HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-06-24, Page 1$2.00 A Year --In Advance; 50c Extra to XT. S. A. • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO THURSDAY,, JUNE- 24th, 1943 EIGHT PAGES. STARS • PERFORM • HERE. FRIDAY •:u -To-morrow • :night' (Friday)' gives promise of the Lucknow • Arena housing the biggest crowd ' that. • has ever ; . packed • into the building.• ' • : '. • it's • the `Occasion of The 'Clans•- men!s;.Carnival,: and the -:last :ap-c . pearance in . • Lucknow . Of Muss .Creighton and hi,::/Band for the duration ' of the war. Russ. has I.. lined up a:super deluxe troupe of vfxentertainers for his final appear- ai ce. A • .. .sharp ..,and,.' will , feature Ernie Bruce, musial. wizard and coria-. edian; • the. Goldsworthy Sisters ih dancing and accerdian 'numbers; . Clara Pe11ey;. Toronto's •star ' acro- .• batic • dancer and singer, • and. an "ace-in-th?-J-lole" performer, •'who will :round out a two,•hour show„ second to none .presented here. .. The: admission to • the 'Arena is. 25,, 'Cents.' for .everyone of :school • • age and up. There is a ton of Goal -offered as .a door• :prize .to he - holder .Of the lucky ticket. "hildren •of pre=school age" are • .drnitted .free of .charge.. • The - Clansmen are . arranging • for'some new>carnival games, and' �,. ,there` wih ,be the ever -popular bingo:. Russ ,Creighton and his 'Band' will • provide music" for ney dancing. . At , midnight; the' prize: 'draw •• ' will be held, to decide the winner of the bicycle, • d loner set, cedar' chest.. and a: pair of" blankets. • • Everybody's going . .to . The. Clansmen's Carnival Friday night., There will also be 'a draw 'for a 'quilt made by the • pupils of St. • Helens school. ' Proceeds are in aid of.•.the Lucknow' and Vicinity • Branch -0 ',the..Red. Cross. • Hayi , . 'fretting. Started: Su er weather•is bringing the liay`,: arvest. Some •cutting•has • already , een done, and it •is `ex- pected th:'t haying. will be in full• swing next week, 'with an.abu i - dant crop . in prospect. Although • • there : have • been -no __farm. ,corn riiaddos. registered, locally, • there will no . doubt beta number of • Village residentsassisting • with --..7-haying. "arid-, harvest. `_ w_ .... MASONSAND-,GUIDES . ATTEND . CHURCH SUNDAY , On ;Sunday' morning two .local .organizations held their annual church 'parade,. The Guides. and The •Masons: • TYie• Girl Guides, twenty-five • s'trong, attended: service . _in. the United . Church..: They were. ' in. •charge of their leader, Mrs. 'N. S:' Calvert, and the district commis- sioner, Mrs. ommissioner,-Mrs. A. E. McKim.r.A; very apprcopriate"sermon was delivered by Rev. J. W. Stewart.. At the same time rnernbers of Old Light Lodge A.F. 8c ,A.M. at - 'tended Divine Service in ;St. ' Peter's Anglican church. Rev. J. W. (Donaldson chose a5 his text •lst Kings 7:22, "and upon the top of the pillars was lily work:. so• was the work of the pillars fin- ished". • • • ,t . Rev. Donaldson pointed • out that as the lily work completed 1.nd beautified .the pillars, .no•• thing is,comp'lete without beauty. Within: maxi there is an .apprecia- tion of beauty that isexpressed in a thousand ways. • ' In the Old .Testament there, is strength but' no beauty. The New Testament contains the lily work, said Mr. Donaldson. There We have God in all the beauty of his ' • ' natia.re. Our worship of God must have the lily, work of. holiness and the higher personality must be drought out through the beauty Cdr} holiness. The choir rendered• the' anthem "Ho'Iy, I-Ioly, Holy", with •Rexford • Ostrander presiding at ,the organ. em Try a Want results. ' JACK CAMPBELL :IN CAVIES, RECEIVES ARMY DISCHARGE Jack Campbell has return to civilian life' .again, having .re- ceiiied his' honorable discha ge from the active army, • which be- eame: effective; the end of ..the week. • • Jack •is bothered witha, spinal ,arthritis that 'causes him• a•.goocd' deal of distress, and he does not. expect to be able to go •tovork for" a time. ' Jack was a member of. -the Wingham'Battery before -going active almost two years ago, in. the summer of ' 1941. Since then he has been stationed at such points as Camp' Borden, Schilo, Terrace and Petawawa' with the 99th Battery; in which he held the rank of . Battery' Quarter- master Sergeant.