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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-06-10, Page 7
.• ff. .k 4414k 4 I f;ff • 1,.ff ",: -•" ,".. • THURSDAY, JUNE 10th, 1943 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOIV, ONTABIO, PAGE SEVEN Jack McCall ofKitchenerspent 'the ,Week -end here. • Fus. Dave Jewitt of Niagara spent the week -end with his mother here. • - Mel Orr, of the C. A. F. 'at •• Manning 'Depot; Toronto, spent the week -end 'at his home here. Lieut: Harold Thompson re- • turned to Petawawa ox, Saturday after spending a two weeks' fur-, lough- at his -home here: - • Fus. J. J. .Phillips *of Niagara - on -the -Lake spent a 'few days with his, uncle and aunt, Mr. and. Mrs. George. Phillip& ' Sapper Orland Patterson, Who visited at the home of his grand- mother, Mrs. Wm. Taylor at • Langside,,and who had an -attack of the mumps, •returned, to. Pet- awawa last. WednesdaY. Fit. Engineer, Elwood Solomont ho has •spent his furlough here, left on Tuesday, on his return to ManitOba, where he has been sta- tioned at Dauphin -service flying Training School for the past two years. Dauphin is over 200 miles of Winnipeg. • Lieut. Malcohn Tatson spent his: recent: furlough in Winnipeg with • hisMother, Mrs. Thomas • Watson, Who has. been - invalided for several months as the result of a stroke, .arid is being cared • for at the home of her sister; Mrs. HarrY Fromotion Announced • For Missing Flier •Wordhas been reeeived from Ottawa of Pilot Officer George , promotion to -Flying • Officer. George was reported •missing "some time agoand no • further word has been received. • lutell 'Webster loins Navy :N...yingheny arid formerly of .West •WaWanosli. has joined the Royal Canadian • . as. • an• Prior to enlistment he Was a member of the Hydro staff at the Hydro station in 'Lower Wing - ham and 1;efore that conducted a machine shop. Mad p Presentation At St. •Helens , • • s. Taking advantage of a short furlough spent at his home here last week, friends gathered, af the community Hall on Wednes- day night to honor' Gnr. Dave Swan, who is stationed on Van- couver Island. A suitable' address was read by Harold Gaunt and Eldon Miller presented Dave with a lovely wrist Watch:' Home From Vancouver • • Gnr; Dave Swar visited lest • week with his parents, Mr.1 and • Mrs: George Swan of West Wa- wanosh. Dave arrivecl.home from Vancouver On Tuesday and had • to leave .again' on Thursday. He has been stationed on Vancouver Island 'for' eight mOriths ,with an artillery unit, and his durlongh was the first Occasion that he had • been off the island in that time. At GOOse Bay • One •Of the world's largest and • /host important air bases is -at • Goose Bay in Labrador, This • stepping tone to Britain has re-. ceived considerable publicity re-, • cently, including a feature article in the Crlobe and Mail, •which showed a pictiire' of Kenneth •, Matheson of Petrone, who is sta- .• tioned at noose Airport with the kenneth is a son of .Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Matheson, and Met Dr. Bowen Overseas Pte. James Burns, son of Mr:, and Mrs. Jaines Burns of Luck - now, recently had the pleasure of an overseas meeting with Dr. R. J. Bowen, formerly of LuCknow. Typical of ,Dr, BoWerl when they met, "he looked clewp. Jirnxny's throat, jut to be sure it:washim", for . the doctor had -taken out' Jim's tonsils When her was a. lad. • Represents, R. C. A. F'. , At O. 1111. At the', armual meeting" of the Ontario,1VIedic,a1 Association ,held iri Niagara Fells reCentlY; Flight Lieut, Grant .MacKenzie of Tor-. onto • was one of the speakers selected by the R.C.A.F. to pre- sent a Paper,at the scientific' session. Flight Lieut. MacKeniie' discussed-H'some-of -the --ear-and sitiuS problems encountered in Capt. Alton Married • Elsewhere in this issue appears an account of the wedding of Capt. Thomas Alton of -the ArrnY Pay, COrps, which oddly enough was solemnized in the town of AltOn in .England. The. bride, Lieut. NursingSister E. II Jack- son, is a. native of T. -Pronto. Her brother Was a classmate of Bob Andrew at law :schoOl, .and Toin ind Bela have been lifelong•bosom pals. All these facts came out as 1 the romance budded, while.Torn wasconfined- to hospital for sev- • eral months with a broken ankle. • Left On Wednesday To Rejoin Battalion • Cpl. Stewart Carneroxi left ori WeclneidaY after Spending a fur- lough at his herne here. Stewart, is a menaber of the Princess Louise' 1st Battalion of the Argyll • and .Strtherlarid Highlander's, • Until arriving in Canada,' a • couple of -weeks ago the battalion. has •been doing garrison duty in. Jamaica •since: August 1941. They are -apresent at Carrin,Niagara. Bronzed and fit, Stewart, errived. home in 'summer battle dress, and • has found the atmosphere here a bit shivery, in comparison with' temperatures -of 160 degrees and over, which are not uncommon in Jamaica. • • The Highlanders' sailed from Jamaica to New-- Orleans - and thence by train through • the States to Canada.. On theQjpurney to New Orleans the troopship carrying the 800 Canadians, nar, rowly missed being torpedoed. Word : that the Battalion was • leaving