HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-06-10, Page 5•
THURSDAY, JUNE 101,14 1943
T1yo Show i Saturday' . Night
• Thursday Frid*y,- Saturday
lune 10, 11, 12
Two Yanks in
p.." Trinidad"
An' action picture.
Also, "Short; Shbjeots"
lb onclay;TTuesday;..We f''esday_
June 14, 15, 16
keeper of .the. Flame'
An unusual' drama.
Also "Cartoon"
• Mrs, 'George .McClenaghan ' and
Miss .Mildred McCienaghar spent
the_• week,end at London
Mr. • anal .Mrs:. W.. #1 Farrier
• United Chuteh-anniversar3r ser
•adencd : here, and' get.. possession.
soon. We 'welcome them to our
• village • but, we are sorry to lose,
Mr.. Jacques.
•:"United Church •: anniversary sre-
vices will be..held . on Sunday
morning and ,evening when Rev."
, Mr. Dunlop `o.f • Brick church will
preach. . •
1VIr. Eli .Jacques, Mr: and Mrs.
George Jacques, and two sons of
. Preston spent the weekend• here.
' BORN .•
WILSON—In Wingham. Hospital
.on June • 3'rd to 'Mr. . and Mrs.
•-• •James•,Wilson, a•son. Congratul:a-.
tions.• • . -
• Quite a number from..here•at-,
- Mended Calvin Presbyterian an=.
___.,'.niversary.. oti 'Sunday. -Special-
.music as rendered 'by. the cho'ir,••
assisted. -by. members of White-
church and Belgrave; �^
Mr.• and Mrs. John Craig and
Mr. and Mrs. Da.wson.Craig vis-
ited • Sunday with the- latter's
father, Mr. Adam. Robertson Of.
East Wawanosh. • • •
Miss "Merle, . WilsQn'R..N,_ _ of
Wingham is visiting here .thy
week..withher brother,. Limes_
Wilson. .
Mr. and Mrs; ' Frek Clark of
•Lucknow, and her aunt and uncle
f. Mr. and Mrs..°Graham of Mount
Forest, 'celebrated the former's
wedding anniversary. at the, home
of Mrs. (Clark's father, Mr:' R. Y.
Carrick. • - .
Mr: and Mars. Frank 'Coulter
have 'rented the late Mrs, • Archie
Crow residence and will move
here soon.
` Mr.. and • Mrs. Toynbee Lamb
of Goderich attended the funeral
last week of Mr. Ed Gaunt.
Mrs. Harry 'Tichborrie tsf 90d -
& Mb h. visited Wednesday •Of last
• week with her 'mother, Mrs. Da'
vid Kennedy.
Prayer for Rei'ival
The prayer. meeting for revival
will beheld as: usual. this Friday
evening at 8 o'clock.. Bible study
• at 8.30 p.rn. All are invited. If
a revival is to come to our band
• . it must begin with the Ohristians.
Our; prayer must be "S rch me •
0 God and know my heart; try
' me, and' know my thoughts; and
see it there be any wicked way
- --=- MAY
The question o whether or not
,Brant Township is ,entitled to a'
deputy -reeve, is up for discussion
this week before Bruce 'County !.
Council, In order .to, have a de-
ptity-reeve 'a township , must have
1000 qualified ;electors. A. coin.
mittee, appointed ,at the January
„session, finds thaw"Bran 'falls a-
bot • fifty votes . short of the re-
'quired number, • :and . urdess the.
'Township can prove -their., righ4.
to a deputy-reeve,that office will
cease: to exiSt at the' endof the'
A RAID.. .by . police on a Bervie
•dance hall resultehin charges of
creating a disturbance being laid
against three, nnen.' . Four minors,
tswo of the t,;girds,._ were -charged
with illegal consumption and a
fifth was charged With contribu-'
' tang to juvenile delinquency. The.
charges' were. slated to. 'be heard
THIEVES, operating in Palmer -I
stun, first ,stole two trucks, be-
fore ,breaking into _the br-eavers !
warehouse 'aritrl 'afeed store to.
steal the' .safes: Georgetown, :Clif-
ford, Durham, Arthur and. Acton
have, also been the scenes .of re-
cent burglaries. .
geese s . „ €;HUNCH' APP -OLIN TS woror -"
• Anniversary services Will b
held at this .church 'on Sunday
next when Rev. Stewart of Luck-
now will be guest speaker. Spec-
ial music will be provided.
Mir and Mrs. -John Reed of
Auburn were guests of: Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Reed on Siuriday,
Mr. and- Mrs. John• McKiinnon
and family •o€ Tiverton were Vis-
itors on Simday, , with Mr.: • and
Mrs. O. Hunter. , .
Mr:' Fred ?Ritchie of Ripley ,Ns
a , visitor here on Sundaylast.'
Mr., and Mrs. •George ]i teg•,.
Mr. and Mrs.:Lloyc'.• Hillier `wis-'
ited on Sunday with I. ' •and
Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw at Fingal,
Mr. and Mrs.. Richard .Gardner,
Mr. . and ,Mrs.. Henry...Gardner
spent Friday afternoon in Ged-
and 1v1� s. Ralph Nikon, • Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley . Ritchie and -'Al-
lan were recent. visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. McKay 'Of Paisley.• .
Mr, 'and Mrs. Richard Gardner
Were. visitors on Sunday • • with
Mrs..'Jennie Fitzgerald, Dungan.
