HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-06-10, Page 4• II PAGE FOUR THE 4E LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW;. ONTARIO • 0, . ,0 • OD Leaches . Them ° SOON _ 1 •I HELP TO RELIEVE THEIR SUFFERING BY ;poiiTRI BUYING NOW TO to.•G,reek� �1N�ar I�eli�gE�Fund: SPONSORED LOCALLY BY THE LUCKNOW rILi AGVCOUNCIL onations: may be left at... 1.r e = unic at Office :Luckno Dominion Objective is, Half A . Million Dollars .. ' CAMPAIGN DATES JUNE 7th to JUNE 26th PARAMOUNT;: It will be • the Grandmothers' meeting of• the 'Won en's Institute on June 16th,, The. roll .call will be . answered by "Some incident ...that happened on, my wedding •day".,A cordial invitation is ex- tended' to all the ladies and espec- ially . to the grandmothers; of the. �communit-y: f _ .. Mr_. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles, •=:Mr.. and Mrs: Eldon Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cook • attended the nurses' graduation at, Owen Sound. • Sgt: Lloyd Hen_d_e.son_zf._l`Le�yY. foundland, and' his bride are spending a few days with his par.-. ...ents: before...keturning,_,to:_.his..new.. station . in New Brunswick. Friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. (Kempton on Wednesday evening when they celeirated their 20th' wedding' anniversary. FOURTH CON. Mr.. Ed Little. who has:been. a,' patient in the Winghani Hos pital ' for .two months was able to return to his' home.. Mrs. 'Peter McKinnon and .Miss Helen Maclintyre• of Flint, 'Mich:, are. spending a two , weeks' vaca-. • tion with friends here. . and- -Mrs.- Peter 'Moffat spent Sunday,at Mr:. 'D. L. Mac- :innon's. Mr. John Hodgkinson who has. been illi in Lucknow has recov- ered sufficiently to be at his home. ` Shirley Moffat . has been' 'ab- •sent:from school with the mumps. Mx° ;Rennie._Graharn of Gump Borden spent thea week -end at his home. Let a Classified Ad be.. your salesi?�}an—inexpensive yet 'a Go - Getter. ' , , • EETIYEDIFFFIPEN►CIP1/R/NA 4 Start 'EmRight! Your .Baby Chicks: And Poults Will Thrive On PURINA ' CHICK STARTENA PURINA :TURKEY' STARTENA. Take, Out "CHICK INSURANCE" Drop one CHEK-R-TAB iii each quart drinking water as a safeguard against spreading disease germs, fungus growths and intestinal troubles .in baby chicks. ' FOR .HOGS Add 1 Bag' Hog Chow to each 5 bags ' Chop • _ Produce 4 Hogs per ton of Chop' instead of jusr2. Ask for plan of self feeder. For reliable farmers, ' we' will supply you with Hog Chow at today's Cash Price, pay when the Hogs go to rarltet—no carrying charge. Lorne MacLennan, 'Phone 77-w • 1.1 OBITUARY - wd 'JAMES M. BLUE=' • • The community was , ,deeply. saddened in. the loss of ' James M. Blue who passed .away . May 24 at the home of his ' ion, john;.. Con. 2 Huron township. • He, was . the . eldest son of the. late Mr. and Mrs. 'Donald Blue,• and was born on October 1, 1862. In . early: manhood. he married Mary MacLellan on December •29, 1685• and together : they ' took up farming on the boundary.. of .Huy. on 'and Ashfield townships. -i A man of sterling .quality he became widely known through his little deeds okindness, be- ing ever -ready to lend a hand to those in need. For many years he was receiver of wreckage for the Dominion government along Lake Huron. Mr Blue •hadbpenin failing_ health for some yeara and the death of Mrs: Blue on May 12th came as a severe shock to him. ,Left to mourn his loss•. is a fam- ily