HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-05-20, Page 5THURSDA, Y, MAY '20th, 1943 THE LUVKN.QW SENTINEL, LTJCKNOW, `ONTARIO Lyceum Theatre WING -IAM Two, .Shows Saturday Night Thursday, Friday, Saturday MAY.2o,21; 22 BETTY GRABLE VICTOR MATURE ; . . JOHN P'AYNE in Footlight Serenade'. A :musical' comedy blending song, dance and; h,inour. Also "Short Subjects" Matinee Sat. Afternoon:•' 2.30 0 ,Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday MAY 14 25 2 ; JOAN .CRAWFORD. PHILIP DORN J;QHN WAYNE * .* Reunion In France" Thee story of a Parisian Quis- ling.. ` Also "Canada Carries On" K • Prayer for Revival The prayer meeting for revival will: beheld as usual at 8 o'clock Friday evening. The Bible study class under the leadership of Rev. Robert McConnell will. rneet .at 43.30 p.m. at which time the first Book of Thessalonians....will' be discussed. All are invited. SHARMAN H. BLAKE, account- ant . at the Goderich branch of the Royal.. Bank for four years, has :been 'appointed ' clerk and treasurer of the town of Goder- ' ich: i+J ZION This district "was visited by _a • severe winrlstorm-on Sunday:`Mr.- Ralph Nixon's barn was partially unroofed, besides levelling fences L' • and uprooting trees in the 'neigh- borhood. Miss . Eleln %Andrew .returned from Wingham Hospital on •Sun-- day to her horne 'here where she is convalescing following: an ap pendix opperation. OBITUARY'•' JAMES 3. GILMORE James' J Gilmore, Manager of the Universal Motor Sales, Lon- don, • died , at his residence, 15 Kensington apartments, Queens ave., .on `•Sunday after a :lengthy illness.. 'He, was 69 years of . age. Mr. Gilmore had been in the automobile business in " London. for the past 24 years, Born on Ceneession ,,,l , Ashfield•Town- ship, .a son 'of the. late Mr, and 1Virs....J J. Gilmore, he went to Weyburn; Sask., in' 1910and-start-- ed ndstarted in the -machine business. there. Later he entered' into' the auto mobile ;business. 'In 1919 Mr. Gil- more returned east, 'and sett in Londonwhere he has since re- sided. He was a member of the congregation of..St Peter -'-s Cath- edral. • „ life . is.. survived • by a niece, Miss •Frances Gilmore, with Whom he resided; three brothers, and: two sisters, Dr.. Thomas 'E. Gilmore, Chicago; Patrick. and Edwin, • of Ashfield township, Mrs. Charles O'Hara, Chesley, and Mrs. Geo Calhoun, Calgary: 'He was predeceased bya bro- ther and 'a sister, Dr. J. M!' •Gil- more of Chicago and Mrs. Jean Monahan, Detroit.' The funeral •is•being held -from. the , home of his brother, Edward Gilmore, Ashfield township, this Thursday morning. Requiem high. mass. will 'be sung in St. Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge; at to o'clock. : Interment will k be Kingsbridge Roman-- -Cat of cernetery. bia who returned home prior to ,ATTEND BLOOD DONOR his mother's death. CLINIC AT WINGHAM G All members of 'the family at- tended the ° funeral 'except John and -Mrs. Markle in the 'West. - Mrs. McKay is also survived by one brother, J. J. Coflin•- of Sask- atchewan. ' • The funeral was .held to Tee-- water Cernetery on Monday morning. Requiem high Mass was sung in .'Sacred Heart' Church, Wingharn, by Rev; Father Paquette; • • . PHILIP KELLY Philip' 'Henry Kelly of, Mark= :dale was almost instantly , killed on .Tuesday,' May 4th, in a motor led.