•- TIMETABLE CHANGES • EFFE.CTIVE MONDAY •• . • C :` R: timetable changes g' in- to 'effect the first of the week, al- though , up to Tuesday .the 'local agent; • Mr. A. W. Hamilton had •not •received any official word of the new schedule' 'of hours. • However.' the local postmaster, Mr. H.. J. Lindsay, ,has, been ad- vised that the noon train to Pal- merston is due 'to leave the.1ocal depot .0/ 12:10, which is 15 min-° sites. earlier than at .present: The afternoon • train is due to arrive. •Lucknow.at 2.35. These ehanges •become.,effective.Sunday June 27: and Mr. Lindsay, advises the: post-•• ing ;of • mail ..accordingly. Show. Change ' On account of The 'Carnival on,. Friday, "lV1r. ,myna Mite" will be shown at:the Sepoy Theatre .,on Thursday ;arid Sat= urday. • • Was Killed At 'Dieppe . 'We just recently learned that among•. the Dieppe casualties 'was Leon Mendelson, ..formerly of Lucknow:. Leon's. father; who wars.killed killed. in a motor accident at Rip- 1e -y a -'few -years-. ago., .was a:.former_ drygoods merchant in Lucknow:' They . moved from here.' when Leon -7 -and -.his brother ---Nathon - were.:' .boys. , Mrs: 'Mendelson is ' living in the •.•States. . • L. ■ p'Lo"IL. ewe A Lf N i V''Fi - i %, ri r IFoah r%,. AT HURON -BRUCE. CO•NVENTIOI - The :nominating. convention of the Huron -Bruce Provincial Lib- eral Association. will be held -in: the Town • I3a11, Wing.harri on Tuesday ,;evening, July • 6th, • The ; Hon. Harry ` Nikon, .Pro- vincial Premier, will address the meeting. • . The purpose of the convention is to name, a Liberal candidate,' to contest• the riding in the forth- coming provincial election. The M oron-Bru;ce--seat-• has- been -Vf, -. 'cant ; in the Legislature since the death • of Mr. C: A. Robertson. The • riding executive met in Wingham last Thursday in con- nection with holding a, nomina- ting ;convention but deferred: set ting a. definite ,date until receiv- ing afurther word from Liberal headsuarters,in Toronto. This week Mr. J. R. McNab, association secretary, :received the go• ahead signal';for;July 6th, when the Premier will be 'able to be .present: • Several prospective ;candidates have been named, • including Murdo Matheson of Ashfield, Hugh Hill of Colborne, Raymond Redmond of •East Wawanosh arid W. J. ,, McKay :of Ripley. ENGAGEMENTS The engagement . is announced of Freda 'Alma, youngest: daugh- ter of Mrs. MacDougall *and the late John •MacDougall of the Sec- ond Concession, Kinloss, to Mr. Leonard Finley, son of Mrs;' Mac - Innes and the late Malcolm Mac• Innes of the Second ••Concessiori, Kinloss, the Marriage to take. place early in July. To 'Increase Pensions Effective July lst, old age pen- sions and pensions for the blind in Ontario will be increased 15 per cent; . Hon. Farquhar ' Oliver; Ontario minister Of welfare, an- nouncedrecently. `He said the cost, borne entirely by the prow= ince, Will .amount to . $1,500;000• a year and is considered as a cost - of -living bonus.. The fact of . the increase was announced "in the Ontario budget in. March but no figures were given at that • time. TOOK TWO MONTHS TO SOW FLAX CROP The . sowing of the flax crop. was , completed the end of the week by .the firm of.J. G. Ander- son and Son. From the time seed - :Mg .started until., it 'vas cornplet- ed, eight weeks had' elapsed: •It remains to be seen what kind 'of aacrop will be harvested from this June seeding, but' the, land. was under lease, and plow- ed, so there was little else to do but ' try the experiment, >, Flax sawn -las + r A i a amu:. men later than the finish of, any other season., Advt.—They bring 'Li. 4 • KNITTERS .. 