HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-05-20, Page 3THURSDAY, MAY 2Oth, 1943
' 'Mr. . and Mrs. Kenneth Robert-
o .S,q_dn. Leader J, M..Roberts,'of--
son of Zion visited at Mr. Jam
Robertson's on Sunday. ••
Miss Merle .Steward' spent 'Su
day at Mr. ,Claude Dore a.
Miss Jean Long and her •rnoth
visited' at .Mr•. Ralph Hill's. r
:-Miss --Sadie .-Pollack ..efx
rantford• on ' Friday where she
• Will visit -for• a few weeks:,
Mr. W. H. Scott attended" the
- funeral of the late' Mrs: James
Sympathy is extended to the
family of the late ' Mr. Frank
ficer commanding No. '9 Recruit'
n„ ing'Centre R ;A.F., at London
Elias n risf ,red , to: the -com-
co , -
er' w`a'nd ofihe. North :Bay recruiting
e_ centre, and will take over his
new dunes on
or During >the p ' f2 merit per
rod ending 1Viarch 31st, more than
4000 men in the London district
have .enlisted at •No..9 centre, un-
der the ;supervision of - Mr. Rob-
Sgdn. Leader Roberts is a nat-
iveof Dungannon. He served in
the Royal Canadian Artillery and:
as . a :pilot . • in the Royal Flying
Corps during thelast war. He
was formerlyler-k • •of Huron Co.
and served on the school board in
Goderich as well as the Univer-
sity' of Western Ontario senate.
• ,GEO. :BANNERMA,N was elected
• last week by acclamation as reeve
of ,Teeswater„_ to succeed James
Ross. E. R. Chaffe succeeds Mr.
8..,,...,,np_erm_am::_as...xouncill or.- A --•toss
• of the coin decided who' should
fill the council vacancy. There
were -three aspirants, Albert Wor-
rall, A. II. 'McTavish and Mr.
• ; Chaffe.
Cool Seasonable . Undergarments
for 'men. and boys. The • Store with
the Stock. The Market Store.
r (Intended for last week)
BORN -In Wingham Hospital
on May 7th to Mr. and Mrs. Sam
• Gibson, a son.
Miss Pearl Jamieson taught in
•Hemlock . City • school last week.
--This is-part-of=her Normal:School
training. •
Miss Sadie Johnston, -R.N., has
returned to Wingham' after a visit
at her home here.,
The school :children spent Ar-
bor Day in the usual way. This
year the weather was perfect. . .
'Mother's Day •service was held
in the Presbyterian church .on
Sunday at the morning service:
Mr. and Mrs. George Stockholm
• .of Detroit visited with Mr. 'and
Mrs: N. J. ' MacKenzie: • over the
•.week -end.
Quite :a number of. people .from
this community . visited Port Al-
' Air. School on Saturday; it
being. open day' wl en the public
were .invited .to see how •.the air
men litre : ' •
Inspector In Town •
• An inspector of the Wartime
Prices and Trade Board was in
town last 'week, checking among
other coMmodities, the. retail
prices of potatoes and, corn syrup..
New syrup ceiling.prices have
been ai,.thorized• by. the . Board;
necessitated by the change -over
from : metal containers to • .a 'stan •
•lard glass' jar holding 31/2 .pounds
of corn syrup, and which will be
the only one on the market.':' •
• There has been a general scar-'
city' of syrup for some time., In
order to provide additional quan-
tities for household use, the W.
P. T. B. last January prohibited
:industrial use of corn syrup..
Unsolved Mysteries .of the Sea
The sea hides many mysteries;
strange stories of derelict ships,
frightful mutinies, savage fight-
ighting, sudden death. Some .of the
strangest, most baffling of these
will be described in "Mysteries
of the Sea", starting in The Am-
erican Weekly with. this' Sunday's
(May 23) issue of The Detroit
Sunday :Times. Be sure to get
Sunday's Detroit Times.
ven, .president' of . the Rebekah•
Asserr'ibly, of Ontario, spent two
days recently''in this area visitin
district lodges. She was accom-
panied,hy- Mrs :--Harry NI-cBurnecr--
of ` Teeswater, ' District Deputy p
President.' • • v
} u
The 29th Annual meeting of the
.Maitland .Preabyyerial Society of
the W.M.S. -:of .the Presbyterian
church in Canada, was held in
St. Andrew's church, , Wingham,
I -To y;-yMs, - llth.• Therpresi-
(dent, . Mrs. Robert_ Davidson of
'Dungannon, presided. at both ses-
sions. Following the Invocation
end prayer.: by the•.president med-
itation and scripture 'reading- on
the theme "Prayer" was "given
by Mrs. Harold Parker and Mrs.