`accident 4 miles north of Mark-- dale. It. appears that Mrd .Ke1Iy' was driving ..home': from, Owen .Sound when the, .lights -'of •his ear went off. He stepped -the car and flagged, a Flesherton man who was _approaching in another car., While -the two were a arnining the lights a third . car .came along and crashed into the Flesherton man's, .car, and 'flying glass from the latter care struck Mr. Kelly' in the neck, • causing• death in a short time. Mr. Kelly . wa`s ° a resident of Goderich for several years, being one of the Kelly brothers of the Royal Hotel. Hewase greatly in- terested . in baseball: He enlisted for military service shortly after war was declared .and . after .over. a year with the 97th Battery he' received honorable discharge. He . had a since been, enp1oYed with in i;_thee' transport section of -the Air Force,. . Mr. Kelly was a son of the late Mr. and • Mrs.' James S. Kelly of Markdale and was born at Mark - date thirty-seven. years ago. He is survived, by . his wife, formerly Miss Blanche:McLarty:..of Owen Sound; also by four brothers and two sisters, Joseph, Leo 'and Miss Loretto Kelly of Goderich, Miss Gertrude, Kelly of Torer4o; P.•.J. Kelly' of Campbellford and Dr: Charles Kelly of Buffalo. An- other brother, Michael, ; prede- ceased • .him- . in May 1941. MRS: -JAMES BLUE Mrs. James Blue, alifelong_ arid highly esteemed resident of Asn - field Township, passed: away at her .home :in -Ripley last' Wednes- day. She was . 79' years ,of age. and had been in poor health' for • some time: Mrs: Blu_e was formerly Mary MeLennan and. was born in Ash- field., . Fifty-eightyears ago she married James Blue and since then they have been continuous residents of the Ar berley dis- trict .until • retiring, to Ripley about "a year ago: ' Besides her husband, 'Mrs: Blue is suruiued-by.-.three--daughie , Mrs. Samuel Geddes and Mrs. Surid.ay School will' be at 10.30 a.m. Sunday and Church service ' at 7.30. p.m. - to allow • Blake's to hold Mother's Day service in ;the Morning.. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ritchie • of Detroit spent the week -end at the. hotne.of Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie. • Mr. Harold ' Gardner returned ter • Hamilton on Tuesday after spending a week at his . horse -here. , Mr.' and Mrs. Jas. , Craig,. " Mr. and 'Mrs: Arnold Craig 'of St./ Au - 0 ustine were Sungtay visitors with VLr, and Mrs. Ernest Gardner and r. and Mrs, Cecil Gardner. School 'attendance has been cancelled this week •owing to • the illness of the teacher, Miss Ada Webster, who is a patient ih Wingham Hospital. We hope that she may .soon be able' to resume her duties.. Mr. uties.- Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hunter and children of LucknoW, Mr. and 16 Mrs. Wilfred Drennan.and family f Crewe visited with ,Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter on Sunday. Mr. Robt. Andrew is at present, under the doctor's care. A little more summer-like weather would T Ioyd'Irwin ofHuron,. IVfrs: Grant TrDrarmid of"'''Paramour t;four sons; William and .George of De- troit and . Donald . and John of Ainberley and two. sisters, Miss Flora •McLennan and Mrs. N. Goodhani of Detroit. ` The 'funeral service was con- ducted -by Rem`:'J-. C: '1Vichoisori of Pine . River{, assisted by Rev. Eugene Beech of Ripley and . Rev. J,' W. Stewart of Lucknow.' 1nr terrner}t was. in Ripley Cemetery. PTlbearers were George Henry, George. Hodgins, 'Albert Brown, Ralph. Humphrey, David. Camp- beIl and Jack Campbell. • P. MRS: HECTOR. MCKAY ti Mrs. Hector McKay, a pioneer; resident of the Whitechurch dis- trict, passed away at her home on Saturday. Mrs. McKay was in her 88th year, and a short time ago , she and Mr. McKay had ob served their 66th wedding ,anni- versary. nni=versary. • . Mrs.,McKay took .ill two weeks ago . with the •'flu and which de- veloped to pleurisy and pneumon- .Besides her aged husband; Mrs, McKay is survived by six dau- ghters and five sons, Mrs. A. Fy Purdon, .Mrs. Robert Mowbray and. Miss Agnes McKay of White- church; Mrs. Jame'„ Markle .of Hamilton; Vers. George Markle,. Binder, Sask.; Miss Bertha Mc- Kay, ,Toronto; Jack of Sask.; Dan of Guelph; Charles of Dunnville; Gordon of Wingharn and Rev. ..: ate" grs'fr= The funeral took place: , on Thursday,. 