HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-03-18, Page 8tA.GE FISH
77•077:7177 1,0711r. '
... iLG. R *94--; Spring 0olors. size 9,. 9�a & 10......,...
CHIFFO11l' CREPE 11OSE; Mt.; fashion ed°. These are a very; sheer
Bose. Par. , ., .... „ $1.25
SEM! ,SERVICE WEIGHT, fu el fashioned; .good wearing Steck-
' m 0.. Pair . •, . 79c
LISLEdeal' Bose<ox house- vear 50c
-,, COTTON` HOSE Edit iia wear,- Fair:- r . -25C-1-156
HAND' BAGS New: d,,b..Thes •different,o
al&uat s a axe roomy styles.,
All nicely 'fitted inside, with`sstrap ' Or ' uuderartia style,, Block .
only:. k -
S *SUCKER for'that IWtdro iece, dress. B thrifty k
P e 3r; aeyour
:owu;.dresses Yard; ,, ..,. 1 89e•
Garden ' brigades, a wartime pro;,.:
-duction movement, .are being •organ-
ized by 'Miss Flora Durnin , . Dun-
garnon, .home economics coach for
.counties of Bruce, Grey, ,Huron,
Lambton and NO -Ah and South Sim-
I,UCRNQj SE111 L, LQ4H. ow o,.NT ,RICE _
ThUR D4 a M Ott' . I9thr. •
The projects •are..open •to junior
farm . girls • and ,Will be conducted
ander•leadershi -,.. su ; ervision: • On
p f -
hundred brigades t d `
ga es have been organ=•
ized in Grey- and up to ,date" 50 in
Huroli. A" total 'of•• 1'400ar-m
f girls
in Ontario Made a fine centribtition
Iasi. year toward the: war . effort.
;Many of',: ese' girls were onl
'.13'.or 14'ears of'. Y ,..
3'' age. The ..farm
1-Albor' shortage , was particularly
:crit in. '1942. and. probably will, be
Ycrse irk .1943,. and , :these yo"ingei
girls .,will be able to. taker over -the
• work of . the . home garden eultivar
tion, releasing •their elders for
heavier farm .work. „
•In the 'garaeri briaage' projectbe-
ing" organized,. by, Miss Duriin, the;
girls purchase the seeds frim the
Department of Agriculture` for 75.
cents The garden productsare used.
in the home as they mature. The
girls study" ;garden . culture, value
and use of ,vegetables;:" canning and
storage.' •
• Centres in Huron 'where the bri-..
gades are• already' organized are Bel -
grave; Bluevale, . Holtnesville, Sea -
forth . There are Also individuals
• takingup the ' work 'without any
° club affiliation.
TRI:, 11Ek-SITUATION-is -goring-to-be"-Serious for 1943.'' Our
advise is . to place your. orders early as filyders received , will
'be filled in the :rotationto which they are received: Last
year our wood'supply was heavily oversold.
WE WILL HAVE' A SUPPLY of , 4 -foot Mixed .Cordwood for
sal: This
is a splendidgrade of wood.
WE WILL ALSO HAVE a ,large amount- of good slabs as soon
as our new mill 'gets into production- whichwill be shortly.
CYISTOMERS: oA111 HAST mac ed;..slabs,_as-.the ..-,-
HARDWo D.;SLABS will only'. be 'supplied on' basis of one
cord 'Harwood with sone cord Mixed Slabs. Orders on • file
w 1, be filed in 'this manner:. • ; .
• :SX.L: 'Phone 79 :. Office 'Phone' 80
W.E.H. 'Phone 57
every woman' who • makes a woinan who • makes
fool out of a..'man there is
:another another a ' feel:
Bervie friends were .shocked and
grieved o' learn' of 'the unexpected
and untimely ;death of. Willis Moore
in Hamilton General Hp spital .:pn
Friday, March 5th: Taken ill , with
pneumonia a .week earlier, he was
taken .to, the hospital where•;h]s.'con-
dition grew steadily worse.
