HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-04-15, Page 8Curtains,. r , VFFLED 'CURTAINS bring the sunny cheer of spirng o . 'with cushion dots. roi>Fr.' home.. In 1lY Complete with2.00 aks:• $ r ver that:room for E_ .. r_ s.• Go m asie. visitor Ftx up yo�qur• •sparoo and" .. ess it up,with a pair• of CRISS CIp OSS VERTAINS, with generous ruif!es. - ... .52:25 & $3.15- l? Pair •- AINS-' witl>u colored:.dots. Colors to•' suit any RUFFLED GUAT,. r ig. e: $1.05 up p atterned ecru . sLACE-CUIGT�.INS in rich p . , . lace, ready to hang yards long ;.... .-;••• .. 451.35 up 3 n »MONK'S CLOTH DRAPERY, .for living room or dining room. Can be uses with or without lace curtains.. Per yd. 51.35 & $1.50 1 ABOSES FAAMERS TO .MASE PURPLE. GROVE YOUTH APPLICATION FOR ,FARM HELP SUr^JERED FRACTURED LEG • ::r 7• TiIE Lir * 08ITUARY' • MRS. 14ARY E. A'R1Wf STRONG' Old neighbors ,and sorrowing re- latives. e latives_. said friends, attended, fun- eral services for Mrs. Mary E, Arm - Strong; Wife of 'the late Joseph H.' Armstrong, held Friday afternoon at two o'clock in the funeral chapel Of Blake F. Hetherington, ;Victoria'. avenue, Niagara Falls.' "Evidence of the many .frted. s she in I , had made' during her, residence . . that city, was shown by.the numer= ons floral pieces , that banked the casket. The Rev: F. C. Miller of the ,tarriford United Church officiated,. and' Professor;Ilerbert Wildggust•was at the console .of the organ for the services The late Mrs. Armstrong Was born in Bervie, Ontario, . seventy nine years ago, 'whereshe livedmost of her life until going. to Niagara•Falls and Stamford, where she resided .for . eight years..She returned to her old' hone four years ago: While at Nia- gara Falls .She waas''a`'-x len ber~'o Morrison --street. United, Church, and latterly, while' She lived in' Stamford, Of, the" United Church, :and of the =i. StNTUt V4, Ll OW, Bea 'G e. .R. Gear.; Bruc C Quay' ; .Lawrence•• Stanley, son of Mr. and Mr .' . Purple Agricultural 'Representa ti , sub '' Milton Stanley, p Grove, suffered a fractured leg recently. nuts"the following advise zn -con ;route, home-•. from Ripley -on a chop, •. nectrbn' with securing .farni:'1}e1p:� .' ' :wagon load .of R one= of the bags "Although, it is • no: doubt,true Iha't, d " ff. help /available for 'farm work will . • heels with the load passing over on whiche ! he was Stang shppe b Lawrencwas thrown between the •w be far from adequate under any cis'- , his • leg to fracture' it, 'between .the. cur.nstances; for this coming summer; knee and the ankle:. • it.would.,;seem. that. steps are ,being • $e Is a student. at Ripley Conitin 'taken to releasega:.considerable nut"- uation School, and it will ,be some. bet-of. mien .in ' non-essential mdus.: time before he can resume his tries:, for farm, ;work. Bearing this studies.. in maid --farmers in Bruce•_ -County - who desire help, would be well ad- vised' to make :application' to their JAMES W. `ROSS, reeve of Tees - .Selective Service: officer .,so that water for over 8 years, has given up when • thin' help becomes' available' his implement agency to -accept a -the farmers in-,Bruce-County:;willhe. -position _as_•engineer .at. the jib**, s. in a position to receive some of this down • branch of, Toronto General. help?. ` Hospital Mr. Ross leaves this month t • all ��: lephon 'S a ,..s ribers ►�.__ �o --- Tu_ T - _ --e - ub _ Effective mediately' 14 , A WAR TIME MEASURE LOCAL TELEPHONE, M.UO- . ,CON- VERSATIONS ARE STRICTLY LIMIT TO ;57MINUTES.^ • OUR OPERATORS ARE.AUJiHcaulllltas TO DISCONNECT YOU, AT THE TFON Of THIS PERIOD. By Order `THE" "'BOTRD OF •COMMJSS1ONERS: Huron and Kinloss Munllpal Telephone System U' EY, i14 1Ef'..' Surviving are; four daghters, Mrs. James Hodgins, Kinlough, Ontario; Mrs. 