HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-05-13, Page 4• • • E• . -- et-. _.... 'PAGE FOUR .i • • .' THE :UICKNOWcrsENTINEL, LUCKnNQW, • ON1AR!O a THURSDAY, MAY 13th, 1943 KIN.LOSS COUNCIL Council met in • the Mall p -on, April 12, 1943, All members pres- ent. ; The minutes of the last regular sneetiing of March 15 19.43 as: read *!reapproved and and signed. The 'claim; • of Calvin. Lamont for six geese killed by dogs'was sustained and order issued ' in • payment. " - • The tender of the Sandy Con- struction and MachineWorks of ;•Coderich at,.57 cents pet yard for ctushing and laid 'down on town- ship roads was accepted, • L.' The Council Board approved • ;,having a, meeting 'regarding den- tal ,clinic of school children and • the . clerk to make arrangements with the... M.H.O. for a suitable ,date of .such meeting and notify the secretary of each • school re .said date. • Council_ 4.,. ted..,to_rneet_a. gain on• Tuesday 25th day • of .-May •.1943- the-Esial :tune for' general business.. and at 2 o'clock• in ' the . 'afternoonas a court.: of • • revision on the assessment- roll of 1943. . Cheques issued=-Cglross Ins. Co.,. 'ins. • • on Hall, $7.20; , Relief cheque, relief, '13.05;. C. Lamont, geesclaim 18;00; N Guest; insp:; above, 1.50, INFANT DAUGHTER DIES Sympathy is extended Ito Mr.. and Mrs, Elmer • J. ,.Parrish and :family of Gorrie, in'the death -of their -infant daughter, ,Martha ,,Ann, who passed . away at her.. home on Wednesday, April ' 28th following an illness of six weeks during which time she received treatment ' 'in Listowel.. and.. Lon- don hospitals where everything possible was.' done.' Surviving are her parentsand three brothers, Jasper.,, Bower and Johnson, .and! two • sisters, Maxine and Mildred Fonerar services., Were held -1±'riday afternoon with ,,a• -private service at the home'.followed by a • service • in the United Church with Rev. • R p. Copeland . in charge: Four.' boys, Bobby Edgar, . Bobby: Stephens, Tommy Newton and George Gregg acted as pall- bearers with . Billy Strong and Lloyd Rattan as flower -bearers. Burial: took place in Gorrie Cern ery . • Suffered Leg Fracture Jerome Kupferschi* idt, son of Frank Kupferschinidt, formerly of Carrick, is in the Bruce County Hospital, s tffermg with a badly fractured right leg. He was work- ing at the Lucknow Sawmill,' when a log rolled on hien, causing the fracture between, theknee Highway cheques—Pay roll No. and ankle. Dr: Miller of Mildmay' 14, $377,26 Mrs. George .Colwell, . reduced the fracture.—Mildmay stamps; 4.00. (•Gazette. THE ,CLANSMEN'S. SPRING ge-Collecti IN LUCKNOW AY 11th PILE, IT AT THE CURB *BEFORE 7 O'CLOCK: Scrap . Metal, Newspapers, Magazines, Rubber, Rags, White Bottles and white broken glass Are , Wanted. PLEASE ' PREPARE FOR EASY HANDLING & KEEP, ALL • CLASSES OF SALVAGE SEPARATE ,SALVA-GE-DEPOT At Johfston's Bar --n. All Salvage May Be Delivered There at the Convenience of Village and Rural Contributors SALVAGE IS VITAL! CULROSSO'UPLE ARE MARRIED FIFTY-ONE YEARS • .Neighbors of Concession 4,' Cul- ross; met recently at the- home of Mr. John ":McKinnon Jr. for ' a social evening to extend congrat- ulations to the. • bride and Broom of 51. years :ago. The. following address was read by Mrs. t. • D. Griznoldby while Walter• Fergus- son made •the presentatioxi of. suit- able •gifts as a• reminder ..of the occasion. • Dear Mr. & Mrs. JMcKinnon: We, your • neighbors, •have gath- ered • here this evening ; ' op this the fifty-first anniversary of your wedding, to ,,share with • you the' ;joy ,� that is. yours, and to leave with you