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THURSDAY, JUNE 10th; 1943
111 _ a
Bruce County Federation of Agriculture
' ATTEND THE 'Federation Meeting in your school Section
' `Monday. evening, .Ante. 14th.
LISTEN TO the special broadcast over CKNX Wingham at
DISCUSS the new 'plan : for, Federation,_ Membership
your i e ghbotirs. • °
ASK YOUR School Section Representative
Nelson Ribey
about place: of
At last .we've discovered the Wife: You've been drinking.
reason for the reason of the yel- Hubby: I have not.
light in . traffic. signals—._ii ._ . Wife:_ Then what are you doing
gives the Scotchrnan a. chance to with that sign on your hat: "This
start' his motor: • Side Up With Care".
Only thirty men who came
within the. Compulsory Employ -
meet Order _r:eeently, issued by
National Selective Service have
registered within the Walkerton,
-district 'we are informed by Mr.
A. J. 'Schnurr,: manager.
Some' of these have been dir.•
ected to farm labor., others have.
been placed in otherr essential
eraiployMent and .a few have been
granted temporary° ..permits at
their present ° employment. The
men have shown a° willingness to.
cotnply,'with'the regulations and
have been in most cases . quite.
tisfied pp accept such employ-
ment as • they felt would further
the war effort.
Those who have not as yet reg-
stere -d ' who .came. within. Order..
No. 1° 2 should do. so at once
Mr. Schnurr advises, and . when
applying for registration should,
provide all? necessary documents
in: respect. to their ` Medical Re-
jection'.or Discharge.
',Charlie tells us that home is
one place where he can put his
foot down -it there is no mud on
$1O,50Q For British War Relief
.Map e Lea Beth Ahbekerk, the
Heifer calf donated, by the Bruce
County Holstein Breeders' Club'
t$' the •War Effort Auction held
May 26th at Brampton, ,brought
$15,0 on the bid of Priehs: Bros.,
St. Clair, Mich. • S'he was -selected
by a local ' oon rnittee from ,the
herd .of Lorne B. ° Reid, Ripley.,
From the proceeds of two sales
and cash ' donations, the Holstein
•Breeders contributed • a' total of
$10,500 for British. War Relief.
Let'. a ' Classified Ad ` be your
salesman—inexpensive yet a ?-
Getter. . ••
"I"know that soldier is the -man
for me, mother. Every time he
takes me in' his arms I can hear
his heart pounding".
"Better ,be - careful, daughter!:
Your pa' fooled me' that way for
almost •a year with a. dollar
Summer Training at Petawawa
All Reserve Army artillery
units in Military , District No. 1
will go to Petawawa for their 15 -
day period of summer. training.
This includes the .� 99th 'Battery
of Wingham:
I le SINGLE and ;your: -net income :exceeded. $66000,
• • air MARRIED and your net income exceeded $120000
For incomes not over $3000 .get . two (2) copies. of 'simplified Form T. 1 Special.
• . For incomes over $3000 get three (3) copies of Form T. 1 General.
Income- Tax --dollars --are .-not--ordinary- dollars :: they ; arel-Victory --dollars=--
...:necessaiy dollars to,help win the .war. Income Tax . is fair to all. All
are taxed in. proportion to their ability to pay:
Under the new system introduced this
year.;: Income Taxa is now ona pay -as -
you -earn basis. The red.uction of the
1942 Tax, made -this possible. . •
in most cases the "larger part of the
reduced tax will have been paid by the
1942 tax deducdins or instalment pay-
ments. ,One-third of any balance- must
bepaid by 30th, June and the remainder
on or 'before 31st December, 19.43'.
You must ,file an Income Tax re; rn
and pay any' balance to establish your
right, after the war, to� the refund
of the Savings' Portion of , your tax.
You must attach to your return on Form T. 1 Special or Form T. 1 General either
a statement of your gross income and expenses, or completed Farmers T. 1 Supple-
mental. The T. 1 Supplemental itemizes- all forms of farm receipts and. expenses, and
is a guide for- determining your actual net income. Forms -:nay
be seer from your-'local•.Post. Office or District Inspector of
Income Tax. • , ,
To help .yoit fill out . 'your Incope Tax forms a bdoklet
("Farmers' Income Tax Guide, 1942') has been. prepared to
cover the special conditions which apply to .farm• operations.