Of four sons,' John en ,the early homestead,, Donald on the bound- ary, William and, George in De :troit; three daughters, ' • Flossie, Mrs.' Sam Geddes; • Annie, Mrs. -Gran£ itacD armid; Ca�therine, Mrs 'Lloyd Irwin and Bessie, Mrs. Elyzner Reavie who predeceased. him five years ago. One sister; Mrs. John Wilkie. and 12 grand- children • survive: The Rev. ' J. • C. Nicholson , of Pine River assisted by the Itev. Eugene Beech. of Ripley :conduct- ed the funeral "service on Wednes- day afternoon from the .:home' of John: Blue: The funeral was large- ly attended 'showing the esteem in which Mr. Blue. 'vas 'held. In- ter -merit' was made' in Ripley cem- 'ry. He'. was }borne to his last resting place by `six .brother Mas- ons, .Thos.'•' Harris, .Gideon Rut�tle, Frank MacLennan, N. 'G: Mdiac- Kenzie, Robert Wilson, Robert Campbell. Old Light' Lodge A.F. & 4.M. •184, . Lucknow, conducted the, graveside service, for their oldest member; Mr. ''BIue . being a Mason: for fifty-five y_ears:. JAMES JOHN BOWLER . 'The death bf JamesBow- ler in 'Queen AlexaIidra Hospital, London, on..May..24th,_.in;-his-..68th year has taken from the commun- ty a man possessed of great guar - ties of. mind and heart. Mr., Bow- ler. -was- the. youngestt: af; •a -fam- ily of eight born to the late Mr. and Mrs. John •. Bowler, ; early pioneers of Ashfield, holding firm to'a simple faith] and intense de- votion ' to their ' Irish ancestors: He had farmed` successfully on the old •hC neatead on the. 10th concession all his life. Of • late years - .he did. not enjoy. good health and• just a few days prev- rous to his passing -Ire werit to. the' London hospital, hoping to regain h strength. He . lived a life of quiet, industry and was •held' in he highest respect by his neigh- bors. He had a great love for.good iterature and,poetry and was en- dowed with a retentive -memory. He, was adept, in drawing ' and s a pastime • made many sk ' hes f •our public men. Only one is- er, Mary, with, whom he lived, urvives. He was predeceased by hree brothers, Michael, Tom ' and ohn ,and three 'sisters, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Hackett ' and Mrs. tandish. The.. funeral was held n Thursday, when a very' large umber of, friends andrelatives athered to pay their last'respeets Ci .the ' departed one. Requiem mass was sung by, Rev: J. , R. uigley and burial As:0k place in t.. Joseph's Cemetery, I(ings- ridge. Friends from . a distance resent were Mrs. Wiesen, .Flint, Mich.; John Bowler and Mrs. ohnston, Tom and Frank O'Con- nor, Detroit; Mrs. Winnie Elliott an"d John Hackett; Port Colborne; rs. ' Nate • O'Leary, Seafort rs.. Gordon McHardy and Mr. i i his It 1 a 0 s t s ,,o n g S J .M THURSDAY, JUNE 10i.fit e :. i s! M,{NM 4M1•N.N;,..117.•*",_ . •'..•w LOST. --AA ' gas ration No; 42 N 8, Finder' please leave; at Sentinel Office. ' FOR ° SALE�-=8 Hybrid hens, year old, laying. Apply at Sentinel Of- fice., _ • • 'FOR ' SALE' -- •• well construed ,barn, 38 x 72',"and frame` dwelling house;: god lumber.' Apply "to 'George. Icing, R..2 Teeswater,' 'Phone 606-r-3, . Wingharn. NEW MACHINERY : & 'REPAIRS --Repairs' for' hay, machinery in stock; also one new Cockshutt Mower and one new cylinder 'ba`r `Hay Loader t it aaxe.Thom zs Bayes, Lueknow. TEACHER WANTED for S.S. No. 3 'IKintail, duties to cothrnence. Sept. 1st. Apply stating qualifies, tions to Frank Moran, R. R. 7,, Lucknow..' , TEACHER WANTED