HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-05-13, Page 2PGE TWO.
' Estabshe. d 1873 .
'Published •,Each Thursday Morning
It Will bear • t +'pealing that 'all volunteere.
salvage organieatiions, Such at the local one,
are required to use' all salvage. funds for ,war •
•, charities., or .war service everk, The Clansmen
Club does not benefit one pickle. by their ef-
forts 'in this regard. So. far, salvage Hinds have '
Subscription Rate --µ $2,00 A Year In' Advance •been expended to send. , alth s. to the boys
•• Oversees from this diS.trict, •although at v;trious
To United States•$2:5OE • Single C•opies •5c times donations have been made to war char-
• Member of . The C. W. N; A: -
C. Thompson, Publisher ' _and_Proprietor .
• THURSDAY, '.MAY 13th, 1943'
•Lucknow and community hasan enviable
recordin having achieved, and surpassed every s ,
war work objective. 'the' Fourth victory Loan separate: Paper and . •magazines must be se •
provides. the acid test. Are objectives in Luck- ' curely tied withstout cord, or packed in car-
tons.. Rags should , be bagged or boated arid
bottles and glass packed in substantial con- ..t
tainers: •
The careful packing of salvage materials
adds' to the value of the material,, and is Of
Mgreate-aeeistan.ce_ .to,e those-ewlro give freely--LLcrf
their time in :making the collections and sub-
sequently .disposing: of the material.
This communityhas already contributed
salvage to the value of several hundred dollars.
:The surprising fact is that there seems to be
• no end to the amount that accumulates,. and
in many cases the sources have not as yet been
Dig it out now and have it ready when
the -truck_ calls next -Monday-night;
It doesn't take- much patriotism to transfer
surely there are many• more residents' m both cash in the bank . at 11/2 per cent into ; Victory
. municipalities, who can and. , will, '.yet bud Bonds at three, per cent. Buy more on the
ities and war service organizations, including,
The -Salvation- 1.1'z mee,-: Kni ae-eof••--Coping tfi,,
• Aid to . Russia Fund . ;and Chinese WarRelief
• Fund..
• The \recovery 'of salvage is the eespon-
sibility of everyone in , the cy. ii triunity. The
local, organization offers ..only -a medium of
collection and. disposal •Collection costs are.'
prohibitive except. nn lice Village, where', local'
truckers donate their services. ,
In preparing salvage fol• collection, the,
committee:. urges' that all classifications be kept
riow and surrounding ' townships to be met?
They' can be if • some financial sacrifices are :
made,. The boys from this community now •
overseas, ready . to " face.' death, can trightly :
expect them to be made.
iveeleThif ess the ' Loan
• period . is• extended. There ' can be r:io, "come.
'back again" salute to loan salesmen
With only a week to go, sales up to: noon
' Saturday showed Lucki"iow as 'having reached'
50 per cent .of the .,objective;. West. Wawaneeh,
38.8 per cent; Kinloss Township, 36 per cent,
and Ashfield Township 29.4 per cent. In ' Luck-
now that percentage was obtained on only-.
_•,sixty-seven sales, while . in Kinloss only fifty-
, nine' orders- had.been received. ,
These figures reveal amazingly low per
capita . sales, but offer encoueagement in that
• Fourth Victory • Loan Bonds.'
..Many people in the past have `spent :on the
instalment plan. The • 'present Loan offers' .the
opportunity to save - on the. instalment plan..
• .Ask your . salesman to • explain . it.; A 'ten per cent flown payment, and monthly •
.instalments for 'six 'months is' one - of the bond ' The• time of .year.. is 'at hand when • dogs
buying plans. Your bond , bears interest from and'' dickens play hob .with lawns and victory '
.May__f_irrst, which amounts_to _snore _than twice
'•-{ - -- -•- ,-garden-Se have- :by taws,w---
the small carrying - charge -.on •the • instalment••• requiring :dogs to be tiediatp'during, the summer ' `
payments. ' , . ..
