HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-04-01, Page 8A;. e. 47 PAGE unatiT THE LUCKNOW ..SENTINEL, LVCKN.OW, ONTARIO V • 1HU1•SIi4Y, APRIL Asti 1942 PRINTEDDRESSES-The _new- printed spun dresses in'one or two, piece styles. Patterns are new ,and different even With war tune restrictions,, short and three-quarter length sleeves. Size 12-2.0.' „ $4.98 .& uP KAYBAR SLIPS Excellent fit -and rywear In 'these tailored slips,, reinforced seams, neat shoulder •straps, Are •ideal{slip for hard wear. White' and ,tea rose.. • •• ' ;$1"98 • :Fall Fasixioned-LISLE HOSE Hotdpioaf quality, new shades-, Pair : n n $1,00 Ladies Cotton CARDIGANS. ,_Ideal "for separate skirt. Rose, masse, red and'white. ,Size '14-20.' : $2.39 • BUTTONS are important this :Yea*: -We have a' wide . range tj • choose from. 15c nw: card • 111 empleton SEND OFF GIVEN BY KINGSB1tIDGE OLD BOYS DETROIT, -r-- On Monday; March " 15th, between ninety and; one huxi- dred members of the Kingsbridge Old Boys and Girls of Detroit met at the O'Loughlin home on La Methe to say "good=bye" in the. Kings- bridge fstshion 'to Mr. and .Mrs. Michael Dean (Cass O'Connor)., who left : this week to make their. home 1 at Los Angeles, Cal. 'Early in the evening' the_ gather- ing; sat ,down to a; • dinner which caused one to wonder if perhaps rationing was only'' a' bad dreairr, s The place cardwere of green sham- , rick -shaped 'paper to. serve as w re - .minder -if Snell .was necessary. t t Vit, Patrick's Day was•-inigh. -After dinner the master .of , cere- monies,. Melvin J. O'Reilly of Wind- sor, took,' over in his usual capable 6 manner. An address was read to the guests of honor,Dean to which Mrs r_._espondea expressing their.:apprecci,;_ ation with her'.characteristic flashes of Wit.. ....;..: Charlie O'Connor,ythe club's pr-esi- 1.1-']..-OTheatkeg 'LUtKNaW FRID. 'Y 8 p.m. SATURDAY 7.39.a& 9.30° APR -1L 2nd, • • 3rd'-: GEORGIA'S tisw MOMS CeliLeedy Of ";t goofy 'ice cream ve:dor-manhandled by blindfolded acro- bat's-to cro bats -to a nit= ,witted jockey , on the wildest horse .:..•,a. . TOPS 'EM ALL Ile ':Funniest Man in Flims dent, who can throw words with the RRao it y samo dexterity.with which .he used �" to throw, rafters at' the• Ashfield �' '� barn-i;aisings, thanked the executive SAT F9 nQQ secretary, Miss Bernardine O'Lbugh. i April 1st to Apri110th 904 nth COSMETICS uy , ':now .and . ��AVE:. 20 * S � ani -$1,15 'teal NOyV �...� 92¢ A >any $1.75 item is,10 N $1.4 r- any $2:25 •item NOW x.1`.80 ,141S _SPECIAL OFFER .' ENDS APRIL 10th. *Due to current shortage ofholders and containers, Vitd-Ray A ' Rotwes, Lipsticks,'and .Refills ore not indaded in this Special, Offer. 2 ROI Og on Taylor �c. lin;: and the committee, and. called for the .clean-up squad to evacuate the 'table§ to make 'ready . for • `trip ping th-e light- fantastic.', which, of - course,' started 'with a square dance.. Kenny Campbell's galling'. off was temporarily interrupted when. Mrs. Nick' Perry (Eva Drennan) wheeled a miniature automobile , on to .the dance floor for,the Deans -the trunk. contained ash instead of tools -as Walter Dalton, chairinan of the en tertainrnent' committee, sang "Cali• :forma, lderee Come" ' M•r. and . Mrs.' Dean carry , with "them tetheir-new-: hence- the -hest wishes .of all the members of the Kingsbridge Club for •a 'long and happy life,, with a complete re tor'a ' ' tion of health for both of then• un- der the sunny California skies. •D-RU•GGIST • • LUCKNOW. • - ' ONTARIO• - • by Madame V. K. Wellington Koo, Mother,Chhia's Child Army and Her Fighting • Old Folks ." " wife of the Chinese Ambassador to, Told for the first time here! Her- oic deeds -of babes in arms", and .other' unsurpasse exoits of grim 'cour- age which. have:marked China's bat- tles against the Japs, are described Great Britain, in W'eek4y-_.auiththis 4) issue .,of The Times. • - The American Sunday's _(April Detroit Sunday anre an size yra IN THE TOWN $ALL, LUCKNOW Friday, April 2nd. Dance at 9.30 Sharp CARRUTHERS' ORCHESTRA = ADMISSION 35c • Lunch Counter Under •Au•spices Lucknow Women's Institute ' GET YOUR. TICKETS NOW FOR A Ton of, Fertilizer, (Valued at $28.50) . or the Equivalent in. Cash PRIZE DONATED BY MR. JOHN JAMIESON • ENTIRE PROCEEDS IN AID OF Lucknow • Branch of the Red Cross and the • . , Lucknow Aid To Russia -Fund TICKETS 25c-5 for $1.00;' ON SALE THIS WEEK:END, DRAW AT MIDNIGHT - • 'G. H., SMITH, • . - J. R. McNAB, Chairman -• Pres. Red Cross. Y Aid to. Russia Corn'. • Prayer for Revival` The • prayer .1 meeting for . revival Will, b held -Ws usual this Friday - evening at 7.30. Bible reading class- es under the leadd'rship of Rev. Rob- ert MacCom ell will meet at $ p.m. The scripture to .be: read for, 'this week. is. the Book of Galations. Come, bring. ,your Bible and any questions you would like explained .on the'. lesson.. Misunderstood, Of Course ro --'-digni#ied Briton .-was-.taking homed a pair of his' wife's: shoos which. •he, had gotten from the shoe- maker,-after hoe- maker; after. they' haat-beer'-xlepair-- ed. •No box or paper was,. of course, 'Supplied, so �lhe; slightly embarrass- ed: was carrying them loose. A man opposite him 'in the.bus, :watched him closely and said as lie got out, •"Not going to ' let her gad 'about, .eh, 'guv'nor?"-Manchester Guard- ian. ' m • Conderniris Train. Service • In a 'recent address at Kincardine, Miss Agnes' Macphail ciindernned the train service from ,Palmer-ston to Kincardine: Stating ,that she "could have walked from Palmerston as fast", she asked 'her audience, "How do you put up with such train ser- vice?" ° Miss'_ Macphail declared she wouldn't stand for it, and also sug- gested" that the C:N.R. add, to its deficit and buy some paint to paint -ifs buildings. ' • Passed Objective The' Ripley and Huron Branch of the Red Cross exceeded its' object-' ive by about. 20 per cent. Slightly over • $3000 was raised, with the' i quota having been 'set at $2,500.• Bruce County Seed Fair The 4th Annual Bruce County -Seed Fair and Crop'Convention will be held` in Paisley on Tuesday April, 6th. • , I IR "CNIDAE ON GEORGE". •• Supported by PATRICIA. KingwooD and'a great cast 4 NEW CATCHY SONGS „I'm Making Headway Mown. •'doodnlgnt tlttlo Follow..., • *Pardon Mo" • • .'Calm on asersre . Also "CARTOON"- • .ADMISSION' Adults 30e. Children 18c :(tax included) COMING NEXT WEEK ., 'Elsie;IGets Her Man" JUVENILES DROPPED - EXHIBITION AT LISIOWEL Lucknow' - Juveniles wound -up, their: hockey activities on Monday night with an exhibition game in• Listowel. They . did i't wind up in a blaze • of grory ' either; .for they dropped .the°tussle. by a 6 to 4 .count: The Listowel lads outweighed the locals b'y' quite . amargin, and Man- ager; McCoy says group Champs were distinctly off color..Sickness kept Bill Chin • • at home, and Roy Havens patrolled the right • wing with Ab. arid George. • • The gate at „Listowel was only' $12.50, Which is ;quite ,aContrast to the, gate at the, exhibition game in Lucknow with Elmira, which passed the"l100.00 mark. Wingham - Juveniles-Entertained---•- On Monday evening, Alf Lock- ridge, sponsor and manager of the Tuveni e • ockey team, entertained the members sof the 'team to •a din- ner:at, his home. After partaking•. of • a sumptuous• meal Tory .Greeg, for- mer , hockey • pro, gave the `•boys a "talk',on hocke'y.and•,some interesting hockey happenings,' Games were eri- joyed, throughput• the:evening. An interesting..part of •the 'evening was ,the presentation., of . a box of ._digars o _, �,-1-f---from--the -n eniber�s- of the team. • The team, •had 'a very, 'successful season• as they have a • balance of $52-.03 on •hand after• giving a• donate tion of $10 to the Red Cross • Cam- paign.-Advance-Tirrfes: P.O. BERT.F•REEMAN of Teeswater who was dangercmtly ill overseas, is I now progressing favorably. He had , been. stricken With. meningitis 'arid at first was • not expected to live. , ' home at Pine River was destroyed . by fire sometime ago„has purchased a residence in .Ripley, which is at present occupied. by Mrs. Mead ose LUCKNOW UNITED, -CHURCH Rev. J. W. Stewart, B.A.,'t.D. Pastor •-•- SUNDAY ,APRIL 4th 11 a.tn.