for U. S. S. No. ,14; : Paramount,. duties to com- mence September lst. Apply 'stating qualifications to R. G. amilton, secretary -treasurer, R. ,3 : Lucknow. • • TEACHER WANTED„ protestant; for S.S. No. 11, Huron Township. Duties, •to commence ' September 1st 1943. Apply stating qualifica- tions to James Mc-Tairish, R.R:':1, Ripley, Phone 2-r-29.. AUCTION- SALE -of : household furnitur,.e. in- .....Whitechurch. • on Tuesday, June 15th at 1.30 o'clock. All good fuifniture and', no re- serve as the proprietor has sold the .home. Matt 'Gaynor, •Auc.;' Eli. Jacques,, Prop:. NOTICE .. NOTICE RE ,WOOD Owing. to the fact that we have so many ;orders for slabs on file we will be unable to accept any amore..• orders in the 'meantime. Later we will advise .when we are prepared to accept further .orders for slabs. ,The 'Lucknow. Sawmill Co. ' The... Annual Meeting of the s, South nioss '-Cemetery Co 'por- ation will be held at South kin - logs Church on Wednesday, June 16th at.. 2 p.m: sharp. • ' Douglas Graham, Treas. • Donald. McLean, Sec NOTICE` HYDRO now installed for, chop - pet. Western oats, Western' bar- ley, , Westerh_wheat_ _at�rt__mixed- feeds on 'hand. Treleaven's Flour Miall. • CARD OF .THANKS ::.Ronald Cranston .of Petawawa wishes to sincerely ,thank • the Lucknow' - Red Cross .Society for the lovely gift of knitted .good, he received and . prizes most highly.' , 'NOTICE Anyone who had shoes repaired' .at Orr's Shop, must oail, for'same at the 'residence of Mrs. M. C,. Orr not' later"than. Wednesday, ' • June 30th: l.. SEED CORN HYBRID VARIETIES, matur- ing for ensilage in from 90 , to 100 days --No. Q06, 625 and Vant s . Su;Cepstakes:•. 'DENT VARIETIES:.:_. BAILEY, (GOLDEN GLOW & WHITE CAP YELLOW DENT SORGHUM .and' ' SVDAN . GRASS. . FOR SALE 'AT Aflirew' Highest ASH:: PASCE$,.. SCRAP METALS. POULTRY. - and. WOOL Licensed Wool: Dealers BROWN BROS. 'Phone 181 ' • Kincardine. I:. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST I LUCKNOW FIRST .WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH AFTER JUNE . •1st • 10 a.m. to 6 .o'clock AT WM. SCHMID'.S': STORE P. tuart•MacKenz'ie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton, ,Ontario. IN- .LUCKNOW Each Wednesday Afternoon & Evening At Q. H. SMITH'$ ,OFFICE LANGSIDE, The W.M.S. met on 'Wednesday afternoon at the' home of Mrs. WM.. ,Brown. ..,Mr. and •Mrs. Russel Ritchid of gth Concession Huron spent Sun- day with 'Mrs. ' R. Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacCalluri of , Lucknow• spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scott. The Red Cross quilting to have been held "t , the home of Mrs. Caskinefte on Tuesday, Was postponed until a later date. . _.M,r. jt. Caskinette of Preston spent the week-e!nd: at his home here. ' •' :• , • • Recent .visitors With Mr. and Mrs. J., B. Morriso rsy eanor, Mrs. Jaynes Morrison Jr. and Mr. Hawke all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George.Harkness spent Sunday with friends 'in Teeswater. • A number from here attended Calvin ' anniversary services on Sunday. • On June 13th anniversary ser- vices will be held in 'the United church., Whitechurch and On June 20th at •Langside Presbyterian church, This cornrnunity extends their 'sympathy to Mr. Blake Gaunt in, his recent bereavement; the loss. of his father, Mr. 'Edward Gaunt of Whitechurch: . MT. and•Mrs, Wm. 'Dawson, 2nd anon' and Et- Mts. Wesiley Tiffin. 01,