HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-02-18, Page 7r
OId China one, ,SUNDAY
Says I1+ ri : Chiang SCHOOL
L , S O L r'
Genera IIasi mo'.at Wife- De-
scribed As Creat Humanl.
. tartan
Mme. •Chiang 'Kai,Shek has peen
Matalogu;ed Ln various ways: as a
Jeanof Are,a J+'lorence Nighi'tin-
gale, as an. astute ,politician and
mover of forces on a'rheas .•board; •
and• as: simply, andwholly a great
umanitarian. There • is a certain
drips ed 'fitness in. , each o! the
'terms, but none of them dompleteiy
deeoribes her, Vanya Oakes writes
In "White ..,112an s Fo11y!'
What• MnaeeeChiang has really
• done 1 ..to highlight for the '.rest
el . the World that change which
has come to China, anis her role
in the world picture is as No. 1.
go-between far China'in; the ,latter
• 'of world- understanding: As,is.virell
known, she frequently acts in' pub-
lic as the • generaliseimo's inter-
' preter. In private, she interprets
- .._._..tor the.. ard--1r'ead.ed-,.generalissimo---
events and motives of the Western
world, .of :w'hich she has an, u'ncom-
mon grasp.. - ._ .-..-
Old: and New . Meet
She has a, natural gift for set-
tigg the right example at the right'
-e+hoio:gical moment. In effect
she says, 's, in
hum guitar
t. ms:,:
"Ord .China is. '-.gone; New China
says, 'Corue--otlt--fr•om`.tehind-'.the
orohid doer. and go to work-worie
to butld • up' a• "strong next gener-
nation.'" Suiting action' to ,word's, .
her w'ar-arplian-s' home, her nursing
'work, and so on 'base helped im-
measurably .to, break down the
rigid , class distinctieria ' of ; Old. ,
China. :
• Yet, for all sbe niay he the epi-
tome' of New Ctiiripa' triumphant,
she has managed• to keep: the great
tenet of ancient Ohina-"There is'
thing• to be done." • Thus she •
aintains an i'diorn which' old as•
cart elearly-eonipeeL--
., he If it rjieans going in person
w th - the gene3;aliesinio to India , to • •
*try ; to avert disaster;• or if 1t
mean§ going 'down a Cihinese road
and stopping trucks in order to
get her •orphans •evacuated . before
. of g n ng•raids, then :"'it Is a thing..
to' be done" --arid• Mme. Ch•ieeg,.
sentily.• does it.. And I.think it els.'
the embodiment in Mete. Chiang
of tlhis meetin of ' Id : n
which , has . been a' large- factor .in
enabling China• to resist so stanch-
ly, these many years'. •
British Building
Road Into Burma.
Workers Hacking Their
Way Through. Dense
Strong ,communication lines are
being 'stretched from strateg5e_:'
centres in India to points in Der-
ma for eventual use against.the
Japanese, .writes• an , Associated'
13y train, • trucks, army ear and
foot I. taveled a long way :over
one of these lines to this outpost
where workers are hacking their
way' through dense jungles ' and
over nnoitntains. .
Details of, this tremendous
project must remain secret, ,but
it's an impressive undertaking
and few engineering problems are ..
as difficult. The road runs' moat-
ly .-througli
ost-ly.-through mopntains where no
'road ever existed a d few trails.
Miles of roadbed ar� 'bleated out
of rock on mountainsides over-
hanging valleys.. Parts.•of the road
.�jare above the.clot ds.
Old. Method Uscd
The' work is lreingi done mostly
by coolies, including. wonien. 1 Saw
thousands of coolies using' meth-
ods generations old. They Wor-
ried dirt on their heads in wicker
baskets., They crushed atones one•
by one with home-made hammers.
.They slashed through the jungle
with long heavy knives that also
are useful weaponis. . •
Modern equipmont was used•
'Wherever possible, but the coolies
etto work in places where huge
Bines cannot go.
. I saw troops' lneing trained in
:every conceivable phase of jungle
Warfare. Some . of the', l'ndien
troops need little training because
they grew up in 'the mountains
and . jungles. -
Despite the intense: hardships
`01 working in this .area' the mole
•=of British troop's is high. At sine
point I came across a British ser-
geant far back In the 'woods where
e was a ping c ear a pa .1 or
t .Iephone lines. 1161' was • lustily
ng "Trees.,
Horne Defence •
Of the steed for a home defence
force, there Can be rio question,
says The Montreal Star. This
__._-a, , cq m,or--pYaot.s. of ft, a•:r® lialil
to attack from either the Atlantic
or the 'Pacific at, any,ti;rne,. and it
olid be' ti, delingnent Government
that neglected' to take precaution-.
any' measures. llut 1n existing
etre nistaneers we cannot be et-
Vested ted build and maintain large
fleets of lighting aircraft: and keep -
them in this country, while- neon
4110 for lhtk :of them in' the Ai'rl-
eai desert on in Greet 3ritain, ar
an any' one of the several 'petite
fronts. '
EDITOR'S NOTE; In -future the
• ,current Sunday School Lesson
will be .published sae 'week
:earlier than usual.