1Vlay .. 6th, frpzn St. Mary's church, Owen' Sound, ,where requiem high ..mass• was Rung.:by Rev. Father 'Nolan, . as srsted-'by Rev. Father Murray. Burial was in St. Mary's ce et= eTY,�Ow_en Sound__ REV. A. V. WALDEN • The death .of, the Rev. Albert Victor Walden, 'minister of, the United Church: at, Warwick,' oc- curred on Friday,' May 7th, at the •. Public General ' Hospital, Chatham, 'where he, had;: been a patient for two Weeks. On the morning 'of death he had tinder - gone. an operation.. He . had been in ailing health for several months. - ' • He was born 63 years ago on Concession` 2, Huron, a son of. David Walden and Elizabeth Green;, early settlers • of the dis- trict. There he attended school and graduated from Kincardine High ' School. 'llhirty-two ,years ago he' graduated in theology from Victoria University, Toron- to and was ordained a minister of the former Methodist church. He held charges'- at . Morpeth, Cairngorm, Merlin, Dungannon, 'Holinesville, Bluevale and Louis- ville. He was one of the six young men who, entered, the Christian ministry from 'Olivet Church, • Due to ill health he was oblig- ed, to 'take leave of absence, dur- ing which ' time he resided on a small farm south of London. Five years -agti he returned to the min- istry and ' was stationed 'at Wal- lacetown and later at Warwick. He is survived by his wjfe, for- merly Sybell McKonkie, of Pet- ART CARRUTH of Listowel has erborough;: three sons, Raymond,, received a bronze pin, signifying .prrnelpa £_xxpl ynblkc_s ; - .h - ' Mi-. and.<r"a o Clitrxtg' Crc1+6eria3tar A third blood donor clinic,, was held at Wingham recently with '106 donors . attending. Included .•arnong these were Jim. Campbell, Art. Cann, Eddy Johnston;. Dave Marshall,; Donald'McDo_nald,. Neii Potter, l Harry Nixon, Stanley Snell ....and Lloy..d Wylds ' frorn, •Lucknow, Carrnari `Farrier and Jamieson Pettapiece • from' White- church and. Maur* Bowler and Cliff Connell of Ashfield. ,' • ' •.. . Dr. W.. V. johnsten. and Miss Lena Robinson . ;assisted in .. con- • ducting the Road,: and one daughter, June of Chatham; aj. So three ;sisters, Mrs. J., True_ aid_Miss-Mary Walden. of Saskatoon and Mrs. Wm. Steele of Concession `2, Hurons and two brothers, W. G. with the R.;C.A.F". in western Canada and Walter B., Concession 2, Huron. The funeral' was held at' Chat- ham on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walden, Mrs. Wilfred Steele, Mr. William Steele, • Mr. and Mrs.- Raymond ,Walden and family were in :attendance.:. DONALD McDONALD 4, PAGE FIVE SELECT FROM Schuett .Sons `Huge Display of*FURNintitt :. AT:.'tVIILDMAY 20 BEDROOM SUI T -E 5 with . Cable Springs & Sp ingfilled Mattresses. . 4 ,CHESTERFIELD .Suites ` in, ,rjch • Velour covering's: New,: & •Used Pianos Kitchen & Dining Room Suites, Sewing Machines Used Furniture FREE DELIVERY. 'J. F. SCHUETI & SONS: Furniture Funeral Service MILDMAY, ONTARIO RAID, CITY Mrs:. Andy Culbert, Patsy and Donald of Windsor 'are spending .a couple of weeks .with relatives. The death' occurred on §atur-, in' this community. ' day, May' 1 at his' home on the Pte: Rae McNall was ,.home . 