HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-06-10, Page 117. t• OPEN GREEK WAR RELIEF FUND - WIFE' LEAVE LUCKNO campaigh is being sponsoted by the Lucknow. Village Council, in• aid. of, the Greek War' Relief .Fund. Donations may be left at the Lueknow Office, and will be acknowledged An The' Sentinel during the cam-' The dates 'of the carInPaikn a- crOSS Canada have been officially • set from June 7 to ,june 26,, with *a. Dominion objeCtive ;A half, -e, million dollars, ,.. adults in Greece, have, died of starvation°. Literally every Greek • child is doomed to starvationlm- less a flow Of foodstuffs, medi- cal end other supplies continues w haVe made their home :here for tWo years, • left the Village the firit of the. week and' will take up residence „in United . States, probably in West Virginnia. Mr. Hooper, .fprmer Padre 'at Port' Albtri Air Navigation school has.received hia release from the emetics and will, devote his time nature. matics study book last August, which is pertiCularly. ,popular the Air Force* and has become a "best seller" edition. • A New York • publishing 'firth anxious to have .hirn, - revise., nd publish in several volumes, mathematics book he prevlously ublished -in Britain:. - Natives of the Old aoinitry, hek plan to remain in America r have made meny friends here their twq year residency. rs. Hooper...Was "" quite 'active in Cross work. She became' ite attached to Lucknow, found people here most friendly, d was most reluctant to leave JUNE 10th, 1943 LEFT LUCKNOW FORT' REARS Ago A ,caller in -town on Monday was " Dr. S. :Grah'ani. Eliot of Va# coiuver, and a son of the late Mr. and" Mrs...John :.Elliot, former residents of " Luclknow. His,father •was eng ed. in. the grocer .usi•, ,mess here,' in •'the buil g now occupied- by J. L. Mc" Ilan, Mr. and Mrs. Elli t left Luck - now" for Western Cada in, June of 1903,' when their; `son Graham was a young lad. - His, return on Monday to Lueknowwas-.:_.forty years later, almost to the day, arid was the only occasion -he has, returned here except for "a few "minutes" he spent •in the Village back in 1918. Dr. Elliot: is an 'eye,. .ear, nose and 'throat specialist in Vancou- ver: He was enroute to New - York, and- plans -to do --sortie post: graduate work in the States be_ LOSE THIRD H. S. TEACHER The resignation the ierid of the week ef Norman S. Calvert, raises to - three the number of resigna- been .definitely filled. kiss jean, OSborne, who has been on 'the Paisley Continuation School staff, has been engaged locallY; Miss year's ago. Mr. Calvert, who has been pn tive position 'at Paris. to reach Greece from countries. " Purchase—of `these supplies _ is p •-made by -the -Canadian R Cross 'and distribution in' -Greece is ar- j ranged : by a joint cornmissionic after r, composed ' of ': representatives of e the Swiss, Swedish and Greek, du ring 11 Red Cross Societies in collebor- ' M ation with the International 'Red Red ..Cross, under, whose ,protection... qu these", supplies travel. to Greece. th, - v Through. the Greek War Relief an Fund in Canada' and United th States,' eight freighters` have been chartered and are sailing.: -regular- ly to Greece with food 'parcels, ' cod liver • oil, mnedical" supplies and clothing It takes,. .'money to fill these boats with'thethings the Greeks, so desperately need. Make, your contribution . today so that the' work •of aiding these valiant peo Ple i may go on. ; This : suffering nation, Which. gallantly ;opposed the Axis, • in an effort a to protect the .country's freedom, is now paying a terrible price.' In ruthless. fury, the Nazis have • stripped their "land of its, food. and supplies, leaving the 'Greeks' to, starve. And starve they swill,'' without aid from - abroad; whieh we•- ii -Canada -ean so fort- ' unately • provide. • 004,MERLY IN. BANK HERE Ira Tiernan, , forther member. -Of.. the bank of Coin"- Toronto on Sunday.:In fort:- .health for, same ,time. He ,1.6 Stir- viVed by his wife and. tw:o Children, Dennis -end Elizabeth:. Bill served- With the. Bank here same fifteen Years ago, -when ft Block, noW occuPied by the Bank 'of Commerce for 24, years. DaShw-ood, his hothe;, Parkhill, Galt, LucknOW„ Owen; .SqUntll