The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-04-01, Page 4• BUTCHER, OFFERS highest CASH Prices :FOR i es Tallow Authorised Agent , for H. M. Jackson, Seaforth,;operating an approved Wool '' Graduig Warehouse for _ the Canadian Woo' . Board, Ltd., ' being ,reg-. istered , under ..the Dominion, Government .. Woolf Grading Regulations. !hone 41, L c nowt OBITUARY THOMAS . SMILEY Startlingly .sudden: was the death of Thomas Smiley, an old resident of the Dungannon district,' who' col- lapsed while chatting with friends in . Goderich on Monday afternoon. ot, last week and' expired before a daetot...arrived on theascene few minutes later Mr. •Smiley was with- in two days of completing his 98th year, his birthday! being. March :24, 1845: He. was born in: the county of Pembjoke, but 'at the age of two years ..came with his. parents. to the Dungannon district and 'in later .years could relate experiences off pioneer .:life in Huron; After. some yearsiof�faiming in Ashfield he mov- ed in e I:Wivannon about fifty years ' :�..-agar-a�ztd-�conde�stedk---an. ;hotel- tjiere- for` four years: He continued. to: live. Dungannon until after the 'death of his wife ire 1923, since when he 'had, ..mad'e :his home with the .`dif- ferent members , of his • family: For some years he had spent a good deal of his tune in Goderich,' and latter- ly had been,. Staying with Mr...and Mrs':.'Thos: Sillib,.. Newgate street': An•active man: all _his_'lifet ne,. Mr,' Smiley,was vigorous.te the: end, was up town 'every day, and was looking. forward. to his: ninety-eighth birth- day celebration when the end came. �He is' survived by four 'sons and two daughters: J. W. Smiley, .of Nel- son, B.C.; Mrs: J\. Wheaton of Port. • Huron, Mich.; Mrs. H. W. Halliday of New Westrriirister, B.C.; . W. J. Smil- ey of Vancouver; Clarence G. Smiley of Calgary and Lawrence Smiley of 'Erin, O. A sister,. Mrs. Huntoon, of Jackson; Mich., is the only sur- " vying member of his parents' fam- The funeral service 'was held in George's church officiating. Inter- ment was in the Dungannon cem- etery. • HERE'S *HATT° DO You eau take your fat drip- ' pings, scrap fat and bones to your meat dealer. Ile' will pax yon the establisked-p for the dripping and the scraP lat. IP you wish, you can turn this inoileY over to ComniitteciorRegixterediocal War Charity, • You can cionate'yotir fat drip- ping, scrap, fat end bones tat your local VoInntary Salvage C:ozninittee if they collect thera id your community, or - You ban continue to plab.a out 2. by -your -thief Clean.- inq Deparbnent where Suck a system is in effect.. ODARTMINI Of NATIONAL WAR SERVICE% • TNEYAIRINCENTIY Mac Webster • of Camp Ipperwash spent the , week -end here: • .* !r "i ,Fus: Dave Jewitt of Niagara -on - the -Lake spent the week -end .atn,his :home "here. • Arnold1Thomson w o recently en- hsted in the R.0 A.F., hes been •post - ;ed to Lyachine,. Quebec. • • Rae: *Nall • of Camp rpperwash spent the. weak -end with' his 'Par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNeil. LAC. J. C. Stewart of, Clinton spent the week -end at . the home of his parents, -:Mr. 