HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-05-06, Page 7•
TH LUCKNO ?K' BEN E. ;~ L TD.1KN.ow, - O.NTARIO. ,
fat c�r�•a"o`
EO1ViMl•:111C'ING":.>[i' '-Ltr -x—
i�RTH SIDE..of village
SouTH ',SIDE _of Yiliage�.
,• ;
9 E
Mr: and Mrs.' Wilfred Drennan,
Lorainne . 'and J. C. visited . on
Sunday with Mr. 'Drennan's par-
ents Mr.and Mrs. James Drop
spent a few ,days with ,her sis
ter, Mrs Vernon` Hunter, ...•
• •
Messrs. Bill French and Hornier
:Durnin of •H amilton and Graham
Durnih . of Galt spent; Easter wit ,
friends here.,• • '• • •
Mrs.- F. Elliott,' Ingersoll; Mrs.
T. Schewer, June and Grant -and
Mrs.. Wrn. Donaldson, Charles &
David of Hamilton and Mrs. C
Humber,Goderich,. spent Wed-
nesday with', their cousin,- Mrs•
Jim Sherwood...
Mr. and Mrs: Torn Anderson
Jr. were guests of Mr. and 'Mrs.
Jack Curran on Sunday evening.
.Mr.:.._ and -Mrs.' Lorne- • Emmons.
and 'Muriel visited her ' parents,,
Mr and -Mrs. George Freefan, •
Leeburn, on Sunday; ,
A number from -.here attended
the funeral of tile. late William
Shiells which took . place on Sat=
urday. The sympathy of this conn-
munity is extended to. the be • . C,....Drennan. • who passed his En-
reaved ones; trance examination at Easter. and
• Congratulations are due Mxi ;i .is: •nciw .r.eady.fo'1r_::faran-"w-or-k: • ---•---.-
,Ward I�Five, H>Ilroh Township,
Red Cross donations for the past
'•four months are:ea's'dollows: 'one
"ng, 4 t' . .Av "r;.,'`` cluji t 1
•^;:zET.'.J'• A'- row iiN'
quilt 'top; ' Mrs. •'• Cecil Robb; or e
quilt top_, Mrs.....Osborne;.
Blanche Hooey; '1• quilt top, Mrs.
'Bowers; 1 quilt; 1 quilt' top and
2 hafts, Mrs. Macintosh; 1 lining,
Mrs. Dexter; 1.. quilt top and lin-
ing, Margaret Henderson; 2 batts,
Mrs. Ross; 1 erib quilt; Bet11-.Mc
Tapish; 1 lining, Mrs. •:Rase; two
batty, Mrs. "MacLeod;'' quilt don-'
ated-' by `Miss-MacNairn, $2011;
quilt'donated.by Mrs. Cecil,Robb,
$18.25; Lower' 4th, $7.86; euchre
at Meryvn H.00ey's, $'10.00; euchre
at Harringt-bn's, 118.25.'
• Russian Relief donations:_ Up: -
p -per 2nd; 1 ..quilt; Lower 2nd, 3
qui`its `Mrs. Donald—MacKenzie,
4.•q144, Upper 4th; 1•quilt,_lining
and batty donated by miss Doug-
las; Lower. 4th, 4 quilts, .1 lining
by „Mrs. ' Jelin Colling, 1 top by
Mrs. Vogan.` •
STEAK... just a seagull.: NO COFFEE... just putrid
water. NO HEAT. just_ a freezing wind to chill the bones!
Men forced down, at sea know what hardship is.
TheX`know tihe •toltures of`thi"rst ofThunger and of
utter. helplessness. ,)Our•own airmen have tasted
that hardihip in the •bleak Atlantic; British flyers
have come through the ordealin the North Sea.
Eddie Rickenbacker and his six companions fought
the •'mad Pacific" for twenty-one days in Good-
year life rafts: Yes,.all these men know hardship. -
We in Canada live in 'security and comfort ...
our fighting men live in danger and• discomfort.