• • "Back '°the ..Attack" • .:has a greater signifi- ••months: i;ocally, there -is- no -such : bylaw-tci-- : •-
ounce novo' than ever,.. The whirlwind cleanup our ''knowledge, ebrit many • horticulturists and .,
, gardeners ' would. like to • see such • a law..en-
•- of the,Axis forces in..Tunisia,,,raiakes•an invasion '•forced by the Village Council: • .. •
. of the Continent -more imminent, than we may
realize. Canadians . will spearhead • that attack,
. and . that Means' boys ,from Lucknow and dis- -
trict .too.' Have You: done all you ca'n to. back
• . thei' by -buying war. bonds to the. lirnit of your
,ability .to . pay? -What -. a let• down it Will .be
• to • those ;boys .if their home town ' fails' to
'meet• Fits: objective.. • • ... .
* ••*
• instalment plan. •
. . ..* *• * . .e••
Lucknow is not ,the. only "black sheep".
Teeswater • ' stores remain open on • Wednesday
• rand Saturday ' evenings until • 11:30. '
•* *. * .* ,
From, here - it : appears that. .the United •
States' war • effort, aswell as•organized "labor, • •
would be greatly 'benefited by the • internment
of blustering John Le Lewis. Lewis seems to
. have done 'The.. -labor. rnovement• more harm ••
• than good. e-• .
* * *. •*
Thrifty coupon clippers are now ''buying
• Lueknow's : 3nunicipal garbage -collection-• War Savings Stamps or Certificates .with. the
.service' • starts this week. . Qn • Monday • night ;accrued�iiiterest on Third Victory Loam Bonds.'
. The Clansmen resume the collection of salvage.'
It's. spring and inside and. out its • clean-up time
again. •
Few municipalities as small as this Village •
can boast Of a municipal garbage collection
system.. It was inaugurated last spring as. a :,
sanitation measure, deemed essential following
- the •infantile .paralysis :epidemic of the -previous •
• year. • • .
• The ' responsibility of achieving this pur•
pose-rests--w'ith -'every- :household and business -
' place in the Village, as well as the ' careful •
and :proper . disposal of the' refuse.'... + ' °F
• • The':service . was generally ver <- 'y popular
last season, and proved to• be quite economical. • . have a Board of Trade, which cased the Pal -
The weekly cost -was little, more than $9.00, - merston Observer' to make this comment: "El •
with • total collection costs, -from spring. • until Ora may, get. its Board of' Trade, but let's hope
fall, amounting to, $231.48. This figures out to.. they attend its meetings, •• and abide by it's
• approximately seventy=five : cents per season , rulings, • and thus keep it in existane.e, That
• is something we, apparently -cannot do". •
Failure • locally to accept the majority vote
to close on • Wednesday night, and. • the .subse-
quent developments; appears to have caused
a ' breach in the Lucknow Business Men's As -
* * ,:* * . . •
Victory Bonds "will 'be so nice to come,
home to", 'is evidently the theme. song of the.
boys in uniform, for. • many are investing their
spare dollars ,in the 'Fourth Victory Loan. •
•. *: *.'
• With rationing, ceiling prices and • a multi-
-tude,--of •-newe-and 'charging. government reg'=._..._
lations, 'retailers have many .problems. today.' -
As one person put `it, . "You have • to sit • up
nights listening teethe-- radio; --to-know--what—._
to do the ' next day". , .
•* * * • ••* .
The Elora Express thinks th'at.'town should
for each household and business place, or a
,per capita ' cost of less than twenty-five cents
a person: • • ' .
A trivial cost, Ave think,for such a con- '
venience, apart from what it may achieve in
safeguarding the health of the :community. sociation. While expressing' our views last week
,. fiv.,= marzow sl tw f ViV;r a f lie a .lay
r r en iaa7.+ sp ng<.c1 , tori k t'qt 7, l' 4 n• 1 a . tl . ra ud wee -none -the
is vital to the war effort, and 'tons : of it are less think the original decision should have
still "in hiding". , ... ' been' abided by. • .