a small T token ,of . the deep and loved place you hold i our hearts. • As neighbors you have been very kind .and obliging, especially at times when trials and troubles beset us= -giving every, assistance yea•--eouldi as well -as vii comfort and sympathy.. . Also in our social gatherings you both filleda a very active part, which was'always enjoyed, by all:. • You Rave accepted the joys and' happiness of life with thankful. hearts, and have met the trials and troubles .with the sal a good will. ' And now; -as -a- mark-of=our--es-; teem 'arid respect, we ask you both to accept this gift, • not for its material .value, but as• a re- minder 'of the place you hold . in trim hearts, and we all earnestly pray 'that God .may see fit.. to. spare you many. more years of health and happiness. Signed on behalf of the neigh- bors, John D. Grimoldby, James Harkness, W. D. Simpson: • Mr. and Mrs.. McKinnon made teary suit ' _z .lies and thaniked. their ni'y fri •nds and neighbors. 11►ir. McKinnon, hale and hearty at •82, stated he was the only direct descendant of the pioneers living on the 4th from boundary to - boundary, and that.:he, was living. on the farm, ' on which he was' born, and if he had an. enemy h didn't know it: ' Mr. McKinnon contributed two' solos for the oc caslatv'..Whi1 Cohn 'Jr,. an&_•.sev- eral others gave of their musical talent in, a sing -song •. evening which this grand old couple stat- ed they would always cherish as • a happy memory. Lunch was ser- ved and a social half hour enjoy- ed by all. . Mrs. WilfredMcQuillin of West Wavcanosh Is -a —daughter of -Mr: and Mrs. McKinnon. ' Prayer Meeting '86 Bible Study .M Prayer meeting will be held -as usual at 8 p.m. this Friday ev- ening in the Bible Institute rooms above the Express, office: At 8.30 p.m. Rev. ' Robt. McConnell will have charge of the Bible study class and will take the book of, Phillipans for this week's study. arS Die ife.#bei Now you can be sure your family gets good nutrition. Follow the 63 varied menus in this Free booklet. Here's the book you have been waiting for... the practical way, to good nutrition. No need to be a student of dietetics! You simply follow•the menus planned for you, confident, that you are serving meals as healthful as they are appealing. This • .is -an -important par? of your •'.war effort! For proper food is vital to health, and therefor to all-out production. Yet Government surveys show that 60 per cent' ►f Canadians fall short of good nu- trition,,even though seemingly well-fed. So>learn. the way to meals that are as healthful as they are ap- petizing! Send for your copy of "Eat -to -Work. to -Win" now! Valuable Authoritative SEND FOR YOUR COPY TODAY Just send your name and address, clearly printed, to "Nutrition for Victory", Bc» 600, Toronto, Canada Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY. (ONTARIO) • in the intere!sdi of nutrition and health u an sato V1ctoryl , *The nutritional ttatefnen:ts •in 'Tat* Ye*Work -to-Win" are acceptable eo Maritibn Strikes, Department of Pen* Bions and Ilatlonal Health, Ottawa, for tbeCanadianNutri, Mae Programme. STRAYED—to, . the . preinises �f the undersigned, a►young pig, on Thursday last. Peter Carnpbell, ,R. 2. Lucknow. - 'FOR' SALE :for immediate cash sale, Massey-Har,ris No: '1 Hay Loader, • used only •thrdays. Like New. Apply at The .Sentinel Office.' • • . ' FURNITURE BARGAINS, at the Mildmay. Furniture Stbre, Chest- erfield suites, new & used Pianos, bedroom suites. Schuett & Sons, Mildmay and Mount Forest. • ; • FURNITURE FOR 'SALE --Kitch- en cabinet, cupboard; cherry; ashstand.