We ... all of us ... can provide the money to
."BACK THE ATTACK!" That's' little enough, when
we know that every dollar invested now brings
added security to our loved' ones and to our
"s ��1"'W7k�A,alrly��in�li•:^.r �Y'.1I ���'I V Y >„4S�Ap`rY'�h.a41's-�•�
Suppliers to the Navy, Army and Air force al quality=•;
built rubber products, including special bullet resisting
tires for army vehicles; tires, wheels and brakes (or air-
planes; molded rubber parts for the Navy; bogey wheels
for tanks, life rafts; self•sealing gasoline tanks for 'planes
and combat cars; self-sealing gasoline hosei Been gun
clips; shell protectors; mine gaskets, crash helmets;
camera visors, trainer la sticks; and a host of other made-
in•Canada articles for Canadian fighting equipment
.• �..,....7::,
ituLYT..IY .•i;.hW4% 46J1tNbC1E".A'f'S�• 07���"`�. :.... ...
'T,he, meeting was opened by the
-singing=ef hymn 88 -after which__.
the Lord's prayer was repeated
in " unison. • The scripture lesson;
was read together. Edha Banwell
was ,appointed' vice presid • • t to
act ,in place of Sandy McCharles.,,,.
The topic was taken by. Lillian
Osborne. Rev. Beech gave a very •
interesting Easter talk: Hymn 148
was. sig after which Mr. Beech
closed with prayer.. Contests .con-
ducted by Beth MacTavish were.,
enjoyed by all.
Presbyterian Y. .. 1 i.. A.
The regular meeting of the Y.
W. A. was held at -the home of
Mrs. B. Yoven with -the vice pres.;
ident,, Mrs. J. 'E. .Little in ` the
chair. The Bible study, prepared
by . Mrs. N. S. Calvert Was read'
by Miss Gl dys 'MacDonald. The
topic on"WWWrld Fellowship" was
given by Mrs. • C. Finlayson. 1VIiss
Helen. MacDonald outlined -the'
current events from the Glad
•-T-idings".--Mrs: -J— D:-liwoss=ga�*e--a�-
reading, Hymn 381 was sung and
the meeting closed, with prayer.
W.M.S. Presbyterial'
The. 29th annual' meeting of the
Maitland Presbyterial .'Society of.
the W.M.S. of the • Presbyterian
churchwill be held, .in St., An-
drew's Church,:. Wingham, ori•.
Tuesday May 11th with two' ses-
sions commencing at 10 a.m.. and
1.30. p.m. :The ..special'. speaker,,.:
Mrs. V. A. Smith. of Hainilton,
Provincial president, will° conduct --
a forum of•interest to.Home Help-
ers, Mission Band, Young Women
and Girls' secretaries. Miss Frieda,
Matthews, representing the'•Coun-
cil Executive will lead a discus-
sion re the change of date of the
annual meeting...
Presbyterian Guild
The : meeting' on Monday even-
ing opened with the singing of
psalm 109 'followed by 'the Lord's
:prayer in unison.. Donald Hen-
derson read the scripture' lesson'
and the Bible study; was "'given
by Mrs. J. E. Little. The topic
on "Planning a Life9i' was given
by Ronald Johnston,, The Cate-
chism question was explained, by
•Everett Lane. Musical numbers'
included a vocal .solo by_ Helens
Mowbray and a • piano solo by .
Helen MacDonald. Games and
contests. were conducted by Mar-
ion MacDougall; Hymn 663 and
prayer by- Mr. Ross closed the
To, seconomize paper and type
metal in• wartime, .Important .
her es h Ve,• is r evade aim,t e- . .�
, 6t`sto 3rssntr'cd. 41.- seknowF Ys\i
phoffe •"directory .which was dis-
tributed last week. -
. The list oflong distance rates
to points most frequently called
is •now to be found on,the 'inside •
front. 'cover, and instructions on
how .to use long distance service
areon the inside back cover. Ali'
x iarginal advertisements' are be -
sing' removed from the top and
bottom of pages effecting still
In - view of ; •the large number
of new and changed Listings . in
the new directory, it tis`importalnt
to discard the old book .promptly
on receipt of the • new one. Sub- '
scribers are being asked to con-
tribute 'their old directories to
the.regular salvage collection, for '
paper has • now returned to the
lsf badly -needed :salvage art- -
icles. • °• •
Consulting, the , rie'w, directory -
carefully before placing calls will
help td eliminate unnecessary
calls, and will reduce the `wrong
number" nuisance considerably,
Another request which is. ,being
emphasized because of war con-
ditions is that subscribers who •
are n OVing should^toke-the r: tale-
nf—asking- €<r ane theca t•-the•-ne�
residence. ,
• k