Of course rubber and metal receive the , So far,as the Publisher is concerned, he
emphasis, but rags, paper and bottles, common : , did not vote' on the matter for the sole' reason
to every home, have considerable value. Grease, • that we considered it was not our right to vote
which is another very essential item, must be on a question of retail business hours that it
disposed of through your meat dealer, • is impossible for .The' Sentinel •to adhere to. • •
'b +
The Presbytery' of Bruce of the
' United church met in Port Elgin,
on. Tuesday, May 4th, . with the
chairman, Rev. .11... N. Stewart of
Teeswater presiding. The wor-
ship was conducted by Rev. H. W.
Strapp of Bervie, who spoke
briefly on the theme, `Keepers
of' -Truths". During the morning
Session, Rev. L. S. Mott was el-
ected as, chaitenan and Rev. J. C.
Hutton as' secretary. The" treasur-
er, Rev. ,H. J. Turnbull was re-
elected; The Presbytery listened
with 'a great deal . of interest to,
the eddress of Dr. J, It. Hutch -
Mor, the. secretary of the Board
of Evangelism and, Social c •Ser-
vice, in which the speaker de-
'scribed - certain wartime coedit-
*vitalize our people: The church-
es must be' more alert than ever
as the • .guardian • of moral and
spiritual values. -
Inthe re ort of. the Committee
of Evangelism and Socia Service
the Presbytery edmrnended the
Farm Fortran as a means of de=
veloping the ' co-operative spirit
and recommended ' the study of
the Credit Upions' and other
forms of co-operatives:
The Pastoral Relations Commit-
tee reported that, the Executive
had approved of the call of the
Kincardine United church to Rev.
D. E. Foster, B.A., of Hespeler,
and the call of the Hespeler 'Mi-
lted church to Rev. George Ker-
sey,. B.A., of Kincardine. There-
tirernent of Rev. •B.. S. Moyer on
account of in health was reported
and the Presbytery expressed its
deep regrets to. Mr: Moyer. A mo-
tion was past. requestmg.?astoral
of Presbytery the names of per-
sons ' from • their 'local churches
who are in the Armed Forces.
' The Lay .Association reported
that the following officers had
b r—eteetedrwesitlexr't;. Mr. A.
McLay, Ripley; , . vice-president,
Mr. J; A.' George of Port Elgin;
secretary, Mir: G. B. Clark of Kin-
Kintail Institute '
The annual meeting, of Kintail
Institute was held Thursday,. May
6th at Mrs. Neil MacDonald's,
Kintail: There' Was a good atten-
dance of members who answered
the roll call by payment' of fees
for the. coming year. The election
of officers took place with the
slate of' officers carrying three
changes., president, Mrs. Robert
Scott; sec.-treas,, Mrs, Sara Mac-
Kenzie, .• Kintail; Mrs. John Col-
lnnson, Kintail,..eonvenet' for knit
::: C9 •.• ,. �r +•Z. tlY'CCIi V'R AJJJ.LY'i s. yam_
further discussion of subjects of
' I
THURSDAY, MAY 13t1i, 1843
and General
Miss Marjorie Purdon was
home over Sunday. p '
The May meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be held in the
Town Hall on'.Friday,: May -14th
at 240 o'clock, : •
11rx and Mrs; Neil Phillips and
`Laurel of Mount ' Forest spent
Sunday with. Mir., and Mrs. George
Phillips. ' • ,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Murdie and-
sortSobby of ;Toronto visited on
Strnday'with Mr; and Mrs. Wm.
