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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-04-08, Page 6
4 e tea` a • ; Y Sy Anne 44,5hley `What 1.4' a' food headache grm dy ? „ Throbbing• headache is often >elieVed'by drinking, the: `• juice of •hai'f.. a lemon 4n fresh water. Fol- . Tow • with ' the 'Other half in about thirty ininiltes.. •Also rub sliced •lenion. over the temples aid•Jrrow. Q: How can I` give .a maple fin- fah 1,to mahogany furniture? A Theonly way to do; t ls. soithout.s"'removing `the inahoga, y' finish is, to give the furniture. goad .undercoat.and, . then •appl maple varnish stain. , • Q. How can T' remove scars:'on;' furniture made by .lighted cigar ettcsv, A. The only thing' to .449, ie. to remove. the scar by use of sand-: paper and then refinish the' anti- ole of furniture... Q. Hew can I remedy`` tough' • met°Ir A. There' are several ways: It, ean�iie • .made tender by sufficient; . -pounding; by :: •slow cooking,_• -an also, by ;;'Yang it for .a few Rein-. Utes in vinegar water. "Q: How can ,I remove kerosene stains' from carpets? A. By sprinkling buckwheat flour over :there; let 'stand,'• awhile.., then :sweep up'.carefully; repeat, if necessary:', GUNSON: THIS ONE J[OW..T rat- ar Nylon By. Sidney 8 ; Self, in the Wall Street Journal. When nylon • •comes back .from Wal,. along with the ,paratroopers who, depend on it for their'chutes, civilians' will not recognize it.` ,C.onti;-ming laboratory explor a t °i on of nylon is revealing itis the. •most 'versatile of modern synthe- t1caw=materials - It can be silky, 'rubber like, woolly, hairy, almost' metallic, or doxylike, at . the chemists' will. When -nylon is no longer monopo ''hzed .by war needs, it will find • inultitudinous new uses Pest -war nylon will reappear in :;•its.familiar guises as women's hos- fiery and brush :bristles, as strings, or tennis rackets' and -tough line for fishermen. But it will also take sue'fi diverse: forms as grease- less, non-metallic bearings for high-speed machinery and as "pa= tent leather" 'type shoes that won't crack. r. , Nylon Blankets It will serve is woven, hole- proof' screening • on, porchers and ' 'as' garden 'furniture • that ignores •'rain and needs no • paint.' Nylon rl a 1:0,,e of tremendous' tensilel strength will hold the Straining nylon sails of.racing yachts.: In' winter, nylon sweaters and blan- "kits• veld :help. keep Americii`iwarilV4 .,because 'nylon appears to • make the best wool-like Synthetic' so far produced, • ' Industry will use., nylon paint brushes and a hundred variations Of .industrial brushes; 'hard and soft. . Tough nylon films ,can be usedfor vacuum packing of .dried foods. • Wiring for motors and ' magnets can be . automatically Liven an• insulating nylon coating • -at the rate of nearly a mile is minute. In its. rubbery ' formsit also, probably can be used for wonien't corsets and foundation; garments. . `V'ar'ied Chemical Composition • The reason why nylon has so many different forms and •uses is that it is really not one chemical, but a whole family of related Chemical compounds. As a elle; mical `1t has • a 'family relationship to silk and hair and wool, to the proteins ' in treat and in soya beans. Besides varyilg the chemical composition, the chemist ..can do startling mechanical tricks with nylon. By controlling stretching;, temperatures and , moisture, for example. it can be given a per= manent:'crimp or twist, whish is the quality that makes wool woolly and ,provides warmth by ret'ail'ing air. It is even possible to make a nylon -spring, as fine as a'hair or as thick as an else- trie light wire. Ho* long it will be before there various new forms of nylon will appear on the market is hard to say. Many apnlicationsywill re- quire exhaustive industrial testing. • „ Much greater plant•capacitp both for making the basic material and for making various semi -finished' forms will have to be built. 