Chesley, Walkerton; New Ham urg„_._.HARulton__ancl- -Toronto RECEIVED, ARTS DiGREE tended the Commencement Ex- ' ,ercises at Toronto University_last Week, 'when their daughter, Miss Jane Hornell, graduated and ph- tained .'her degree in Arts. De=. grees were Conferred by the Hon. Wm. Mulock, who is 97 yeerssof age. Bunte Chopping SOME FIELDS WILL N.OT BE PLANTED - A Week ago there were many farmers in the_Lakesho're ,district _who had. a .seeding- onE-'Since then the Weather has faired up •and,'no doubt a good deal otwork has .been accomplished. Bat the, season has got. so late," that it is' useless to. sow Jame.crops and one farmer told us he •had changed . his ,'plans and was going to sow flax and. buckwheat. M A certain amount of idle land da On ' many ; farms, throughout the' district will .be quite common this year. •Fields that could:: not Ho be sowed early. Will in many" cases 111e summer. fallowed: hel A Wawanosh farmer told • us' last week that he had originally wo Planned to sew' late oats.' Wet ori weather decided him. to clean a . •quantity of earlvat y .oats, `and as the.to rain continued he; decided • to ";try •and buy some buckwheat. He a va hadn't "a grain of, anything 'down ?A last W.ednescday:' • .Mr dau Miss Eliza Cook, daughter of r: and Mrs. 'Albert Cook, Boun- ry :West, wash a member- of the wen Sound General and .Marine spite' graduatingclass- of nine rses. Graduation exercises were d� on`".Friday evening at the West Side, United Church.' .Eliza n the 'George D; Forbes Mem- al sch�olar•.ship r for post .grad- e .study` in operating room chnique. The scholarship` has lue of $100. ttending the graduation were and • Mrs. Albert Cook • and ghters Edna and Viola, ". Mr. .and Mrs. Eldon Henderson, Mr. and Mrs:' Henry MacKenzie -and Mr, and Mrs: Oliver McCharles. Miss Edna Cook, graduated a year ago at' Owen Sound, and is. on the, hospital staff. She has. been holidaying at her home here. Their young sister Viola, age 13,. also plans to train -for -a -nurse 1x a ' few years, And has ' already. made her intentions knowiz :to the.matron-at-{wen :Sound: BORN VODD---At the Stratford General 'Hospital on Wednesday.„, June 2 1943, td Mr. and Mrs. A. Neely ChUrch St:, Stratford, = IR WIN --in. " ?ixigharn-= Genera-! • .7 - S'Hospital to • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Irwin: On•.June 2nd, a baby ,daugh- -ter. • fter a shutdown since late in 'March,' new , transfermersm have been at. Treleaven's, Flour '1Viill; ,providing sufficient power to, 'resume their custotn Returned From Hospital Mr. John Stock,;who was riph- ed to Si., Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don a .month ago; where his' COM- •dition was critical for a time, has made favorable progress of late, • and • was eble to' return to his hame here on Sunday. Mr. Stock makes his home with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Donald MacDonald and Station, St. The Store With the Stock. THE MARKET. STORE: AtieUding" County' Council, • Reeves j. W. Joynt of •LUcknow and, Richard Elliott of Kinloss are .attendirig „the June session "of 'Bruce County Council being held this "week at Port ;Elgin . end which ,oPened on Monday 'even- • •No Further Word "No news is good news" the s' eying g-pes,. and the fact that nothing further has been heard regarding the conditiqn 'of Button is good news to* his par - It is now aboitt two. weeks sirice Russ was reperted as being ser.: iously ill overseas' with Pleurisy and effusion.' ' Clearing all dress. materials; Silks, rayons, cellenese, prints, etc. The Store with the Stock The Market *ANT! RUMMAGE SALE DONATIONS will be held in the Arenat on Fri- day, July • 9th. That "is. still e .rnonth away,; tiut the- Committee .4. &Axioms to na.ve.clonati•ons-nrade .; known at the very .earliest date. • Any saleable article is welcom= ed from liveStoCk to homemade baking.. Arrangements' will be made to collect Village donations at the time of the sale. 