HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-05-27, Page 9T$URSitAY, MAY 27th, .1943
u' •
McD.OWELL- ienow LL
A pretty but ;quiet wedding was
solemnized at 4.00 o'clock SSatur-
-day_.afternoon--at the home of the
bride, when , Ferne McDowell,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Alva
McDowell, East Wawanosh; ' was'
united in marriage'to Harvey Mc-
Dowell, -son of Mr. and l Mrs. Mar=
vizi McDowell, • East Wawanosh
Rey. Vt. G. R sse of Westfield Un •
i't�ed church .officiated. The bride,
who was.given in marriageby
her '.father • entered the living
° 'room'• o"• the strains of the wed-
ding music •played by Miss'Phyl-'
lis Cook, • Westfield.. The bridal
pa qty took its place beneath
a/anh of cedar banked•.with spring
flowers and ferns. The bride wore
a gown of .blue silk crepe, made
On princess -lines and wore a 'cot-
, vage: of red roses., Miss Norma
:1ethery;: 1Iainnllt`ori, Was -'brides-'
maid, wearing 'a frock of 'pink.:
silk jersey .with white accessor-
ies and, a corsage, of pink roses.
The best man was Graeme Mc
Dowell, • East Wawanosh, brother
Of the bridegroom. After the cer:.
emoriy • . a .wedding ' dinner was
._:served_in_..the_diriing_roorn which
was prettily decorated with pink
id white. streamers, and a white
edding. bell.. • The ,bride's table.
v%as centred, with . the wedding
cake. The :bridets mother receiv-
ed, • wearing a two-piece blue
flbwered crepe dress and was as-
sisted 'by the bridegroom's moth=;
er, in navy sheer. Following the
dinner the couple left for honey'
moon trip_, to Niagara Falls, 'the
bride travelling in " a frock of
.......fir ...�,��rw
dowered silk •jersey-ari-+d--a-tweod
v-. coat. On their return they: will
resideon the bridegroom's farm
on the sixth concession of East
On 'Wednesday, .May 19th at
:1.30 p.m. a pretty .wedding 'took
' • • place at: the Dungam-ion .United•
church' parsonage, when h.Edtia
Ruth Plowman, daughter of Mrs.
Plowman' and. -the late James
Plowman,' West. Wawanosh, and
James Rudell, son of Mrs. Rudell
and the late Samuel Rudell oe
Hullett township, were united by
Rev. H. J. Vickerson.. The bride
looked -lovely .in street -length,
dress of dusky rose krecie with
lace and matching ;rose hat and
.`veil with -ac est -tries` rictcari'r' a
• • a. bouquet of Talisman roses and
• fern. Miss Pearl Finigan, cousin
of the bride, was bridesmaid and
wore a; dress' of turquoise blue
• °with white accessories and -Wore
. a corsage of pink roses. Mr. Reece
Ferris was best man. After the
:ceremony a•reception was.held at
the home of the bride's aunt, Miffs.
Honor. Most, for the immediate
relative$. The dining' -room was
r^� • ..prettily decorated with, pink and
white streamers and a 1arge.white
'bell was suspended., over . the
table. Lovely spring flower add-
ed to the setting for the dainty
buffet lunch which was serve&
by Mrs. Cecil Culbert and the
bride's two cousins, Christine and
Myrtle Finnigan. Mr, 'and Mrs.
• James Rudell left on a honey-
moon trip to Toronto and other
cities, the bride travelling in a
�" ' •
blue7printed dress with, .blue coat
and black accessories: They will
reside on; the groom's farm en the
13th concession oft. HullettAtowrn
Mr. Fred Haldenby is visiting
with his daughter, Mrs. 'Bob Por-
ter- at Riverdale. We, are sorry
that Mr. Haldenby has not been
enjoying the bent of •health. `'•
Spr. Jack .Hodgins of .Petawa-
wa, Mrs. Hodgins . and• little son
of: Kincardine were recent visi-
tors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hod-
Mr: and Mrs. H. Bell spent' last
'.week' with Salem friends.
Mrs. Howard McGuire of Olivet
spent the week -end with her sis-
ter 1VIts,• 'G.eorge Haldenby.: •
°Misses Helen and Jean Thorrp-
son spent the week -end in Tor-
onto. ' •
We extend sympathy to the
family1of.-•the, .late Kenneth:; Hal-•;
denby vbho passed away at his
home--irr.•Tordnto after lengthy -
illness. The ,funeral was held On°
Mr. and: Mrs.. John Emmerson
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Alf Haldenby.' '
Miss Evelyn MacLean of Lori
don ,•visited over the week -end
-with-her Other -Mrs:
Lean. .