Wm. : • King of., BrusseIs. offered
prayer. Mrs: K. '.MacLean' extend-
ed words of welcome.
Allocation' :$3500:$3560.0&An outstanding feature of the
morning session was the .Confer-
ence of Departments followed 'by
reports ofthe findings of:the con-
ference. After': the report of the
finance secretary, .the•,allocation
of $3500.00 was accepted for 1943,
The afternoon Sessionopened
with devotions by Mrs.- Taylor
'Of, Cranbrook and Mrs. McInnis
of , Ethel.
' In reviewing the :,year's •work,°
Miss, Nellie.:Malcolmgave some
interesting facts gatheredfrom
the reports of the auxiliary •sec -
rotaries, a slight decrease in sen.
for :'.merribership and an increase.
in Home helpers. An .'Autumn
Rally was, held instead .of the us-
ual sectional meeting. Two Mis-'
-sion Band Rallies were held and
during the year twenty-five guest
speakers addressed meetings..
Quilts valued at $115.00 were sent
through the supply secretary as
well as other articles and„ cash.'
An increase of Trine Was re -
•ported' in the Glad Tidings sula
scriptions, also ari•increase in the
sale of Literature and the Life
Membership . secretary had an. in-
crease ,of $70.00. Young Women
and Girls' organizations as' well
as Mission. Bands are' to be con-
gratulated on the 'splendid work
they, are'•doing. Fewer visits, were
r-eported• this--yedr-0 Brussel re=
orted the greatest number of
isits, 150. • • .
The.repor:oftttfie treasurer. wasµ
very epcouraging. 'rhe allocation
was exceeded by over $20000.
• Rev:' Herbert F._ Dann brought
greetings from m the Presbytery..
He congratulated the' W.M.S.. on
their business. ability -and the un-
ertakings. that have- been -s
cessfully ach•
Bruce. Couitty Results
-- - . Walkerton,...• .
• : Kincardi
Sales. Up To' pan., Monday,
No. of
Objective , Orders-
.:., r.= -265;000 ._.,...778- ._._
;210,000 712 '•
Chesley ....::...... ...::....... 145,000 446
Southampton' '145,000 501
Port Elgin .. 115,090 368
Lucknow . ` '85,000 170
Mildmay •• h0,000
Paisley 45,000
Tara s 35,000
Ripley .. , . '30,000
• Townships
Brant • 105,000
Carrick ' ' . 95,000
incardine (including
Tiverton)' ,,
uron ' •
Bruce' •
Ctilross •
- Elderslle • •
Arran •
Kinloss • . 55,000,. • 1°25
• Amabel. (Including Hep
Eastnor (including Lion's
Head) 1 -
'` lbehiarle • •
St. Edmunds (including
Toberrnory) 10,000 ' 52
Lindsay •
.71 '.
May 17th
Sales ' Objective
$ 402;250. ' _ 1-552'%
242,650 116 "
178,900 124 ".
159,150 110 "
119;450 - ' 104 "
87,800 • 103 "
86,400 108 "
54,650 j 91'"
82,550 125. "
58,500 130 "
43,250 124 "
31,850 106."
352 90,050 -86 "
322 • 81,300 • . 86. "
9000 241
95,000' 245
•80,000 228
$0,000 220
75,000 261
70,000 ' 222
70,000 142
73,100 77 "
• 105,050 111 ".
62,100 7$ " '
68,650 • 86 •
74,000 99 "
.58,950' 84"
63,850 91 ".