1 'LYITiG Officer 'George `Buzz" 1 Beurling, 'Canada's Number One, flying aceand hero of many air battles over Malta, who has just completed" • .4coast tocoast 'tour of Canadavisiting R.C.A.F. stations, made a large part oldie long trip by Trans -Canada Air banes Here he is at Moncton air port,, previous to departure on the,_ taste • of his journey, froin' Moncton to Montreal, seated at: the controls of a big.'T.C.A. passenger liner talking to Captain J. R. Bowker, who piloted the plane. At Winnipeg Beurling was' ." greeted by,' Wing Commander D. R. MacLaren,T.C.A.'ssuperintendent'of. passengerservice„and one of Canada's • eading air aces of the fast war. - a .SCIENCE--- IS DOING AMMONIA GOES TO WAR Ammonia, common' to the house • - hold for cleaning . woodwork,' tiles. and window's; to the first-aid kit • as 'a: stimulant, - and” to the Ice factory as a refrigerant,:is an in- dispensable. war material, says.. Scientitic America" There are at least 2;000 indus- trial ,uses fpr this chemical, Am- monia,, for l instafce, is an ingre- dient basic to the manufacture of explosives for bombs, torpedoes, shells and cartridges. It hardens 'metals ' for vital parts of airplanes, tanks and guns. It helps vulcanize important rub- ber articles. It is used in making nylon. , It enters into. the Manu- facture , of fertilizers. It is em- ployed ;in one process for the .' manufitetar'e if-41--ncite"-'-methyl methacrylate plastic: fox the noses, gun turrets, navigation "blisters," -rand ether -transparent sections of fighting airplanes. Synthesized by Du. Pont' and others from the elements of air and, ;water with the aid of coal, ammonia simply is one part nitro gen chemically combined • with _ three. pard of.' hydrogen. Anionia plus oxygen produces nitric acid. Furthermore, nitric acid enters into the manufacture of •cellulose. nitrate plastics, Which* have ich- have many military applications., Gaseoute atninonia flowing across heated steel under proper' conditions imparts a hard, wear iesistant •surface over the soft core without changing the dimen- ' sions of the metal; This process, , called "zlitriding," is necessary to many metal parts foe, airplanes,. tanks, guns and ships. ' Ammonia helps, in refining pet- roleum products. Crude petroleum contains acid harmful to stijls, and these acids are neutralized by L. $7I:!'.00O,OOO Ri iht • In Fuehrer's Face ' ;Londoners have thrown atntost $713,00 0,000 right in Der >"ueht'er'e face, but it will be delivered tY.,r hire in. bombs from .aircraft pour - Chased by the citizens for the An announcement put the total Contributions 1'li the t.ondon Wings for Vl,Ctory Week. at £162,015.869. The' objective was £150,000,000, Many Of the war savings stamps the • puhlle bought to swell ' the , amount `'will never be redeemed. • They were eane lied""whets'-' their purchasers pasted' diem on bombe to be (limped on German', if •1 Sign in a motor engineering e the body d • Modern Etiquette $y ' Roberta Lei ► l., What should/a' girl do when 'Arriving at a, dance; and her escort not around when .she •'c im e out of the , dressing .room ? - 2. • Should • the cutting edge of the • knife be placed toward the plate or away, from it?, 3. is' the year usually . given When ' doting :a :social letter?