Willis Moore was born at Bervie
in 1896, a 'son of the 'late. Mr.: and.
Mrs -Jolni Moofe esteemed si'deTitr
_ _ ni_._the di strtct,...and:. resided--his-en..
' tire--•lifetune there : with the,
of.tithe • spent' overseas in the
last .war and the past year' and .a
half which he..spent in Hamilton.,
To mourn his .passing he leaves
two brothers, Walter at Bervie and
Sainue 'lin Kincardine. A. brother,
John,lost his life in' the last war.. `
( He. was . associated • will( Bervie
United church, whose pastor., the
Rev. H: W. Strapp,had charge the
last rites. The .funeral was held on
Tuesday afternoon from the Church
to Kincardine Cemetery And was
a man
out' .oP •lar el
g Y d by friends of Mr.
. Moore.
our—Voluntary n ib iti sr s
Lucknow Red Cross Campaign
...at the ... _ I
Bell Telephone Office, L cknow
By. Saturday March ,20th
2 .to:6 p.m. each afternoon; .:Saturdays, 10 a.rirli`to' 10 path
Village : Canvassers will call after March 20 on those who Have Not Contributed
The (all Goes Out To You NOW...
the "need is greater than ever
You responded generously last year. This year, with a wider -spread and
grimmer war on our hands, the need has expanded. Your Red Cross
dollars are..iteeded now as never bef6re. The work must go in—with
your help. J • '
Your past support of the Canadian Red Cross has brought succour and
- , solace to prisoners of: war, bomb victims, refugees, men in. training
IHR4Altr&tlt..fERING JS_ ' and.an,.battle:- 'oda ed --i pi .. ..Wij •
GREATER THAN EVER Now! nth-"eC"-1' e yt�� h� rnet It�de�
pends 'on Youi • °
EninAY 8 pm.
'SATURDAY 7 s0 & .9.30 • • .
"MARCH i9 20
qe NLoU,,' Coss
(KINI•QVuu • WSl
(Intended for. last weak)
Mrs. "H A.. Graham, •, Mrs, 1V,f
*pan were teem visitrrs with th
:slater, Mrs 1 ., `feflley;,' liinca
,, Mr, a(id' Mrs:.Jack Hodgins,,
lyweds of Glamis' visited with
.and Mrs..''Fred Hodgins ori Satur
Red, Cross Rivets Officers: ,.
The .Red 'Cr'os's Padres Yield •
regular weekly meeting.at.the -
uf Mrs.:' George: Haldeniy on. Tu
'day 'afternoon; A quilt was qui
:iter which the business mee
and- election..ef. officers followed
resulted as follows, president,
•Fred • Hod. gins, :vice l$resident,
ZVM'ilton Walsh; sec'y-treas., Miss
Boyle;'buying: committee, Mrs
ry Hodgins and' M.S. O. W. Held
•by,• ' quilt in : frames committee,. M
if. A. Graham, Mrs.A.:E: Halde
patch work ,convener, Mrs. Ro.
McLean; overseas box coirimit.
Mrs. Georgi Heidenby..
°' "Boyle; ' WOW SO s enerr-,Mrs. .
McLean; auditors, Mrs. B. E.
Lean and Mrs..Art Graharn..As
funds are very' low and 'boxes
overseas should be packed fel-in
ing it was, decided to hold an I
Social in' the school on March 1
'Committee in charge of the progr
Mrs:: Wesley., Guest and Mrs.'••Ha
Percy. There was also a Rimini
sale. 'The treasurer's and.secretary
reports were as. follows: •
"Treasurers Report, 942
' Receipts' -Carried -forward fro
list 'audit, $47.87; ,collection at me
ing', 30.30; Refunds, 15°9'''.'t.'3110;4,
'.; Hallo
ween .social, .8.72; Social; 4.30;
• No. hatter • interest rates are paid•
•qn any Canadian, war £i"naneing se-
c 1 n
t On a h War Savings s Cr=
r; you. hold them until full.