'arid Mrs: A. P Stewart. .. ' ' Charles McQuillan of the .R'..C. NI. C left for the East Coast o Tuesday aftervisiting at his ' hom at St. Helens., - Goldwin H. Purves, of the R.C.A. has returned to 'Vancouver afte spending a furlough with his . par eats,' Mt. `and :Mrs. Edward-Ph:ry �. * * * • r . To Take Officers' Course AA. n e. F: r es. Sgt. Kenneth Rintourof Wingharn and a former well known menthe of the Lucknow Pipe Band, left re officers' trainint course. Arrived Overseas • , 'Mr. and Mrs. Diek Richards o Paramount received • a cable this week from their s'on Raymond, an -Polinoink.;,ills safe. ealWat... oversee With the Ria.A.F. 'Enlists In Army ' Gordon: S. McIntyre, former. mem Staff, and who has been •principal -a 'Sioux Lookout for more than a year and a half, resigned MS position re cently to enliat in tfre Army, ;He reported for drity at Winnipeg, , Qualifies As Lieut.' Trimble Baillie of Cargill, and 'Well known here, has successfully training School et „BroekVille; qual- ifying for' the rank of lieutenant. Trimble was a member of the 91th Reserve Battery at Welkerton,. prior to enlisting for ective service:- ' Put 'On Artillery "Show" ; In a recent. letter to his parents,, -George-Whitbr-saidr-Me just . got back :last. night from the- oast. We -eral-of--the-Ruyal-Aiqllery and .4:11 the other "big shots" were. there. Me Were pelected put of all the Can- adian Artillery, so I geess we Were honored., It Was a good -shOw and We' were Congratulated by the Major General through .ciur Colonel. It was all tank work we had to do". ' THE 14IICENOW soma*, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO mss. DUNGANNON Contin ed,list of donations to ;the Dung- l' Branch of the -Reif Crosa I it Chas. FoWler; 'Mc; Mrs. Blieabetir Robb 75c; Mr. Walter Dickason $1.; Mr. Otto Pdpp 1.00; Mrs. Stonehouse 1.00. Mr Godfrey Hail 1 00- Mrs Mr Frank Jones 1 00* Miss L E- Dreaney' 1:00; Mrs. Reba. Henderson Stethers 1_00; Mrs, M. 4: Culbert MIS. Honor Moss ,1.00;' Mra. Frqnk rieeton 1400; Mr. Jas. iyieWhinney. 1.90; Mk: II6Ward Sqltires 2.00; Mr. and Mie.!;"Leroi Stingel 2.00; Mr. Lorne* hers 2.00; Mr. Rose Ander- -son-2:00; Mrs. Jas. Datidson-2400- Some tests were tried Saturday 8.00; Miss .Elizabeth Elliott 10.00; • Mrs. Mel Reed; collector -7 -Mrs. E. ney. 50c; Mrs. Gladya Rdy' Rutledge f.00; Mrs. Wilbur ,Johnston 1.00; Mr. Rory iVIcDOnald las. Finnigan 1.00; Alia.' Robt Fitz- gerald 2.00; Mrs. D. Fowler 2.00; •Miss M. Black 2.00; ,Mrs. John Me - Gee 2.00; Mr. Jas. McWhinney 2.00; Mr. GeOrge Irwin 2.00; .Mg. John G. a: Treleaven 2.00; Nfi'.s. Melvin Reed 5:00; .Mr. Robt. Stothers: 5.09 PAXt- Mr. Lorne rirnin and George reported to rnnipeg for military derson gave a_most_interesting pc - "Mrs. McKie.); taught us mere a- bout signalling. She is gojng to'take us out te practise both .signalling and receiving eri Friday : at Jour THURSDAY, APRIL 1st, 1943. Olivet united church y.T. u. i ,People Was, held on Thursday eireee,' . ing With Frank BarkWell as Prem.; Mrs, Calvert drilled es 'In naareh- .dent.1"he new slate. of officers is as ) Mr: Beech; president, Beth Mae-Ta,V Wben: 'Mrs. McKim "Tas -coming les; secrete**, Jack McGuire; as bopytheo;;',.sitioiedewl:lhoall;ask.inetedf°104diEn erganistS: Carrick 'Ceiling, Lillie "what the' Guides": did , ip there?" Oaborpe; 'press 'reporter, Alice Berk we hope; they know now after wpii; ,cliiisuan .enlinwinit,, win ar- -We played a. game in which each• F#atrot choose 'three Guide LaWs' and. .the :other two Patrols 'aeiced ques- • tkins about thent. The Patrol, that' 1 afternoon.. They *ere building °a - ,fire with two. Matches and walking ,a