• 4. •is it .necessary for a• person .' to apologize.'• for the crunching noses • • that • results . yhen, eating hard .toast; ox' something of that nature,? - ' .• . W 5ljen- should a Man weart-a ' -cutaway" coat? . . • 6..'In' what ,way • doe a formal invitation,:differ from an infernal one?'' , . - • Answers • - 1. Stand away from the ' .dan- cere until her • escort appears.. A' girl °'should ...try. to time her ap- pearance from. the dressing room So that her escort will be wa"ting •for, her. .2. The .sharp edge .of - Qachl triife-shouid`atways be turn ., ed toward the plate. ' 3. No. '4. , Not when it is unavoidable. .A ' ' little ,practice„ 1•iowevel will, en- able' one .to avoid 'much 'of . this . crunching noise. ' 5. The "cuta- way is worn at any formal day- time occasions such. as receptions. • afternoon weddings, tees, •Or • fun- erals. 6.., The .only difference lies in • the phrasing., • -the. addition of small amounts of ain ;ulna: r•-• . . In. fertilizers, "ammonia is used for thef ammoniation of superphos- phate and for the manufacture of urea and of sodium nitrate—syn. thetic Chile saltpetre Synthetic urea, made front am. Monis and carbon dioxide;. is basis. -to the :mane€'shire- iii ammonium sulfamate; -;tile.,.. new' • industrial. chemical used for flame proofing "werkxnen's clothes,- Ln-if-0rrex, •an'' other textiles. Urea formaldehyde plastics have numerous military applications. Ammonia is used in the mane-, facture .of vat' dyes, and in wool scouring to remove fats, waxes and ,dirt. Long.and varied',is .tile list, of achievements of this rela- tively inconspicuous chemical. "It Can't Be Done"' ' 'According t I the theory of aero- dynamics, and as may . be readll demonstrated through -wind tun- nel experiments, the bumblebee unable to fly. This is because size, weight, and shape of his in relation. to, the total wingspread make 'flying impossible. ' 'But the bumblebee, being ignor- ant of these scientific truths, gee ahead and flies anyway -•-and make a littlehoney every .day., , works: But Bee Does It s s a Have You -Heard?. Gracie Fields told the story of 'Erbert 'Awkins, only 4 feet 11, Who quarreled so .violently with his wife that. he didn't hear an , . air-raid alarm. As he stamped Pitt, slamming the door, a •bomb. landed nearby, bringing .his house 'down 'around 'his. arcs. When a rescue squafl -dug Bili; , out an •hour later, one man ob-. served: _ _ SBlime, but „acne,: e_a little #el low." - Replied 'Erbert, gazing proudly 'at the' wreckage "I may be little, but can I•' slam a door!" Browne 'was 'phoning his wife from the office. . `.``Hullo,. , dear,'!,.. he:.-ysaid. `"I'm' very sorry, •but'.i won't very'Plate' .to "be' home till t 'm fire watchin " "Oh, you are, . are you,"" snapped .his wife. "'And who is the flame? "What are . you t dying now?" asked the new-rich'mother •of her youngest. sop.. • ' "We have . just begun the study of molecules," he answered. Far moinent she looked blank; then a gleam of interest showed in her eyes. "I" hope you will be attentive and_practice cm -latently.," sb.e ex- claimed eagerly. r ' " 1r'tried to get your father to W."1' ar onei buthe couldn't keep it in his eye." SAFES Protest your BOOKS nail CASE . from FiRE and THIEVES. We • ' hove s else and type of Sate. 'or Cabinet. 