HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-05-06, Page 6144
Mrs, Ed McQnillin • returned
home corn. Winghan� the' end of
last reek
mss Donalda i aokett of .r
# e ispent the holidays With
aunt, Mrs. Pharis '`athers..
W are sorry to ,report Mxs.
Sohn MacMillan is confined to
tan', rioom at pgresent. •
«. -Mai- Jarrnc�s 'tsrk
est` a elan as meek. °R[
444r meivOn;
r^ Fraser. Purves of Toronto,
Nos..a..reeen vis:tor,,:.at_l is . l"iole'
On, the 2nd concession.
Mrs, J. Dawson—held` a ,quilt
iig bee. last Wednesday.
Mr. and ,Mrs, W#11.-.11/443onald
attended -the funeral on' Saturday
in Ashfield of the late Mr. 8hio ls.
• . Mr. and Mrs,..Cecil. Forster. 'and:
family vlslted ,at `Mr. Yea. .F off:
ster's recently..' . d,
Mr. Will Srnith of Tiverton and
Pte: Smith' of ?etawawa .: were.
Sunday visitors' with their sister,
s. ftink Miller. and Mr. Miil
MaSter Jahn li dson . a. n Siete
•--Flores ce-returned to Wingharn.app
_ter--, spending- -the holidays with
their grandmother, Mrs, Rudson.:
• Mr.' and. MA, Gordon Rintotui
and LeRoy spent anJ evening last
• week with .Mrs. Gillies and Jack.
=Mr: and .M d Tf?n spent
'ThursdaygMr. and'
evening with. ..
Mrs. ' George McCleriaghan.
The'Re* Cross, quilting grenp
held them ' quilting on , .Tuesday
at the home of WS. Wm. Brown
and quilted two •quilts, The. next'
Meeting is.to..be. held on Tune 1st
-4 the home of MTs.'. Ralph Cas..
Miss . Grace ichardson of Tees-
water ` spent _the week -end at her.
hq'me ,here
Eileen Stuart spent Eas-
-ter week th Mrs arish Mof-
fat._ ,
mr. .ad'. Mrs. Orville ,. ..
Joeand . Tiffin,
Dan spent.SiMday. with
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin.
Miss Dolly Orr, of Toronto spent
sic* leave last week at her home
Mr. and -Mrs. George Iitarkne
W da with Mr. arid Mrs,
Jirn Harkness ';.of Culross,.,
Mr. and Mrs: John Reid. and
Wayne spent Sundaywith friends.
at • HensaiI:.-
Mrs. Gordon Scott of Ripley,. &
1Vfr.. and 'Mrs. Tom Hill spent
Thursday with Mr.. and Mrs. Earl
Caslick of Culross.
The Langside United W. M. S.
will hold their_May meeting_thia
Wednesdayat the home. of Mrs.
i Bill Scott, with. Mrs. Geo. Hark-
• 4Miss Marie. Donaldson. left on
Friday to <engage.. in war work at
-~ -ROBERT G. -BROWN, ",
R.R. No.. 7, "GALT,' ONTARIO -7
Champion Plowman of Ontario, 1942.
There passed away in Milton
on Irriday, April 30th Mrs. Jas.
Irwin, aged 76 years, after sev-
.eral months illness. Mrs. Irwin
was a resident of the second con-
ortly after that the family
Moved to Lucknow. Twenty-two
years, ago, Mrs. ,Irwin went to
Toronto tb reside.
Mra. Joe Jardine and - Mrs.
Frank Hessie left for -their hoMes
-in Evanston, the first of this
• Mr. Dick :McQuillin Jr. arid
family intend moving this week
to Mr. Wm. Hamilton's house,
formerly, owned by Peter T. Car -
Mrs. Thos. Inglis is visiting in
Toronto with her daughter, Betty,
Mrs. Jack Plannagan who. is sick
with pneumonia. We heoe for a
Speedy recovery. , :
BORN—In Wiragham hospital,
on April' 29th to Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Wall, a daughter. --
Mr. Wrn. Barbour , celebrated
his 89th • birthday on Saturday,
-May 1st. Congratulations.
Mrs. Joe Hohnes of, Clinton
spent -last week with her daugh-
Mr. Brown, wlio is President of
the Central Dinnfries Farmers'
matches in the last three years. In
these 37 contests he has won 34
First Prizes And SecOnd Prizes.
"Bob" Brown bought Victory
Bonds in the First, Second and
Third Victory - I.,oans, and has
_ _placed -his -order-for -Etoz—idi—foi —the
Fourth' Victory Logn to the limit
When Mr. Brown urges others to
buy Victory Bonds his recoMmend-
ation carries weight for he backs
his words with action.
"Bob" Brown plows a straight fturow and thinks
in a , straight line. He knows farmers' problems.
f-Cai--whans were asked to give money to help to
win the war, we would not be asked to make a big
0 sacrifice. Some are giving their lives. . Btit we are -
asked to lend money: I am sure that farmers
throughout Canada will be glad to lend money to
their country, for like all other Cpnadi.ans, thzy
know we zmisti do all we_can to help-. ---
"There is a practical reaon for buying Victory'
Bolick: too. The mone3r we 'lend to Canada now,
to help win the w,ar, will be ours to use as we pleate
after the war hps been won. Ready cash will be .
handy to have when we vvill want to replace farm
equipment that is wearing out now. A farmer can I
always find,a use for savings: and there is no better
way to save than by investing all- we can in
Victory Bonds." •
A VictoryrBond is the promise of the Dominion of Canada to repay In cash the full. face value of
the Bond at the time stipulated, with haZyearly interest at the, rate of 3X per amnion Until
maturity. A Victory Bond is the safest investment in Canada. The entire resmirces ''of the
Doinhuon stand 'behind it. Canada has been issuing_bonds fot 75 3:ears, andlias never failed to
cash than any Other sectuity.
pay every dollar of principal and interest. A Victory Bond is an asset more readily &averted into
ter, Mrs. Robert Laidlaw arid
Mr. Wilfred Jacques of Sud-
bury and Mr.. Eli Jacques spent
a few days last week 'with old
friends -after the funeral of the
late Mrs. Jacques. Mr. Eli Jac-
ques 'then returned to Preston
again. He ivill be' 90 'years old
this nxontli.
Fordwich 'high school spent last
week ,with her parents, Mr. and
• We are. sorry to report Mr:s.
Henry McGee is sick in bed. We
hope for a speedy recovery. '
a the home of Mrs. Rhys Pollock,
National War Pinance Committee
*ear This
Emblem of
Niission Band held its May
meeting on Saturday, at the home
of .Miss WirMifred DOnalcison.
Miss • icatherine MacPherson
spent 'the hoiktays • with friends
at Hamilton and Toronto.
Miss Margaret Moffat of: Saul
Ste. Marie spent the holidays at •
Miss Emma Richardson left 'oil
Friday to spend the summer with'.
her sister, Mrs. Annie Young of
Porcupine. ,
Miss polena Orr Of Toronto