mile,' Guide, paee, in twelve Min- utes. • Frank Barkwelt; Christian Ciriture Wilda Osborne, Jespie. MacCharles Christian citizenship, Miry IvicGuire Jack Etoulston Recreation, Mr -Beech, Louise MacTavish, Pate Lever, Gordon' Breeks,__LAncire Gordon. Brooks followed by •a pray er read by. Lovell McGuire The topic wa,s taken by Jack Roaston Rev. Beech gave us 'a talk on Cen- ral Montgomery and closed' the .eeting with prayer. Therregular meeting of the YLW, Mr. and Mrs. Alex -Murdie and a s. was held •on Mareh 25;th at Beibby Of Toronto were .recent vistt the home of Mrs. Jas.. Little With ,torS' With MrS. lyfurdie's parents, Me; 'an attendance 'Of 22... The epenink, and Mrs..R. Woods. • psalm was number 121 after, which Mrs. Lorne Woods and bonne •the scripture lesson, Hoaea chapter 'spent a few days with Mr:and Mrs.' 6, was .read by Gladya MacDonald. Mel Brown at Kitchener, ' , The Bible study en the Chapter read Mrs. Gerdon McIntyre is a visitor was prepared by Miss Elizaheth with her. parent's Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Henderson and. read by° Miss Grette L Mr. McIntyre who haa Campbell. ' After the singipg Of been princiPal of the Sioux Lookout hymn 254, Miss 'Pearl Henderson -continuatioreschool- has enlisted an ad -In Prayer...W.1.s- Morgan -Hen -- - ;count Of. the cUrrent events found Murray $1.00; George 'Aleiander The weekly meeting of the Y.P.U. in the "Glad Tidings". A piano atlo 1.00; mrs. -Atia7 •Kinanim 1.00; Aos. was held at t. Mils. Gordon's with' by Miss Marion MacDdnald . egid--4 Matilda Fenlori 1.00; Mi. Sam COok Stanley Todd in charge. Mrg. Met' vocal ,salo by Miss Helen.'MaeDonald Kenzie „Webb read an ipteresting were much, enjoyed. 'The 'topic "The article ,,,,"The GOspel by Word of Madras Conference of 1938" was Michael Curnmings 190; 'To& RtStu- Hand": The topic "Why • Christian ably -taken lair Mrs. Calvert Hirmn art 100; Tom Foran100; Lorne Dim- Citizens" was taken by Mrs Todd, 374 was sung and Mrs Orr closed rrin 4.00; Jelin Durnin 5.00; johe Next Moiriday el./ening the reedSing the meeting -viith' prayer. The next Cameron 5.00; Geo. McRoberts 5 00. . will be held at Stanley 'Todd's meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Yovan.. _jas. C. Purdon 5.00; Jas. burnin, 'Jr. AC.. Russell Webb is a patient in the Hospital. at 31 A.N.S.: Port Al - 'Stuart 5.00; T. it. Taylor and Sons bert where he reported. for physical Presbyterian Guild -8.00-$64.00-.; Mr. Martin Durriin, examination on. Wednesday. • ' president of the Dimgannon Red . LAC. Frank 1VIcQuillin who has Cross is quite assurred that this zone been at Regina is spending a leave, will go' Well over the top in meet-. ai his home here before rep . Miss grace Crawford, teacher of. 7 Mr. and 4 Hamilton were vmek-end VisitoiS Calgary, Who has been vieiting her with Mr. Wm 1 .ind Miss •Beatrice sister, Mrs. R.,J. Dizrnin, was taken iv, 0,1 moved to the Goderich -Hospital. and -'"--Aff.-alid-Mii:-Cohnston and little daeghter of Blue -Vale were re - Was operated for rerneval of appeal - cent visitors with Mr. John McQuil- 6-4 lin ar—fd-IVIr."