HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-05-06, Page 8ss • l'AGE VOW • istr— mZt " E.etwow s.'- , LuC NQW, ONT, • NA • Landing Binge to ;each ; to Berlin! That's the' -ace' s tting_up-tomash the merry; that's the route ofattack, the way. pave!!: with tom a- bought with your, dollars. You are; earning more than ever now on war work. ..tend those earnings for Victory. ' :Buy bonds to Back the Attack. Buy bonds to pro- tect your own future. Buy bonds , and set up a fund for yourself to spend when: the war is over. • SPACE, DON4TED By Lucknow : Fire ; Company ti fl THURSDAY, M A 7 6th, 1043 ' The Red Cross} social was held on Wednesday.•+even ng Mr. John:. Emmerson, was in the chair for the following program; ' 0 Can - add :F a an's Aaddress, , eolosr-. Rinnell; also two ialogu Trading ' Today'+ and. "Farewell to., wait -Jane i : Oii tni ut ,sine- Mg, Miss. Helen Malcolm; ` journ-, al, :M>a• Malcolm Lane; recitations Jean James and Eleanor Murray; Tom Brown, _ Mouth .. organ and - Jew's, harp;. MrrG.eo: Haldenby auctioned the ` articles for • the rummage' sale , which ', amounted to'_over $14:00: The collection was. $6.61.' The program •committee;for the ` n, xt evening, Mrs. Milton. Walsh and Mrs. Fred, Haldenby. Mrs.. George Haldenby return- ed home from . Toronto where she.. visited, with Mr. and Mrs.' Harold, .1Ialdenby and. Mr.' and Mrs._.Art Haldenby: ' Mr., and Mrs. Herb Pettipiece and Jean „ were' recent • visitors with Mrs. Lavina. ,Hodgkinson. Miss_ Helen Thompson spent. `a few: days with "Clifford .friends: Miss Helen . Malcolm .has re- turned . to Toronto to resume her duties and Mrs. Aibei - t'Scott'-and- family were recent visitors • with friends :..here. Mrs:. Jos Cassidy of . Walkerton was a recent visitor with her par- ents here. . Mit. M. Johnstone returned to Listowel after visiting Mr. and, Mrs.' H. A. Graham'. 1VMr.' Earl Percy. of Matheson is, visiting ' with relatives here. • Mrs: '..Alf .Haldenby and Mrs, Aft Graham .. visited • last -week: .with Mr.: and Mrs.' .John McCor- mick; and Kincardine friends. .. Mr. Lloyd Percy of Huron call- ed on friends here on 'Friday? Service in the Anglican church will be again in the .'evening on Sunday next. We .welcome the newly . appointed , recto4Mr. Geo.. "Honour who will take full. charge next -Sunday: . • ' '' . Mrs. Wm., Lloyd and Ivan of Lucknow visited 'on ' Thursday saist.■. ST. HELENS MEATLESS:, MENUS . •NOW 'ON' TUESDAY.. . School re -opened on "Monday for the, final, term with Miss^Bea- trice McQuillin .in charge and with Miss Margaret Salkeld.. of\ the Stratford Normal. school ".as student leacher for, the week. .Miss_.Lean•Thorn•sperit the week pend at her home here and Teff (on 'Monday for Rothisay, N. B., where --she . wi11_slLend the next month. . "Meatless Tuesdays" .. started in all public eating places in Canada bn Tuesday. Weekly hereafter un- til further . notice,' no meat may be served in • restaurants, hotels. or institutions. Official notice' of the new rut= g -was .not received. locally until •Tuesday ,morning. With fish and ,,Mrs. Gordon .McIntyre was a fowl at a premium,' eggs and sal - week -end visitor With Mr. Mc- ads replaced meat on local menus. Sntyre's. parents at Paisley. 'Meat" means any edible product Allan Miller and Harold Taylor from cattle, calves, sheep, lambs who have been - on the staff of - and hogs. Milk 'arid drill! products the Y.M.C.A. canteen at Port Al- are exempt. Fish' and fowl ' may bert are home ,for the summer. be served. Murra+�r Taylor spent the week-. Tuesday extends from midnight end 'at his' home here. l\. Monday to midnight Tuesday.' A successful euchre. and 'dance The,"meatless Tuesdays" meas - sponsored by the Public Library ure it: a prelude, to the; rationing Boardywas held in the coin ,mtun- -off Meat which�.. will �begin later in ir'-<F�l•1L ivae Dlif^(;$4,0' •`tv .da[SL",� '?FX'L'i7 .f�"'.L'l. R".11�?nx''rjlr.''`.�Fitf', fA.vw'`4,. ° lityi • ginatheOhitifitleatiactilawaygefro' �ora��n r McCrostie for the ladies and to their homes will reduce their Mr. Ringler for the gentlemen. •meat consumption as do people' Music for the dance was' provid- -who- eat at home. • ' r • ed by Mr. and , Mrs. ChesterTay-The only filrm in which :meats lor. Proceeds, amounted td over may be served. in public eating • $17. places on Tuesdays will be in Rev. J. A. Ward and Mrs. Ward soups or meat extracts. ' and Bruce motored to . Uxbridge Certain eating places not open on 'Tuesday. , • to the .public are 'exempt.. These Mr ..and Mrs. Jas: Mitchell and . include dining rooms in Indus- " family of . Mitchell were recent trial camps where employees .do- viai�tors `with-Mr-anc Mrs: John- ink-manual_lab_ox re_stilarly^ V,et•; Cameron: all their, meals. • Examples • are ra Mother's Day Will be observed lumbering camps, ranches; rail in the United church on Sunday way boarding cars,. etc. Meals morning in a , family service for Served on boats to officers, or the Church School at 11 a.m. crew, or m hospitals or institu- The weekly meeting of the Y. tions for the infirm to patients P. U. was- held at the Mande on or, inmates also are exempt. Monday evening with Mrs. T. J. All quota user's must observe Todd•in;:.charge. Mae MacDonald meatless , Tuesdays. Boarding read the scripture _ lesson. Mrs houses , which are. not 'registered Stanley Todd read a poem and as quota users but like house- Mrs. Rice contributed 'a Bolo: The holds buy rationed 'fo'ods on rat- topic '"A four -fold challenge", was ion book coupons . are not. obliged taken by Mr's. Lorne Woods af- to have meatless menus on Tues - ter which Stanley Todd led a dis- days. with relatives here: Mrs. George, Bell and Betty of Kincarding were week -end 'visi- tors with her sister, Mrs. Tom Hodgins. Mr.. Laverne Morgan, student of -Huron- Gollege, London,' who -sup- -plied 'here last sip -timer, renewed: acquaintances on, Sunday.. Miss" Betty—Gillespie--spent- ---spent--a- few . days with her . grandparents at Whitechurch. • • Canon W. A. Townshend' con- ducted':services in the Bervie Par- ish - on Sunday. - He was acconi.-. panted by his daughters, Betty People of Huron. County are re- spondIng in a patriotic wad to e -the- Fourt tory-Loan,- but the objective is $3,040,000. This leaves a tremendous amount to be raised in the last week of the Campaign. '. • You: Stand? The Most You Can Buy Is The Least You Can Have You Done Your Best? HOW SOON' olJR . BOYS COME BACK DEPENDS 'ON YOU MAKE Y OUR i FIGHTING. DOLLARS Mrs. Karl Boyle and Marilyn are spending a few days with London friends.. Mr. George Ha dei by_and-.Eta el were in Toronto over theweek end. A' number. from here attended the funeral of the late Dan Mac- Donald, South Line on .Tuesday afternoon. Sympathy is extended to the. bereaved family. WEDDI NG BELLS SMALL OSBORNE, A quiet wedding 'took place at ie -s se, --T ucknow., on -Monday, April 19th at 10 a m. when :1 ev. C. H. MacDonald 'united in mar- riage Eva Irene M. Osborne of Kincardine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Osborne • :of Glamis to Mr. Fred Srnall, of Kincardine. The bride wore a dress of 'flight blue and a tweed'coat ' with*. navy _da Ma Boyle visited Tues . The happy iiEdn.' her aunt-1VIf°s: - H hat and accessories. wit , . w couple lei ' by .min for a. honey- Simpson, one9 - Si Si issmpson, Mooresville. • School_ xe-opened on • Monday after' .an ' enjoyable. Easter 'holi-' day. Our teacher, -.Miss Marion Mackay. and pupils'returned to their desks forthe remainder of • moon in Windsor and Detroit 'af- . ..; Ler which they will reside .in. King, the term. Three little beginners added the number up to 24 .on the Jean and Peggy, Lou. roll- , The little ones are Irlma Mr. Jack Walsh of near,RipleyJean. Percy, Ronnie Graham and Victory. Bonds you can! spent Sunday at his. home. Harvey Stanley. cardine. ' The bride• is a ,sister of Mrs. Redvers Johnston of;Lucknow.' ' A Canadian , corvette requires 14 ' tons of anchor chain. Help forge the links: Eby buying all the cession.. . . Made Presentatiointi There was a large gathering at� the Community Hall on Tues- day evening when__handsome • ii Russell Webb: Dick Weather'head read 'the address and Ross Mac- Pherson and Ilan fy Swan"made the "presentations. , Music for the, njo.._ nal nig Ronald. Crandon; anct-tirt: orchestra . r a s „ tr TRITION MA E Get this never book of balanced menus tt . so easy a child could follow. 'At last . here's a completely practical plan ' for good nutrition. A book of 63 '; "nutrition - wise" menus, 'literally as easy to use as A.B.C.! 'All you need, to niak u yoi r-famiiy is v sely-fed:-.._.---.— We give you 21 days of' menus ... grouped as Meals, keyed as "A", '•B",' "C", "D" and "E". You simply choose a breakfast of any letor, and team it up:with any luncheon and dinner of the same letter. And there you have a day's Meals, as nourishing as they are appealing. Make sure ' that your family is wisely fed! Send for your . FREE copy of "Eat -to -Work -to -Win" today ! Learn the easy way to. meals both healthful and delicious! Spotttc�red by • ND BREWING HE 'TBREWINDUSTRY (ONTARIO) 9k arccoptable-j NulrJtis'" "Eat-ts-l�oei•te-trim" 9k Tbt w.steritioaral tateixra of ~ �rrfies; 11RpwrtnttV LIt a turn iTrat itlairs-Progaamf :,. • auxisEnowasexurnairain Yogis fRE To get your FREE copy' of • "Eat. to. _ Work=to-Win' w just send your 'nanny and address, clearly. printed; to "Nutrition for Victory.", Box 600, Toronto, Canada 6