'for any purpose. Visit us, or 'ante .ter privets. ete. to Dept. W ,J.b&J.TAVLOR LIMITED . TORONTO .SAFE WORKS V45 Front St. If., ?ornate Established 1855 BRITISH PROBE FOR DESERT DEATH Bayonet, mai.e toot; trowels fdr British engineers searching for buried land mines in the Thala-Xasseririe Pass sector of Tunisia, Axis held area.brlefly, left ground sownwith deadly seeds. • • Man: Watch' cryin' ford e . Boy:, l lost my nickel: • Man: Where? Boy:. In -Virginia. Mau: How come? Boy: She swallowed it. ' Tom\ad just put ,one. over 011 • Jim. • The latter, out to even things, leant across' the table tet ask, with a grin; "Do' you know that .of, the 00,.- 000 'people im this town, • three- fourths are clergymen?" . "Rot!" ',snapped Jim,. "It's true. T'he Rev. Fourth and hie two parson sons!" t. • . An Amerman who; .has just retired made his fortune by repairing silk -stockings. He started at the bottom of the ladderr -�-- "I can't understand liow ;you manage to keep '.so calm,' what- ever. happens," •.said Robinson.. ".Oh, it'9 .just a ;natter Of train- ing," - explained Thompson. , , "You see • I've a wife, five'cliildren;.'two dogs and, a cigarette lighter!'" ,• Teacher:, "Give me • a sen- tense with the word Bien-`' sial"' Pupil: "Mom will biennial thing if she thiniss it's a bar- gain, e This 'Is -A Land,. -Sea And • Air War BACK'ACH:E?' Look out torr Trouble •With -Your KIDNEYS If , your back aches pr if . you have disturbed sleep, burning or smarting, look out for trouble. Thia condition is a sure, sign that your kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous acids and wastes. When the kidneys slow up, wastes ,collect. /Backache. dizzy spells. ' puffy eyes'and rheumatic pains may follow. Your kidneys need help—and there i9 a time -tried, proven way to help them known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. These Capsules contain care- fully measured quantities of that widely known diuretic chlled Dutch: Drops. You. will find •their action fast and effective. Be sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 011 Capsules, the genuine and original Dutch.Drops—packed in Canada. Get a' ,40c package,from your druggist. s 'Relieves distress from MONTNLYS s . WEAKNESS lyzlia 10.'i?inkhatn's Vegetable compound nox',onlf, helpsrelieve monthly pain, but also weak, nerv- ous feelings --due to, ;monthly luno - clonal dlsturbances.It helps build up resistance against distress of "dlffi- cui.t days,"«1Vlade in Canada: . General ' MatArthur's brilliant victory. in the..:.Bismarck' 'Sea, in which a Jap fleet of 22 ships was wiped 'out by land-based• planes, should not ..be nii+sinterpreted to mean. that land-based pTanes alone can .win. the. war. ' ' The. planes that sank the ships took off from bases conquered... after 'long and hard fighting, by,- land y,• landtroops.• . • These 1:.nd' troops were. brought to the battlefleld' •by ships under naval con'voy. The . bombs the planes berried, and the gasoline that.fuel:.d- them; were transported 'to. the air bases' by ship.. In' reality, therefore,- the • operation that•`sank the Jap fleet 'Was a combined 'naval, land and air peration. • , When the- time comes- to make another entrance against Japan, a - 'new combined . operation wilt'Ybe required, in which land; ;sea 'and- - •and •. air. forces` must all takQ•thetr .ap 'pointed part. The 'Now Wing: - Built In 1377! Lord Cr. ngeren, the ex -Minister , o f; Colonies and ' Bri'tain's Lord Privy Seal, recently . was visitgd at. 'iris home In Cranborne by, •a . young American who recited Ids geneology-tracing his Amer/pan_ ancestry back to the Mayflower ' days. • "Come ~ with me. •I want to show. you this house;' Lord. Cranborne 'interrupted: •"Now take , this part - this is the new wing." "The 'NEW wing?" asked the 'Ain* (Wean. "It looks' so old."