-iiiTelfilirs7Pred. McQuil- this week with Dungannon relatives. . Mr. Tom Ball; highly esteeme'd Teaeher (looking over Freddie"s resident of the village here, is 'on homework): I don't see how it's pos- 'Thursday observing his 82nd birth- sible foe: a single person to make so many inistakee. of Man ha returns of the da single person, teacher. Father help- ' health but waa saddened la,st Week e on .hearing of his brother Wm. Ball's ,.e ther had also farfned. in Manitoba Mr: and 1/Lis...Everett Harris end like' himself a few years ago . Tailor (measuring Scotchman fcir ie suit of clothqs): And how would you like tile peckets, sir? McTevisi.e. .Well,,juat a wee hit difficult to get at. • " George, LticknoW, spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Blake spent with Mr. and Mrt. George 'Harris, • the week -end with friendg at At- Cransford. wbod. Mr. Ralph ,Godfrey and little deu- Mr. Thos. Rivett last week sold ghter Gael returned home after ten , his large gravel truck to Mr. Claude days spent at 1VIountain' Grove near ijitses Frances and Lorena Crozier Smith of Mayfair and haS purchased Kingston, where Mrs. Godfrey is of London and Colin of the R.C.A_F •the 67 -acre farm of the late Frank teaching sehool. at Crumlin were home over the Hawkins at Poet Albert ‘' MISS Joyce Cunningham:spent the week -end te see their father, whom Miss Annetta 'Stewart, third year week -end at the honfe ni ter par - we are sorry to say is. riot as well studeut of Toronto University was ents„ Mr. • and Mrs, Vere Cunning- -as his' many friends would'. like. unfortunate in having 4> Spend six ham,,Carlow. Mr. Matt Shackleton spent a few weeks in isolation hospital With The Dengannon Women's Institute days in Goderich.. . Scarlet fever. She 'has. recovered met at the home of Mrs. Otto, PePP Mrs, S. Kilpatrick and Mrs. -Cecil very nicely except being Weak and for the March xrieeting. Mrs. Hodges Blake and Jimmy visited with Mrs. iS having an enforced rest With* her Presided, 0 Canada was aung fol - Andrew and Mr. arid Mrs. 'Gordon parents, Mr. and Mrs; Wm. Stewart: TOWeir by . the Lord:s prayer. Miss Kirkland. Mrs. Andrew returned Mt. Tom.Woods was taken to GO- Bertha POpp sang a sblo and Miss w.ith them to spend a few days with erich for treatment of swollen tot. Donna Hedge played a piano selec- frierid.s here. '„ His sister" Tilk hai been a d f tion Mrs Da id Mr. and Mrs. Bensoe Shackleton at the hospital since earlye wreinte6rr, "The •Satisfy* Horne" and Mrs. visited with her parents', Mr. and ..when she had pneumonia: Both are Popp a reading "Her Memories'''. Mrs. Jones of Donn brook on Friel -,31 trite-advAnrecl-in-- years,--but--hav.e-Twi,--letts.rS--were read-frent--Reht. evening. • , . wonderful vitality for their age. Heederson and Len Rivett, overseas,. - Mrs. Raymond Pinnigan and Ches- ,, Mr. Gordon Samson has lately re!. who had received .eigarettes. • ' 1 ter were guests of Mr. and Mrs., Cecil. ceived woicl. from his taisliuLgal - Mrs. Maurice Wciodford Thiartit. 'efrainnertorrPrtau3r--------"------Irria-IFirthrough the Red Cross, spent the week -end with' her. moth- ' Visitors with:Mr. and Mrs.' Wil- they have heard that his ‘brother, er, 'ars. G. C. Treleaven aftd sister fred Dreenan and Mr. and Mrs, Jost. after long silence, isl 0.IC., but was Miss Lois Treleaven. — Hackett on Sunday were Mr. and iaken a prisdner of war at the Hat- The Dungarthen School sponsored Mrs. Ewalt' Taylor, Betty and Jean, tle of Java. 4 • a box soeial at the Parish- Hall on: Mrs. Jack Bradley, Eldon and Jitn, Mr. and Mrs. John A. jehnston, .Thesclay night The moceeds, a - Mr. and Mrs. Torn fracket0 Eric &day ValleY, received word last mOunting td $21.00., was for the Red and Douglas, ' FfidaY that their son _Harvey John- Croas. Mr:ChaS. Alton was the auc- Mrs. Ches. WhitleY‘ and son ,and stori hag arrived safely, in Eneleed. tidneer. For prizes MrS; Melvin Re,cd Mts. Dr. Hall of Ced.2.:11.0 visitec,NHALIVIi S. is haV- Won the ,,,Laaslie.s i_e_t_etQls trio A number from here attended ;he u14;iirdaytteaefttienrgri.00n follewing the .reg- fOr the ladiet arid Lerfte Ivers oft. dance at Lucknow on Priday even- , This corning Saturday,;•April 3rd Mrs: Gordon6Kidd end children, ing. . • . . Will be Mission 18 and meeting 'at 2 Ryan arid Shiela 'vfsited her par - Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Cul ran and o'clock at tile. ParSonage, for the ents,,Mr. and Mit, 3. J. Ryan. family spent Monday eveping 'with young folks ages 6-14. Twio postponed by weather eon - ,Mr. and Mrs, Torn:Ahderson jr. ' Mr. Franklin Thompson,of London ditieris, the Sacrament of cornintm. Miss Letitia Dreancy of Dungan- was a vigitor, with hig brother Mr. inn will be obServed in Dungannon non was a visitor with hee ne,phe*, Arthur Thompson - and sister Mist Pfeibyteriati Chtireil Ori Sunday al - Mt. T.'1VI. burnitt one day last week, Mabel ThompsOn.'s • ' torneorto • • • The meeting on Monday evening Was opened', bY the .2nd vice presi- dent., Ronald JohnstOn, after 'which the convener' of the Program • corn- mittee took charge. Rosella Mul- lin favored with a solo arid after the • scripture reading by Frances Hamilton; Miss ,Pearl Henderson dealt witli_the....Bible:.study-and.had various scriptual references read to show the simplicity bf the Goapel. piano solo and Mrs. • dorcicip Fisher a 'reading:4 The topic Was taken by Miss Matthews, dealing vir.ith the naany resources of youth and: how each ie turn cen be Onsecrated, to Christ's service. Ruby Irwin explain- ed Catechisni No. 39 arid Help Mac-. br: Little played a Violin solo with ;Tack MowbraY at the piano: Mrs. MacFarlane read one of Mr. Mul- lers tracts on "How to discern the will of God". Hymn 758 "Come to the Saviour" was sung and Mr. Mac- Donald Closed with prayer. A sobial half hour followed :With two" con- tests which were won by Mrs. Reid's St. Peter's Women's Guild held their regular meeting et the home of Mrs. Prest on Monday evenieg. Interesting gathering. The meeting opened with hymn 575,- the General Thanksgiving and the Lord's pray- er in unison. Mrs. Stewart read the scripture passage. Mrs. Preet, gave a poem, .Mrs. Clark a reading and. one of Patricia Sirong'A short read- ings by Mrs..Donaldson. Prayer :for the King's Forces and the benedic. tion was taken by Mrs. Donaldton. The Leeten seWing meeting and 10- e wi e el et the bbrne •of_ Mrs. Hooper next Monday after- FOR SALE-Yoeng .epigs; also a.' FOR SALE -Quantity of seed oats. gander. Bert Treleaven, R.R. 1, Dun, Baird 'Siva., H. 3 Lucknow. gannon, 'Phone 78-7. /47 plenty of- water. 'AriplY to Jack Switzer; R. 4 Etipiey, Phone 23-1i. LOST -tarpaulin for general deity: ery wagon., Finder pleaae leave .at NOTICE RE ACCOUNTS - _ timer, Johnston, Con. 8, Ashfield,' All overdue accourits at the Lang - side Blacksmith Shim not paid by FOR, SPRING 'DECORATING we, April 25th, will „6e, .placecKin, other hands ler 011ection, All accOunts heve a suPply'df ,Wallpaper & paint payable to William; Scott, Langside: in gtock. Philip Stewart, "Phpne 8, • year ,aeo march 31st, i942. ' 26:4.30 Ripley. 