'Unfort- unately this service cennot he • rendered. in the rural cominunity. • Make .knawiii your donations - to T. W. Smith, Central Garage, or at G. II. Smith's 6ffice. Both places will be open ,each Wednes- day and Saturday nights. Mr. j. H. MacDonald are -the . other two members of the Committee. Entire , proeeecls of this rum- mage. sale will go to the Aid to Russia Fund. , . Plan to deflate S:Ozn.e artielci an k• Convalescing Here , ' and Mrs. • Philip motored to' Guelph tO meet Section • Officer is convalescing at her home; 'South Kinloss Mense, • after her /).,, recent operation, for -appendicitis. Underwent Operation Mark Louise Porteous, daugh- eous of town,. underwent an em- Sundarigham Hospital. M KE CALL FOR. BLOOD DONORS A second Red Cross blood, donqr clinic will be held in Luck-. xtOW in about) four ,'wee-ks, it is expected! - is quite necessary that the local bran,ch of the Red Cross Society know the names of those who will volunteer as don- Approxiinately one hundred donors :are required for the next clinic and names Should be reg- istered AS soon as pop-ible. Those Planning to be,donors should ad - Chairman; G. H. Smith, Red CroSs Societk president or Mrs. George Jardine, Clinic secretary.' Women will be acceptedatthiS clinic though ,it is required that they see a doctor' previous to at- tendiiig the clinic and obtain a certificate of fitness. Anyone betweezges- The need is great and. your help. LS' ;q desired. tio to the Coriunittee. 110WIl now HON. JOHN BRACKEN, Leader of the Progressive/ Cbn- servative Party, who was • the special speaker at the Huron Co. Federation of Agrieulture's first ennual pie/lie and field' day, he'd at. Seaforth on Monday. A gath- ering of over a, thousand persom froth all parts of the districl quhar 'Oliver, minister of public' welfare for Ontario. 'EIGHT PAGES F. Of A. Starts County Membership Drive Legislation, was passed at the.' Ontario, With the support ef both sides df the House, alloWing 'rural of a• Mill on the assessrnent .of • the individual farmer as member- ship in the Federation Of Agricul ture, When he has signed an Order instructing the TOwnship, Clerk The Federation of AgrictiltUre. has been: for sorri, time seeking izatio*. without having to make an annual canvass for member-, Ship fees. This legislation. offers 'a wpnderful oppqrhinity,...as the one-fifth mill will ,be C011epted annually After the individual has , later daie he instructs, his ToWn-. shiP clerk. in writing to discon- tinue doing so. Nothiug could be more 'voluntary:, The Federation in Bruce Coun- ty is indebted to our .CoinitY Cauncil for the hearty ,k support they neve giVen. us in the last three years. No* with legislation to this effect we feel- that -the rgpraimi_shotild-suppbrt itself,! and we are lauftehing a canvass of the County Whereby _through 9ur. School section representav- job , ta corlitact every farmer in the County of 13ruce, hut if every body helps, it can be done. Special Broadcast Monday - the pia/I:is for the School sec- tion representatiVe to hold meet- ings --in his local-. school section .. on Monday eVening, June 1.14t1i. These meetings will all hear broadcast at 9 o'clock over cr..N1C. Wirigham in which representat- ives of bruce County. Federation will explain, the new member- ,__ entatives will have membershiP cards and printectinformation7on. the stihject. All men, women end: young people interested . in the .Federatiorz 'Are urged to attend these meetings, where each farriz- this neW plan without making . it necessary ta have every farmer canvassed individually. USING. THE "WANT ADS"I QUICK RESULTS Mr. Hugh Macintosh is sold on the idea of using Sentinel "Want Ads". Some time ago he adver- tised a property for' rent at St HelenS, and immediately got. a tenant, after the. house being va2- cant for six menths. Last meek Mr. IVIacintosh ran a furniture ad, by which he quickly disposed of the articleS. If you have a saleable article, of Which, you "have no further need, turn it into cask quickly by using a `Pant Ad": • TICKETS ON SALE FOR , CLANSMEN'S DAAW Tickets went on sale last week, -enci-hr e-trinieetion With the prize draw to be held 'at the Clans- men's carnival • on Friday, June Four\ prizes include a bicycle, a dinner set, a cedar chest aild a pair of woolen blankets wi-th a cpmbined value of $127.60. -additian, the halder of ho ena that night will lucky admission ticket. to th • n's on 'coal are lifted by then. • • • •