HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-05-06, Page 3THURSDAlr, MAT 6th, 1943
On Wer.lnetiaareVening lad the - */. The death of Albert Towle oc-
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?' Tarn*. 'Tavcrle-*cAlla 61*Wetrhia
Dr. •J. Treat of Chicago seen
his Easter vacation -'at..the home
.of •ootisin, Mrs R. ,Bissett,
It was intended to hold this pres- 87th 'birthday on Ttlesday- - •Pf Landltin visited recently with f
-ivrra. Mr. and Mrs,...-M--A.,--MeLean.--- ---
entation:Ta-St Tal.V-but7owing. Ito —A son Orthe--latand
Mrs ' Catherine MacKenzie has .1,e,
the ill health of Mr. Zinn, and Wm. 'Towle, Albert, was born at
turned to Toronto after a week
bad weather and roads, it Was Kintore, He was the oldest-ind,
the. 'spent at her, home here.
, . . postponed until. health and wea- last surviving member of
. Mr. Frank HainiltOn• is the Vic-
ther permitted. ' :. , " - fainily. • - ',.., , •
• -
• tory. Loan salesman .for this• dis-
The meeting opened with Miss Mr. Towle came to Paramount , •
Melds Larie at the Organ and With, with his parents and later re- "lcb* • -
Sub -Lieut. George Bullen of
Miss Elmira Alton., 1VIrs. Alec :turned to Kintore. Following hts
. , Hackett an Miss Bernadine Al-
• ton leading in singing Some 'fam-
iliar ymns., Readings were given
rs. Ralph Cameron, Harold
C iibkl, Mair Irwin, Lorne Hac-
. kett, D. A. _Hackett and Arnold
—Following -the program_ Mr. and_
• Mrs. Zinn, Warren and Clarke
were asked to come to the front.
An address was read by Mr.
Walter Alton and' a purse of
money presented Mr. Zinn by Mr.
Roy Alton. • '
. • • '
Mrs. Zinn's Sundav School class
of junior boys presented her with,
• , • address and Harry Campbell pre-
sented the gift.
-marriage to Elizabeth Anri Logan,
Albert brought his bride to Para-
mount, and 'since' then has been
a continuous resident of this com-
munity where he was widely and
favorably known. '
Thirty years ago Mr. and. Mrs.
Towle moved to Lucknow, where
-She--isassisal-away---Six--years. ktei
In spite of his age Mr. Towle
was remarkably active, until suf-
fering a weak spell about two
weeks 'previous to his death,
'when he was taken to Wingham
Hosr•ital. •
The funeral service was held
in the United Church, Lucknow,
hy Rev. 3, W. Stewart. •Interment
was in Greenhill Cemetery. The'
pallbearers were Grant MCDiar-
mid, Jack IVICIntosh;,,Jack Mur-
doch, Virm. McGill, Art Cook and
Fred Martin.• '
'Mr. Towle is survived by a
.family of eight,Gordon of Van-
couver; Mrs. Lindsay Howe (Stel-
la) of Toronto; ° Russell LeRoy
Towle of Winnipeg;" George Em-
merson Towle of. Port Arthur;.
John -Calvin 'Towle of Winnipeg;
•Harvey Muir (Annetta) of Mon-
treal and:Mrs.-Fred Crump (Eliz-
abeth Jane) of Belgrave. A son,
Sidney, was killed in France in
• The congregational address was
• • •
Dear Mr. and. Mrs. Zinn, Warren,
We' have invited you here this-
eVening to spend a 'soda]: time
With your friends. of the Hackett's
• . Church and, try to express to you
• .• in a slight way the measure of
respect and -appreciation of your
. • ui the past twenty years. .
•Mr. Zinn as a member of the
• Session and teacher of the Adult.
Bible Class, you have been faith-
• full and painstaking in your dut-
ies and we know whatever church
• you attend You will'.still,continue
' • to be the same dependable, faith-
Mrs. Sarah Irwin, . Widow of
--Jones,-Ir-w-in- of- concession -25 -KM-,
• Mrs. Zinn you have also been loss, died Friday April 31 at the
a • faithfulfriend and teacher of home of her daughter,. Mrs. Ken -
the Junior Boys Clase., You have neth Agnew, Milton, after a years
• had a fine influence over all of filmes. '•
• us who have had the pleasure of Mrs. Irwin was born in CaledOn
your association. As a president East, the daughter of the late
of the W.M.S. your work is un- C,lias. and Margaret HemswOrth.
forgetable. .• From the tune of her marriage'
' The boys have been regular at- Mrs. Irwin lived in Kinloss until
• tendants in their respective class- the death of her husband in f909,
• es, also willing helpers ;n anywhen she moved to Lucknow,
our concerts:tsTdmon Rose St imtr11922
• From 1922 until, three months
All the old cronies who used
before her death, 'she lived in
......togather around the regiSter•
-Toronto.-Surviving are three sons
the village •store are still looking
-and two daughters,, J. Leslie of
for another mecca:.