'South' Line, Kinloss Township of from: Kingston overthe week - Donald. McDonald,; for ' many end. years.a resident of that commun Wm. Stimson Sr., of the 'Vet- ity. Mr. McDonald was born 72 Brans' Guard of Canada ishome years ago; the elder ' son of 'the ---on furlough. • - late. Dugas McDonald •and Mary Mr, and Mrs Ben Brown, Shir- McArthur, in: Grey township; ley. and Evelyn visited Saturday Huron .county. Along with his evening at Mr. W. G. Reed's. parents he moved . to Kinloss • Our teacher, . Mrs. Brown, is at township 60 years ago and has present • ill . with throat, trouble, resided there ever since. Thirty -so the scholars are having a few eight years; , ago he married . Mary unexpected holidays. J. (Minnie). Britton, who with. Fr-iday's paper listed F:O.. Glin- one son, Thomas of Kinloss and ton Irwin as *missing. He was :the, two daughters, Mary (Mrs. Rex son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie 'Irwin Stewart) , of Millarton and Dun- of " Ijderton: Clinton was, a very edin (Mrs. Edbert Bushell), T'or- popular and clever young man onto survive . to mourn: the loss and his many) relatives. here are. of a kind and loving husband and sorry o . know heis missing; . father. Funeral services . were held on T uesday. to Kincardinecemetery and were .largely attended. The, pallbearers. were John Lane, John Bushell, Howard Glass, John .Me- Lean, ' Sam,+ Nesbit and Melville -Scott; neighbors--8f--•the-late Mr McDonald. • -:EDWAZ1F SENNET. The sympathy of the commun= ity is* extended to Mrs. Ed. Sin - nett arid family in the death of their husband and father, which 'occurred on Thursday, May: 6th; after a short illness, although he had' not been • in 'the 'best of health for •some' years: The fun- eral service took place on Sat- urday.. morning . at Ste Joseplf'd church, Kingsbridge, • When amidst • rain and disagreeable weather ,there was an immense gathering to pay the last respects to •a kind friend and good .neigh- bor. The serviceslwe,re conducted by- Rev. J. it, Quigley and Ahe pallbearers were Wilfred Farri'sh, Holly Caird and :four nephews of the deceased, Michael and Jaines O'Neil, Robert Howard . and "Joe Courtney; Besides his wife :Mr. 'Sennett leaves a- young ; family of five, Cathakine, Patricia, Shan- non, James and Dennis, also one brother, James of' Gdrrie, and three sisters, 'Mrs.' Roy. of Jack- son, Mich.; Mrs. John O'Neil and Mrs. Robt: Howard. of Ashfield. Among those present for the fun- eral were ,Mr. and Mrs.. James Sennett of Gbrrie, Mr& :Roy of Jackson, Mich., Mr. Joe T.• Sul- livan ands daughter Patricia, Mr. Walter :]Salton. and daughters, Mary., Ann and'Peggy, Mrs. J, Moore, from Detroit. 6 THE AWARD of the Distinguish- ed Flying Cross to Fit. L.t. D. W. Henry of Kincardine, has been announced by 'R.C.A.F. headquar- ters. . • • • -. WH1'TEC1'URCH • gee -Donald: R-oss-of-Carlip Bor- den spent the week -end with his, parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Robt. Ross: Misses Lettie . Fox of Hamilton and Isabel Fox are visiting with their: mother.,' Mrs. A. Fox. Mrs. Archie Aitchison is with .j her daughter, Mrs. Cliffbrd . Pur-• don of. Centralia who is sick with the flu. Anniversary services will .be held in the Presbyterian church ' on May 30th when Rev. Mr.Tay-. ' lor of Cranbrook will be the min- ister. • Communion „service was held in . the Presbyterian church Sunday rriornng, Five new members join- ed by profession of faith, and two by certificate. ' • Communion • service will 'be held in the : United church on Sunday at 2.30 p.m. Preparatory, service will be held Thursday: at 8 P.m.' BORN—On ' May 14th to Mr, and Mrs. John Gaunt, a son, John George. .. Mrs. J. F. McLean returned • home this week from Niagara Falls, where she spent . a 'few weeks with her •daughter, Mrs_ Gibson. • • Mrs. M. Duffy who has been keeping house for Mr.' Wm. tsar- hour sarhour has returned to her home at . Teeswater. . Mrs. James Purves or Lucknow visited last Tuesday with her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. David Kennedy. We • are sorry - to report Mr. flu, •