HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-04-15, Page 4ft
LUCENOW swritm, ,tUCKNOt , ONTlwIO
Ttf'URS10.4.14, APRIL *.5th .. X943....
loin"Nutrition: for Yid, or?' Drivel Learn EASY * .
ur farm s health: e
wQy to improve �: o� - ,,�►�
with meals~ they'll enjoy!
Canada 'needs us strong, to .win this war. And
family health :is in,your,hatrds, You Can help
build stamina::. . resistance .. vitality
serving. proper food':
Perhaps you recognize the need..,for well-,.
balanced meals, but you find meal-planning•a
difficult job. If so -here's help!' A FREE new
booklet,; "Eat .to -Work tof.Wia" . the, EASY
way'to good •nutnuon.. .
' No.need to be a student -cif dietetics! The
Careful planning has all been done•for• you. You
have simply. to�,follow menus
provided.. •
_Som your -fart! -Learn how_ _.
to feed your famiily Wisely!.
Send'for your FREEcopy of
`•Eat -to -Work tO-Win." today 1
sponsored ,
BARlois die interesnofnunitioaand 'health
" .. ' asan aide° Victory.
Send for your
Copy today!...
To set your FREE,
copy ofEat-to-
Work to -Win".
lust send your
game and ad-
dress.' clearly
printed. to
"Nutrition for
Victory" Box
6.00. Toronto
*(Tbenutritional tsin Eat-lo-Work-to-Win"are'
acceyytable to N •en Services, Department of Pensions
• and -National Health, Ottaw.r, for the Canadian Nutrition .
Programme.) •
lw<wd 'glade a trip
to Toronto lastWe week. .
Mrs. 'Robert Half of W y s-
ited last Thursday with her parents,
Mr. and. Mrs. John 'Cry.
Miss Rokierta Mowbray spent the
• week -end with her uncle, and aunt,.
Mr. and Mrs. • Gordon McKay' of
Wingham, also .Mr. and Mrs. Hobert
,..'Mpwbray and 'Master Angus Maw=
bray" . sppent Sunday at, the name
_home.. .- __ ... '' ...__'
Mrs. Walter Lottspent the week
end at Waterford With her on Mr.
Wesley_Lott and Mrs. Lott.
Congratulations, to .Mr.,: and Mrs.
. John Gillespie who. " quietly, -,cele-
brated their . sixty-sec0'ind' wedding
aiinversary on ''riles. of last. week.
` Mr. and Mrs. Herb Duffy of Tees-
water and family visited on Sunday
,With has mother, Mrs. ffy
'Mrs. -Harry Tichborne. of Goderieli
spent the week -end .with iter moth-
er, Mrs. Davide Kennedy,. also Mr..
and Mrs. Du,:nean Kennedy of Wing-
hani and Mr. -and At s George' Ken-
' nedy and family visited. on Sunday
there also.
Me: and Mrs. Dawson Craig vis-
ited on' Monday . evening with . her
fattier, .Mr., Adam Robertson.
1! 1S. J. E. !WWE received a. cable: . Oswald: Pop, I. need an encyclo-
recently .inforniing`her ..of the -?death • -pedia-• for:-schooL
of her:mother; Mrs; William Metcalf Pop:: Nothing doing; you can walk
;Sudbury,, Suffolk; .England. to school like I did
'And it's not long ago that go
ernments paid farmers. for. not gr
ing crops and 'sortie' countri'es'
burning coffee:.
Lieuf R. Douglas MacDonaldhas
been ..posted • to Prince George, TIC,
as a lieutenant in•the ,•Oxford Rifles.
Lieut J.. E. Smith of ,Windsor rs
spending.' a tvve we eks''•_'furiough at
-his home here and at Kitchener'.
ti •: . • • •. • •
Harold Ritchie of. the Canadian
Navy, who ,.recently ..concludeda
course in submarine detection; "`has
been posted for service on a Des-
troyer:. .
Judge: •Now, sir, you :may, if 'you
wish, challenge any member of the
v- jury: 'Prisoner: `Well, ria, not in very
good condition, but I believe'I can
lick .that little guy in the end seat
that Canada is a great storehOtise of foodj-that our fighting
lorees and we at home are sure of ample food supPlies. The
hod shortage gad Xationthg, of foods we evidence ,that
aupplies are growing scarce. --
• There are two reasons for present and threatened food
dtortages. First, our nation is exporting more food than ever A,
- tory. S=ond, cur farmers are short-handed._
They tired help because agricultural workers have left them
to joist die armed forces and to work in munitions plants at
wogeb MAO 11113'2 the 'fannaa tan Pay- •'
Because of the nature of his ivork, the fat:met% greatest A
need for help cornea with Beetling in the siring and en& With
late harvesting in SeptembeT. There are two very tfiffieult
when the djimand for manpower oit dm farm is tremendous.