- "It was Tight in 1377.," • the host informed, "but nevertheless • _ it's the 'new Wing." -- Leonard Lyons • in The - New ]clew 7(ork Post. , ' Ugandas Are .Not As Lesser'Tribes Capt. Harold' 'Mitchell who re- ' celitl� returned from a mission to the ' Mi'ddle ,East on which he travelled 25,000 ' miles, spoke ..:highly a'�,�he�_.1.axaltX...sif._ilgand_a_ triljeslileai, ° Ip'. one district, chiefs' wanted to, help 'the war effort. •so. called a meeting. T•he first. suggestion Chine 'from a thief.' who declared "'We � must help King George, but how can we?;" , "We cannot send merit. for it's . too far .and we have no. ;sonny,'! he said. • '"Buts what :have- we? 'Cattle. Lei each one give a' cat- tle beast'► This',was nut' good; enough for the, eldest chief: "We are 'not ,ss those • of other,' lesser tribes;' he • • • Roll your owners! go ''for 'Ogden's A heed River„cart in'theold days ' of the West was something to hang on to...'OId-timers will tell you that once you tryOgden's, you'll stay with. it. ;because it's a roll -your -owner's dream,= a -distinctive-blend-of choicerrriper tobaccos. Try it today. Ogden's quality for pipe smokers, too, in Ogden's Cut Plug said. "Letus each •give• two cattle beasts to help'King George kill Hitler.". v :'TORONTO CITY POLICE FORCE TEMPORARY CONSTABLES WANTED Ages 29 •years and over; Married; Physically fit; at least 5! 9"in stocking.. feet; 160 lbs.; of good character and fair education: To be available for appointment' immediately. • enifoy'm,-clothing supplied.' " 1: -.-Nearest Em to • , t -and . Selective' .Service Office' Refer to •File `RO-e91, •�• ED•TI Eli Li�'S IF I' D C S —AGENTS---'WANTED-- _.^. _.1•_.___.,-tlEL-1'-7-WA-31 TED'. •1 PERSONAL LADIES!' No' doubt you .wish to • make money! Our Agency ;Priers • you the means. of_ doing so, and. for lust pan'`'el' yea' time, Yf interested, • write us and five, will • send • along our'. terms. ' AVON P-RODUTCS OF CANADA, LIMIT- ED, 1015' St. 4iexander ;i Street,..• Montreal. Trp IIAtlY CHICKS • ' HYBRIDS FOR EXTRA' VIGOUR also popular purebred's:. Complete list, all ages. Fairview Farms„ , • St. Marys,' Ontarfo:' - • GAYWOODS Q.UALIT 'Y CH1X. Quality at reasonable prices. , Free . catalogue. Immediate deliv- • . ery. • . Produced from our own blood -tested ,. s to c It. Garwood Farnf n amt togs GET THE , RIGHT. CHICKS -GET thein early. Get Twaddle Chicks,. ---the--right-flood—and—proper—cave°-- is the formula this year that will make real money for a man in the chicken • business. pro- vided he gets the'right chi q'� s. • Back otTweddle's (xovernm nt Approved chicks from blood -test- ed stock are years. of research and chick -perfecting effort: 18 popular purebreeds'and 10 hybrid crosses to choose from. Write for catalogue and :price •Ilst. Prompt delivery on Barred Reeks, White •Leghorns and many' ' other 'pure - breeds and hybrid crosses. Also turkeys end older • pullets: TWvy:ed- die "Chick' Hatcheries • ^'Limited Fergus, Ontario, ORDER BRAY CHICKS NOW ,FOIR June -July delivery. immediate delivery + day-old, . or started, heavy or light breed • cockerels. You're missing good markets if • you don't. 8 or 10' weeks feeding. , make fine brolfere. Bray' Hatch- ery, 130 John N., ..Hamilton, Onto BUILDINGS i''UR SALVAGE• WANTED 'TO BUY BUILDINGS for. Wrecking, Factory, Ming equipment, Bridges, Dredging . 