Mc= Maturity: They al; e:xlteant. to be held,
not :cashed. 'Canada promised that
tools lt, would• gash .the certificates under
new- certai circurnstannes, •but 'this, was
done. to. avarid -ha .dshi p
Mr. < .. iiz' p in special
da cases,,. not,. because. • ,cashing .a ; Cer-
t .f' '
i ><cate before maturity was �any-
th ir.: thing but bad for the owner and•
bad ler .Canada That pr- •mise will
home 4 .
be kept.. of eoi;irse, as Dominion •of
es- 'Canada' financial `obligations.. have
Iter. ',always. been kept,'. to -the 'letter;'.' But
tiny, • too many thoughtless owners• of War
and Savings Certificates,
Mrs. ada � to ' ' s are: asking ;Can -
Mrs give :their: bark their cash"
May'now-without any ,good reason; 'ext'
-rept • that they ai'!t."co spend the
Per- money -and at a time, ..when the
en- money_ is badly.. wanted tp. fight the.
rs: Battle' of. Freedom. Every
nby;• person
who buys a Certificate does a pat-'
Bert'.'. ;.
tee, riotic action, . and at the same time
ey gets himself a good investment and
M-a-cushion_again5t-= post: wait hard ti
dues Every person who cashes in
a Certificate._unnecessari'ly, does an
the: ".' •
for unpatriotic action, cheats himself of
aor part of its value, and weakens the
shock' absorber . which may save him
Ir from nasty Y ' Dost=war;•bumps, , The
certificate for which you pay $4 now
raid is worth'$5 if you keep it, to mat -
old If you: cash it in after six
ge °months yEiu'•.only get. $4 for it, net
loss $1. And actually you lose more
than=that, -because by spending your
$4 at present' high.prices you get
m less value 'per' dollar than you will
et_. when prices are back to normal..
Also Cartoon .
Adults ' 30c. `
Children 18c (tax included)
keep 'Em . Flying
Red .Cross Kinlough school, 16.
Mr:* and Mrs.W: 'Pinnell, 2.00;
and : Mrs.., Bert . McLean, 3.50; Mr
John. Hodgins and. Lena, .`1.00; • M
and Mrs. Chas. Burt,! 4:00; Mrs. D
MO -Arlan; .50; Mrs. Archie MeF
lan; 1,25; Mrs. Wm, Cox, 2.00; M-.
Wesley, Guest,: 4.00; Mrs. 'Wes].
Thompson, 1.00; Mrs. Herbert G
ham; 2:50.; Mrs. Robert McLean,
•••••N Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham, 5.00
"Marrrliii" airily -5;00 Mrs. Wm J.
e' McLean, 1.0,0;. Mrs. Fred Hodgins,
s .25; .Mrs. George Haldenby, :25; • Mrs.
Alex Percy, 3.25; Mrs. Lavina°Hodg-
kinson, .75; Mr. I. Pinnell; .25; Mr.
t T . Bradley, .10; proceeds of play,
9.57;' total receipts -$167.98. • -
Expenditures -Bats, $11.95; flan-
ellette and print • •for quilts, 35:89;
-. yarn; 3.42; cigarettes for boys over-
s seas, 13.90; .contents for boxes for
goys overseas; 55.12; postage on box-
es for boys oversea`'., 23.49; _thread,
1:15; caretaking, 2.00; lights, 1:Q0;
wood; 3.50; window . blind for hall,
;3.25; thumb tacks, :15; : prizes (war
savings stamps) •'Hallowe-en social,
.50; Total -$154.42.
- `contents of boxes at various times.
