HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-05-13, Page 3'JawRsDAy, M . Y 13th, 1943
Mrs. , A. Fox who has spent
the winter months with her deli-
"ghter, • Mrs. Rey Patten of Si.
-GeorgesThas returned to her
home herelast. week.
Mr. . R.- Y. Carrick •-and Miss
Susie Carrick who have spent the
winter months , in. Lucknow; hove
' • returned home recently."
, Cominunion service .' will be
held in the Presbyterian Church
• next Sunday; at 11 a.in. Prepar-
atory service will, be: held on Frir
day at 8.30 p.m,
Mr: John Clubb visited on. Sun-'
dray With ' his sister-in-law, Mrs.
Wm: Dow of Iensal°l: '
Mother's Day & baptisrrial ser-
• Vices Were .held in the Presby-,
erian chi.irch Sunday morning
/When Alledia -Elaine Conn, ; dau-.r
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Conn,, also Mary__Margaret 'Fish~
er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Fisher were baptized..•
- �- Mr. • and Mrs.. Albert Coultes
and family visited with'. her bro-
ther, Mr. Kerry of Paisley 'on
We .aresorry' to report Mr. and
Mrs. Hector McKay; ' our oldest.
couple in the .'community, were
sick last week with ,.the flu. Mrs.
McKay.. has. _ pleurisy- .this,: -week
and is very sick: We hope for
• a speedy recovery.. .•
Mr.' McLay of Ripley; a rep-
•`' -esentative of Temperance will
speak 41 the United .chinch on
Sunday 'afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs; James, Mclnnes
and Janie and Anne visited ori:
Sunday with Mrs. McInnes' Moth -
Ter', • Mrs. Roane,,and Mr. Roane of
- Mr: and:; -Mrs, Duncan -;Kennedy
of .Wingham, Mr. and. Mrs:' Lorne.
Durnin and two sons of St. Hel-
ens, also Mr. ,and 'Mrs. George
Kennedy and two sons visited on
Mother's Day with their. mother,
Mrs. • David Kennedy; also' Mr.
& Mrs. Harry Tichborne of God-
erich and 'Mr. and Mrs. John Reid
of Auburn visited on Saturday at
the same home.
ther.. Stanley Pym. who has spent
winter :months in. Florida` re-
turned back here last ''week.
The Women's ' Institute held.- a
euchre and dance in the . hall last
• Friday evening with twelve tab-
les playing. Mrs. Cecil Falconer.
and Mrs. Robert Ross tied as win-
ners. A draw was made with Mrs.
.Ross receiving the prize, also .Mr.
x_. _ �..artd l\!r.doz��McKa� tied -as_.
winners and a draw was made
• & Mr. McKay received • the prize.
_ ucky_ .prizes-w-en:t.-to-1%r- - Art -
Wilson and Miss Lenore Adams.
Dancing was then enjoyed' with
music by Messrs., Joe and. Dan
Tiffin accompanied by • Mrs.
Pickle at the piano. -
Mrs. Matthew Shackleton is
visiting with, her parents Mr. &
Mrs.' Jesse Gray in Goderich.
Mr. Lorne ' Emmons' made a
business trip to London on . Sat-
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven,
Ronald and Gwendolyn attended
the services in Lucknow United
church on Sunday morning:
Mr. 'Colin Crozier of Crumlin
spent the week=end at his home
Most of the neighbors around
here attended the sale at Mrs.
Sadie Shiells on Friday when
good prices were realized.
On Tftursday afternoon 1 W,;
M. S. ladies met at. Mrs. Kilpat-
rick's and quilted a quilt for the.
missionary bale. Mss. Jack Riv-
ett, had charge of ..the program:
After devo tonal, period Mrgs: Ed -
,iia McW;hiilney and Mrs. Rivett
gave reports of the .Presbyterial
' at Brussels, Mrs, Benson Shackle-
ton gave the chapter in the study
book. During the business period
arrangements were made 'for our
anniversary services which are to
'be held in June: The National
Anthem was sting and the pastor
closed the meeting with thej ben,
ediction : . .
A large number from here took
advantage of open house and vis-
ited Port Albert airport on Sat-
Mr. and 'Mrs. Raynard Ackert
spent Sunday. at Mr. _ and . Mrs,
John' Reiy's at Reid's Corner.
'Mr."•and' Mrs. Victor Lang and
Evelyn spent the week -end • with
Walkerton ' friends..
