ' Billy, remained for a longer visit.
Mrs. Clifford. Kilpatrick and
babe came home from Goderich
• Mr. and Mrs..: Eldon Twamley
and family rif, Chathanm who spent
the. week -end with friends in this
district aretaking a trip up the
lake in their cabin• trailer.
A :'few • ladies, members • of the
Red Cross, met in' theh awl on
Thursday' -and -`quilted two quilts.
Miss Olive Blake" has returned
from ,a visit with •her sister, Mrs.
Don. MacIver, Kinloss.. .
Mr. and .'Mrs. -Chas. Pearce of
Clinton. spent a few days last
week visiting friends in this com-
munity. Mr. Pearce. has secured
a positioli in Brantford and . they
will. • be moving there before the
school 'term opens in September.
Miss -Mary': Horton is .spending
-the week with friends in .Strat-
- fns dd'..
Mr. W. B. Stothers• of London
spent the vteek-end at the old
home. •
Mr. Finlay Shackleton. and •son
Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacIntosh
jattex. ded.,.Aslifieid_ax1niversary &
visited with Mr. and Mrs.. Henry.
Mr. and Mrs. J. DeCou, Florida,
Miss Aggie Campbell; • Detroit,
visited at Mrs. -James MacDon-
Mrs. Viola Ensign of; Kincar-
dine spent the week on her farm
here. ,: ,
Mr. and Mrs.; Robt. G. Hamilton
and •Mrs. 'James' MacDonald 'at-
tended Ashfield anniversary and
visited with Mr. .and Mrs. Elwood
Drennan, Kintail.
Miss Ada Stanley,, R.N. is spen-
ding her .vacation in Toronto.
Miss : Rhea Miller spent the'
week -end with Mrs. L. Stein.
Mr. Phil Smith, Toronto, spent,
the week -end here.
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bogie and
family, Auburn, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Kempton and °•'family, • and
Mrs. Wtn.' Kempton; Ripley, Miss.
Tena Kempton, R.N.. of Detroit
visited. with Mr.' and Mrs. Wni:
Mr. John Windfield . of Kincar-
dine called onold neighbors on'.
July 1st.: �::.
Mr. Harold. Ritchie is back to.
Billy of Mount.. Forest are holi-. work with Mr. J. MacIntosh..Har•
daying at his father's home _ • old was off .work with the meas
Mr.. and 'Mrs. Percy Blundell -les 4 °
and baby, of Goderich spent the' Mrs. D. Richards As home after."
holiday _ weekend at Mr.Will Ir-' visiting' with her -daughter at Mit-
Mrs. Richard Johnston of Luck -
now is visiting with her son Cecil.
Miss Nellie Cranston of Fergus.
spent the holiday : week -end at
her parents' home.,
WM. FOWLER of Teeswater has
been, an ardent Oddfelolw for 86'
years, and was, extended congrat-
ulations at the recent sessions of
Grand 'Lodge held in Toronto..
For .Greater' Volume, and Production
PURINA CALF STARTENA-no milk. after 4 weeks.
PURINA DRY & FRESHING-- CHOW—Growing Heifers on
•• Pasture. .
PURINA CHICK BT�ARTENA—Start. Fall brood op chicks,
more eggs for' Vi tory from present. housing space: -
PURINA SOW & PIG CHOW=for pregnant sows, breeding
to farrowing is a period .most hog then neglect.
Add 1 Bag Hog Chow to each 5 bags Chop .- Produce 4
Hogsper ton of Chop instead' of just 2 - - Ask for plan of
self feeder. For reliable farmers., we will supply you with
Rog Chow at today's Cash . Price, pay when the Hogs go to
market—no carrying charge.'
Lorne MacLennan, 'Phone 77-w
Miss. Mary Hall. of Brantford is
a visitor with •her •brother, Mr.
Godfrey Hall for the 'summer•'•at
the home of .Mrs. W: IR. ,Andrews.
• Mr. 'Geo. Rivett • has moved to
the house owned by the late. Mr.
- Visitors with Mr: & • Mr"s. Thep.'
Webster this week were Mr.• and
Mrs. .Alfred -Armstrong, London,:
Mrs..David Little and Miss Mary
Alton, Ashfield • , .• . -•
Mrs. • Geo. Hamilton has moved
her household effects' to ;the Pent-
land house. at:. the. south of the
Mr. Roy Jones: ret rned to the
S.S. Superior.. at Goderich. on
which he -is •employed. He was.
indisposed for 'a week at his'home
having' the misfortune to dislocate
his arm when he went to., „dive
for a swiYn.