Full many the .tales they related; ,Ilderton, Emerson of London and
. • And wondrous the yarns that Alvin Irwin of TimminsMrs.
• they
Agnew (Margaret) of Milton and
. spun, .
Mrs. G. H. Allen (Pearl) of New
And doubtful the facts that .they
York City.
. stated, •
• And harmless the wit and the fun: Burial was in Greenhill Cern
• When the evening was spent they etery, Lucknow, on Monday;
. departed 3rd. The Rev. Moore of, Milton
Agreeing to meet on the morroxlv officiated at services at Milton
on Sunday evening and at the
When the day with its labors is
Ried, ill , '
of a pleasant gathering spot now Wflied Elmer Alton and
that the store door is elosedWill Alton.•.
, We are pleased. that you' are •
• within Visiting distance and hope 1JOIIN MaeDONALD
that yod will come often to out
homes and to the church aria Sun-
• day SchoOl. The latch string will
always be outside. -
• Kindly- accept this gift as a tok-
en of our esteem and the good
• wishes of your many friends of
Signed on, behalf of Ilackett's
• congregation; Roy Alton, 'Walter
Alton. •
In replying Mrs. Zinn exprest-
• ed her gratitude to all and espec-
ially to "her boys". She'said she
• would never' forget the happy
- times -spent together in Church
work and hoped to get back of-
; •
Ottawa:spent a. few days .at his
,home here
Save Home From Fire
Mr. 'Frank Hamilton had the
misfortune to lose his garage, col-.
ony house and 250 six -,weeks -old
•chickens by fire. one night last
Week. By the co-operation of. the
neighbors who formed a ',bucket
brigade, they were able to save
the •hduse.
A TOTAL, OF1,554 canning sugar
appliCations was received at God-
erieh from the town and sur-
rounding townships of Goderich,
Colborne,,AshfieldAnd West Wa-.
wanosh. • ,
The death of John MacDonald,
,a lifelong and esteemed resident.
of Ashfield, occurred at his hoine
on Concession 12 on Thursday: He
Was in his 58th year.
Mr. MacDonald has not enjoyed
rugged health for some time and
rhad_Apeeneeriously-illlor,the.- est -
few weeks, with no hope held
for his recovery. His wife, form-
erly Annie Aline Reid, predeceas-
ed him in mid-August last •year.
A son of the late James Mac-
Donald and Rachel,Canipbell, Mr,
MacDonald was a lifelong resi-
dent of the Township.• '
Tile funerai serviv-66 was: tied
t. on Monday at his late home, con -
In expressing his thanks, Mr. ducted by his pastor, Rev. C. II.
Zinn recalled that the first Sun- MacDonald, and was largely at -
day he- attended llackeWs there tended by a wide circle of sor-
fr four, baptisms, Grace Camp- rowing friends.
bell, Jean Reed, Clayton Alton Interment was in Greenhill
and Russell Alton.Te said he had with the same pallbearers offici-
also enjoyed teaching and ,thank- ating, who bore Mrs. MacDonald
ed the congregafion;for their kind to the grave last summer, Donald
11,1cLean, Ed. Gilmore, Wesley
remembrance of the*.
H• OWse F.poke )clrifilY Ritchie, aordPn -Ritchie, Baal
of- Ow ZituihniTIStkillIrDiantit I—loon-aft • -ttr1tr-
evening was concluded with Mr. MacDonald is survived by
• lunch and contests.a brother ItOderiek of Dungannon
. „
1 •
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— • ,
.. •
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Wit4iont That Cotton
and twci sisters, Mrs. Florence For one thing, we couldn't very
Farrish, Con. 12, Ashfield and well fight a war. Our livestock
Mrs. Robert Nelson, Con. 10, Ash- might starve and fighting planes
field. ' - wouldn't have the right kind of
hORed. An -the Anicieass
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9) issue •of The Detroit Sunday
"Tithes . . how. King Cotton play*
a highly imPortant part in our
daily lives and the war effort
Get Sunday's Detroit Times. ,
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• The Fate of fighting men depends on theproduction and delivery
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,And remember thisl When we dt home buy" Victory Bonds, we are
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Saw foriseacridayrnewl---Be-prepatedie-obtain-wheri-ovatiable---
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. . . yes, -even a complete electric kitchen. It may be any one ora
number of -new electrical appliances. It may be a new home. What..
ever it is, 0 will be easier to buy 0 money is invested in Victory Bonds
now. Buy Victory Bonds today!
The power that is now helping to producer vast quantities of weapons
foLojtghtMg ewe win be ready, when Vct is won, to contribute
Cott* great peace -thee future of Ontario.
711 ATTACIt!
I 7
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. • •