• Mr.x�ec d Mrs. Frank Ritchie
ent visita'rs•:with Mr. ani•
Mrs. Bill `Ross ,of Lochalsh: .•
ONE OF the blood donors at the
Walkerton clinic last week .was
Mrs. W:, 'F. °Baillie of Cargill. '
Three young women students:
of :the United Church ' Training
School, 214' St. George St;, Tor-
onto, have been Sent out by the
Home 'Mission Board of the Un-
lied Church. tib Student Mission
Fields. hi Saskatchew.axi. . Tl , y
.will assume all. the duties, expect-
ed .of :frill -time ordained mini-
sters, and will ser ye cornmunit-
ies""that otherwise weuld'be with;
out. religions supervision. They'
'will. preach: do:• pastiaral', work.
Vacation ••Schools, 'Sunday
Schools and camps.' Their 'train-
ing has fitted. there .forthis work
A GROUNDHOG attacked Do:
•.een" the little' daughter-of-
aughter,-of-and Mrs'. 'W..:-..Weiss.-Af-..G•r-eenoek-:-
Her father Was Working nearby
the• bush, where the little girl
'as gathering flowers. Attracted
by her , screams, he. discovered
groundhog with its front .feet
around the girrs leg and viciously
attempting to bite: her.,
A CLOTHING' FIRM ill •Harriil cin
recently paid a $1000 fine' after''
their representative' • pleaded
guilty on two charges of selling
suits -of clothes with two pairs of
trousers. •'
the A.
. to be I eId .. , 0.
The Arena, Lucknow
ridgy, July 9t1
from hoenemade bakingto, lit'estoc
Make known your donations NOW to:'
Open Wednesday and .:Saturday . until 10 o'clock
Arrangements will be made to • pick up Village donations only
Entire proceeds for the
to RIaFui
J. R. McNab,
T. W. Snaith, Rev. C. H. MacDonald
G. H. Smith
Rummage Now for .this Rummage Sale
Does the Trick!
Bray Chicks- are real tinny-
nata�kers. I can prove it
your order here, 100% livice
liver' guaranteed. .
• BARN -At the Stratford den -
era' Hospital on Wednesday, June
2nd to Mr, 'end Mrs. Neely • Todd,
-a on .t -D vid ._Hogarth):;
Pilot Officer • and.. Mrs. T. F..
Wilson who • have been 'at Por-'
take La Prairie, Man., -.are .visi-
tors with • Mr...and Mrs. •W. •
Miller ' • and' . with.. datives . at
. The June. Meeting.' of. „the WQ.
men's Institute was held' in the
corn/enmity 'Hall With . the vice
pre idem; 1VI'rs. Ha •o7;d- Gaunt in •
the chair. The . : roll call was ire-..
sponded to by' :"How Fstretch iiiy
sugar .ration". Mrs. Gordon read
a > oein "Housewives" 'and .:Mrs. .
Wald read one "Out Fishing",
The report of the district annual
held. et Clinton •was. read by
Thoth. It was decided .to sell tic-
kets .on a War Savings. Certifi-
crate. It was agreed 'to continue
having lunch at t'he meetings. l
With. each one bringing some..
Mrs. Alex liritoul and Mr; Ger.,
'don ,,Rintoul `spent ,Sunday "witit
Mrs. Gillies and Jack. •
Mr. and Mrs. John MacMillan
and "family spent t.he.: afternoon
at..the home: of • Mls. Morrison.
of. Turnberry.
Mr. and •Mrs. Geo:rge Fisher _and•,
family visited at the twine 'of '
Mrs:• John Carruthers.
•'Mi.,and• Mrs.' Gcorge.;RennedY,
and boys,•ct;llcd on ,Mr. and .Mrs.
Lorne Durnin :on Sund;a•, -
A1r.. and :Mrs. Clifford Hiackett,"',"�
and two. sons and.Mrs. Alex Fla&
kett visited.. at the :home of Mr.
Mrs, ,vices , Forster and .Miss'•
Jean Foister 'motored to' Guelph
flit•"The' ti ick:Viicl`• They Were ac -
comp inied home by. Mrs,. For-
ste. s : tlaotilte?t•, Mrs. Morton'of'
Saleable `:.Article Is
Miss Jea•
n •Fc rfstet' has been, re-
engaged at her. schOol in Turn -
berry Township. . .
'Visit.ors at the home 'Of • Mrs.
.Hudsoon .Sunday ' Were • Mrs.
Harry ' Bennett• and ` Miss Mary
Bennett of Listowel. „Mrs. Reuben
She.wfe1t of T.iver titin aanad. •.Mr...and
Mrs. •Roy Hudson and family .of
Wingham. , °
Miss Punier Pturc's is on the
sick list at her home this :reek.'•
Mr. and Mrs., Tom Magoffin
and 'family are moving to • Mr.
Jim Dow's. house this week..
(Intended ;for, last week)
• 'Mr. Robert Laidlaw who has
Spent ,the past •yetiar at Galt is at
home for the: present.. `
..Mr. and Mrs. 'Albin Griffin and
Teddy of Detroit visited over the
weer end ;cit Pat' MacMillau's....
'' Mr. ,and 'Mrs. John Griffin and
Larry and Mr. Scott Patterson, alt
of Detrdit visited at the home of
Mr. John MacM•illan,., '
' Mr.. and • Mrs. Pharis Mathers
and Caroline attended ,the anni-
versary 'services at 1`•iackett's 'Un-
ited chnr•ch. 'Mrs. Alex ` Hackett:
accompanied them home and ,vis-
:ited with' her daughter for 'a
Couple 'of days. •-.
Mr. and Mrs..Rhys Pollock jrtnd
Richard ,spent ,Sunday afternoon
at Mr, George Fisher's.
Mr.: and Mrs, Chairles Cook of
Lucknow attended the anniver-
sary servkt's at Whitechurch .and
spent the day with Mrs.: Gillies.
4•Mr. John Patterson Was Mar-
tend our h1.ar'•tiest congratulation*.
to the bride and groom.