'When one,we loved was called away. '•.1 God took him 1-1thine; it was Hia will; :AUCTION SALE or farm stock 86: Within our hears 'he liveth still. 'implements at NA. Lot 5,. Coh: t4, I Sadly miseed' by Wife. and family.- eow) Thursday, April 8th. See billa..I • Helens, Cernfortable house and suit- able buildings , •..for chickens and other stock, .runnirig water, Posses- sion at once. Apply'to H. McIntosh, Lucknow, 'phone 23: . NOTICE TO CREDIT.ORS , the estat of Angus' MacKenzie late of the Village cif Luelcntn,v in the County, et Bruce, retired baker;.•de- day__et:February, 194a, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingliam, Ontario, on or before the 17th .cley _ef April, A.D. 1943, full particulars Of' their claiins in writing. Immedi- ately after the said 17th deir of Aprilz the assets of tile said testator , will be distributed amongst the.par- • ties entitled -thereto, having regard, only to claims of ;which the exe- cutors :shall then have notice. DATED this. 24th day of.March,'.A.D. 1941. J. H. CRAWFORD, 1.ffingham; Ontario. TENDERS • WP. OF ,WEST-..WAWANOSH Sealed 'tenders will he received .hy noon, .A.pril 13th, 1943, to operate the, cubic Yaltl. tenders will also be.re-r.,, ceived for trucking gravel by. the. $100. 'required- with teeders in hoth caaes.. . „Lowest or any tender .riet Road Superintendent; • SEALED TENDERS will be received by the underaigned to. Monday, crushing and hauling of the'gravel for the year 1943, 4 sets with a pos- sible 5th.at an average of 1000 yards Per set Tenders ^to be a flat rate laid &own on' the roads, under sup-, be accompanied hy certified checele for 10 per cent of tender. The low- , -.st or any tender not necessarily accepted. • LAilE, Clerk Teel' Kieloss, R. Vliolyrood, Ont. ,owned by this Company 'end not now in use. ,'Phone 27, Dungennon, pollect, and eur lineman will pick ' them ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST EACH- WEIfINESDA-17' 1:30 to 6 3.o'clock AT Wm. sTogE P. STUART MacKENZIE BARRISTER SOLICITOR LUCKNOW Each Wednesday Afternoon & Evening , WE ARE PAYING 3vi%, ON FIVE YEAR GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATp ISS.UED IN ANY An Ideal authorized investinent for individuals, campanies, ceme- tery' boards, executors and other STERLINO TRUSTS 372 BAY St TORONTO 'NOTICE RE 0 0 D THE DEATH of Captain H. 0. Lough occurred suddenly at* 1VIontreal on bad practiaed at. Tiverton and Kin- cardine prior to joining the ArMy• medical corps two years. ag6: He had been stationed et Virey Bar - 'reeks at Kingston. Ele survived THE FUEL SITUATION is gding to . he serious for 1943: Oar . adviee is to place your ordera early as coolers received, will . s rirthr-rbtat year o r wood_ supply was,heavily Oversold. WE WILL<Q4AVE A SUPPLY of 4 -foot Mixed CoedWood for *WE WILL ALSO HAVE a large aniount of good Slabs as sbon as ourirw mill gets into production which will be st;optiy. CU A T IC ACCIDENT occurred at the ter Rose Iletehery at Brus, aAt week, ,when! William Porter. was electrOcuted When adjusting a: switc on ,dri , incubator. Mr. Porter, e son- la o Rose, had been in charge o he Hatehery for three years, and had Made the seine quire. HARDWilOOD 'SLABS will only be supplied on basis ,ofie . " cord liardwood with one cord Mixed Slabs. Orders on file will- he filled hi this manner. ' '.The Lutkno* Sawmill company- • ti