Mr. 'Dave Hardy and little •dau-
.ghter •Kathleen of Wingham were
recent visitor's with his • sister, -
Mrs. Leslie •Scholtz ' - • . •
Pte...carman Haines -of 'Camp
Petawawa is,_ amending--. this _week_
- visiting his father, Mr. Girlies '
'Haines. Oyer • the • week -end. they
•visited•friends at W.ingharn,. Tees-
-water- and other . "nearby places.
We •are: sorry to known the re-
covery: of Fus. Irvine 'Eedy is not
as speedy as •would be, desired. He''
'underwent an operation -for re-
moval of appendix at London' five
weeks ago' and still remains, in
hospital,, being .unfortunate - to
take pleurisy after. the operation.
Anniversary .services were hail.
in .St: aulrs Anglicans -chure1 on
Sunday afternoon, July 4th with
a .good i•attendance: Rev. Canon
William Townshend, London was
the guest. speaker With the rector,_
W. J. Donaldson' assisting. , he
choir of St. Peter's - Anglican
church, Lucknow, rendered .niusic
with•Rexford Ostrander, organist.
.They, r emor'ial services at Dun
gannon cemetery will be held ..on
Sunday • July; 11th at '4.30 p.m..
with Rev:,.H,_ . V;ickerson speaker
:and the -other local clergy assist-
Mg. • ,
Mr. -Chas. Durnir4, Sarnia, • was
as week -end visitor with•,•his • wife
-and children; •
Mrs • it, J.. Durnin, sec..treas. :of
thelocal Bible Society reports the
collectors have brought , in $62.10
for the recent canvass.
•Reeve Brown • Smyth • and his
sister, Mrs. Stewart, attended the
annual banquet of ,. the County
Home. hel in.,1 uronia.._y.ear;.•
Sunset Hotel, .Goderich
' Mr. L. F. S.tingel, Sarnia :spent
the week -end at his• home here.
Mrs. Rebecca Caldwell, . who
has been employed "for several'
months in Ashfield, is . again' at
her home, east. of the village, • ..
Word has' , •been received by
Reeve Brown Smyth •of the safe
arrival of his nephew, Sgt.. Robt.
Brigham . in England. •
Mrs. Amy Orser has moved her
household effects :to the cottage
owned by Mr. • Thos. Dickson Sr.
Mr. Geo. P.entland' of Sarnia
Was- a week -end visitor with' rela-
tive. ls- re.
Miss Wellwood In Wingham
Miss Caroline Wellwood, for
thirty-seven years .a • missionary
in. China, ;arrived . 'in Wingham
last week. Bereavements since
she was last home, and the fact
that she will not return to China,
made her hornecoming••a, sad one;
she said. •
Miss Wellwood, who is a• sister,
of the. late Mrs. George Webb of
St. Helens, said that the route .I
they took and the ships they sail-
ed on from the Far East were
military secrets. It took 8 months
to reach here. Over a hundred
missionaries and their' families
returned at the same time.
Congratulations to the entrance
class pupils of our school. Mar-
garet Graham and 'Alex Macli i -
tyre received their standing on
their year's work. Maytne Irwin
and Eunice Reedare to .be es-
achievement in pass ng as both
'of these girls took Grades . VII
and VIII. in one year. Our teach-
er, Mrs. Brown, is to be . commen-
ded on her excellent results.
Congratulations to the newly-
weds, M°r. and Mrs. Leonard Mc-
Innes. •-
• `Mr; and. Mrs. • Joe Jardine,
GWen and, Kenneth. of Evanston,
Ill, were visitorsover, the 4th
FOUND—a stun' of money. Apply
at Sentinel Office.
FOR SALE—Yorkshire sow due
to farrow August lst. Ronald `Tre-
leaven, Phone 78-7, Dungannon.
FOR SALE -quantity of standing
'hay.' Baird Bros.,, R. 3, Lucknow.
YOUNG. LADY wants room:.and
board by 'September ' 1st, . Apply.
by letter to Box 38, Lucknow.. ' •
CAR FOR SALE — 1927 Chev.
coupe: Robert Moffat, Supertest
''Garage, :Lucknow.
FOR SALE -50 acres, of choice
standing hay on Lot .15,: Con. 8,
Kinloss, A.:laply,Mrs. James Valad.
paired ,properly to perfect sew-,
ing .at your home. For informa-
tion Phone 35, Lucknow.
TIRES' & BATTERIES for sale—
A limited quantity of . bicycle
.tires and tubes -and " B batteries
on • hand. Greer Radio Service.
—FOR—SALE—=well constxu& d
barn, 40 x .604 will sell cheap for
cash. Mrs. John McLeod, R. 5,
Lucknow, Phone 101-r-23.
::STEED=a 151a-er7 ngus year
ingsteer from the premises of
theui dersigne+tl, Anyone know-
ing of its whereabouts, please. not-
ify . George Alton.
'STRAYED—from premises of un-
dersigned; 1i ht red-y-eariing-steer
with horns. Wm. O. Hunter, R. 3
Lucknow, Phone 61-r-3, Dungan-
STRAYED --i . young white . sow,
about 150 pounds; rings in her,
nose. Anyone knowing of her
whereabouts please notify 'Cyril
Campbell, R. 7, Lucknow.
lets all breeds and ages, 4 -weeks
up to 20 weeks: Highest prices
paid. . Write , for - full details.
Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Lim-
ited, Fergus, Ontario.
No. Paramount,' duties to com-
mence _September_ . lst.-
om-mermce_September__..lst.-- Apply=
stating qualifications to R. G.
Hamilton, secretary -treasurer, R.
3, Lucknow.;. __ ,
FINLAY-In loving • memory of
our dear son Tom,' who passed
away July 4th, 1942, one year.
agog overseas, . Cornwall, Eng-
Gone from us his smiling .face,
His pleasant cheerful ways,
The heart that won : so many
.In bygone, happy days.
Though his smiles have gone for-
ever, • '
And his hand we cannot touch,
We shall never'lose sweet mem-
-oriel ..•. _ .
Of the boy 'we loved so .much..
No,, not cold bemieath'the •grasses,
Not close -walled within the tomb
Rather .in our Father's mansions;
Living in another room..
Ever remembered* by 'Mother
and Dad.
FINLAY=In memory ` of her
,cousin, Tom Finlay, who passed
away suddenly overseas, on -July
4th, Mrs. Beryl Hunter sent the
following poem 40 his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Finlay.
Dear Lord, I've flown the heaven-
ly sky, • •
I've sensed -Thy • Presence .from
,on high;
That Rresence was so near to me
More of Thyself, I fain would see;
The time has come, at last I'm
Forever to dwell dear Lord with.
Thee. .
So .1Vlother dear, please do not
I'm; home at last -On -.13,a 1, i'v
FINLAY-In memory of cousin
Torn Finlay,. who :passed ' away
one year 'ago July 4th, 1942, in
Cornwall, .England.
They laid his asleep in Cornwall
Under . the English sky, "
With bugles blowing a last salute,
And the great planes flying high.
England shall- proudly hold this
In the `rich' earth 8f her breast,
Who came at the call of honour
From Canada's prairie 'west.
He gave his life for freedorn's.
That ' wars on earth might 'cease,
At the end of the road of duty_....
He restsm °quiet. 'peace.
„Inserted , by his cousin, Leila.
Evans (Agar), :Winnipeg.
Notice is hereby given,' pursu-
ant to the Statutes in, that behalf,
that all creditors and others hay.;
Mg claims or 'demands against' the'
estate of Albert Towle, lateof
the Village. -o# -Lucknow-••--:the
County. of Bruce, Retired, Farmer,
'deceased„ who died 0414 or about
the 29th day of April A.D.. 1943;
are required on or before the
Fifteenth d a�y_.:.of J 1 e. ; D.
to send by post prepaid, • e-..
liver, to Joseph Agnew, Luc now,
Ontario,::the Administrator of the
estate .of the said deceased, their
naines and addresses, full part-
iculars of their claims, a state-
mn• aunts,..-athe.._.
natureeof -oftheir. the. securiccoties"(if nd •any)
held by '.them duly verified by.
affidavit. ..
And take notice' that after such
last mentioned date: the said Ad-
ministrator will, proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the said de-
ceased among the persons entit-
led thereto, having regard , only
to the claims of which he shall
then: have notice, and that the
said, Administrator will not be
liable for the, said assets,' or' any
part, thereof, to any., person or
persons of ' whose claims notice
shall not have been received by
him at the time of such'distribu-
tion. . `.;
Dated at Lucknow, Ontario this
21st _....__ day. of'June, A.D. ;1943.
-__.._-�.Tosepli' Anew" _�
Lucknow; Ont., Administrator. '
• •
10 a.m. to 6 o'clock
P. Stuart MacKenzie'
Walkerton, Ontario.
Each Wednesday
'Afternoon: &'Evring
S ALLiONjor Service'
The New Breed Premium Al
French Canadian S t a i l i o n,
owned by the undersigned, is
available for service.. , any-
where. ,
R. r Dungannon Phone :81.7