'Equipment for Salvage. Taylor's Wrecking, 27 Stanley, Brantford, COWS FOR SALE JERSEY BREEDERS BEING , OVI:iU/EOWDEL) „ WE have a few• purebred registered +, fully accredited„ cows for sale, high tester an,d excellent' pro- duce"ts: LoolS them over and; take your own - choice. Bokarfarm, R.It. 1, Whitby, Ont. ' • FOOT. BALM BAUMEEKA FOOT I3ALM destieys offensive odor • • instantly. . 45e bottle. Ottaiva agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. .e,a•• NOR SALE IC1•IOI(E YORKSHIRE BOAR S, and Sows, from two months' 'up. Sire,. and Lams bred from the best, Advanced Registered breed- i15g. One .choice, Clysdale 'S.tal- lton; one • Hackney Stallion. Col- lie dog pups heelers, two fe- males, eight 'months •working.' Herbert J. ' Miller, .Keene, Ont. Mc(;ORMTUK-H1 ERING 10-20 tot; Rebuilt, new guarantee, $8,000. J: ii.' McCaw, 34 Bayfield Street, Barrie, Ontario. CASE HAY BAL• Bl;, 17X22, . IN gooqd werki•ng order. State lowest each price. R. A. Twiss, GihnfOrd Station, Osrt, FOR SALT: Olt RENT FARM F Oit SALE Olt TO -RENT— Township RENT-..Township of 'Oxford, County Gren- ville, Ont„ 200 acres, convenient 410 a tees nrry. GOod (liven -hg • ahs out- bui4dings. Well watered. 'Easy terms, Lox K Burritt's R 'Ids t ,s, A•p , Ont .A1'1 tirtivt., & 4:1.I ANt5(, ..., e„AVIS YOU, ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing Or cleanthg? 'Write to us for Information: We are glad to answer your questions, ; Qepdrt- rPent' t+t, Parker's. ;lye Works Limited, 791 /Conga Street, To - . routs. a REGISTERED NURSE REQUIRED' for general floor duty; salary A $67.50. per month and •main ,B,t ance.`Please appTy,'stikft•i;•'"ir ev= ioug experience and giving refer- . '' L,ences, to L. G. Crozier, Sec.:Treaa S. • County of Bruce General Hose �pi.tal, Walkerton„ Ontario. FISHERY, FOR• SALE LAKE ERIE POUND NET FISH- ery for sale. Ideal location, prov- en fishing: grounds. -Will sell equipment separately. Roy Miller, Lowbanks,, Ontario., . •HAIRDRESSING S(:t10UL LEA H N HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method: .Information • on request regarding. classes: Rei'bertson's Hairdressing Acesd_ grriy;'i37 Avenue ECb-a"'7r , '1 pronto. :x LEAF TOBACCO .. — x-VE—BOU•N-DS-D'ARIa••-I:e*F- $2:54,x— , Five Pounds Virginia and Burley Leaf for pipe $2.90; Five Pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette 'Tobacco. $3.65. Postpaid. Natural Leat To- bacco' Co., Leamington, .Ontario. MACHINERY, CASH PAID FOR ALL 'SURPLUS machinery. Gilbert C. Storey Machinery Company, 25 St. Albans Street, Toronto. Ontario:. ' .QI•ANGEL^ SEED MOORE'S.GIANT --W-I3ET-E •SUGAR MA,:7GEL, Registered No. 1 Germ, - !nation. 960/0,' in 3 days. Special grading process assures even ' '• sowing, uniform ' stand, heavy yield. Absolutely peak value, best • mangel buy. • 75c- 1 ' •2 or over •70c Ib.,- prepaid. Ralph .Moore ,& Sons, Box• 126 Norwich, Ontario: MEDICAL • GOOD ADVICE! Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains' or Neuritis •should try Dixon's Remedy: Mut) - ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin,' O't- tawa.Postpaid $1.00. 'HERBAL HEALTH TONIC . DONT READ THIS — UNLESS you are looking for , a genuine herbal health tonic, laxative and blood purifier — one ^w b'.t c b• strengthens, peps • up and Lm- proves kidney,. ,liver and bowel action—one whichwill aid in mit-. recting Stomach • and digestive upsets, removes plmptes and biackheads—one which will evert smooth out the kinks and give quick, relief to rheumatic aches and pains. Customers say that Nu -Tone herbs will do this and even more, and we are going to make it so easy for you to, ob- tain two packages to prove their merits for yourself that you Can- not afford to pass it 'up.