" Experience or no experience, YOU CAN HELP. ,.There's
au Ontario Farm Svice/' Force Brigade in which you can
serveregardless of age, sex or occupation. Five of the Brigades
are outlined hem Swirly them now said fill in the coupon
below for further infonrunion toda/l
.11malierr of dm Faint Commando anigatla aXe Man (Or women)
. who me regal** engsgsdin Plum Occupations, btu who will give
. evening tinie, a half day Or* day a week to help local farmers with
, feeding, hoeing, haying, bar
and Phew types of farm opera -
.1;1 .,,,, .ti. ..F4. lions whids requir-e substantial
power. Ober 12,000 people in
; prafessintuil ram multiples,
N ,4 • 4, ill walks ofdife and of
all ages; More will be
cents -an hour and those
'who feel 41010110 in-
n., elined•turte their ear*,
ings over to their favour- ,
ite charitim, Write tor
This gay and colOurfal Ftirm Service Force Brigade attracts thonsands a
girls 16 years old and up froni•Ontatio High Schools and Collegia'. tee every year.
Farmerettes, for the most part; work in the fields and Orchards in the fruit, and
vegetable growing areas of the Province. By peisonal preference, they work on
a fdirm of their own' choice, a farm seletted by the Farm Service Force, in mall
privotely operated camps, in Povernment "Y".supairised carar.0. or from their
own homes going out dig by day. Every effort is made to ensure careful super.
vision and reasonable working Conditions for Formerettes. Froni May to
October, the Farinerette Brigade offers every young woman an opporttmity to
contribute in an es/iv:dial and pattititic way to Canada's war effort Detailed
.; information' folder which answers the questionrof girls 'and parenti,elae sent
' sin request.
yanng men from 15 years cif age npword are needed .on. Ontario farms to help
Witb Bowing. planting and horvesiing of farin ciops; feeiling arid care of livestock
including the care and,handling of horses: feeding and care of poultry, hoeing of
ritots, coyn, vegetable crops, etc.... Farm 'Cadets commence working as early as 64'
April 23rd and are recrnired by indiridual farmers as late is October let...The Farm
Sea -ice Force places 'them bn aelected farina with every regard foe their welfare,:
Wagei forinexPerieSeed help are= for tlie first menthe
phis boord, room ' and laundry with 'iltigler wofi•
arranied by amnia' agreetaent. Experienced. Farm
Cadets commence at $30 per month. Tantalum.
.ation to tke place of employment is paid hy.the
'kir* Write for descriptive Farm cadet, folder.
6:Affeof:d hid faik
Thee* are the women who work from six months to the year'
'roiled on poultry. dairy or mixed farms, From 20 years of
age. upward,' they undertake milking,. feedin- g and cire of
stock, Add work, haying, stoisking gram, threshing, working
" , with hones, and tractor!. Gide 'P. Women who .
ate willing to engage in this type
.4111.0 of work should write for full infer.
snattiou to the Director of the Farm
• Service Force. Extreme tare is taken
. to see that Mendien of „
, the 'Woman', Land Brit
genial situations arida
leirn the job and where '
due contideration Will be
given for health and I
physical limitatiom
"meow who have a week la
'month of holidays with
pay. Most amehos of thin4,
Brio& win mower with
ickeine ar Mends is the
49 tititally saiesulibeir !Wilke
days IN Okillit Wills thew
if yen waist 'le help aftel• ,
hive res tamer relatives sr •-•
OP: BeMos ramie' Will Imam,
Write wislioi yea ta Ma,
Omerie claims petit
keit einwstiettble eitore that
. aka. WA tie sweiled
...we., • *aka kit kiiitinaitiaat
opekabow the Omens tent Service Farm.
EVERY ViEtiNESilLY 720.p.
I 5 ant itdessated 'in doing what I ion to 'help Odario inrsiters Ora sumater. keen
0 Farm Cadet Brigid& 0 Foos COmmontla Brigade
Promoted To LAC.. .
Mr -'and Mrs. Jack. Carter received
a letter recently from Lloyd Elliott
of the R.C.A.F. at Mossbankt . Sask.,
advising them that Lloyd had been
promoted to the rank• of Leading
FOR 'SALE -20 young pigs, ready tc FOR SALE -_Yorkshire pigs, ready
wean. Lloyd. Hunter; R. 1 Luckniow, to wean. Fred Martin, :Paramount:.
Donald R.. MacKenzie, it.. 3 Luck -
116w, 'Phone 62=22 Dungannon.
FOR ,RENT -2: apartments in Luck •
now;•• also god work horse for -sale.
Apply: at:Sentinel Office. •
have a' supply' of Wallpaper & paint
in• stock. Philip Stewart, 'Phone 8,
Lucknow': •
Stationed In The. East
Cpl. Alfred Andrew' of the R. VC.
A ' li'. at Dartmouth, Nova Scotia;
spent the • week=end. at Zion with
his mother, Mrs. Isaac 'Andrew. Cpl.
Andrew, who , has . been with:' the
z:.C.A.F. since early .last winter, is.
chargeof the water supplyin the
Eastern Air Command. He attended
a•; meeting.: in _Listowel last 'week
when. •representatives''of the various
Air .Commands across Canada were
present to ,receive instruction .on
turbine pumps.
Alf, was. with' Beatty Bros. for
rme'tinie and should be well qual-
ified to handle the water supply
problems at the various training
-centres in the Eastern :Command.
FOR . SALE -Quantity of Timothy
:seed, • No. 2• grade. • Has sincebeen
recleaned at S. E. Robertson's. 's.' 4.00'
per bushel.: Apply to Wm..Helm, R.
3 Lucknow.' • :,
HOUSE. FORSALE-in ucknovj,
possession at once: Apply to Mrs.
J. J. Wilson, Lucknow or to William
Armstrong; 548 Elizabeth St., Lon-
FOR SALE -Massey Binder; JVtassey.,
Grain Drill; 3 -horse 'cultivator; land
roller; Stewart -Warner battery radio
with new batteries. John MeCharies,.
R, 5' Lucknow.. • ' `
FOR SALE -1930 . Marquette Sedan,,
in .good repair, good tires..Apply to
Box 38, Lucknow.
HORSES -'FOR SALE -team . of 3 -
year -olds; 6-yeer-old
year-olds;6-year-old horse;.5-year.
old; horse; team 7 ,and 8 years; and
a cheap horse. Norman'" O'Connor,
R.R., 7 Lucknow, Phoiie°Dungannon
BOY WANTED -I4 to' 17 years of
age, to drive tractor and assist with
farm work during spring and Sand -
mer months. Farm experience pre-
ferred, good horrie and wages. Apply
at. Sentinel Office.
Red Cross 'Donations (Continued)
Robt. Bogie, collector -Jack. Wil-
son .25; . Ruby Wilson .25; Donald
Wilson .25; Mrs:I W.. E..; Foster .50;
'Mrs. Geo. Pollock .50;';Henry Math=
ews .50; ,John Foster .50; Mfrs: Porter
.50;;; Mrs. Hayden .50.;. Mrs. .Jack
Knight .50 Mary Jones :50; Mrs:
Frank Wilson •.55;; David Johnston
1.00•• Bert B. :'e 1.00. Wm 'M Vroo•-
man 1.00;: Mrs. Geo. Haggitt 1.00;
Hugh Myers 1.00; :Thos. Bogie: L.00;
Mrs. Agnes Foster' 1.00; Ralph Fos-
ter 1.00;. Wxn. McKnight 1.00; Mrs.
R.:Mcllwain . •1.00;'" Arthur ppragge
1.00; Mr. Kingsbury 1.00; '' Leslie
Pentland 1.00; Edgar Dougherty 1.00;
'Ernest Bogie 1.00; Leslie .Johnston
1.00; . Wm. ,McCann 1.00; Alex•. Wat-
son 1.00; Clarence' Dustow, C. E.
McNeil' .1.00; '„ Wm: Kerr 1.00; Len
Christilaw '1.00; John• D..Howatt,
Robt. Bogie L00,; John:'McWhinney
Under AndByVirture Of The Pow -
ars Of. Sale cgntaihed in 'a certain
Viortgage which will be produced
A time of sake: there will -be -offer
adfor sale by John A.,• McDougall:
auctioneer, at Public Auction on
Tuesday, April 27th. 1943, at the
hour of two,o'clock in the afternoon
at the farm ' of the late
• near L• UCKNOW, ONTARIO, '•
the following ..• property; namely:__,
In the 'Township of Kinloss,
the County of Brace, and being
composed of Lot -3, in the 4th . Con
cession of the aforesaid Township .of.
Kinloss, .containing • one hun ed,
acres more or less..
' ON 'the said farm there is said
oe erected a dwelling house and a
'barn. .
.The lands will" be sold' subject to
a.. Reserved Bid.
Of Sale' of Farm: Twenty-five
,pet cent of the prchase money to,
be -paid down at 'the time of sale, the
balance . to be secured by a • mort-
gage with interest at four per cent
per. annum: •
FOR further particulars and eon=
ditions of sale,apply to . . .
The Commissioner of Agricultural
East Biotic Parliament Buildings,:
' Toronto, Ontar
DATED_at Toronto this 30th da
--Mari#}, 1;,.94.3
ed early. Alaska Oats '75c •er`lius.'
O.A.C. ' 21 Barley grown fr:'' reg-.
istered Seed 95c per bus.' Lloyd Mac-
Donell, . R.R. 6 Lucknow,, , 'Phone
26-r-30 ;Ripley
house in Lucknow, 23/4 .acres land;
also -50----acre, farm, good 'buildings,
2 acres bush, 6 miles from Lucknow.
Reason for selling, to clean up estate.
Sam Miller, Fief ' ng . as , ., . a mi
istrator.'. _For, information apply to
Herb Miller, Lucknow.
farm, stock •-end implements at Lot
24, Con. 12, West • Wawanosh oin
Thursday; April 15th' at L30 sharp.
Perms, see bills. W. R*.*: Farrier, Prop.
Matt Gaynor, Aut. .
stock of spring filled chesterfield
suites,,' 'new and used pian+'. at the.
1004••.-Renes---Harrison-;1100,.--Fran:k- -Mildmay--Furniture Storer•Lowest--
FJsing ,1.00; Wm. G. 'Hawkins 1.00; prices. Free deliveryJ. F.. Schuett
Waiter Pettmari 2.00; Frank .Wilson & Sons, Mildmay. •
2.00...-.:..n ,
, Terence Hunter, collectarTohn.
Morebeck. .50; Allan Schram 1.00;
r. 600k 1.00; Roy Linklater 2,00; Ben -
Alex Bogie 2.00; Andrew Bogie 2.00;
Grace Hunter 5.00; Terence Henter
5.00; Friend •5.00; Dungannon school
in and it is hoped by next Week
that definite .figutes can be given
for the arnotbit,collected in this' zone.
.It may be said that the result§ havi
...rem most 'gratifying and a good
work done by the caniasters and
M. burnin, the president and
and Mrs. Will Caesar received
wurd on Monday that their son,'BilI,
-in England.
.Visitors with MT. Thos. Stothers
ver the Week -end were his son, Mr,
"-Las Stothers, Torento. and .his niece
Jessie Crispin, Luclmow, on
' We are glad know Mr.
....Amen' :is gradually iMproving ef-
Madeline Caesar, teacher at.
.„:ochalsh, is a vicitith of the mumps
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Will Caesar.. .
Miss Mary Anderson of Kincar-
dine was a vislfor at the home of
: aerson, pver the week -end.
.Mrs: ;George ' Moore and friend,
Mrs. Janet Megreoor of Toronto
were reCent visitors With relatives
1 Mr. and Mrs. John Blake have.
' been "at the farM of Mr. Wallace
Tivamley, °Ashfield; their., brother-
; m-laW, who has, been quite poorly
' and had an auction sale on TueSday.
I , Spring! which is here (gm'. it if..•
'herd to 'believe,) by the tempera -
month Moving to the "Will Finni-
1 lam" farm ori the 2nd con. of Ash-
genSon Pentland who is' Flying Of -
liter on the East Coast. Charlie who
will•bcorltinue the trucking business
will also lend a: hand at trying to
trieet• that great demand Of "more
',baton fer, Britain".
yakking at cite home of Mrs. Rcibt.
Moore. His sister, 1/hss Tillie Woods
Brothers and Sisters of the late
lohn•.Gamgroil wish to acknowledge
With, ;sincere .'appreciator', the many.
.,and acts .and expressions 'of: sym- 1
j,aathy extended them in their be
e"avement and, especially to thank
O.. Rhoad for his kindness.
1:30 . to 6 o'clock
waikerton, Ontario.
Each Wednesday
Afternoon is Evening '
1/2 %
An idearauthorized investment
for individuals, compcinies, ceme-'
tete boards, executors and other
remains at .the hospital for further
wash, spent Sunday with his wife,
4 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Miss Grace Crawford retutned
After, e,SuctbisfUl operation for re::
.noval 'of appendix.
Mrs. Lizzie •ChristilaWThof Nile is
Asiting hex sister, Mrs. Tom, Mc-,
gliinney .at the home of Mr. Thos..
• Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Campbell, :of
,...anes were Sunday visitors With the
iorrner;s mother, Mrs. Annie Camp -
/17446 IS:717esitrAteringt,tar...4t,fi.orn
BelLs' for Christmas and bells fot
EaSter too -:--In the Spring a young
man's fancy .,110tly turned to
",'One young mail in this 'ere town,
is going to feel the •pinch of gas
rationing, 'cause' it takes aboUt a
gallon or more every tithe he steps
Mr, and Mrs. klarry ityan are
-Mi.. Godfrey Hall df Dungannon
visited at'llermen Phillips on Sat-
Bertrarn Curran, S.B.A. Lon-,
doil was home op Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs, Lroyd Hunter of
soWnaw:Suatirry-visited with her parents ,
Mt. and Mrs. Ernest Blake went
to London on Sunday evening, in
response to a ,,ptiOne message. They .
, family' visited at her btother's, Mr ,
Sunday: ,
Mr, arid Mrs. Elmer Jblinston and. •
Webster's of Auburn on Friday.