40,900 •74 "
50,000 169 55,150 ' 1100,
45,000 • 136. 29,850 , 66 "
5,000. 34
42,550 106
• 19,450. • • 129"
16,600 a . • 166 " •
4,600 92 ".
s DAD. 444
' Provincial President Spoke
The special guest speaker, Mrs.
V. A. Smith of Hamilton, Provin
cial , president,. was introduced by
Mrs. K. MacLean. She spoke of
-W;11/1.& workers• -and the Kingdon
of God.. (1) , Christ's Idea of ' the
Kingdom;; (2) The Growth of the
Kingdom; (3) The Kingdom and.
Social -Reform; ' (4) The, fork: of
the W.M.S. in . Helping. bring in
the Kingdom of .God. She made
special mention of religious and
economic conditions . in South
America; Russia and India. The
need of Bibles and religious lit-
erature in the schools, stating the
Bible and .Democracy should go
hand in 'h5nd' and if the church
does not stand back of .social re-
form 'another war will soon fol-
low. A missionary 'vision is .need -
'Mrs. Smithl 'also conducted a
forum on the problems of riome
Helpers, Mission Bands & Young e
Wonien's• and Girls work.. Miss
Frieda Matthews led in a dis- h
cussion on the advisability of a
holding the annual meeting gall=.
ier in the year. It was decided to
make. no' change. p
The .president 'in her remarks, M
spoke of the influence of a Chris- d
.Asian home and the faithfulness
of the rnenibers of the W.M.S. She m
'left two words' to remember, t
Prayer and .Service,'and if equip-
ped with these we need fear no th
Officials of the . Bruce .County
Holstein Breeders' Club ,have'
chosen the calf offered ;by Lorne
B..Reid, .Ripley, to be4on>ated as
the Club's contribution to the
Third War Effort Calf auction
scheduled for Brampton on May
20. The calf selected--• is Maple
Lea Beth Abbekerk, well-bred 4-
rnonths-old heifer. . Proceeds of
War Effort. Calf auettons heldaby
Ontario Holstein'breeders'in 194.1'
and 1942 amounted to'.$13,884,
This sum . was "forwarded °to .Bri-
tain (where: -it- was largely-used-
ta,. relieve: distress among „mer-
ch'ant•sailors Whose ships had'
been sunk. A.:confribution was
arse. made .to the Royal Air 'Force
Benevolent Fund for pilots and
crewes. It is ,planned' to distribute
the Proceeds of this Fear's auctic9n
in a similar manner:
Sells Dutton Paper
Bertram. Smith, publisher of
The Dutton ,Advance for the past
15 years, has sold the paper to
H,' C. Campbell, a member 'of;`the.
staff for several years •and re-
cently on The Times staff at Port
Bert Smith was at one time'em-
ployed by The Sentinel.
An Editor's Request
The • editor of . an Yexchange
urges: "Send : your items of news
when --they 'are fresh. We don't
like Ito publish births'. after .the
child is weaned, a marriage -after
the honeymoon is over, a :death
after the widow is married again'.:
A CURFEW BY-LAW introduced
in Teeswater in 1931, is now to
be enforced and hereafter child-
ren;under sixteen: years will have
to hie for home by nine. o'clock.
Smith conducted the installation
of officers as follows
Officers Installed
. Honorary president,.. M.S.'' .A.
Strachari, Brussels; pastpresi-
dent, Mrs. Robt.. Davidson, Dun-
gannon; president, Mks. F. G.
Fowler; Bluevale; 1st vice presi-
dent, Mrs. ' Guthrie ' Reed, Tees-
water:; 2nd vice president, Mrs
Wm. McInnis,' Ethel; • . 3rd vic
.pre§ident,__I�iLrs`' R. MAZhinncy
Dungannon; 44th Vice president
Mrs. Ewart McKercher, Bluevale
5th -vice-president, :Mrs: Ma-
ey,' -Ripley; treasurer,,, Mrs. Bell
Kincardine; cor., sec., , Miss, ,Nelli
Malcolm, Holyrood; rec.' sec., Mrs
K. MacLean, .'Wingham; fin. sec,
Mrs. Robert Mowbray, White-
church; Mission,Band sec., Miss
M. MacDolzgall,:,Lucknow; Y. W.
A. and Girls' sec., Mrs. M., Hen-
derson, Lucknow; Home Helper
see., MTS. A. A.. j. Simpson, Kin=
tail; Life' :membership. sec.,, Mrs.