Jamaica' had preViously • been :annotinced, and the depar- ture was delayed on accoUnt of the publicity. •It is believed that •Nazi sibs had instructions to get them. • • • Stewart's hprneComing was a sad one having arrived here lust- • five days .after the death of his father,. Mr. a. J. Ca/heron. •• . t t • — - • ••-i- In Hospital .3 Months ...Gnr. Hugh Rutherford, •son, of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rutherford of St. Helens, has been in' the mil-' itary hospital at Camp Borden for the past , three months, is now in the recuperating ward. Among Hugh's, succession of merits were nieasleS, scarlet fever and an appendicitis operation. Father And Three SonaIn The Service. St.er dsoutddm rsalan:AlbfeorrtTerriii:1191 LiicknOw; Were, recent visitors in Ripley with.. Mr:" and Mrs. Mgr- doch• Matheson: Sgt: Traplin has three sons ,in the service, Lieut. , \ Art, Traplin who returned fram • overseas, to take an officers', course at Petawawa; Pte. Jack . several months. ago while on air 'raid duty. in England and Pte. Tom Traplin of Strat- ford; . • 0 6 Dungannon School to Broadcast •s,Mr, George Cowan and a group of pupils from Uniori,Solpool Sec- tiOn NO. 8, Ashfield. Tom/Shin; are arranging the program , for Friday, June' llth at '7.3'0 pan. over CKNX, Wingham, in the in- . Iterests of. War Sayings Stamps & CertifiCates. Fat and bone conservation begins at home and ends in the firing line DO YOU KNOW " Two pounds Of fat will fire a burst of 20 cannon shells from a Spitfire or 10 anti- aircraft shells. • • One pound of fat supplies • enough 'glycerine to fire 150 bullets fronlek..L'a Bren . • , • gun. • • • . _ produceLfat_and,airEraff glue— f wes_ saved fat at the rate of one ounce per person per week, this WOCild-Thean--'36,000;000' pounds- per year, ---enough - to produce 3,600,000 poundsofglycerine for explosives 1, LoChalsh. HI mother was for- neriy of Crewe. • If t • • , • • 1 • OUR IGHTERS ' DEPEND ON YOU "Every householder. who delivers to a retail butcher, collector,. or Salvage Committee, any rendered or unrendered, fats or bones shall be'entitled,ta receive from the person to whom they are delivered 4 cents ,per pound net weight for rendered fats, and..1 cent per pound for unrendered fats!! The above paragraph is a direct quotation from 9rder, A-642 of The Wartime Prices and Trade Board. • • • , PRendered fat" means fat melted down and strained to remove solid matter. It includes drippings and strained pan grease resulting from the cooking of meat. • • •"Unrendered fat" means raw or partially cooked fat free. from lean rnearand bone, but not fully rendered. "Bones" means *raw or cooked bones of 'cattle, sheep and hOgs.• • EVERY , OUNCE ICOUNTS! • SAVE AND STRAIN EVERY DROP TO SPEED VICTORY., SELL IT TO YOUR BUTCHER OR GIVE IT TO YOUR SALVAGE COMMITTEE. •NOTICE TO B.UTCHERS, HOTELS, ETC. YOU hOVe been mailed © of Ordpr A-642. This Order affects operators of hotels, restaurants and Lather establishments.where.meals are served . It is of immediate importance to butchers .and slaugh- terers. If your copy has been. Jost, you can obtain another from the nearest office of The Wartime Prices and Trade' Board. • _.11111W RTIME PRICES AND DE"(10ARD • t.A .r 44stowel Boy COnunanded Cracks Boston Squadron Wing Crndr. Jim Thompson; D.F.C., of Listowel 'iS! 'command- ing a crack Boston RAF. squad- ron in North Africa. Jim left Lis— towel in 1938 tP' play hockey England. There -he joined the R.' A. -F.. in193pl'nedto' take a trip back toCanada be-. j • fore war was declared, butsHitlz spoiled ,his Plans, Jirn .hes been flying Blenheirns mostly and has made' More than '80 trips: He is -married* to an 'English, girl. i; • GETS' SIX MONTHS. ON . .Bgiur THEFT 'CHARGE n Pleading guilty to the theft. of a 'threshing machine belt valued at-$200;11-Oy Watt was sentenced' to six months determinate, and three months indeterminate by Magistrate J. A. Makins in God- • eriCh last week. •• . •His. partner, JarrieS • Houston, was -given 20 . days in jail and a charge against Huston's father --- of retaining stolen property, was The thraliing 'endleST- belt, owned b -y Marshall Gibson' of Ashfield had been cut when. it was stolen, and Crown Attorn- ey, Holmes, in prosecuting the 'case, pointed out that the 'belt could not 'be replaced, and even if could be repaired-, would never be as serviceable. • YE ED CASHES dATE The -editor stood at the pearly. gate, His face was worn • and, old, He Meekly asked of the man, cf • late • , •: Admission to the fold. •' "What have,you done", St. Peter asked. ' "To. seek adniission here?" "Oh I ran a country printing • plant .:On _earth .for 'Many a year:" • The gate, swung 6pen sharply • •As Peter touched the' befl, •"Corrie in," ,he said: "and take a • harp—.•• 'You've had enough 'of—trotible". • • . Young man:' I think tw,6 can • live as eheaply as one. • Future father -in -la*: You can't edge, into my family ont1iat theory, ,young man., I'm willing -to keep supporting my daughter, :but you'll have to pay board. Dear Health Editor: Every-tfmc • I have a cup pf tea I get stabbing pain in my right eye. What'shall- I do? „ • • Answer74ra po the Cup., , • • i ,k4