It can be obtained'free"on'request from your District Inspector.
if y'w don't know his address, just mail -your letter to.' "District
Ihispector of Dominion income Tax." / /.y��/
Malo" .y&at t tutn9 el/ W/ '~diel. f �a altia9/
If you area salary or a wage'earner,
your. employer can probably supply .you
with Income Tax . Forms -otherwise,
they are available . at your local Post
Office or the ..office of your District j
Inspector of ° Income . Tax.,
Over 2,000, ' Canadians will .be
,f�-lir�g returns: nd paying taxes .
avoid the ' last, ; . inute • rush. If you
wait; illness: or other unforeseen
.circumstances' may prevent you from,
r. •getting * your r• turn in' on
Avoid penalties by sending in :your
• return NOW!
FA'R M E R.5 ; .
Minister d National iterenua Gmmissisnor ef'lncome Tei
Tlie funeralservice for the.late
Miss Elizabeth Wellwood, of New
York was conducted by Rev W.
4,1 Beecroft at the home of her
brother -in -lav, Mr. Frank Howes
son of Winghain : on Monday May
31st. Burial took, place in Wing -
ham ,cemetery..,, -
Miss Wellwood•passed on a't the.
home of her .brother-in-law, J. H.
Tiggert, Hamilton, on Saturday;
May 29th. She, had been visiting
there. for the' past inonth: i'or
Over,'a , year .Miss . Wellwood had
not been.' teaching. due to poor,
health, but• her passing was very
sudden and unexpected. She was
in her
67th year.
Born in West Wawanosh, the
daughter of the late Mr: and Mrs.
William Wellwood, she •received
ergeducation _at Fordyce, school,
Windham Continuation school Si . ' ,
Orillia Collegiate Institute. 'Prior
to' going to New York she taught
at Lockhart's school, East Wawa
'nosh, Auburn; Fordyce. She con= -,
tinued in4e teaching profession
in New..York and . While . there at-'
tended Columbia University spec=
ializinein practical English., A '
member of . Dr. Parks Cadmans
Congregational church, New York
:City, she took an active .part in
the church work especially, the
Sunday Schoel being the .head 'of .:.
one • deportment. • '
, Surviving : are three sisters and
a brother, Mrs. R. J. MacKenzie,
Boissevain, Man.; Mrs: J. II. Tig-
ert, Hamilton; Miss Caroline
Wellwood, at. present , enroute
home from the .Mission Fields of :'.T
China, -where -she' has - labored .for •
35 years; ' and Bert of Wingham.
Three sisters and two 'brothers
predeceased . her, j Mrs. Frank R.
Howson of . Winghar.'n; : Mrs. Ar -
thin. Kent" of Vancouver; Mrs.
George Webb of St. , Helens;_,Rob-
ert Wellwood of Winnipeg and
Capt. John A.' Wellwood of'Ed-
Mrs. Thomas Abell ' passed.°. a-
w:ay at her. home - at. Listowel on
Thursday following a 'lingering
illness. She was 70 years of age.
Formerly Silena McKeeman, .she , -
was born near Glamis, on- Sep-
_lrember.-.29,.1.672, :fhe daughter sof__'
the late Mr.:. and Mrs. John Mc-
Keeman. On .June 10, 1897, at.
'Glamis, -she 'was united in mar-
riage to Thdmas Abell and they
farmed; for -two years in. Green-
ock Township, later moving to
Cargill. In 1916 they ,,moved to‘
Wingham, and from . there. to
Lucknow and Goderich, going to
Listowel about eight years, ago:.
Mrs. Abell was a. member of the
Anglicapi- Church.
` • In addition to her husband, she
is survived by one son, 4MS. Bert
Abell, Halifaxi one daughter, Mrs.
H. J. Jobb,. ' Listowel, and one
The funeral took place farm
the residence Saturday afternoon
at •1.30. Rev. Herbert Naylor, as-
sisted by Rev. W. 'E. Kelley, of-
ficiated and interment .was in
Douglas Hill Cemetery,' Brant
Township. • '
Mr. Edwin Gaunt; who has
keen ill . for sorrre months "post,'
passed' • away .. at his home in.
Whitechurch on Monday ° o�P., last . i
week. He was twice married. First
to Adah Garbutt, who .predeceas-,.
`ed him over twenty years ago..
To them were born 'se'ten child-
ren, four daughters, ,Lillian,-. Mrs.
G=eorge McClenaghan, :Edith, Mrs.
Seely of 'Quill Lake, Sask.; Ger-'-
trade, Mrs. Wilbur Nicholson `ot
Auburn and four sons, Beth of
Auburn; Edgar of . East Wawa -
nosh; Blake of. Kinloss and Joe
passed away about fen years ago.. `
Then . he married Mrs. ,Wilson, ''
who survives. One brother,y Tot
Gaunt of Kinloss also ' sut!vive's.
The funeral service was' held .
late "residence;"'
noonrf orn his