-Subject, "A, Worshipper Questioned"r , Children's Story -"Palace of Beautiful Deeds". ' • Junior "- V lwrch. . 'I p.m. -Subject, "Being Christ Minded" • onaisaapankmonann LOCAL and GENERAL) Has.. .anybody fooled you yet to- day? Philip Stewart is, busy. decorating the Holyrood store. • • Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Anderson visjited. in. Torontd rapt week. The -period of grace for securing your new 1943 markers • has now expired. ' Mr. .and Mrs. Charles •Webster spent Sunday with her parents at Ushawa.• • Mr, and Mrs. -B. • Pearlman spent Sunday in Sarnia,Withl/fr. and Mrs. E ,Taylor. • Donald. McAlpine• , returned to school• on Tuesday after an . absence, due to the mumps. ' ' Mrs. Richard Webster • and Flora spent, • Sunday in Sarnia. with Mr. and Mrs: C. • M. Johnston. Miss Bell Robertson spent ' last week -.in-Toronto,. the guest „cif -1VIr. F.' J. •ucas and Audrey: • Mr•, and Mrs. Cameron MacDori- �s. ;"organ Henderson ;eek -end in Toronto. r. and Mrs. Robt. Barkwell of :.::,,.,as spent the week -end . at the• home of G. Barkw.ell, Second Con. ' Mrs, Herb McQuillin and Carmen and , Mrs.Sam McQuillin of Toronto spent the week -end in the'commun- ity, ' Mr. arid Mrs. '' Ian. 1ViacRae and Mrs. A. G:, Elliott, of Strathroy.spent .Sunday with relatives and friends at Lpchalsh:.and Lucknow. Art Andrew, who is 'employed in Toronto with .tire. Goodyear Rubber. C•onnpany, spent the week -end• with his parents, "Mr. and Mrs; W: G. An- . n- .. Mr. and Mrs, George Gilbert and ittle. daughter Barbara' Ellen .and' Mrs. Vaughan and little daughter. Sandra of. Goderich ' 'spent ,Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. 1 - Todd, Mr.: and Mrs. Wm. • Alton ' and Douglas and, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Mc- Intosh. of Toronto,, spent the week end with Mrs. James Alton. • Mrs. Alton returned 'With' them to ' the city .for a visit' Mr.' and Mrs.. N.._,E...:Bushell_.and Jean of .Hamilton spent the week= end at • the . home of Mrs. Bushell's parents, Mr. • and Mrs. R. J. Cam ` tion. Mr•." Cameron is not 'enjoying 'good health and Mrs. Bus11e11 is re.- maining• here fora time ' An electrical •storm the firstof the -week ' was ,accompanied by a h-eavy, rain •that-irelpt l -wash away some ofthe winter's sludge,IBaliny spring .weather prevails,but its go'- ing td take a lot of it to rem KAIRSHE4 CLUB HELD VERY INTERESTING• MEETING Mrs. Harvey Houston washostess to the Kairshea . Club at the March meeting on • Thursdpy, March 18th. Poor ' road, conditions prevented -many of the members from,' attend- ing but, a carload 'of guests from Iiolyrood" .Woinen's Institute, -Were present: , During ,the ,business period it was •decided to.make a•donation'of $25.0.0 to. the Red Cross.'A Ietter of .apprec- iation for' a bolt received •from the Club".by Miss' Isobel Philip" of .Man- ning Fool Was read by Mrs. Hughes. An informal chat on a number of subjects 'sent from headquarters. 'Was read- by Mrs. Dave. Carruthers, one of. the -directors for the after- noon. It •was" pointed out that,while. March is a somewhat blustery, ill - 'mannered ,month it is decidedly •a hopeful.. month . w ith , lengthening days 'arid a sprind look. The roll call -replied -to -by -Something a chilcl•has ,taught me',' 'and also by clippings on children's quaint sayings: Medical attention and • state medi- .ciine were the subjects forthe day's discussion and many interesting art ides and'. sidelights on these impel- tint.. topics were contributed by those present, • ' In keeping with the month of St. Patrick, Mrs. •D..Carruthers and Miss. Lillian ':sang-: sweetly "When -Irish-' Eyes are Strrrtirid" `Mrs "tilriie'r Ack- ert read an'•article on Sir Thomas Moore and -before doing so rectuest ed the singing of"Come Ye Dis-" consolate"-one of .'the' Irish sing- ers lovely hymns: This was complied -With, Mrs. L. E. Philip playing the accompaniment. A humorous read- ing accompaniment. given . by Mrs. Eadie and' Mrs. D.L Mei nnoxi; . Mrs;.L" Mae:. Dougall • and Miss Dean MacLepd sang, anoriginal song.. Miss RIJth• MacKinnon, one of the directors, - conducted a •twenty -point, question- naire and later an Irish contest. The hostess, Mrs. Houston, treatecethose present to ,an exhibition of, made - over bedroom furniture which was 'of -great interest to all. A delicious lunch was served ' and a , pleasant chat enjoyed over the `tea cups. The April meeting will be at the home of 'Mrs' -'Lloyd MacDougall, ' aacDougall, Corices•- sion 4. BORN ' • KENNEDY -In Wirigham General Hospital, on :March 16, to 1VIr. , and Mrs. John Angus Kennedy of Cul., rocs, a daughter. PICK -At A e andra idspital,.