A numi
the South
Sunday. •
Miss Dorothy Pinnell ald Miss
Lois Carrel of London were week
end .visitors with Mr.'and Mrs.
Win: Pinnell..
•How They Dance 'Em
Where They Come From
The King of Rhumba, Zavier
Cugat, in the .American Weekly
'With this Su9day's (May, 30) is
sue of The Detroit Sunday Times,
takes you' on a dancin our to
.'South America, in a series of
clever sketches in ' f I color- •
.all his own --the sketches showing
low the dances• we do in the ball-
rooms are danced South , of the
StIrrolayra., ::Lie; ,
• troit Sunday Times! • .
er from here attended
Kinloss anniversary on
Mr. and Mrs. ,Harold Finnigan
of Toronto and Mr. Lloyd Finni-
gan- and -daughter Bertha of Ex
eter • - visited • on Tuesday with
their • uncle and aunt, Mr. -and
Mrs. • 1t.. Finnigan.
Mrs. Wm. -McConnell and' deur
ghter Beth spent last week , with
friends :at Stratford. • .
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley • Fines a ,d
daughter.. Suzanne of .•'oronto
spent the week -end with'.Mr.:and
• Mrs..- Cecile Blake..and, Harold;
• Mr. and Mrs.: Eugene 'Hanson}, •of:
East .Tawas, Michigan, • ate Spend
ing ,a few days with her:brother,
S. • J. and Mrs. Kilpatrick • and
other friends here and at Mafe-.
king. ." .
-Mr, Fred.Ariderson Jr. and sis--
ter Irene • of • Hamilton . called.: on•
'their.. any•Ashfie1.d-•friends o er•-
•the week -end. •
Mr. and Mrs •George Freeman.
•of, Leeburn spent Monday with
their .daughter,- Mrs. • Lorne Em-
• Mr. ,Wm. •Carnpbell is visiting
his daughter,. Mrs.. Wm. Crozier:
.. Rev: and . Mrs Vickerson • and
Chas. were guests of .Mr, and Mrs.
Wilfred ,Drennan,
The next regular meeting' of
the Girls . W. A. will be held on
Saturday afternoon. at ,the home
of • Mrs: Maurice • Hodgins:
Mr. D. A. Cathpbe11, of Strat-
ford,Mr. • Bill Campbell pf Listo-
Wel and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hud-
son and family of Winghain spent
Wednesday evening with Mrs:
Hudson and Greta.
Mr. • Scott' 'Patterson of Detroit
Was a recent visitor at Mr. John
MacMillan's. • •
Mr., and Mrs. George Kennedy
and • sons visited at , Mr. Lorne
Durnin's recently.
eY. Miss Mary Jane Irwin is *assist-
ing at'the home of Mr.°Wn . Mac-
Week -end visitors . with Mrs.
Hudson and Greta,Were 'the 'Miss.-
iss-es Ruby Irwin, 2nd- Concession,
Grace and Florence Hudson and
Patsy . Gallagher of Wingham.
..Mr. °Fraser Purves was home
from Toronto for the week -end.,.
Mr. and Mrs. John Barr and chil-
dren of Kinlough also visited at
Mr. John Purves':
Mr.: and Mrs. Harold. Dawson
and Donald of Toronto, & Messrs;
Ed and Evan McQuillin spent the
24th at Mr., and Mrs. Ed Me-
Mr: Beth Gaunt is assisting Mr.:
James Forster. .
Visitors at the home of Mr. J:
Dawson over the' week -end were
Mr.. and Mrs.. Alex Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dawson of
London, ' Mr. • and Mrs. Harold
Dawabn ! and: Donald : of Toronto,
Mi .. and Mrs: Clark ,MacLean•..and
• N
`�`l�r;lYl9�7.. t.;r �4. -.r,
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Spun bits; of :chit-chat y
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Look it's already.s fast as
speeding way ..' heels can carry it.