February 14
BLIND:7-4am 9
GOLDEN''TEXT.-One thing 'd
know, that,, whereas 1 was blind,
no'w 1 'see: '• John 9:25.
Memory Verse: Let,ug love one
another.- I John. 4:7..
D. •29,
Place.-'•Soine'where in the city '
of Jerugalerpa. ,I
"The :Jews therefore -.-did not
believe' 'concerning 'him, that he
bad been blind, and, had received
• his sight, until- they' called the
parents• of _him that bad received
his sight, -and asked them, saying;
Is .this your son, who: ye say was
born blind? how then detll he now
see? His parents answered and.
said, We know that thtts is our
son, 'arid' that he was born blind:
but how he •nowseeth,'.we know• -
not; or who evened ;his eyes, we
know not: ask him; he is of age;
he shall speak for himself." How
stubborn the human'' heart can be 'I'
when. it is..deterFnined that, rio
matter.' :hew- great the evidence,
it will not recognize Jesus to. be .
the Son of 'God:
"These things said his parents,
because they feared. the Jews: for
the Jews had agreed already;`that
if ally 'Man should confess him to
be Christ, he should be put out
of the synagogue. Therefore• said
his! parents, He is of age; , ask
him.":. The ,Pharisees .refused to
ecknowiedge;.the truth concerning
Oliriet; ksbef > e=thieeth:ey.had; ;
taken their stand against .C'hrist'
and now they were,, through, sheer'
pride of office,.dietertn'ined' not to'•
'acknowledge. their fault by chang-
ing. their verdict.
The Beggar's Testimony
.'`So .they 'called a :second time
the man that was blind, 'and said.
unto him, -Give glory to God: We •
know that this man is a sinner.
He therefore answered wh•ther'
' he is a sinner, I know ' not:: ,one
selling I know;. that; Whereas.I Was
blind, now I -see." The. phrase
`Give glory', to God'.. is- a solemn
charge to. declare the whole truth:
"They said, therefore unto
What ' did he unto thee? how op-
ened he thine eyes? :He answered
them, I told you even now,, and
ye -did not hear; wherefore .would
ye hear it - again ? would -ye also
'become 'his. disciples?" The re-
peating : of .'the question of how
the man was healed simply re-
veals the fact that these stubborn._
•men • were finding the testimony
of the' beggar. tod strong and clear
for .denial.' , •
' A --Gr d=Furticg Person
• "And •they. reviled- him, . snd •
said, Thou art his disciple; but
we. are disciples of 'Moses. We
know that God Bath poen unto
Moses;'• abut as fortis :Mane a we
know not whence he is. The man
answered and said pnto" them,
Why,' •herein is the marvel, that
ye ,know not. whence • he is, ,'and '•
yet he opened' mitre eyes." The •
Pharisees knew that God had
spoken to Moses, but they de not
know .whence this marl Jesus is;
that is, they. do'snot know that He
'is. from God, nt which confession
of ignorance the one onee blind
•shows his astonishment.
' We know thatr.God lieareth not
• sinners: but if any pian he a wor-
shipper of God, and do his will,
him' lie hearcth. Since- the world
began it was never heard that
any one opened the eyes of a
man horn blind: If this man were
not- from God, he could ''do noth-
ing." The Pharisees actually.ave
only furthered•the beggar's thinki
for •Mere at first he is net
ready to ,discuss Whether Jesus is
an :open sinner, now he proves
°conclusively that. he' must he the
.very opposite, a•'Ciod-fearing per-
son who does Gude will. .
• ',The Son of Man
" hey„answered and said unto
hire, .T • u . wnst altogether' born
in sins; and dost thou teach ' us?.
And they east hint out.” Defeated
'by his . pitiless logic, the adver-
tortes of • Jesus give wayto rage.
"Jesus heard that they had,.cast
him out; and finding him, he :laid,
God?" The thought of 'the Son
of Man' 'stands In true 'contrast
with the selfish isolation of 'the
Sews,' The new'society,.scen here
in its beginning, Vests upon this
foundation, wide as humanity it -
Self. -
"lIo answered and said, And
whos he, Lord, that may be-
lieve �'on hinn? Jesus said unto
frifri; ' ;Thu hast both scum ,hint,
and he 'it is that speaketh with,
thee." 'Thou hast seen 'Hirie,' .was
hot 'that enough to prove itis "
claim? , • Jesus gave the beggar
eyes . to -see; now he has elven
' him the Christ to look at.