- ogany;r-small..drop. leaf table, kitchen. table; . wicker -.rocker;-'--baby 'buggy. All 'used,. but. • in good condition. Apply to Mrs. R. J. Button, Y.ucknow. WANTED TO PURCHASE -Pul- lets all breeds and ages .4 weeks up to 20 weeks. High prices paid. Write for full details. T*eddie, Chick Hatcheries Limited, . Fer- gus, Ontario FOR SALE --Hoose. and large lot with glassed, sun room and roof and sides covered with red brick asbestos. Price $800.,cash, or $300 cash' and $15,00 a month for three years:; For information apply to G. B. Smith or Joseph Agnew: NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' II All persons having claims a- gainst.. the.. Estate•. of:= John Mae- Donald late of the Township of Ashfieldin. the County of Huron, Farther, deceased,' who 'died on or ,about ' the Twenty-ninth . day of April, A..D..:1943, are :required to --send° to,or deliver to, Robert. Nelson, R.R. No. 7, Lucknow, On- tario, on or before the Fifth' day of June,. A.D. 1943, full partic- ulars of their claims : in . writing, duly' verified by affidavit. After the said fifth day of Jane . the is-- sets s-sets of the said John MacDonald will be -distributed among the persons entitled thereto having -egard only to the claims of• which the administrator shall then have had notice. DATED at Lucknow, Ontario, this Eleventh day Qf M.ay , ,,B,._i9.43._ ROBERT NELSON, R.R. No. 7, Lucknow, Ont. _..... _.:....Administr,stoi-,- Olivet Y. P. • U. The'regular meeting was held in the church , on Thursday even- ing, conducted by Beth McTavish The scripture lesson was read by Robert Osborne •and a poem by Alice Barkwell. The topic was iven 'by Donald McTavish and ev. Beech• gave a very interest- ing talk. At the close of the 'meet- ing -contests were conducted by Alice B.arlwell. FOR •'SALES Gurney oxford range in good condition, suitable for farm homie. 'Apply at Sentinel: Office. hCARD.OF THANKS Frank, MacKenzie wishes • to exp; piess `lits' sincere thanks and ap•. predation ' to the • Lucknow Red - Cross Society forthe, lovely y 'gift ' of knitted goods: ` Miss' Marguerite. Campbell and brothers of the• late Mrs. Malcolm • Campbell, wish to thank friend in Lucknow •for their kindness and services at the funeral on. .'Cuesday , The brother and sisters, of the late JohnMacDnoald.wisl to ack= nowledge with sincere thanks the many kind acts. and expressions of sympathy Extended. them by friends and neighbors in •the great lossof their beloved brother. The family of the late Albert Towle and his niece, Dr. Dorothy , Towle,' take this 'opportunity of expressing oiir sincere thanks to Rev: Stewart and :members of the ' choir,: and all friends who sd kindly rendered.•.their services on this sad occasion. The :Fatnily. F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW 'FIRST WEDNESDAY OF 'EACH MONTH. RAFTER JUNE 1st• - 10 a.m. to 6 o'clock AT, WM. SCHMID'S. STORE • P. Stuart MacKenzie BARRISTER' 8r: SOLICITOR, Walkerton, Ontario. IN ' LUCKNOW 'Each Wednesday Afternoon & Evening At G. H. SMITH'S, OFFICE Lady: I'm .bothered with a lit- tle, wart I'd like to have remov- ed. Doctor:. The divorce .lawyer is at the second floor,. left, down the. hall. • • volunteers Wanted TO JOIN THE Farm Commando Brigade AND • oe arvest FOR VICTORY. THOSE W110WILL VOLUNTEER to help the, farmers in haying and harvest are requested to register their names with W. A. PORTEOUS; . Lucktiow. ' • LOGAr, FARMERS whir require help are ,also asked to leave their naives with W. A. Porteou, RATES OF PAY are ,toy be from 25c •to 40e per hour. The Farm • Help'' Situation Is Serious •