'WANTED —• • The Lucknow- and Vicinity Branch .of the Red . Cross urgently need knitters for children's and we. men's sweaters. • Please secure the..wool at the Red; Cross Work Rooms ' before July 1st.. - a RUMMAGE SALE IS POSTPONED FOR.., PRESENT The rummage sale to have been held here early in July, has. been: 'postponed indefinitely; ' The response -to . date to, the request_ for donations has not been suf- ficient `to'assurea monster sale and with ,a very busy season on the -farms. getting_ .undermtay,_._.it was' decided best `to cancel the event • for the meantime. It is _possible that..the safe will be ar- ranged for fhe.. fall.• ' • LOST" LEG NOW. CAN CAN. A?AI N: A. little more than a year ago, Warrant Officer Bill Scrimgeour, son of Mr. and Mrs:" Jim •Scrim= geour of " Milverton suffered a concussion, a broken arm severe facial contusions and lost his left legwhen, he crash-landed his Spitfire after the motor conked over the.English Channel: Today, 'carrying' a cane 'andwearing an: artificial. limb, he is elated .in the knowledge 'that he , can fly.again and', better still, figures he'll soon. be back .•on,operations in a Hurri- cane or -Spitfire. •• "Those planes have hand- brakes", he grinned the other day at No. 1 I.T.S., where he has been instructing. in -Theory of Flight. "I just passedta test in a Harvard, at Trenton and had h little _dif- ficulty—but not much—in opera- ting •the toe brakes". Bill was returning from an operation over Occupied Europe whon his motor conked. "I figuro it : must have been hit by •. flak but .held on 'until I was almost across the Channel. ,Then it gave Out and although I reached th.� coast of England •I couldn't avert a crack-up when I landed". A piece of metal cut an artery. in his left leg, thus preventing blood from reaching his foot and necessitating amputation slightly above the knee. He- was in. hospital ten months before being invalided home, then c,e n.._ oe= E one desire is to get back oh 'Opera - .tions overseas. w ♦ M1 AUDR,EY HORNE .HONORED AT SHOWER THURSDAY Miss Audrey Horne, bride -elect of thisweek, was guest of honor at a iiiscellaneou's shower held at the home of Mrs. Ken Mow- bray ori Thursday.. eveninglast. c • Hostesses foi this nicely ar-. ranged' event; which.. took Audrey completely by 'surprjse,. were Mrs.: Mowbray and Misses Mildred• Ritchie, Hazel . Culbert and Marion Stinson. Audrey., was the recipient of many lovely gifts. • -I/OLID-AY-• NEXT,-THUHS•DAY-- While we have received • no Local confirmation, •it appears that Dominion Day ` will ;be observed. •in Lucknow next„ Thursday,. July lst.. - This is in 'accordance ' with• the latest Governmentdecree, al- though some •centres are pro- claiming the holiday on Monday, July 5th. as Was" originally order- ed. PORT ALBERT. AIRMAN DROWNED• SATURDAY ; The . treacherous,: . waters. at Piper's 'Dain, two miles, upstream on :the...Maitland M'aitland from : Goderich, . claimed :the life •of LAC. Robert. Whitehead of Port .,Albert Air —Navigation, School on. Saturday... Whitehead,._:.a._native_:_cif._ Mai Chester, England, .could 'not swim. He got into .• difficulties• • while wading;, .and -went ,down before. 'the eyes- of his wife, a , bride • of two years and. •'mother of . a 5 - months -old daughter. • LAC. Whitehead. was 28 years of ag..q. His body was recovered an hour and• a •half later, . FATS• HEAD LISt OF' • ' URGENT SALVAGE'.'. , • Salvage continues' to 'play 'important 'role .in Canada's war effort, in fact the. Department .of National War Services says,•"this is the . most important year we have experienced in the,•work.of ..securin.g .saivage" . . In order . of extreme • urgency the, need'is listed in the following order; -fats;- rr-retals;.••; particularly •cast; .robber • tires, & tubes; paper and rags: • • • • —OBITUARY. THOUS „ROACH Thomas :Roach; ' an. .esteemed and .lifelong resident of Kinloss Township passed away at his home on ;the Sixth Concession on Thursday. He was in. his 78th year. • Born in. Ashfield,, he moved to Kinloss with his, parents when a child, where, he has since re- sided.. Mr.:•Roa6h was the .•last member of 'a family of seven. For the past•four years he had been blind and for two years was Confined /to bed. He was constant- ly and devotedly . waited . on „by his loving wife, and- bore his of I1iction with Christian fortitude. Mrs. Roach, who alone survives,. was formerly Sarah. Jane Ken- nedy• Theya were married Fin 1899. Mr.. Roach was' of a kind and 'happy disposition, and : made many friends. He was a member of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church and was 'a regular at- tendant • while health permitted. The 'funeral service was held at his late residence, on' Saturday, conducted • , by • R. C. H. Mae- t$onaid, ..assisted by Rev. T. E. Kennedy of Sopthampton. Inter- ment was in Greenhill Cemetery. Pitllbearers were Allister Hughes, Hugh Sutherland. Ambrose Gib- bons, Stewart McGilli.dray, Philip Archer and William Roach. Many beautiful floral wreaths' and sprays covered the casket. Friends were present from' Wroxeter, civ .:.0 _ a9r•mron, 'Dungannon, Kincardine, South- az»pton and London. RESPONSE SLOW TO GREEK FUND Up to Tuesday.,noon, donations .locally",to 'the Greek ..War •Relief Fund toted only' $28.60., The local campaign,• sponsored by. the Village Col (ncll, is part:• of a nation-wide;.•campaign-. to • •. ,raise' half a million -dollars..The closing date of-the.D.omhip on'cam-, paign was set • for.. Saturday of this • week, •but due to • the poor - response locally, • the campaign: here will be extended to Satur- day, July..3rd. Donations are r..e ceived at the. Municipal. ffice: The Canadian.. Government as.. • approved the • campaign..A11 mon- .collected • will be .spent thru . . the Canadian Red Cross to•.assure • , rock -bottom prices and all Sup- plies Will • be- distributed under the direction of the International' Red. Cross. .• • . w Donations up to. Tuesday noon. • :6p are as follows: a W. G. Andrew ' • , $5:00 ' Marion McPherson 2.00 Mrs, M. MacFarlane .... ' 1.00 Jas.;' H. Pickering 5.00 Gordon Taylor t` . 1.00 Mrs. Wm. Blake, R. '7 5.00 Campbell Thompson ;2.00 V. N..Prest• 2.00 Mrs. A. E. McKim: • 5.00 Here are . some of the conditions- that Canadian •dollars, and Can- adian wheat and Medical supplies twill-"liel�to alle-vrat�: - � -`-�"_ About one-fifth of the entire. Greek nation = some 1,500,000 men, women and children — has been, wiped: out or .crippled for life by starvation or disease since the .Axis' prostrated Preece • two years ago, according` to reliable `. fi ures in possession of the Greek War. Relief Fund in Canada. 'Mil- lions nlore are dying, or slowly being. incapacitated 'today, as' Canadian relief so 'far has res- cued little more than 50 per cent' of the 6,000,000 Greeks .tiU cling-' ing to life: •" A typhus epidemic now is rid-•. dling large centres, aided by lack of soap and equipment for. ster- ilizing clothing. The'.sp'ring mal- -ria_ of Greece' is taking --heavy toll among people whose diet for 'two years has ranged 'from leaves ;and acorns to- bread• '-anti•• soup, with fats and proteins sadly short.. Tuberculosis' is developing .:in thousands of cases .as sequel to the' malaria. Infant mortality,,. while arrested • since - the Greek War Relief Fund has' been ship= • ping cod ,liver oil and powdered milk, is still high. Among child- ren under ten, the death rate has been running twenty times above the, pre-war average, •� • • BORN •' ROUSE. — In Goderich General Hospital on Saturday, June 19, , 1943, ' to Mr. • and . Mrs. • Sidney Rouse (nee Evelyn "Whitby), 'a daughter. • COX—At. Simcoe General :hos- pital on -Sunday, June .20, 1943, , to Mr. , and Mrs. Fred Cox of Delhi, a .daughter. Bruce Member To Retire � 'John W... Sinclair, ...member, of the'Ontario Legislature for Bruce; has announced his intention of, re- tiring and will, not seek re-elect-' ion in the forthcoming ".provincial election. • Before' election'to the Legisla.� tore he was reeve°of Arran to ih- ship. and warden, of •Bruce Co. He says 'that one factor in . his deeiSion to retire is shortage of help on the faits.. ALL SCH•QOL VACANCIES1, APPEAR TO DE FILLED During, the pat the tW remaining vacancies' ori the High School staff have• been filled. However all the contracts. have riot --ye -- they are, the Board •members are • keeping their fingers crossed. •