'J., W . Hondrich; Baden; Ont.; 1VIrs, John La Flam,. Buffalo; Miss; Merab Armstrong of Seattle,'WaSh.;. Walter of Ashland, Ohio; T. B. Arm- strong rm=strong, of tetlibridge, Alberta; Bert and Harry of Seattle, Wash.; Clif- ford lifford . M., Niagara Falls and Ebner WI of ,Stamford, township; .thirteen. grandchildrentand two great grand- children. Interment was made .in the family plot in Fairview Cemetery, Niagara Falls. The bearers were Walter El mer, . and: Clifford • Armstrong, Harry Kennedy; John LaFlam and Lorne. Hondrich. MRS. JAMES McNEE, -A-highly esteemed resident of Goderich-for. the.. past. 25 years, Jane Graham, widow of. James McNee, .died on Saturday evening at her home on Britannia Road after an, ,illness of two weeks' duration. - Mrs.McNee;•who was in her 84th. year, was a native of the- Township: )f. Ashfield, her parents' being, the late James and Jane Whitely Gra- ham. After her: marriage she :resid- ed resid-edon her husband's farm. in Ashfield for twenty-five years before retir- ing to live in Goderich in March; 1915. Mr. McNee passed away' in 1935.b Surviving . are one son, .Howard, of' :Goderich; 'two .daughters, ,Miss' :'era McNee of Toronto; and Mrs. Frank McArthur of Goderich; a 'bro- ther, Nelson Graham,. Goderich and' two sisters, Mrs. J. A. Thompson _of..V-ancorxver,:..ancl Mrs. J. R. Camel :dell of: Philadelphia.. A .MEETING OFT mg Lucknow BUSINESS J. ..tION MEN � •,�S.S�CIA Q Will Be Held .In The TOWN • 'HALL, 1OCHNOW O T 2.. sue April at •8 Sharp. RETAIC SOURS '& GENERAL BUSINESS WILL iii • • DISCUSSED, Your Attendance Is Required J; `R. MeNAB, Pres. • .16 On THURSS,II)AY, Arm nth, '.1,843, LOCALand:GE E. ' Mrs N:. E, ' Bushell returned to Hamilton, the latter part of the week. Mr. Jack Carter has been apopint- ed caretaker, of South Kinloss Cem- Mrs., Walter Horne returned home• last, weelk after 'spending the winter in Detroit and Learmington. Mr Gerald' 'Culbert and.up i ls'of ` S.S' N: 1l esn' afternoon at W'.. S.: McGuireo.sp,e sugar a bush - • Mr.im d ',Mrs. Eric .Cox" and Ston Jimmy Jeff on Monday for, Galt, • where ,Eric is, now- employed, • Midi '.Isobel Douglas of Kitchener. spent the week -end . with her, '.par- ents, M. and' Mrs: W. J. Douglas: Morley ,Chin, who , underwentan appendix operation , last Week in Wingham, is inaking'a'favorable re- covery. .'. Miss Sarah- MacLean has : returned �' to Chicago after, attending the fun - . "True beauty,' says Adrienne; ' "depends on. harmony." - Face Powder, Rouge and :Lipstick = must be skilfully blended,each to ' enhance the other, to glorify your_ Loveliness. • Adriennehasspecialiyharmoniied cosmetics for each type Of feminine ...beauty .. ingeniously that. you feel that your choke was blended just for you. Adrienne Perfume compli- ments your every mood ....matches youreverycostume.YetAdrienne cos- metics are not costly. Stop in and see the Adrienne Colour Harmony Chart ' at your Rexall Cosmetic Counter.. • Adrienne Scientifically Harinoniked. Cosmetics are some of tae high. •quality, popular .priced products sold only by Rexalt Drug Stores. LVC\KI®1OW • A. E. McKIM 'PHONE 3.2 'THOMAS A. DOHERTY. A lifelong resident of Asl'ifield Township, Thomas A, ;Doherty, died on Sunday afternoon .at his home in his • 80th year. • Mr. Doherty .wasone of the best.' known residents of Ashfield. A son of the late William and Elizabeth. Whitely, he was born andlived all' his life pn the farm, on Concession 1 of Ashfield, which his father had settled on at the 'age of 17. Mr. Doherty was a member of the Anglican