• • 2-FOR-1 SPECIAL O,FFER Mall ue one • dollar bill and, we will send you . by return parcel . post t W.o ' regular dollar -size .packages of Nu -Tope Herbs—a full ' sive' months' 'trehtment for. Just the price, of • one. This offer geed' for one 'month only, Stocks ate. running ioW. Mail your order today:. • • UNJTED, SUPPLY' COMPANY 106 Queen West, Toronto 'NATURE'S REMEDIES., TREAT Pile Torture with Palova Balsam. Morey 'back' guarantee ' t1.00. ” Arthrits and Rheunlatistil pain , quickly relieved with Breenatone and Lemon. One months,.'. treat- ment? $1.00. Indian Remedies, Boit. 118, Vancouver. -O,1'Ntlet TO INVHN'rllnir AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR Lisa of inventions'and full Inror- • 'matron se',t tree. 'The Itamaay Cd.. 'Registered ,Patefh . Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. E L 1• J'A H COM 1 N: G' BEFORE Christ. W Qnd.eifui.-boelf~sent',free. do---M'tS's�"fon. Roch.eater, ew• �rK' ' PHOTOGRAPHY DON'T TRUDGE' THROUGH . The H'eul, Rain, 'Or, .Hall. DAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mall Any 6 or 8 ,exposure 'film perfectly developed, and. printed for 'only 260. Supreme quality : and fast •'swiss guaranteed. • IMPERIAL. PHOTO SERVICE 'station J. To, 'oto 4rEPFt1NTb . MA17E_ 51tf ser "N;EG„` atives 3c each, Enlargements; aize•6 x 7, 15c; 8 x 1'0 20c. Prompt mail Service, Foto Finishers, 423 Jarvis St., Toroiheo. • PATENTS AND TRADE MARKS EGISRTON H. CASE, .REGISTERED United States, Canadian, British • Patent Attorney. kiookleft. gratin. • ' Established over forty years, Si ' Balsam Avenue, 'Toronto.. RADBI try FOR 50c 1 WILL 1 F..NLI COMPLETE information: breeding, housing. cJipping, marketing; Angora rib- . bits.___A- E,..Klassen, Box -4; Ros- enfeld, Mari. If • RHEUMATIC PAINS • j.T'S IMPOetTANT—Every, sufferer , of Rheumatic Pains or -Neurit;* should try Dixon's Reinedy. Mua- ro's Drug. • Store, 385 :Elgin; Ottawa. Postpaid `•$1,00. • SLICERS Volt seam, MEAT' , ft N "D • BRIDAD' SI.II(tlrllt$ e5.00 up—real bargain.. Berke; Products . Company, 033 :College Street, Toronto, Ontario. SHETLAND PONlis Si-MTLAND PONIES FOR SALE, Bartons Pony Ran0i',: Nokomis. Sask. • STALLION .FOR SALE FOR SALE,' CLYDESDALE SIAL- 11on . Royal' Scotland, nine years old. For inforniatjoq write G. B. iieldreth; Vinemount, - • • .. • STOCK; FOIL SALE 4I , SINGLE COMB RHODE ISLAND Reds, Exhibition quailty. Grout' 1 S$3.00 fori16 $5.00rfor 211 • $7.0U for 50: Group 2: Half price of. Group One, Quinton. & Son. -.Whitby, Ofltai•ie,. �. - TECHNICAL 'BOOKS 0111.111.1 CATALOGUE CATALOGUE • 'Tice:113vI cal .books for,"the, practical Allem or erigitreeT, Domin'tofi-wigs inapt order service. Write or earl C. • Owe. and Co. Ltd.,l The Book • Bi -:change, Department W, 370 •'Blopr West, Toronto. TItAIYVJON ENGINE• FUR, SALMI—AN L'A(4Lis GASOLIN21 Tclutch Ieyi pric©•$350.00.nApply, Jo owner, John 3'. Reid, Bancroft, Ont. - ' , 'I'itr1U'r0R't'AITS TltnCTOIt IIA It1'S N i. W AND ' used,, for 411 makes of tractors. General Auto and 'Tractor t- ' ' Re ten PATENTS 5' ST'HIJRSTUNHA1J0H er•COdll'A'N,i ' •Patent Soitcttore. gstablishee 1890; 14 • 1Cltig West, Toronto. Booitiet of •Information en re- !W1.L*C CANS RENEWED RUSTY MILD CANIS •l!ITINNIII) !Mg new. We also buy old c&snS. Montreal Tinning fie ,ftethin frig CO. , Ltd., Montreal. i s" ME,i . A, Y,.w..l.rax%w.e;.. ° . n? WANTED U --• MERCHANDISE HAlt1>WARE, MUD/WING, ELEC.. trice], Estates, Bankrupt and discontinued' stocks bought to rash, Taylor's Merchandise;. 423 Colborne, . Brantford. , a ISSUE No. o. 15---4 A