MVlurdie.. •
"Russel" Phillips of Ashfield and
Leonard Phillips of Wingham
spent Sunday at their home at
Fordyce. ' •
Mrs., Percy Crosier ' and Sandra -
•spending e ,couple of _ weekis
in Delhi -with Mr.-•-andr Mrs Fr -ed
Cox and: Mr..and Mrs, J. A.- Cros-
Mr. Rodney .MacLennan • has re-
turned. • home after spending'. the
Easter holidays with. friends •and.
relatives , in Detroit : and Wind-
sor. ;
Joins Bank _Staff: •
Miss Jean. Bissett:has commerf-
ceds "her ' duties. as• .tllie junior
member of: the Bank of Montreal
Miss "Ross, who has spent . more
than -a year. in Lucknow with Miss
Marion MacPherson arid. in Tor -
Onto.. with Mr: .and Mrs, Thomas
Ross, . returned . to Regina ' last.
week, on account . of the: illness
1. Miss Mary Caution" spent the
week -end • in Teeswater.
Fus, • Dave Jewitt •"of Niagara
spent the •week=end at • his home
here.. • • • ,•,
...S• Onday".Sehogl will "colpnience
at ,10 a m; • in the United and Pres-
byterian churches.. this' Sunday. .
Lloyd 'Stewart of . Stratford
spent Sunday with,' his parents,
Mr, and"Mrs. Philip Stewart,
Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. 131ue of
Detroit spentt<he •week -end with
.her parents, Mr . and • Mrs:. J. D:
:Anderson, ' •
•Mr, and Mrs.' .George•Sto.ckh w
of• .Detroit • spent the week -end- ,
with her father, .Mr. Alex Mc-
Diarmid. ' ' •
Misaigatberine ,Graf_,:. daughter,......_... _M•
'of AMr:---and-•Mrs—Peter--Graf 'of• -L
Goderich, has accepted 'a. position .
,as • stenographer in the .Crown • At-.
torney's- office. at ' Goderich. Miss.
Graf succeeds Miss Mary McKay
whose . marri'age' ..took•" place 'on `
Saturday. • .
Mrs. N. E. Hodgins returned •on , .'
Frid-ay--from- Hamilton where• she-•:. -
' spent the winter with- her, daugh= '
ter, Mrs... Glen Moore. • and Mir...
Moore. Mrs. Hodgins'. new home
in,' Lucknow is nearing .compfo='
tion. •
Cpl, and' Mrs. Harvey Naylor
and Jack' Naylor • of Toronto, spent •
the week=end here. They. were..
.accompanied by Mrs. Louisa Naye.
'lor who returned to .her home of-'
ter speriding several weeks in the . -
In Magistrate Walker's police
court last w,eek ,Caswell Hackett.
was • sentenced to . a three year.
'prison term on a charge of break-
ing, entering and theft at Fin-
tayson's Store!: : -He was also
chargedth stealing a quantity.
of hides- f om,:A. J.'"rrtton. Sen-
tences'of three years for break=
ing and eriteririg and 'two .years
for theft, are to run concurrently.
MOUTLTON—In Kincardine Gen-
Hospital, May 2, 1943, to Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Moulton, R.R.
2, Holyroed, a son..
BOWERS -In Kincardine Genes-
el Hospital, May 4, '1943, to Mr.
and MVYrs. Jack Bowers; ' Lucknow,
a son: •
WALL -4n •Wingham General
Hospital on Thursday, April' 29.,
to Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wall, R.R. 3,
Wingham, a daughter.
Seems4(-an' Save-Aflytlilng'
E MET on Main Street. Jim had his
usual ready smile, even when he, got tellingc . .
me 'how hard up he *as.
"Seems funny", hesaid, "I'rn earning more
these days, but I just .can't seem to keep it. ,
"Taxes, Victory bonds and all those other
things 'corking off my .pay".
Ile . paused, then went on' slowly.
'"At least it . seems as though I can't save
y g Ac uaily,' of course, those war honds
are shy savings. I'm glad I've salted away a
few of. them.. And you can count'rne in on the
Fourth Victory Loan toot".
This advertisement contributed to the Fourth
• Victory Loan, campaign by
Dominion Textile Company ited,..Montreal•-