Church. Surviving are his wife, formerly Miss Catharine Ben- nett, and three sons, ,Thomas' and Elagar of Ashfield; Whitely of Dafoe; Sash.; and a daughter, Mrs. McDon- ald, wife of Reeve Alexander -Mc- Donald of Ashfield. • ITS STILL WINTER Cold Winds, freezing temperatures and snow are'combining to keep King Winter 'still, on the throne. He took sway' early last Fall and seems determined to run things until. late in the Spring, ' • ' The elements are delaying spring Work, although they did contribute to a renewed' flow of Sap' over the -meek=enil�»whieh•wafter..:all,,._is- ..one,. consolation to many who feared they were going to be deprived of even a taste of this spring delicacy. • hiring' the night Tuesday and ' •e lnesday morning about six inches f snow has fallen. Received LosAngeles Paper We • are indebted to •Mrs. 'Leslie %iyers for a copy of the Los' Angeles Evening Herald -Express, featuring. the visit of 1Vime: • Chiang Kai-Shek, to that city. Her visit was illustrated by .seriesof pictures of. Chiha's leading lady. This particular issue of the Herald-l;atpress contained 40 pages. D D Carpeneto, M.D. Ripley,, .Ontario in order to save your. time, ' gasoline ' and tires, we have planned'' to be • at the office at: the following hours: ' AFTERNOONS_ Eveiy day but Thurs. & Sun. , 1.30 to 4:00 . o�clock. EVENINGS . Monday, Wednesday, Friday' and Saturday. 7.00 to 8.00. o'clock. FORENOON Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday:'.:. By Appointment - 'If in 'doubt; 'phone for appointment. 'Phone 52;- • RIPLEY. eral of -her brother, Mr: •'Alex 1VIac Lean , of Ashfield: • -' Mrs. Charles Steward has ' return- ed 'home from •a four •weeks" Visit with Mr,' and Mrs. Charles Hender son at Toronto: ' . Mr. .James" Gilmore . of -London, and a. native', of. Con. 12, „Ashfield, has been confined.. to bed since last Fall with . a heart condition. a 1 Food Industry's IS,tamp Sales Passed Objective '. The Food Industry's "March. To Berlin" February' stamp sales cam- paign was most successful, exceed- ing the milliondollargoal by, over. $500,000. Ontario ' merchants sold stamps to the value Of $708,302.00,, which represented 164 per 'cent of. the objective ' . "Food Of The . Future''; • Helping.. Win The War X� -pay • . • How square meals, in . miniature, dehydrated ' and .compressed; not only will taker; the place of many cans on the, pantry shelf. but al- ready are conserving shipping' space to. send more ' "nutrition. bullets" to the._..troaps abroad; is- told in The American Weekly- With this Sunk day's (April 18) -issue of The De= Mrs. . W. V. Johnston held an after- noon tea on. Monday, in honer of at the .H Mrs. G. A.;' Newton and Mrs: T. S. the entire service. MisS Kathleen Reid. Mrs. Reid; who has spent' the Stothers,'daughter of S., B: Stothers; winter here, plans to return Ito lifer has cherished the ambition to take , home in.Orilli'ashortly, acconipan- the organ at, a church service before ied by Mrs. Newton. She reached the age of sixteen. Oe Sunday . morningher aimbiti'on was Presbyterian W. M. S. , realized with three or four weeks The ' April :meeting was held at the to spare.—Palmerston Observer. HURON •COUNTY OBJECTIVE IS OVER' THREE MILLION, DOLLARS The• :County of Huron has been greatly complimented by the . Nat- ' ional War Loan Committee in being asked to -raise, apart from those con- tributions which are classed •under "Special Names", the considerable, "sum of $3;040,000, "Special Namcas" objective is $115,000., making a total . • for Huron Count *• of $3,215,000. The.. amount raised in. the.