The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-07-01, Page 3•
THURSDAY, JULY 1st,. 1943
Lyeui Theatr�
Thurs..,F.ri•11. Sat.. July .1 2,
' ' THE "�..
'�•.`'� * ° MUSICAL
... •:.W.::.: �.:' .. ::.:�. EVER
with •
N. Y. Daily News
Screen -Pia. .by. and.. Edmu.n-d.Joseph • Original, Story, Robert Buckner
Thii Thurs., tri. & Sat.. show .will . start •at 7.30 Pm.
Myon., Tues.,.. Wed. July 5, 6, 7
*.* *•*
«Cabin in :the Sky" a.
An alI-Negro musical from the Broadway stage hit ;•of .the
same name
Also "Traveltalk" and "Cartoon's F
;LANES': •
Mr. and' Mrs: Allin----Alton of
Toronto -spent. the..week-end, with
Mrs:. John Mullin. ' and. .other
friends of the 'community:
Miss: •Romelda Lane of ° Orillia,
.Mr.. and Mrs...G. G. :Wheeler of
London •are holidaying at their
.parent's" home. .. •.
• The...W.M.S. was held at the.
borne 'of Mrs: 'Albert Alton on
Tuesday afternoon after which
the Red' Cross ' convened for a
short . time • to plan some work' -to
be done' soon. •
The •.Hackett'S • congregations
held their, annual church' •picnic
Saturday, June 26th at the lake.-
ake.It was. a very warm afternoon
which., made bathing the favorite
sport. A substantial. lunch was
served under beautiful evergreen.
trees and then a, box of candy
was .presented by .a friend from
Lucknow and for which.. everyone
,said "thank you A program •or
sports resulted as. follows: :4 yrs.
'and under, Batty Hackett, Kent
neth Alton, Joyce Hackett; 6 yrs.
and -tinder, Lois Hackett,. Wendal
Alton, Frances Alton; lb yrs. and
uxider7 -Bert-HewserFreda ,Ha
ett, Prank Alton; .13 years and
under, Laura Irwin, Mae Irwin;
Donelda Hackett; boys 13• yrs: and
under, Donald Hackett,• Arnold
Alton, Allan Hackett; young men,
Russell Alton, Harry ,Campbell,
•Keith- Blake.;, young ladies, .Bern-
adine Alton, Betty Howse; Elmira
Alton; married women, Mrs. Wm.
Wareing, Mrs.pence twin, rs.
Bert Alton; married men, Ralph
, Cameron; Walter Alton, Cyril
Campbell'; 3 legged race, Ralph
Cameron and Harry Campbell,
Arnold Alton and Allan Hackett;
tie race, Russell Alton and •lam.
Wm. Wareing, William Wareing
and Bernadine Alton, Keith Blake
and Mrs. Bert Alton; kick the
slipper, Bernadine Alton, Mae ir-
Win, Donalda Hackett. •/
s riirtreiap- Work
Underwear, Sot. The Stork
the Stock: The >1RlkletSt.t•
D U RPL'E--Gi OVE" -
A gathering numbering around'
sixty people assembled . at the.
home of 1VIrs. .Clair e Dore 6n
Tuesday afternoon ,fora misce1=
laneous shower in honor of :het
daughter;. Mis's Wilda, prior to
her marriage to ...Mr. : Harvey
Thompson. A program . consisted
of a duet by Mrs. Jack Emerson
and Miss Marville Scott, readings
by• Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. Howard
9 hq pson and a contest by Mrs.
George Emerson Jr. The final act
was the guiding of - Miss Wilda
to a decorated chair when an
address was t'ead by Mrs. L. MG-
Teer' and at the proper tithe' a:
gaily ladened wagon drawn by
two little folks with a ,bevy of
little tots, each .with streamers,
halted in front ,of .the bride -to
where a' number ' of her girl:
friends unwrapped and delivered
the presents' and good wishes of
her many friends. Wilda replied
yery t rn_ y an' ex en.e• n in-
vitation to visit her in her new
Mrs.. Victor Gawley_ spent the'.
week -end : with her parents at
Pine' River. '
A large number attended the
Ladies Aid held at the' home. of
Virs. • John Collins last\ Wednes-
day. ___
Miss Beth Walsh spent the'
week -end . at her home here. '
Mr. Will Elliott spent Monday
at the home of Mr. W. H. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thompson
returned• home from their wed-
ding trip.
Tpr. 'John' Ralph *tethers of
to spent last -week t :
8-191 k Ye- '.4-i`&uei i rs• i ..
