HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-05-06, Page 5•
TIIURSDAY, M 4 Y 6th, 1943
Lyceum Theatre
.Two Showy . Saturday Night
AY 6
If 8
A1s'o "Cartoon" and "News''
Matinee Sat. Afternoon . 2.30
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
./ MAY 10, 11, 12
"Orchestra Wives"
The music isby Glenn 'Millet -
and his orchestra.
"Short -Subject"
The picture RANDOM HAR-
VEST starring Greer Garson..
and 'Ronald .Coleman wilI play
May 13, 14,:15. '
• Miss Bertha Jones, R,N of Kit-
chener visited her parents; Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Jones on Sunday..
Harrison Wiltse of Gln-
tori visited her friend Mrs,.
Ryarr last week,•
tu: t; alaargb er xitA
and Mrs. Herb Stothers, is prac
tise:...:teachI g at- the' Dungannon
scho l this week.. -
Mrs. Harvey Webster, Douglas;
llpreen and Harold visited 'a few
days. last. week withth,e lady's,
'mother;; Mrs. .C.. C:''Ryan •
Mrs. L.. 'vers. gave her „lime'
Thursday, April 29th for the an-
nual Meeting of . the Dungannon'
branch of the Women's Institute:
Mrs. George Hodge, ; .president,
was in the chair.. 'An exchange
of. •slips of house' plants was the
answer .to "the roll call. Mrs. Ste-
wart, the secretary, gave are-'
port on the year's work. The °to-'
-tal receipts ;for• --the -yeaa---wor
amounted to' $240. A donation of
$20. was rfaade to: the Institute
for "the Blind. '$5. was donated
to the Dungannon. Public Lib-
rary,, $5.00 was given for 'the
upkeep of the Dungannon cem-
etery and $5. for seeds for .Brit-
ain, If was decided to ' send $1. •
worth ;'of cigarettes to the boys
overseas at once.. A committee
was appointed to ' arrange . for a
dance in. the near future'at which
a draw will be made for .a lovely
°. centre -piece on' which tickets are
being sold. Mrs. O. H: 'Popp .coir.
ducted . the election' ' of .officers
which resulted as .follows: pres-
ident, Mrs. Hodge;, 1st vice, Mrs.
Otto 'Popp; 2nd vice, Mrs. W. J.
Smith; ''.secretary -treasurer; Mrs.
Wilbur Brown; directors,.Mrs C,•
Anton .Mrs. J. -J. Ryan, ' Mrs.,
E. C.:''Wilkins; district .directors,
Mrs. Wilbur Brown; auditors, Mrs.
Stewart and Mrs: Popp; pianist,,
Mrs. Alton, assistant; ,Mrs.. Brawn;
conveners.• •of standing comtnit-
..tees, War Work, Mrs. Popp; Soc-
ial welfare, Mrs.,.Ivers;: agricul-
ture, Mrs. E. C. Wilkins. Mrs.
Wm. McConnell read the :Ladies
Aid helps the war effort, andM'ra-
. A. McKenzie gave a humorous
•reading.. The .meeting. closed with
the National Antherrr after. which
:the hostessserved refreshments"
The.' following js a letter to 'Miss
L.. Dr(eaney fron9her nephew,
kTom Garrison, R.C.A,F. who is
well •.known to many here.
Dear Aunt
I have owed you✓ a letter for,
months now. I:have,•often_thoughL.
of you but just never got around
to writing. I• am .very sorry for
my tardiness . tardiness _arid _ho.pe--you wi-1l-
forgive' me. .
I - suppose you already .know
that I am a captain in the Royal
Air • Force Ferry Cornman i sta-
tioned here at Montreal. I have
been here for two months now -
•and, have made one trip over to
Scjotland, took 16hours flying
from Montreal.- The -'trip- was very
uneventful, but I was, very tired
when I, got there.
The scenery ' in Scotland was
m Yrti
Mr. and"Mrs. Goldwin Wheeler
of. London spent the Easter .,vac-
ation with :Mr. and :'Mrs. George
Lane. ..