Jr. Social For Russian Relief ' -
44; At a social" held at the home of
Mr• Mrs.,•Mark 'Gardner in aid 'of Rus-
• sian Relief under the auspices of
r. the Red Shiell Women's Auxiliary,
an the sum of $5:00 was :raise$. The ev.•'
ar••, ening was. spent; in games and con-
tests and a dainty lunch was: served
ey by' the hostess.ito whom a. vote of
' thanks-, was 'tendered. - Winghan•
Advance -Times. •,
Mrs. W. J 'Douglas., spent ' tli
week -end in Kitchener Iftith . Mit
Isobel Douglas... . •
Miss Eileen Hall of Toronto 'pen
the week=end with "her parent's, 'Mr
and Mrs..,J. Ii. Hail. .;
:'Russell' Armstrong of Humber
stone spent the week-erid• with- hi
parents, Mr. and Mrs, W.' G. Arm
strong • of Wingham. •
• Donald MoCharles was off work
for more than a week as the result
a fall on some ice. '• No,' bones
Were .broken however. '
Henry -C -atter, who has been sta:•
• 'r'ied-at--tile-C-,N:R, depot at K
eardine. for . some time, hasbeen-
transferred' to. Melton. •. °
Adam -Bowman, caretaker of t.
local.'school; has been on the sick
list and duringhis absence Joe
:'Whitby-• has-- per ormiiig his
Miss Barbara Stuart of Niagara
Palls' was a • visitor for the past few
days with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hilt
and Mr, and Mrs., . Cameron Mac-
Donald. .
Mrs. Chas.:Steward, who has not
been enjoying good health this win-
ter is visiting at. Toronto ,with her
daughter, Mrs: Chas, Henderson and
Mr. Henderson.
Miss Marion Stinson, who • has'.
been employed at Webster's restaur-
ant since they opened business here,
is visiting at her home at Oshawa
prior to commencing 'work 'at ' the
Maple Leaf Aircraft plant.
When a fellow Says his home town
is no good' you can, rest assurred he
does not amount'to much there.
Reil. J. W: Stewart, B,A.,.B.D.
Pastor* #: .
11 a.m.-Subject, "Partnership
With , Christ".
Children's Story, "Time and
Junior Church
'3 p.m. -Sunday , School.•"
7 p.m. -.Subject, `pod's .Gar-
e • wri ing paper, envelopes,
bandkerchiefs, towels, shaving seep,.
cream and razor .blades,toilet soap,
-to-e-thpaste, cottee, tea, cocoa, post=
0T condensed milk, :sugar, butter,
peanut butter, maple syrup, ' corn
-t-yrup; tomato --soup- nd-juice,-sand-
Wich'spreads' jam, gum, bars, cough
drops, homeitnade candy, canned
treat, salmon, sardines, soda biscuits,
Yookies, date loaf, cheese, pork and
,eans, peanuts, fruit cake and sox.
The donation of a quilt . top and
bottom was made by Mrs. Fred Hod-
gins. Mention might be made of the
donation of fruit cake, cookies, sugar
for homemade' candy, syrup, etc., by,
the various ladies• when we packed
the 18 boxes we sent to our boys
;n training from this community in
Canada. Twelve packages of 300 cig-
arettes each were sent overseas also:
Various members held quiltings in
their homes and Mrs. McLeanfreely
gave the use of her horns for the,
winter months as' it was more cen-
tral for all.
'r'Secretary's Report - The ladiet,
'gathered :each week either at the
hall a. in a home for their sewing
meeting, unless other plans were'
made. Sortie' Who find it impossible
to attend these meetings, knit; at
home and others help by donations.
All in all we are trying to do our •
bit to bring comforts to others who
are less fortunate than we in Can-
The social evenings in ,the school.
met with splendid success and the
collections made it possible to send
our boys overseas same 'treats and.
by the lett rs . received from them
we know that our effort was deeply
appreciated. The.. play by the 1 -161y -
rood Young People was also enjoyed
and helped greatly in the treasury'.