-God erich, . on 'March 22nd, -1943, to Mr. and 'Mrs. -Arthur Didk, Dungannon, l? a.:riaiight BRUCE MaeDONALD , of Goderich, ova a' brother of Bill MacDonald of the' the snow. banks, on the south side ;.Lucknow Juvenile -team; fractured of main street which were: piled ten i his arm • while skating' in Goderich, feet highw during the winter. I rink recently. LIFE'S JOURNEY • Do notlook for ;faults as you go • 'through life • • And even should you find them,- It is better by far td be somewhat blind ' ' And • look for the good behind them. For th,e darkest night has a touch of, light Somewhere in•:its shadows hiding, It is better by far to look for a sta: Than a spot. on the moon abiding. Do not waste. a curse on the ani- verse, Remember it lived'before you; Do not butt at the stor'n). with your • 'oppugn form But bend arid let it pass oter you. PLAN YOUR Victory., Garden Now Make Thompsozi's seed head:- quarters eadquarters for. your 1943 Victory Garden, We offer you select varieties, of .MacKenzie's 'and Reiuues' Seeds. Buy now while stocks are eoinplete. ` GARDENING HINTS t,' G , For Early Panting. • IllSANS.-.Sow early varieties, May 6. Golden 'Wax 'or Green. BEETS -Sow early crop When soil is ready: 'Crosby's gypt- ian •or Detroit Dark Red. • CARROTS -Sow early ' crop in late.April; Scarlet Nantes, p Sc et Coreless-;t-Vert' '=-'Danvers=-` I Half - Long,, CORN -For early. crop sow seed May 5"';Golden Bantam,. Golden'Sunshine. LETTUCE -Sow When s >i, is ready in spring. Head Lettuce -New York. Leaf Lettuce - Grand Rapids. .ONIONS -For --early use sow April 25.' Si'lve`r King. PEAS -May be.sown' very early: Little Gem; ,Little Mar- ° vel. RADISHwSow. every 2 weeks for sweet tender radish.' Scar- let White '.Tip,. Scarlet Globe. SWISS CHARD -Sow in May. Help' your Country & y If Plant a Victory' Gard THOMPSON'S :. '.PHONE 82 WE `DEL'I'VER . Wrote Exaniiiiatioris• • number five '•t. A �.--- b r r "of of ..,,rs of•: the '41st • Reserve Field Brigade, reeently wrote . qualifying examinations in-, eluding ;four ''officers. of the . 99th Wingharn Battery, °Lieuts. A,' Peeb- les, J., C: McNab,. C. P. 1VIcAlpheand _� __ W. 13.�•McCool. They: tried the Com- mon to Alli Ants and the Artillery papers.. ; TTo Save Soap • Use up all small' ends of soap by putting therm in a bag made of por- ous material wityh _a_draw string at_ the top.. Rub the bag on the hands or on the Surface to be cleaned'in the same' manner as you .use, a bar of soap. Bore a hole. in your cake of toilet soap• and hang it up by a cord to prevent wastage on the soap dish" AN The world can never adjust itself To suit ybur tastes to the letter, .Things will ge wrong your whole "life long Ana the sooner you iknovy it, the better. • It is foolish to fight with the • In- finite, ` • ::` - Be defeate., at „i�tkiewx`es The wise man shapes into . God's ,great plan - As water shapes in a vessel. . F'. H. Johnson. CHLEK-R- CHIX ORDER NOW What Can 1 -Do To Help?._ 1 -Feed For Extra Eggs 2 -Raise Fall Chicks 3 -Make Every Four Square Feet of laying house capacity produce - 200 eggsthis. year. •• . You Can' Count • On• Purim • PROVED IN PEACE TIME FOR WAR TIME JOB .'OUR FINANCE :PLAN For: reliable farmers, we will Supply • you with. Hog Chow at to- day's Cash Price, pair' wthe Homo to market -no carrying_. F!harrrp- •. Lorne MacLennan, 'Phone 77-w, Lucknow 17 ew rm ring (re s es (aids in all. the new floral patterns., Bright , as the Spring, Flowers In Men's an 1 -t The Store With .r The , Stock .. = The Market Store p Lucknow. tY 4 1., 1 , / Ir za 1 fi!