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a h „ rs a day our
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•3.0,000 5 ' • .e home front
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'Twenty-four. hoUrs
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.ratlway army
Ctweels ' zrywhca►Those singingthan let- -
rryood foryour
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"Kee 'gym rolling it's food
_. p N,hether
watchvv s or troops'
Tbey furnace. •
or fue ,
Or just your letter to your
The .'W omen's Institute. meeting .. .
was held at the home fr . R. '
G. Hamilton, with the pr ident,
Mrs. Robert Reid in, charge. The
.secretary -treasurer's report' of the -
year's, work was given.Tickets
sold on a quilt amount to- :.$14 5,.... ,
The lucky ticket was drawn by
Louise MacLennan with Mr. Hor-
nell the winner. Readings were.
given. by Miss V. Ha . ilton .and
Mrs. m, . F;3uckin and Mrs.
E. MacLennan gay a paper ,on
6 -operation. The June 'meeting
,will • be, held at Mrs. Nelson Ray-
Mrs. Frank McCharies, Mrs..
Bob Reid, Mrs. Jack 'Henderson,
Mrs. Co. Richards, Mrs. Jaynes Mc,-
cgDonald and Mrs.. Wm. , Kempton
attended the district annual meet-
ing at -Whitechurch. _
Mrs: A. Creeche and Eddie .vis-
ited at Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Max-
-Mrs. E. MacDonald, Lochalsh, •
is visiting Mrs. James MacDonald.
Mr. and :1'Irs;•,Howard Rolhinsott
and family • visited' Mr. and • Mrs.
E. Dexter.
Mass Jean Raynard spent, the
:week -end with her parents.
family and Miss Mary,Crawford
of Wingham. ' •
Mrs.. 'James Y Forster spent Fri-
day evening •with . Mrs. D. • K'eri
nedy of Whitechurch, Mrs. D.
Gillies also visited at Mrs. Ken-
nedy's last Wednesday. • ' ..
Vie: and Mrs John •`MacMillan.
:andgirls spent Sunday with Mr.
Gedrge and Miss ,Tillie' Alexander -
of Wawanosh.
The annual meeting: of ,the Wo-
men's institute was held in the
hall at Whitechurch . with Mrs..
Lance.. Grain, retiring president..
in charge: The roll call. ;was ans-
wered by hints., for the new -pro •
grain. Then the following pro-
gram wasgiven.: a reading "A •
Clean. Slate" by Miss Olive Ter -
riff; a reading "Mother's• Day"
by, Mrs. ' E. Wellwood; a piano'
solo by Mrs. Garnet Farrier; 'a
reading -- "The Farmer' bye -Mrs
Duffy. FQr election • of officers;
-Mr-st : G Gillespie: waa -.voted --in
charge with --Miss Olive , Terrif
as secretary. The officers elected
Tor the coming- year were presi-
dent, Mrs:: Cecil Falner and
Mrs.` L. Morrison; vice president,
Mrs. Ernest Case ore; ecretary-
treasurer, Mrs. J. McIntyre; as-
sistant secretary -treasurer, Mrs..
k .ey
G. E. Farrier.; branch. directors, .
Mrs. Grain (district director),
Mrs. G: Farrier, Mrs. J. Burchill,•
IVIrs. J. ; Y MacLean, Mrs: James -
McInnis, Mrs. E. Well -wood, Mrs.
G. ' McClenaghan; pianist, .Mrs.
Sholtz and Mrs. Farrier; auditors, .
Mrs. Coultes and' Mrs: T. Morri-
son; program • committee,: Mrs.
Jas. .Falconer; Mrs. Jas. Wilson,
Ml's. Rhys Pollock, Mrs. Mac "toss,
Mrs. D. Craig and Mks. W. J.
Coulter' .The meeting closed with •
prayer by. Mrs. Jas. Falconer. •
The following Red' Cross dona-
tions. were made through White.-
church during the months • of
Ernest --easemore-,- Mrs: each, Mrs.B n..
Clenaghan, Mrs: R.obt. Ross, Mrs.
Thos. Moore, Mrs, Chas: and Mrs
Dain Martin, ' Mrs Bill l ,iritoul,
Mrs: George White and Mrs. St.
Marie. The Jolly Workers Club --
3 quii+-s and number of toilet
articles for the '.shower for. the
W. D. in the army. One top eaoh
from Mrs. Geo. Kennedy, Mrs.
Jas.. Forster and top . 'and batt,
Mrs. Sam Morrison and one .quilt
from Mrs. J. MacMillan were do-
nated to this •club. One top from
Mrs. Duffy; 1 quilt from Mrs.
Cecil Falconer and .Mrs. Aldir
Purdon and top and batt . from
Henry McGee. :16' quilts
arae sent ..,.dul•..ia,gw ilii+as.,,