'The iaadies bought Flung a set
of new windowai blinds in the hall in
appreciation to the Orangemen for (,-
negsto"'ii iia rn" giv n
use of their hall. We entertained the
Kinloss Red Cross ladies at a quilt-
ing partyand-all enjoyed the social
time together.
►mi I
Suggestions for a IriSh•social were
mentioned at one meeting and also
a' table in the school with a rum-
mage . collection for sale.:
Miss Winnie Percy, R. N. of Kin-
cardine was a recent visitor at her
home here.
Miss' Doris ,Barr• ,had. the'niisfor-
ttine, to run against a fork, in the
and injure
her hr le
Mr. and 'Mrs. Herb,Graham re-
ceived word that their daughter 'Bet -
t -y, -M,: Johnstone; has beenvery
the-Listoweliev14 ,
Mr.. and Mrs. Perry Hodgins were
recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
-alter --Forster;
Miss. Dorothy Pinnell, returned.
home from Hespelerr n Monday,
--'M•r-Win: Pjii li"bas gone to 'Sar
nia' wiere he intends to work for
a time. '
Mrs. Levi Eckenswiller, and Doug-
las of London are visiting:with rela-
tives here atpresent.
Aunt 'Jemima Pancake Flour
Box' ..., .,,.:..i.:. , . ., 18e
° Y un famil will' -
... y go' for pan-
cakes in a big way. 'Serve. •of-
:ten.'•thro' . '
ughout Lent.
Aunt . Jeitn1wa Ready -Mine
, SO'.
2 for•UPS25o
They're delicious, quick 'and -
easy to prepare.'
Box • ' 180
A magic .coinbinatifin of sac -
areal and cheese prepared
in only 7 minutes. •
2 boxes •• .°.,., 200
,2 .boxes ..4. .., ,.,25c
Prepare them in your own
favourite way.
Make CHEESE the meat of
your meal. Enjoy it often, Igir
you like it.
Highlight your .Lenten` Menus
with Fresh FRUITS VEGE-
TAB>I,ES-oht i nable Iresh,_as,
always, :at
. o.�oNs,
Prayer ,For Revival '
The .prayer Meeting. for , revival
Will'be held as usual this id
evening et •7..30 P.M.' The Bible ad-
ing 'class under the,, leadership I of
Rev. :Ro ert acCemiell viii r eet-----@ -
at 8 p.m, scripture to be cov-
ered this �e i he book of ,Ro-
mans, c . t 1 to '
p . 8. � Lets get .,
back the Bible: Let us .build again
the family 'altar in order that God
may speak to' our hearts. Let' us
prayerfully. prepare the way for a
spiritual revival.
Kicked By • Horse .
Frank Pentland of the Dungan-
' • non vicinity had 'two teeth knocked
out and a gash below the mouth that
required several stitches when kick-
ed in the face by a horse while
hauling logs fromthe g bush. hHew
taken to Goderich Hospital for treat-
ment. ,
ai-- —4'uel7Giving-OutrTr-"Bundling"
An amusing and , informative -art- •
icle by E. C. Schntinnacher,-in The
-American--Weeitlr-witif this•:Sun-
day's (March 21) issue of The -De-
troit Sunday 'Times, relates how the
gild coloniaLcustom that -ingeniously
combined fuel saving: with 'courtship'
may becorne popular again, but
slightly rhodernized to conform.with •
1943 conditions. Be: sure to get The
Detroit. Sunday Times this week_ and
every week.''
What Can 1 Do To Help?
1 -Feed For Extra Eggs .
2 -Raise Fall' Chicks
3 -Make Every Four Square Feet
of laying house capacity produce
200 eggs this year.
ou Can Count On Purina
For reliable farmers, we will, supply you -With Hog Chow at to-
day's Cash Price, pay when the II\ogs go to markek-no carrying
-iorne-Madeqnatr,---Thone -w,.LucknOW
TT -
You will findl good SioCks of
at The Market Store, the Store with the Stock.
The.War Spreads ---Tho Need Grows