Miss Melda"Lane of Orillia and..
Miss Ina Campbell. of St. Marys
have returned• to: resume their
duties after holidaying with their
parents here. '
-- Nl ste-DaVid McLeod; i`s visif=
ing with his grandparents, Mr.,
and Mrs. Roy Alton. '•. -
Mr, and Mrs. T. D; -Ross and
children of Lucknow spent . Fri-
iday with, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Al-
Mr. and .Mrs. Nelson Raynard
and Children visited . on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton.
Mrs. 'Adam Johnston spent' a
day with Mrs. Sam Sherwood last
week. •
Master Jimmie. Hackett visited
in Ripley with, his grandparents,
.,n ss..vrtx;=z.rM2anad1,
- rp o Ota• iec w "•w14h "'Mt.•''antt
• Mrs. J. M. Hackett during the hol-
idays.. -
Mr.'and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter ,vis-
ited with''her ;parents on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Phillips
visited his, mother, Mrs. 'Thomas
Phillips of St, Helens on Sunday
afternoon, F' historic • spots and had a swell
Master Donnie Johnston v' ofttime.....Had _ansa r raid- one--night-
tIi spent aster holidays at
his uncle's, C. Hallam. lie return-
ed home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hallam visited
friends ini Blyth. and Auburn on
Sunday. -
Mr. and Mrs. E. Blake, Keith
and Mrs. Harold Webster- spent
Saturday- in London. -• ` _ - , .
Church service will be at 7.30
on Sunday next. Mother's Day
service will be postponed until
the 'following: Sunday morning. -
Mr..' and Mrs. Eldon Twatnley'
and family of Chatham spent the
week -end with Mr. and.,Mrs. Geo.'
Mrs. Don McIver spent Monday
at her parent's home... -
Stephen •Stothers Jr of Arthur
mate 'It horribly damp and .1 was
cold, all the time. I was "there.'
Fuel is 'rationed• so there is no
•fuel ' for heating. The staple meat
food is . mutton and, fish and I
detest both. I couldn't get' steak,
eggs or milk, consequently I lost
weight but I have 'regained it
since •I returned. I was over there
practically a month so no won-.
der. I' Went to Edinburgh for four.
days to see the -castle and other
which provided some excitement:
The people as 'a 'whole treated it
as a ,joke. Their morale is very
high. The Germans lost ' eight
planes and did very little dam-
age. I returned ;home two week's'
and: got four days leave which
I spent 'with' Marie in London.
-I their went on a comtni iiication,
flight thr Qugh Newfoundland and
Labrador, got back a week ago.
Then Marie got four days leave
off at Easter and she carne down
to Montreal to • be with , me. We
had a swell time rambling around-
the city here. We went to a night
club one night..I am waiting for
another trip just now.' Well this
is all the news I know. Marie
said to send you ,.hel :, R„_ ,,,L
may`'n e aiir
y a"r aIT="n.
d ism' 11R i
LET• US, NOT.., delude °ourselves that. 'f`Geonge.
will do . it" because every individual, every
business man, every farmer in 'Bruce County
has a j'obon his • or her hands.
BRUCE COUNTY has- a Victory Loan objective
$2,225;000-1O. 'Meet. • •
IT IS .the largest amount ever asked from this
" IT . MEANS that people . who never bought,, a
Victor Bond in previous, campaigns will have
to respond, this•{ time.
IT MEANS that people vvho have boughtbond's
':in . every campaign will have to do so °again-
and in larger amounts.,
IT. MEANS that war time dollars which: come;
into •the pockets of farmers, workingmen and
•..businessmen, Will have. to be invested in' -Vic=
tory Bonds :So ..that .they will come ack_ In_
us again.
IT MEANS that we will have to sacrifice
do without4luxuries or even necessities.
THE CALL today is to_ help the war -effort.
-n: our money, o t eR• government. -
IN RETURN, we get:. (1) The, best security
in Canada; (2) interest • at the rate of 3 per
cent;. (3) •The satisfaction; of knowing that ottr:
boys overseas will have the finest -equipment,;
good food; adequate clothing, paid for by the
money we loan our country.
AND, FINALLY,' our dollars. will "bank thc-
attack" ;,anal_: -bring. the:day,.Of..ic-t6r-y--c-loser.
CITIZENS. Of BRUCE: Your :nation, your 'countr . your
' y,
community, - call on you today to do your utmosat.
in subscribing to the Fourth 1 ittory °
•eer+ely -hope -this finds you feel-
ing well. ”
Loads of love, Tom.
Victory Loan Concert '
Monday night, May 3 the date
set for the quizz. contest for the
school pupils in this district,
proved a very: successful even-
ing. The attendance was very
.good. Many scholars were pres-,
ent to `° witness the contestants
having their .knowledge tested.
Mr: -George--Cowa . , cip'al of
the Dungannon school acted• as
chairman. There were some open-
ing ,chortiSes: • by the 'school ac-
companied by their music teacher
Miss Marion MacDonald: Rev.' C.
H. MacDonald dealt with the
,question box. Joan Rivett of the
Dungannon school, wasvinner
for Grades 1, 2 and 3. Jack Eedy.
won the nextgroup for grades
4, 5 and. 6. Grades 1, 8 and 9 Were
headed by Isabelle Howse of Kin
tail with Billy Smythe of ; Duti-.
gannon a close second. The
judges,' three teachers, Were Miss: -
es M. Anderson; Douglas and Mc-
Ner zie, Musical numbers Were ,a
trio .frorn bort' Albert, song by
five junior room pupils, of the
Scotch ' laddie. from Scotland, in
his native 'clothes, now living at
Port Albert, won all the hearts,
when he recited "The King was
in the counting house". Rev. H.
J. Vickerson took the platform
and spoke a few words, emphas'
izing as did the other speakers.
-the . importance' of the Victory
Loan. • A silver collection was
taken to defray expenses and. a
nice balance was handed over to
the _lied Crams, ,
Mr.. Wilfred Elliott, who ha's
been C.R. accountant at Cal
gary for' the past 30 year's, has'
been transferred t� Toronto. His
wife and' family are arriving ,iii
two weeks. They intend spend-
ing the summer in the country
here. '
With death in Gdderich• hospital
of William John. Shiells; the Dun-
gannon community mourns an
esteemed and'lifelong resident of
the Township of Ashfield.; He had
been in poor health for some time,
but was removed to hospital only
on Tuesday and his death carne as
a distinct shock to his many
friends. .
tawaart ttt rsin r Asliiiel°d",`lie was the oldest
of three sons of John •;Shiells and.
Charlotte Curren. Thirty-one '
'ears agpp:he was married to Miss
Sadie Shields, Only daughter of
Hugh Shields and the . late- Mrs.
Shields, and -came to life Qn,con-
cession 5,• Ashfield, w. here, he was
a - successful farther. - •,Heo was a
faithful member .'of Dungannon
United church, and was a good •
neighbor' and, 'citizen. He is sur-
vived by his wife, ..his aged par-
-en-is-an hris-two- brothers,_ Percy
and Robert.
The funeral was held Saturday
at 3.30 p.m. from his' fate home
and the.. services at house • and
graveside were conducted by Rev -
'H. J. , Vickersen, pastor of Dun-
gannon United .church, with in-
terment in. Dungannon cer ietery.
The pallbearers were Gordon
"congrani, Melvin Dickson, Gor-
don Stewart, R. J, . Durnin, Ar-
thin- Culbert and Gordon Stew-
art. : The fiowerbearers were
°Lorne Johnston, Arthur Roach,
David, Courvoisier and ' •Howard
Johnston, We, extend our deep
sympathy 'to his .,bereaved wife
and' sorrowing relatives.
Misses Ferne _.,A,ltotr_ary,.c COr