R. Thomson, Brussels; Glad Tid-
ings sec.; Mrs. Shirl Bowers, Rip-
ley;: supply sec., Mrs.. Win. Mitch-
ell, Wingham; W. and W. ' sec.,
Miss Dean McLeod, Lucknow;
student sec., ° Mrs:'' Taylor, Cran-
brook; literature and library.sec.,
Miss Grace Richardson, R. R. 2,
Teeswater;. press sec., Miss Olive
Scott, Bluevale; ' historian, Mrs.
R. McWhinney, Du. rgannen; con-
vener of .nominating., committee,
Mrs. R. Elliott, Bluevale.
During :the afternoon' session,
H. V. ' Pyrn sang a solo.' Mrs. K.
MacLean and Mrs: W. . C. King
presided at the . organ. The newly
lected president, Mrs. F. G. Fow-
ler thanked the society' for the
onor that had been given her,
nd asked for co-operation, sym-
pathetic help and patience.'
Words of appreciation were ex-
ressed to 'Mrs. Davidson and
rs. Pollock, the retiring presi-
ent and• treasurer, . for their
faithful services and the efficient
anner in which, they had filled
heir' respective ;offices. "'
Prayer by' Miss Frieda. Mat-
ews and srngi<r t e;t;ado
ei4t.�Y.�. -Jib.... ». 3:
Disthi sl�ely -pacl cr;l&d in white
'and gold • Choose your: shade.
from the Adrienne .Colour
Harmony. Chart.. Solt`
exclusively at Itexaif
Drug Stores. •
:- FACE POWDER . ; . . ;.63e
CREAMS .. , . . 60c
PERFUME . 30c -60c,
COLOGNE . 6_Ss $1-i�
®ATH POWDERt.. , :.S1.10
'PHONE 32• .
Miss. La.urine Martin* of Tor
onto is spending' 'a few weeks at
her home."
Mr. ' Rennie Graham' of Camp
Borden spent the week -end. at
his home.
Mrs. R. Martin held a Red Cross
quilting on Thursday' when two
quilts were quilted. • . '
South Kinloss Church Anniver-
sary is to be held this Sunday.:
Mr. Levi.. Hodgkinson is spend-
ing a • few days with his, sister
in . Owen Sound. •
Mr. W. Sthpsson, Sr'., of the Vet'- .
erans' Guard is. spending a few•,
days at . his home. ' •
The May meeting of the' U Ir.
W. O. will be held this "�IrhursdaF
t the home •of Mrs: Philip. •
Mr. John Hodgkinson is not .'as
well • as' his friends would wish,
ut -hope to•^see him improved
eon: • .
Mr. and Mrs. R. Moffat. and
amily spent a few days --in- Tor-
- ' onto, last week.
*Miss'Mary' McLeod of •Lucknow
e spent Sunday at her horne.. •
' :The 'farriers are finding the.
seeding rather '.slow on account'
'of ; so much._r Th1
"A :burglar entered our house
this ,morning". .
"Did he get anything?"
"Well, I'll say .he , did;. my 'wife •
thought .I was sneaking in late".
was- -being - unleaded at 'Fladd'a '
Mill , at : Tees.. ater, a section of
the upper floor collapsed. As a-•
,bout 25' tons of graih poured
down, the main floor gave, way,
and the kernels, poured right on
through to the 'basement, and a-
bout four- tons of the grain were
washed away in the race.
M. D.
Ripley, Ontario.
,In order to save . your time,
gasoline and tires, we '. half
planned to be at the office ;at
'the following hours:,
Every day but Thursday aid
1.39 to 4,00 o'clock
Monday, Wednesday, Friday'
and Saturday
7.00 to 9.00 o'clock
Tuesday, Thursday and .Sat-
urday By ' Appointment.
If in _doubt, 'phone for
uitment < ,: