HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-04-08, Page 8'11 PAGE gonT • - • ,A4.3•••;.,',••-••414 • ' THE LVCKNOW SENTINEL,' L'UCKNOW, ONTARIO - i! •, • '. " • P Fine Cottons 'make Fine Clothes • 4 • :And If YOlf. Can SOW You Can Produce ClothesFor Yourself -- ' :Clothos: for your Children Women are finding too, that being their: own; dressmaker saves mono. • 3TTON PRINTS -Learn, to sew by, making aprons,.'house frocks, children% dresses and lingerie. Pretty deSigns and fast colors. Prints all 36" • wide: and. ' 4 ' 22e, 25c, 30e -', , . , . • 14:41N .4 PRINTED COTTON CREPES for lingerie . • - 25ci 30c SEERSUCKER. It eotnes'In pretty Stripes and..,:dota 36" wide, for . that ,twolsielee 'dress So popular pith all as Yd. ,, 89c, OldtiS1141ERSi6HlD;•It is atilii44.#ed, ii,tiielty cord;, '4:air- anteed for fast ;colors „ Thit,,,:fahtrin. *, mcolotOne printed -'in, Spring voter's. lita*A:-.'.....„...44.; ' b s A • • $ ' 50 ' • ' - AA'It114 SIM:Plitiittri• PATTERNSAN STOCK ..... . , e: t " - . ... . .„, •. V`.: ' • . ' • • AJL-1", g Apcii ist to April iOth " COSMETICS Es.ty now and SAVE 20% 7•1:1hy4-05 item NOW:: 02:0 - NOW : 1 40 any 2 25 item NOW „.1 80 THIS SPECIAL 'OFFER ENDS 4PRIL: 10th. • *Due to current' sitortape 0 holders .and containeri, Vlto-Rrnr Rouges, tipstida and Rails are not incluCled In this Special Offer. tglg. 221gRagigag Taylor • •DEiyadis.. ONTARIO -e• re 4 OBITUARY • MES. ALBERT PATERSON Following a week's illness Mary Nal/leQuoicl, beloved wife of Albert Paterson, passed away on: Tuesday morning; March 30th, at the resi- • dence, Lot 27,- Concession 14,. West •WawanOsh, in her 6.6th year., She .wasborn in Ashfield township and ;lived there until 1922 when She moved._ to • Whitechurch where she and her brother George conducted a general store until he passed on 'seven years agO. She was a faithful • Member' Whitechurch Presbyter- iari* church and, for a number of Iyears was president. of the Women's 1Vlissionary "Sciciety. She is survived by her husband, to whom she was • married seven years sin, .also one sister, Miss Annie McQuoid, Calgary: The, funeral service .was held Whiteehurch PresbYterian Church. at. 2.30 o'clock on. Thursday afternoon. Rev. A. H.Wilson was the officiating • - rriiister. Burial teok.,place. in Wing- har& Cemetery. the pallbeare ereJackCraig, James .MIra Gordon Elliott, Wm.. Dawson, Rbbert • Mowbray and Gibson Gillespie. • Mrs. MINNIE .ROBINSON HUNTER On January 21st, 1943, after a • •••••31-)hged "innie Robinsor -nter„ of 23 Bernard ave., Toronto. °•assed away. Berri a daughter, of •-;he personage, while her father; Rev. T.• W. Robinson was pastor in the f rmer -Methodist church -at- Stotiff ville, she later married Rev J.• E. Htinter,'alao of the former Atethod-: • ist..church, while her father's home ,was in„ Dungannon: Before her hus- band's early death, Mrs. Hunter had• , made, her fine contribution to the • work tof the :church in the fields •of Harmony, Mercy, TuPperVille, • Dungannon, Charing Cross, Lambeth and., Granton. While all the cluirch organizatieriS shared her interest; • her 'Special services were given to -.the Epworth _League, :for, which she dicl. organization work for some time, - and 'the WM.S. Of winsome, ttiatitV hearted per.Sonality; hospitality -was 'the keynote of all her life., She is survived by her mother, Mrs. J. W. Robinson -,Pie 13runsWiek ave., Tor- • onto; three sisters; Mrs. A. S, Laing, Toronto; Mrs. G. • T. 6Killam, Foam Lake, Sask.; and. Miss Ahna R�bin- son, Toronto; two daughters, Miss Alma Hter of Toronto and. Mrs. • kt-Daniude-of W•elland;Toriegrand=' daughter, • miss Patsy Damude of • Welland.- „ • ar, two alidit our •phone talki y just one Minute ±10,N Miss Lorna Hunter is assisting. Mrs. Johnson of Lucknew. The Y.P.U. met at the home of Mr. Wesley Ritchie on Monday ev"-: ening with a good attendance pres- ent Next Sunday our regular church service -Will begin- at -711 drill. Tpr. Jas. Hunter is at present spending a two weeks furlough at his-home-herei Mrs*. Sam Reed spent a few 'days with her daughters in LuCknow dur ing the past week. • ' • This community- was saddened on Monday morning to learn that Mrs. David Hardy had passed away in Queen •Alexandria Hospital,' London where she has been a patient for theipast few weeks. Her death .was not hnlooked for as shad been in failing health for some time. Her father, Mr. 'Clair Irwin, Lucknow and her husband and infant claugh- ter Kathleen Patricia surVive.• Deep- est extended, to the be- reaved. Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Ritchie, Mr: Graydon Rtichie were -Mitchell oil- itors Sunday. Mrs. Bob Ritchie re- turned home after spending a Week with friends there. We ' neglected mentioning last week that Mr. Keith Ritchie of Port Colborne had been a week -end vis- itor in this community before leav- ing to board his boat at Thorold. Mr. and mtg. A/kelvin Dickson and family of Dungannon epent Sunday witfr Mr.. and Mrs. Cecil, Gardner. We are sorry to report the serious -illness of Mr, -Jack .McD.onal4„.Little hope is held 'for his Irecovery. • Mr. and Mrs. John McDonagh.ancl family have moved in with Mr. Chas. McDonagh. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Gibson and family of Boundary West -have moved in where Mr. Mc- • Donagh vacated which was formerly known as the McKeith farm. SEP 0 'Jr Theatre LUCKNOW FRIDAY. 8, P.M. SATURDAY' 7.30 & APRIL 9th, Roth •,2 SANDY'S A SIRENI in a 3 -alarm laugh -riot! MAN _ ,turring SANDY Stuart ERWIN • Una MERKEL ••• William FRAWLEY Edgar KENNEDY Jack CARSON • Wally VERNON Edward BROPHY • William DAVIDSON A UNIVERSAL PICTURE Original Screenplay by.SY BOrtleit Jane Storm • Co -Directors: Otis - Garrott and Paul Gerard Smith Associate Prciducer, Burt Kelly, ALSO "SHORT SUBIECICS", ADMISSION . Adults 30c: • • ,Children, 18e, (tax, included) COMING NEXT WEEK She knew all the answers COMING „ „ 'Pastor . Hall' • • War calls must come -first ... which means that we should reduce our non- essential use of the- telephone to the. minimum— ----,,,- Present facilities dannat be increased; your co- operation is needed if war calls are to gp through promptly: C.Pleast remember 'that 'the wasteful -use of telephone time can hold up -war business —and that every second you save counts. Op; ritete;v' e ce , . s 4 44. 044.bsts- to la> ta's ••• ••• • I • THURSDAY, APRIL 8th, 100 kgALNIOGEHERAL Ansi :Marjeirie Purdon spent the week -end at her home: Mrs. Wm. McGill, east of the Vill- age, is at present ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Janes 1VIellett Pahnersten is visiting with:her daughter, Mrs. Eric Cox: • •• - • • Mrs. N. E: Calvert And Mrs. Hor- ace Aitchison of Wingham spent the, week -end in Kitchener. ' • The annual Meeting Of the Wti men% Institute will, be held in the ,Town 1a1l, Friday, April 9th at 2.3Q. Win, -Armstrong, . Sr., of London spent the past fe days at the home of his daughter, J. J. Wilson. Mr., Leonard Phillips if Wingharn and ltussell Phillips Ashfield spent Sunday at their e' at Ford - Dean McInnes w10 is, employed in Toronto; spent ,the 'week -end here at the home of his mother, Mrs. Neil • • OTTAWA LETTER By A, M. Nicholsen, M.P. The Canadian .Parliament has been boat to several of the outstand- ing Commonwealth Statesmen since the war began. Robert Menzies, Prinie Minister of Atistralia, had •the honor of being the first 'person to aperk from the.floor of the Canadian House of Commons. Winston Chureh- ilk dynamic Prime Minister of Gt. Britain; Walter Nash,. New Zealand, ambassador to 1;vashingtori. and An- thony Eden, Britain's foreign sec- . rotary, have all been here: • Only once before have the gal- leries been crowded -a$ •-they were when Eden addressed both Hoses • on April lst. Alai:ger 'crowd was on, hand to hear Churchill, in Decem- ber, 1941. The applause which greeted Mr. Eden's 'entrance into the Chamber was, enthusiastic but not quite as voluminous ' as Churchill's presence evoked. Eden spoke easily in a cm- .3zersational-manner_thatestablishe • an intimate relationship with his Misd IsoberflamiltOn of Stratford hearers. He reminded tis' that 'he. had taken part in, the first world war aS a',.solclier and now he was1 watching- his son prepare to take 'art in the second war. It is our luty to. see that this cruel 'and in- auman lot is not the, heritage of our ohildren's children, he said. As the membei'S of both Muses ,-eAlpine narrowly miss- iistened to Baldwin's minister to the •, tiering_ a serious -eye injury League of Nations, they were re- ... aturday when struck just be- minded:Of the efforts Made by -Eden 'v the eye with a B -B. shot. • to haVe 'eollectiVe security in inter- , J •r. :and Mrs. "Bud"ohnston and national affairs. He urged that Italy, '7 Germany, and Japan be totally dis- armed so that they never again could plunge the World into strife It would be necessary Tor' the un- ited Nations 'to maintain sufficient forces se that. the axis powers would, not be able to try their strength again. . Mr.- Eden met groups of the mem- bers' :privately before leaving- the - Parliament buildings and. answered ,a varietyl.of questions... _Once_ or twice he wondered if he, .was wise in mentioning two or' three topics in his public addrergs: His desire to bring back to the British Cabinet Suggestions from Partners in fight for freedom in Canada: won many friends. His ability to' speak so fluently in the Prerich language _Jabartylancla_use •froin all rs. a • ie McMahon an-dlier dau- sections of the 'Hous. aki- hter, Mrs: K. C. Bridges Of Toronto, 'hands with senators and members spent 'the week -end here. Mrs.: of Parliament before leaving for Bridges plans to leave shortly for the reception„in the Speakers Cham - Halifax to join her husband who ,is bers, he paused to ihake hands with stationed. there with the the page- boys- who -win never for- get Anthony Eden. , • . spent the. Week -end at' the home of • her ,Paretts,- Mr. and. Mrs. A. W. ••. • • • • Hodgkinson who. was . con', L house all ;winter was ., , en. to Walkerton Hospital last h riay • " • fant son Barry of Gedench spent e week -end at the home of her ister, Mrs. Harold , Thompson. . . • nonmarmimrsrm•mmorkrremaremnronm....... Mr. -and Mrs. Frank Ritchie. were in Stratford one ' cliY last Week:"'"' Mand Mrs. George' Hunter vis- ited -the latter's mother arid father, Mt: Joseph Hackett on Sunday last. They are at • present spending a while with Mr.' and. Mrs. Wilfred Drennan gr Crewe.: . . • • • • ;3111ir'•11i,,.,!3•••••.i. ••••4 HERE,VVIIIATIO DO You can take your fat drip- plegs, scrap fit and bonesto your 'meat (leiter. He will pay you Alb established price for the dripping and the scrap fat. If you wsh, you can turn this ineney over to your local Voluntary Selvage Committee or flegisteredLocal Wax Charity, or— • You can donate your fat drip: • ping, scrap fat and bones to yew local. Voluntary Selvage Committee if they collect them in your community, or— You can continue to place out your Fats and Bones lbs. col by your Street Clean- ,iig Departinentwhere . such a-s,yiteni. Win: effect. s43s ' ettAitattuo 10,110i0AVOAt SEILVIC� IdAtIOMM tALVAri , Miss, Islay Campbell, Reg.N.,. rthe Listowel Hospital Staff, spent , the Week -end With her parents, QMS., Jack Campbell . and Mrs. • Campbell. • Mr. arid- mks,.K. C. 'Mtirdie, • Diek Id • -Franklin 'and Mrs.. GOrdOti Fislier -and "Billie. 'Spent the • week rend'in--14bndon • with Mr.-Tancl--Mra: Fred Nixon. ' . • • • • • .• •, Mrs. M. Sproul was' in Godericli .. • week •on•account of the beriotta • I bless • of her sister, -...."Mrs: :Martha- '1111iOni who underwent an opera - 'ion for • appendicitis in Goderich. .•• . „..., . • In renewing her Sentinel, Miss Mary Struthers of Toronto says: "I would not like to bewithout it, al- though there are so many new names, 1 sometimes have to ponder for some time to make connections, and sometimes, failwartlialr'. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gannett, for- merJy of_TO-ronte„- visited here last week. Harry has been in the Army for several months and has been stationed at Sinitoe. He is at present on furlough re- covering from a broken arm. • • Mr. and -Mrs, Robert Moffat and children who have spent the winter in Lucknow, returned to their farm in Kinloss this week. Mrs. Mustard is moving to the apartment they vacated in M. C. Orr's residence. Mrs. Mustard vacates the residence of Wzn. Armstrong, • Sr. which he is now Offering for sale or rent., They're in the Army Now! Bow -Wow! And HOW! , How, tens of thousands of Amer- ica's dogs which have gone to war are selected and .trained is described in a timelyflhiorffiStive articl-e-by the former editor of the Kennel Club • Gazette, Louis de Casanova, in The Ainerican• Weekly with this Sun- day's (April issue of The Detroit Siinday imes. Get the Detroit Sun- day Tithes this week and every week. Prayer for Revival The prayer Meeting for revivall will be held as usual Friday evening at 7:30 in the Bible Institute Room. The:Bible Study Class in charge of Rev. Robt. MacConnell4ill meet at 8 p.m. at which time. -the Book of Ephesians will be discussed: Both old and young.are invited. Come and bring your Bibles. • LUCKNOW UNITED—CHU RCH- Rev. J. ,,W2Stewart, B.A., B.D. • . Pastor SUNDAY, APRIL' 11 11 a.m., Subject—"Kindness". Children's Story, "Hidden Rift". • Suggestions ForYour artime budget Libby's Prepared MUSTARD 6,oz. Jar , 1.00 Brunswick SARDINES—in oil 2 tins •15c • DEVON. PEAS -20 ox. tin 2 tins •' 25e CAMAY TOILET SOAP • , -4 bars, , ' 25e National SOAP FLAKES s5 lb. box 45c , Newport WHEAT NUGGETS Giant' bag': " • • 380 • LIBBY'S 4ICR.LESHome, • Made 'Style 26 -oz. bottle , ' 33e RATION NEWS Housewives are reminded that Sugar applications for Ca,n- ning must be sent to your Local Ration Board—Goder- ich or Kincardine --by Apr 15th. MAY WE HELP YOU WITH youit WARTIIVIE;BUyMG? THOMPSON'.S7T: • PHONE 82 'WE DELIVER . • . • .:f During the sermon a baby, began to cry at the top of its voiee and its mother arose and carried it to- , Ward the door. • "Stop", said the minister, 'vow baby is not disturbing Me, ,xna •' The mother turned, toward pulpit: "Oh; he ain't, nitillrel Well; , you're a disturbing him". • • H 'Hedley BUTCHER; omits -‘11—igiest. CASH Prices FOR . Hides, Tallow • WOOL Authorized Agent for, H. —Jacksony-Seaforthr:operating- - an- approved Wool Grading Warehouse for 'the Canadian --Boardr-Ltd4--being reg istered under the. Dominion Governinent WoolGrading Regulations. Phone M Lucknow • CHIX • ORDER NOW What Can I Do To Help? 1—Feed For Extra Eggs 2—Itaise Fall Chicks 3 --Mae Every Four Square Feet of laying house capacity produce 200 eggs -this ;year: You Can. Count On 'Purina • PROVED IN PEACE TIME. FOR A WAR TIME JOB junior Church. 3 p.m.----SundtiY School. 7 p.m.—Subject ; "God Calls Vs". OUR FINANCE PLAN For reliable farmers, we Will supply you with Hog Chow at to- day's Cash Price, pay. when lie Hogs go to Market --me carrying charge. • • 4tp, 0 - Lorne MacLennan, 'Phone 77-w, Lucknow . • , 0 aster aveltile rB3kCtards1 Novelty For EASTER GIFTS THE MARKET sgrompE„ Luchum r, , . ,.... • • • • • . • . 0 • •6 . • • . . 1 • . . i . n , . ., -------- --- - •••• - - - • •••-' , "'4, ' .' , r ••••_.:*,'3,-.' '1'''-'''''.'',.,'".':''',':„',..."4.;... P. • wo 1