Emerson.'• ,,,; �' •m �u%,rrk•.1:x.
Pte: Jaek,y McCall has been
'transferred from Kitchener to,
LAC: J. C. Johnston of..Hagers
vine 'visited ''last. week ., with ' his
parents, Mr. and Mrs: Pt M. John-
John K. MacKenzie of , the R.
C. A. F. has .returned to I.T.S. at li
Toronto, after being .on sick leave .�
following the mumps.
Donald. Johnstone of the R. C.
at agotvil"1e tie ec, vis-
ited with his parents, . Mr. an&
Mrs. Russ Johnstone:
Chas. McQuillin, R.C.A.M.C.,
who Is on board the Lady Neisbn
Hospital ship • arrived • back in
Canada recently.
Pte. Rae McNeil left on . Tues -
o gay--to-•r-etur-n-to--Barrie#ieeld after•
spending a 14-dayfurlough, with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
McNall.. -
Cpl Harvey Naylor of the pay-,
masters' corps of the R.C.A.F. at
Toronto and Mrs. , N ay'lor, . visited
last week with his mother, . Mrs.
Louisa Naylor, .
• Lieut.. Harold Thompson of Pet-
awawa spent, the' end of the week
here. , On his return he was ac=
cornpanted' •to Toronto by • Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson
had a pleasant: surprise on Tues
day evening when they received
a phone call from ' New ;York,
fromtheir son :Bob of. th'e' Can-
adian, Navy.,
John Vince has sent a letter
of thanks to the. Red Cross Soc-
iety for a parcel of knitted goods
received. John says, "I' deeply
appreciate :.your kindness •and•
wish to thank you: May you be
able to continue your 'good' work
to others".
Sgt. Stewart Russell; son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. • A. Russell of Wing -
ham, is taking an officers' train
ing coin -se at Th'4ee. Rivers, Que.
Stewart is a member :of the
Argyll and Sutherland Highland
Regirrient, which recently return-
ed _froth, tl.oinggarrison_ duty at.
Jainaica: Stewart .was one of the
advance party that preceded • the
regiment's return,
Back On Operations.
WO. • Alex MacKenzie,. D.P.M.,
has returned to operational dut-
ies' 'again: After making thirty
trips over. Europe, during which;..
he won the Distinguished _Flying
Medal, Alex went on rest leave
and then,acted for a time as an
instructo, before going back to
operational duties.
Mr. `ands Mrs. John Jamieson,
Lucknow, entertained a number
of friends and relatives .on Sdt-
urday evening „in. honor of Rob-
ert Boak, R.C.A.F., St, Thomas.
During the evening .Bob was pre-
sented with a watch . as a token
'rhes; f-rom--his-f endk:
by Miss Lorraine Harris of,,of Ioly-
rood. Although taken completely
by surprise, Bob thanked those
who were; present for the gift lie
had :received and -alio iwished to
thank those who could not be
there. A dainty lunch was then
served. ,
Bob; 'whose home is at Bruno,.
Sask., is well known here and at-
tended Lucknow High School for
one-year. He joined the R.C.A.F.
in September, 1942- and has since
been training at Saskatoon, La-
chine; Que. and St. Thornas.
in Luclknow 'Towar'ifall, Thursday.
-The essence of many rare flowers
has been skilfully blended by one
of the world's great perfumers, iiito
an inimitable fragrance,
Adrienne perfume - exotic ®err
chanting -like a promise of.dreams
come true. A gift that flatters her--
er®and your own good taste: • „ .
osma ... 30c ah DRAMS .: • "60c
Exdusirely at 'Recall 'Cosmetic Counters is --
4. ti 'ti s•"' �0 tE 1 Y •'' DRUG STORE.
A. E. MOM.
-Attended Funeral
Mrr. J. W. Joynt was one of the
flower.' bearers at the funeral of
- Mrs. Donald :A: 'Smith, which Was
held at Clinton last Wednesday,
Mrs: Smith operated Sloancrest
Fruit .'Farm in Goderich Town-
ship, considered to be . one of the
finest fruit farms in the County.
Mrs. Smith was twice married.
Her first husband was Major
Robert Sloan of . Klondyke • gold
rush fame and ayeteran of the.
Great War.
Bad For' Tires •
Mr. John -Jamieson had a pecul-.
iar accident recently, and which
might easily .have had more ser-
ious consequences. -4. three -sec-
tion harrows had fallen off an
other vehicle and lay, with : teeth•
upright; : on: the highway west of
the Village. It was after dark
'when Mr: 'Jarnieson came along,.
and in facing. the lights' of an
approaching car he failed to see
the implement. In running onto
it the car receivedsome damage
and a tire was badlyriddled. The
driver managed to keep'. the car
on the road however.
evening for two• of the Paramount
boys, Robert .Macintosh, R.C.A.F.
-who is taking lois• pilot's 'training
at Toronto and Carman Hamilton
who is taking his basic • training.
• a ainic9e.. • • .
Dancing . was enjoyed ''for ' an
hour, when • Bobby was . called to
the platform and, presented with
a • purse. • Asi he had . to sreport. to
Toronto at once • he was unable
to remain for •the'evening. Every-
one was •sorry. that Carman was
not :home for the presentation..
• . The following. address was read
by 'Alex. MacNay and the pros-'
•entation . made by Oliver , Mac,
Charles., Grant MaeDiarmid'acted
as chairman.
'To :Bobby and • Carman:
• 'It is with great • pleashire that
we, your friends and neighbors
are gathered • here this evening
to spend a social hour .together
before you . may. be. sent to distant
. • You have answered your coun-
try's call in •the,hour.,of her great-
est need. We 'are proud• of. your
decision and trust and pray: that
He who guided ,you in• making
your choice . will continue to
watch over you in. your work.
We regret very much that Car-
man is •unable to be present but
due• to the uncertainity of, the
times, . and the busy season ap-
proaching, we decided it was hest
not to delay any longer in ex-
pressing our. pleasure.
Will • you please • accept • these
gii'ts with best wishes from- your .
friends. and neighbors knowing
that as you carry on your work
we will carry on .on the home
MaeChar1e.� .: . •
A meeting. was . called on Tues -
,day evening last at the home of
Charlie Tiffin for all those in-
terested in Tiffin's... cemetery.
Charlie • Tiffin presided for the
meeting. The minutes of the 1942.
meeting • were read. Thetreas-
urer's. 'report showed a,balance :of.
$52.35 on. hand. The auditors; ,
C�iarlie Tiffin andWesley Young
audited " the books. Mr. Willi*.
Brown was elected sec.-treas. It:.
was'agreed that Messrs.: Bill Scott •
and Bill Brown be. caretakers and
that wages for caretaking be paid . r
by the hour instead of a salary-
alaryas formerly.4 cemetery commit-
tee to take' Care o f fences, etc..
was appointed: Jamieson .petty -
piece, •
ettypiece,• Wesley Young, Wendal
Taylor, Charlie' Taylor.. This Com-
mittee • also agreed to help the•.`.
treasurer collect the fees and each
was .given a list of collections ,to -
be made. The 'fee. of, $2 for a full
lot and $1 for .a half lot per ;year . .
was agreed'. • on. Owing to the
scarcity of' help available, it,. waa'
agreed to.cut :the grass with the -
mower and scythes and,, not use
the 'lawn mowers this year.°`The
collection . of fees is to be' made
as _soon- as possible, -
L• angside Native Passes
Word was: received here that
Mr. Herb Tiffin of Ashland, Wis-
consin was buried there on Sun -
:day .afternoon
un-:day.afternoon at 4,p.m.'He leaves
to mourn` his loss his wife. His; .
brother. Reuben predeceased, him.
in :March of 1942 . and his bro-
ther Elymer in December . of the
same .,year; A`` sister Mrs. D. A.
.MacDonald•' of Con. 2 Kinloss,
remains of the family to mirurn
his loss here. Mr. Tiffin . was in .
hia 69th year, a son of the ,:late-
Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Tiffin and:
grew to. young manhood . on 'the -
farm, now owned by Mr, Wesley,
Tiffin. I.n his early . twenties he:
left for Wisconsin where he was
a railroad man. •
Teachl_ig In Morris
Mrs. L.v
G.• Tur ey _of Bluevale,
who returned to the teaching pro-
fession because .o1 the scarcity off
teachers,. will next terfn• teach at -
S.. "S. No. 8, Morris, known as
Browntown School..
-Almost an inch f rain that fell
during the early hours° of Mon-
day morning was "worth mill-
ions", as one farmer put it. •Since
the' pring rains finally ended,
the top soil had became hard and
dry and a shower was badly
needed. -
It came just in time- and broke
a heat wave that sent the temper-
attire up to 89 on Sunday. Grain], rot
fited '' in ,particular by the downy.