• Mr. and Mrs: Howard Harris
and Lorraine, Mrs. Thos.. Harris
were' . Monday evening callers: at
Mr." and Mrs; Chas. 'Graham of
Durham ,and Mr. and.Mrs. Ernest
Ackert spent Sunday with Mr. &
Mrs:. Bill Graharn. ' '
The cast of the play;'4Aurrt Sus-
ie shoots the works held a din-
ner at thehome of Mrs.: Almer-
Ackert on. Saturday. Theue were
twenty present , and a very en-
joyable evening spent.:
Mr.. an& Mrs. Eddie Thompson
spent Sunday at. Mr: Geo, Saun-
ders at Mafeking.
Mr. and Mrs.. Wm:: Eadie, Doris
and . Lorne attended a reception
on Friday- night -at' Lane's- school
house near ; Wroxeter in honor of
LAC: and. Mrs. "Kenneth Jackson.
(nee Evelyn Cathers).,.who were
married recently. •
Mr..and Mrs. Percy. Deyell,'of
Stratford spent the week -end at
Mr. Mark and, Mr. Clifford John-
• Another one of our weekly .ex-
changes has • taken the 'mportant
step and blossomed out last week'
in tabloid, form. We , refer 'to The
Lucknow ' Sentinel. The editor
Mr. Thompson is to . be congratu-
lated upon his first issue which
ran to .12 pagesand., is neatand
perfectly printed. From our own
experience We ' feel sure, Editor.
Thompson ,will • never regret his
move and the presence of a bright
editorial page on page two will
in itself , offset the. difference in
the . former and present paper. We
are looking forward 'with interest
to the regular. visit of. The Sen-
tinel to. , our desk.' Havelock
Second County Paper
Gems :Tabloid.
The Lucknow Sentinel reached.
our .desk last week: in •the brand
new format .of a. tabloid -style
newspaper. The editor, Campbell
Thompson, who commented that
the change -over to the smaller:
ize page was made just two years
after he had purchased the Sen-
tinel. from the former owner, Mrs.'
A. D. Mackenzie, voices modest
pride in • having converted to all
„home -print, and The Advocate
hastens to state tat he has done
a swell job. In our humble opin-
ion, The Sentinel, in its new pint-
size get-up, as . well as from a.
typographical angle, is one of the
most up-to-date ' weekly news-
papers now reaching our desk.
Mr, Thompson is the second edi-
for to have made the switch from
a full-size, . seven 'Column paper,
to the modern tabloid size of five'
columns and reduced pagelength.
,Paisley Advocate.
Friends and neighbors number-
ing over 200, gathered in the,par;
ish hall at St. Augustine on Wed-
nesday evening in' honor of Cpl.
Melvin and Mrs;' Craig of London,
whose.,.mar-riage took place on.
Saturday, May lst. The evening
was spent in dancing, music be-
ing supplied b Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon MeCincl hey, 1•eeve Ray-
mond Redmond, Athol Bruce,
Mrs. Wm. Craig, and Mrs. Bruce.
Messrs. Snowden and Webb were
callers for the square dances. •
Worthy of -note for the first
'square dance, asset was- formed
by the wedding party, bride and
bridegroom, bridesmaid, grooms-
man, fathers and i i'others• of both
bride and bridegroom,
Following the lunch hour Hill-
iard Jefferson • read an address
expressing. the good wishes of a
host of friends, and Patrick Mur-
phy presented them with a purse
of .money. Cpl. Craig fittingly re-
ponded, and dancing was resum-
ed. Wedding cake was served by
the bride , and bridegroofn to' the'
Federation Field Pay
The first annual,field. day and
picnic of the Huron ounty Fed-
eration of Agriculture will be
held at the Lion's Park, ;Sea -
forth on Monday June 7th. The
main speaker • will be Mr. 'John
Bracken, Ottawa, `former premier
of Manitoba. It is also expected
that 'Mr.. Harry Nixon will be
.When the ,Guides fo"rrned horse'
shoe formation after roll call
Mrs. Calvert 'presented' the Ban,
tam Patrol with white . handker=•
Chiefs with the Guide trefoil in
the .corner. The.hankies are. "given
for the 'best attendance,. uniforms
and winning -of games.
Several ,tests were tried after,
which Mrs. Calvert . marched :the
'Guides out the : Wingham ' 'road
a _short way. ` •
....Horseshoe formation w_as.. taken;
again end .Bernice Shaddock, an
Oriole tenderfoot, was enrolled.
'Then Mrs. Calvert . asked all
those ' wilco wanted.!. to: try the
Laundress Badge to bring their
washed ' and finished articles :re-
quired 'for
e-quired.'for it, next Friday.
Four Guides broughtsome very`
well done things for the •Needle-
w'oman's :'Badge.. There were
darned, socks, babies night -dres-
ses::and jackets, all well, done.
They all passed the test.
In a..'garne. •that followed the
Oriole Patrol won 'and the Can-
ary.and-Bantam Patrols carne sec-
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