`Third Victory' general can - Vass Loan was $2,28050 . and q $153,300 for "Special Names", snaking .a Aotal of $2,433,450. The -County War Finance Commit- tee points: out; that it will take, en- thusia'sm, loyalty, ',.careful orga'rriza- tion and, hard work to raise it. 'But' it Will be. raised.. The objective was., not settledin: a haphazard. Manner;. though it is .large., it is not too much. We can- raise it if we make up our .minds ' to .do so", they state. At a ;meeting of the Huron County Agricultural War ; Committee held.'in Clinton on April 6th, a motion was 1 unanimously 'passed. to endorse the forthcoming ;•Victory .• Loan ...The meeting went on .record that, mein.:' bers would do all in their, power to insure its success in Heron County. • 15 -YEAR-OLD GIRL IS ' ARTHUR CHURCH :ORGANIST, In Arthur • United Church ,the con-' gregatioti had the rather unique pie-. •perience of having a girl only fifteen years of age very 'capably: "preside,” mond -electric :organ for troit Sunday l'imes.' Be sure to get Sunday's Detroif X lines:. home of Mrs. Wm. ' Douglas with' the president in the chair. Psalni-31 was, read and Mrs.. Mowbray gave the' hymn study. " The . Bible study' was 'gi'ven • by Miss ' Gretta "Campbell while;lVlrs. Joe; Agnew gar _e -a -very comprehensive' idea on; the Ukrain- ian work in Canada. Mrs. Morgan Henderson ably. dealt with the mis- sionary news from. the March, Glad Tidings. The meeting closed with :a . hymn and . prayer. The May meet- ing will be held 'at the home of the president, Mrs. Alex' Mowbray. United Church W. A.. ' The Newton-Joynt Group of the ... W. 4, met at the home' of Mrs. J. W. Joynt on Wednesday, April 7th. The .nageting,„epened With the singing of hymn 112, followed by• group pray- er. The Easter 'lesson wasread by Mrs. McInnes. After: the business was fully discussed ..the ' program consisted of a solo .by, Mrs. Ernest Ackert accompanied by Mrs. Wm. Graham. A short contest and social hour closed the meeting; - Your Gi ide. to Thriftier Shopping "EAT,1lIORE" CEREALS =FOR HEALTH:' WHEAT •GERM, tib. bag 150. . BRAN, .3 lb bag 180 Cremo Cereal, 3y2 lb. bag 250 l Pine•rFarima, 4. lb. bag ,• 25c °Cracked Wheat, 4 lb. bag 25c Wheatberries, 5 lb: bag 25c 'Whole ,Wheat Flour; 6 • lb,. flag . 256 -THEY'RE NEW. Tops in flan- or and food value. 'Van Camps,.•„Pre Oinked Beans, 12 oz. package 150 Enjoy real botme,baked beans, ' 'ready in only 30 minutes, without 'soaking. DALTON'S PUDDINGS — elicious as fillings in pies or tarts. No sugar required. As= sorted flavors: `4 pckgs:.,.: 25c For Your "Victory Garden No,.1 DUTCH SETT ONI� Buy'now and be sure of; yo Enjoy, the choicest. "in Fresh Fruits arid Vegetables.. from 'Thompson's. Lettuce, eCelery, •,Toinatoes; -Radish-; New. Beets and Carrots and .Bananas. Get your: Vitamins this easy way! THO:MPSON'S.. 'PHONE' 82 WE DELIVER P Brace County Seed *air ' The 4th Annual. Bruce County Seed Fair , held' at Paisley on ; Tues- day, April 6th was considered by many to be the most • successful to date.' The number, -of exhibits was slightly' greater than a year ago and the quality ofthe entries was ex- cellent. Pricesobtained from the auctioning of registered seed -grain and certified seed: potatoe4 were high. A 100 lb. bag of certified Sebago potatoes; a new blight 're- sistent variety brought $6:00. Young People's Meeting • A'young' people's meeting will be held in the Bible Institute Room above the Express "Office, this. Fel- day evening at' 8 • o'clock to which all the young people bf pie district are invited. A fine program is being planned and we hope there will be. a good attendance. The Prayer Meet- ing for revival Will be held as usual at 7.30 p.m. , LU NOW UNITED. CHURCH Rev. J. W. Stewart, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, APRIL 18 11 a.m.=-Subject, "Who Is This?"- Chiim'eges' Story, "Boys and _. Girls lin the Procession" Jgnior Church. 3 p,ni:-Sunday ' School. ,. . 7 p.m., -:-Subject, "What' Jesus ' Saw from The Cross". Olivet United Church Y, P. U. • -Tie regu r meeting of -the .Y.P.U.. was ,held Thursdayevening with Beth McTavish presiding. After the opening hymn, the Lord's Prayer was repeated , iii unison. The scrip- Jure . was read by Wilda 'Osborne and a prayer was read. by Don Mc- Tavish, The topic was taken by Mary McGuire and Mr.' Beech gaye ' a talk on "Can a man's character be chang- ed?'.'. The minutes were read by Jack . McGuire.. Mr. Beech closed the meeting with prayer. A recreation period followed with Mr. Beech 'in charge. , United 'Church' Y. P. U.. A social evening was ' held in the church gild the meeting opened with hymn 20. , The Lord's prayer was repeated inn, unison after which the Scripture lesson was read by Lloyd Ackert. This hart, of the meeting was closed by the singing of "What A Friend We Have In Jesus". A duet was .,then, sung by Doris Taylor and Ruth Winterstein after which Margaret Rae led in .a sing- seng. A ,number of games were en- joyed andxefreshments were served. The meeting closd ' with God Save The . King,:►e meetings from. now .n are to be held in the church. "resbyterian Guild ^ The meeting opened with psalm "33' after which Miss Gladys Mac- onald led in ,prayer, The scripture ras taken by Donald Henderson. Isobel • Macponaid gave the Bible study.. Everett, Lane gave the shorter eatethism -question:-_ A ;piano_ --duet was rendered by Helen and 'Marion MacDonald.' Mr. N. S. Calvert, gave the topic Ar reading was given by Evelyn Little and a contest con- ducted by Helen Mcatonald, Hymn 199 and prayer. by Mr. Ross closed the- meeting. • Lt.-Col.,,GEORGE DREW, M.LA LEADER OF ONTARIO PROGRESSIVE. CONSERVATIVE f . • PARTY , in the Win. halm Torn Hall at 8' pm., on U-ESDAY, April 20 AT THIS MEETING A CANDIDATE .WILL. BE CHOSEN TO CONTEST THE RIDING OF HURON -BRUCE. —ALL.. -ELECTORS ARJ ASKED TO ATTEND Huron -Bruce Progressive Conservative Association.' HARLky CRAWFORD., m • ROBERT BOWMAN, Secretary. - President It How To reed Your . -Baby. Chicks WHAT . TO FEED r. Purina Chick Startenta.. This is ag all -mash complete feed, fed dry, without any extras. Nothing else is, need- ed. • r• HOW TO FEED: Continuous—Fill the feeders and leave Startena before -chicks all the time: ` • OR Stop-and-Go—Leave the' filled hoppers'.in front of the chicks for 2 hours; thew take away for 1 hour.t AMOUNT .NEEDED: 2 lbs. per chick. After chicks have eaten 2 lbs, apiece they are ready to switch'to growing feed. Order 200 -lbs of Startena for each :100chickIs you buy. TAKE OU "(HICK INSURANCE Drop.1 Chek-R=Tab in Each. Quart of Drinking Water. DISEASE GERMS, internal fungus' growths, and intestinal trou- bles kill thousands of baby chicks every season.' A great deal ,of this trouble is spread through; the 'drinking water. Here is the thing to stop its spread --4 .Purina Chek-R-Tab per qua -of water. it's-cheapr handy, -and effective'insurance.+ `' Dr. R. 'E.-, Lubbehusen, special research worker, after a thor ough test, reports: "One Pu"iia Chek-R-Tab to a quart of water will kill the germs causing pollorum disease, • typhoid, para- typhoid, cholera and •infect'ous colds within 5, minutes . the fungus of my .osis within ten minutes. • . ,. OUR FINANCE PLAN + , - •-For 'reliable -farmers; We- will supply you with Hog Chow at in - day's Cash Price, pay when the Hogs go to market- no carrying charge. .•° LLornMacLennan, ''Phone fl w, Lucknow e jl: