HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-06-17, Page 5PAGE FIVE Adrienne Scientifically 'Harmonized Cosmetics are slime- of the high. - quality, pop Blur priced products sold only by, Rexall Drug Stores. , .I% "True beauty," Says Adrienne,: "depends, on harmony." Face Powder, Rouge and 'Lipstick- must be skilfull`y: biende%, each to. enhance the . other, to glorify your loveliness. • '• Adrihas spec'rallyharmonized- .cosmetiEs for each type •of feminine -beauty.- so--ingeniously'-th ou--.-- feelthat your choice was blended just for you. Adrienne Perfume compli- ments your every mood .. thatches youreverycostume.YetAdriennecos- m. etics are not costly. Stop in and'see the Adrienne Colour Harmony, Chart your Rexall Cosmetic Counter, A• E• 'P'HONE : 32 •. ,,�� 4342 aab MCK M LUtvKNOW Porcupine with horses, l:autorno- biles and buses there has never been . a passenger rousl'y in- jured..' In the course of his successful career, „Mr. Dalton has seen Northern Ontario grow td nation- wide importance;, but still retains. and memories of his pioneer days here.... He remembers the time when a ' phone' .call came to his office one day advising him that one of his horses was being cruelly driv- en ..along _ the Y road:: Iav3ng iii the . pioneer`s .aversion to seeing. anything,:wasted or ill-used, his Irish temper flared. The story is told that the horse arrived with a huge 200 -pound - drunken. driver. swajyang _.in_ the- s.eat: 1GIr. Dalton took one look at the horse, reached up, yanked .the 4 • • •a• THURSDAY, JUNE 17th, 1943 Ammanimmw Lyceum Theatre w I NGH•AM, Two 'Shows ' Saturday Night Thursday, Friday, Saturday June. 17; 18 1.9 SPECIAL • JOHN GARFIELD - . GIG YOUNG GEORGE TO IAS "Air force" The adventures of the Flying ;Fortress "Mary. Ann". - Also. "News" Matinee Sat. ' afternoon at 2.30 Monday;. Tuesday, Wednesday lune 21., 22, 23' ANN, SOTHERN 'MELVYN ' DOUGLAS. "Three •-Hearts: - For. Julia" 'The' cast of this comedy also includes. Lee Bowman,, Felix Bressart b and" Reginald Owen. Also "March of Time" The Hens - -_ ,A twenty-five cent' "Want Ad" sold the hens that . were advert ttised last week. Try . one when you have something, you want to sell or buy: • • • II Would Cost $3,500 Consideration has been given the. construction of a cement floor ,in the Wingham .Arena, but when it was .learned that the cost would , amount to about $3,500 the ,mat- t'er was dropped. 'A small Negro schoolboy gave • his teachers, no end of trouble. When discipline failed, the teach- ers finally called his mother in. Each teacher told her complaint. One said he stole money; to -which—the.-mother.--replied,-.Vee like his. pa.' • Another said he lied. "Jes'. like his pa". Another said he t swore. The Negro woman sighed. "Jes' . like his pa. Ah sho is glad Ah nebbah did marry dat .pian!" - THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Ashfield Native Subsa $35,000 To 4th Vktory;toan At Tmm Thimins When, the fourth Victory loan campaign at Timmins, Ont,., was apparently lagging,'..: new courage and .energy were put into it by a subscriptio i lef ,$3-5,000 made by John Dalton, -owner of the' largest busline and taxi fleet in .'North- ern Ontario: ".rack" Dalton, as he is known throughout the North Country, 'is a. native of Ashfield, his- boyhood •homebeing about half -way between Kingsbridge &• Kintail on what is_..nowrthe Blue :Water highway. The Timmins. papers in report- ing Mr. Dalton's splendid, contri- bution to the success of the Vic- tory ' loan make interesting ref- erence to the business which he -has built-2rp:in the Porcupine'dis- trict since he' went into that c&in= try some thirty years ago with •nothing much but a strong phys- ique, a 'capacity ' for work and faith in.. the possibilities of the distriot. ..Flom Small. Beginnings The Timmins -.Daily- Press gives-: the following story of the Dalton I enterprise. The unwavering . faith of. Jack Dalton, Sr., in the town which he saw grow .from` a small bush clearing to the thriving: •.centre that it is today, and in which he built 'a' success story. that ' few can `match, came to fore with re- ports ' that: the loan drive ' in Tim mins was failing badly. --el -don't- urdnt to see tie- town. that -was so good to me • po nted\ to as a failure because it . could' not answer the call ofpatriotism and raise its Victory loan quota said the owner 'of the largest bus line and taxi fleet' in the. North County. . One of the most colorful char- acters' in Northern Ontario, ' Tim - min's pioneer of transport, 'saw: everythinghe' owned of a pros= ieroiis ' ; transportation business' but- a--pair-Qf Western -•broncl'ios with badly burned backs go up in smoke in the disastrous fire of 1911 which swept the Porcupine. Starting out from : scratch he re- -built his business' to its present- day size: _',with__thir-ty one= 'buses and a large fleet cif cabs. The Dalton transportation busi- ness-, was founded- iii-; "the Porch- pine camp in 1911 with 2 broken,' down Western horses. Jack Dab-. ton himself arrived in the camp in 1910 when it was' in its first stage of -development.He was al- ready established in a prosperous business when the 1911 fire clean- Russ Creighton .11 And His Variety Dance: Band and Entertainers :. Will Be Featured At , THE CLANSMEN'S CARNINAL IN THE ARENA, LUCKNOW, Friday, June 25 Dancing, Singing, 'Comedy, $pecialties. , 'Ton mission 25c Door Prize, of Coal PRIZE :DRAW AT MIDNI�TE TICKETS ON SALE NOW ' OVER $125.00 IN PRIZES • ed him out. - After .the fire his sole remain-, ing assets were two bronchos that had enough horse sense to ' get into the lake when it got too hot on shore. But even in the. water the horses. , didnot escape. the. m flaes. ,,Racing -over. he top 'of .the lake, the .flames.seared their exposed: backs. • • these two animals_',went. into the water. :and:.. stayed there of their . own . accord, • Eastern horses led into the lake .for safe.' ty came' back out and • perished in the fire. • Starting out again, Dalton '• used his two .horses to pack provisions and supplies from Golden' City and South Porcupine to the Mat= tamagi Rimer; where .they were put on .boats for distribution. ' Days of Horse Transportation • There were no automobiles ,or trucks in the country at that,, time and _provisions 'Were -either car= vied, on the horses' backs o 'hal ed by a "juniper" which consisted of two poles or small logs turned iip,at`the;ends with boards nailed across to. make 'a platform. Tons of provisions of all kinds were, moved , about in this way. The demand ' for Dalton service increased until . he had more than 150 horses engaged in transport- ing between the river and South. Porch-- ire:--j-•--Securing the o d - agency for Timmins in 1913,' he b ought into the . North Country ree Ford cars. He stored .them until the . following' year,when they were put into service. They did not!lnow very much • about autoinobiles in thosedays and the. cars were not -equipped with self: starters,. It was not unusual for. two or three men to become thor- bughly exhausted in trying to get the cars started., -.Joseph- Sul3ivarr who -1s still associated with Mr. Dalton, was. the first pian to' dif a an: auto- mobile uto=mobile in the Porcupine . Canip and .it Was a precarious job driv- ing ' over the bad spots and ' pot h iu w ga un ag li th ed olesjn the ..so-called "toads' The/cars could be operated only ring the summer months. When inter • .approached and -snow be- n to fall they. had to 'be: stored tn. the following spring. • In 1915 the General Motors ency was secured. by Mr. Sul- anvfor: the Dalton business and ree McLaughlin cars were add - to the transportation system. The Au. Era• The .entry, of automobiles into the business began . the ex -it . Of horses. For many years horses were a necessity, in„ winter, but improvements to cars and better roads assisted the maintenance of a winter automobile service. A rapid growth in business re- sulted. in the purchase -of three busses in 1922 which were ()per, ated between South Porcupine Schumacher and Timmins reg- ularly summer and winter, al- though they often became snow- bound in the latter season. From -1922 and -1923- when the first buses began to operate the increase in the sizeof business has been steady until 'now'there are' thirty-one buses and a fleet of cabs on the- road. In11937 a town bus service was instituted and is Still running ef- ficiently. - Numerous itnproe- merits and changes since then have built up the Dalton trans- portation r.ansportation service'' until it is the biggest in the North today. . An Enviable Record - :Jack . Dalton's .enviable record of service is matched, only by his record of safety..tn-all the yeaz's. wiz w _ eater.--tfef , p@0 ? driver to the ground and then gave- ixim the thrashing of his life. The l police locked -the ofen- der up,, but half an hour later Mr.' Dalton was around at the town's jail to bail the"man out, The standard story about the Dalton Company's famous "We Never Sleep" sign,.' whieh means" continuous service, day Cr night, regardless of time pf place, con- cerns a Chinaman., The Chinese gentleman started a laundrynext to Dalton's - establishment in ' the early days., and the sign .intrigued, and he decided to have as good a sign as his neighbour, Shortly .after- wards there appearedin the lawn • rryLwindow--a-carefu-Hy lettered: sign "Sam Lee, Laundry. Me Wide Awake. Too". Ontario Elections Acre Service Voters • Members'•of• the Naval,.:,Military or Air ,Forces of Canada . duty outside. the Province at the date of any election to the Legi.si'ative' Asserribly of .Ontario, who are - . British subjects and who were resident in 'Canada fax three nionth§ and in Ontario for thirty days' prior to the date of - their enlistment are entitled to •appoint an agent to . vote for them at any election to the ,Legislative Assembly, • •• ,,The Proxy vote east'for`an Active Service Voter must be • polled• for a candidate in the Electoral District in which the Active Service Voter' resided for at least thirty days prior • to his enlistment. The Agent authorized too 'e for an Active . Service Voter' Itzvmust be entitled to vote in th same Electoral District and • must be of the full age of twent-one Y years. Agents holding appointments as Proxies for Active Service, • Voters must apply to the Revising Officer for their Electoral ,District for confirmation of their , appointment. There is no age quaiifieatiori for the Active—Service Voter: An Agent may hold any number of appointments from Voters who are within the degree of relationship to him (or .her) of wife, husband, sister, brother, parent or child. An Agent may, hold only one appointment from a voter who is notwithinsuch degrees of. relationship. ' It is recommended that 'relatives and friends of inembeys of the Forces who qualify according to the conditio_i%s cited above, and who, are •serving outside Ontario, forward ap- • ,pointment forms to such° members in order that they iziay: be: • completed and returned in readiness fqr use at- the next election to the Ontario Legislature. • Appointment forrns may be secured on applicationto the undersigned. • • . IMPORTANT: AS AN EARLY ELECTION IS EXPECTED NO TIME SHOULD BE LOST IN, HAVi G • PROXY APPOINTMENTS COMPLETED. • J. W. FREEBORN, Clerk of the Peace, BHUCE County. Address: • Walkerton, Ontario ertOar,:Jtn+e° • ...W -