"And he .Said, Lord, T believe.
And • he worshipped hint.' This:
man, of course, did not have a
full corfception of ;a J' that the
.b""onship of Christ involve ; fs
even the :Apostles thel Selves
Confirmation of reports that. Germany -hopes U-boats can 'stens
the rising tide of defeat, is seen in the elevation •of Admiral -Karl ,•;
Doenitz to be Grand Admiral in supreme c • : rid• sof 1 Cie ' German . '
Navy, succeeding Grand Admiral la ase rich Rer. Admiral. Doenitz;
former commander of the submarine fleet 'and originator .of "wolf: `
pack" U-boat tactics; is. pictured, left above, greeting a' returned sub- •
marine crew.,
. were •slow' in coming, to'` realize •
- the full meaning of'.Christ's deity.`
Bet this ,inan did believe • that
Christ. had .coiTie. from God, that
• '.He. was.. God's ..Stn, that He- wan
doing God's work, that His -words
were tette. A roan who . believes
•this.much will -believe' all else that.
he•finds concerning .Christ. in the
Word of -Gad.
Only 12,000 Nazis -
Fight at Stalingrad
&l1 but 12,000 of. the •German .
Sixth Army. . that once fought its
, way into the streets of ' Stalin-
grad have been wiped ' out or
taken prisoner and the three main
railroadsradiating out .,from the
centre-#n_•3ie nnrt•h he Com.
cases and the west -have been
freed from enemy' control. :
The completeness of the disa5=
ter to the 220,000 troops virtu-
ally is conceded in Berlin where
the Nazi propaganda has given.
outthat all the remaining troops
at 'Stelingrad- niay. lose their lives..
However, some of the. German
commanding officers .were report-
ed by the Russians to have es-
caped from .the. trap by plane
after refusing a Russian demand:
for surrender. One regiment, the
634th,., was. ._.announced ...to-:-haxe
surrendered er; masse.
February 21,
John 10•
John 10:1-5, 711-I6, '27=30 '
GOLDEN TEXT. _.- I am, the
good . shepherd: the good 'lig)...
herd layeth down his life for the
sheep. • John 10:11. .
A Memory Verse:, Be -ye kind.
Ephesians.A:32. .
Time. -The first • half . of this
chaster throw•h •ve_rs
cords a message uttered, by • our
Lord in Mid -October A.D. 29. The
words recorded in verses. 22-39
were uttered in late December of
that year; within •a few :: days
after, th'e 'event recorded in 'the
last two verses. . took place.
Place --Each of the discourses
recorded in this chapter was ut
teared'rn Jerusalem, but of course,
the event spoken of in •-the last.-
ast•three verses occurred in' Bethany
beyondJordaii: •
The Shepherds Contrasted -
"Verily,-verr`ly,•'I say -unto yeas -
He thatentereth not by the doer .
1. -115 -CURIOUS -WOW)
:y "t tam
, Ferguson
/2®®t S'
* IN THEIR- '-
.EV/2. SP/R/iS
46010/4 •
T. M. REG, U. S. PAT. Aft.
Ito HAva PR.E a44, WE
MUST BUY.9fj/VDSieele r
into the fold -of the .sheep., but,
elimbeth up some other 'way, the
same is a ,thief and . a 'robber."
Jesus means to describe here the
aiacity full of cunning with
whicit' ,the Pharisees had sue-
seeded • in • establishing. their au-
thority in the enclosure of - the '
^peisple of God. • : ,
• "But he that.. entereth in • by
the" door is the shepherd , of the
sheep. To him the porter' open-:
:.eth; and the sheep hear his voice:
and. 'he caileth -his own :cheep, by. •
name, ' and. ieadethi' 'them out. •
When he • hath put forth all his
own, he' goeth before • them,, and
sheep ;follow hint: • for they, ,•,
know his voice.. Mord a stranger •
, will they'•xiet, follow, but will flee
from him: 'for. the: know not the
voice of s'tranger's." " • • �. -
The ..shepherd's ' call: is recog-
' nized by his own 'sheep for each•
.of ' which' he • has, a .name. ' Him
only will- they follow; •from a'
stranger's Call' -they 'will 'flee,. not
recognizing the. voice. The 'Sheep
recognize the familiar and loving
• voice. There is no compulsion or .
violence 'as in the case of •a thief.
..(Ps.. 11,0:3.).• •
• • The,sGood Shepherd '•
"I am the 'geed shepherd•:. the
• good • shepherd layeth .down his.
'. life for • his sheep. .He that 'is a
hireling, . and • 'not , a 'shepherd;
whose own sheep they '.are. not,
beholdeth the' wolf coniiing, and
•leaveth the sheep,, and fleeth;'and
-the ' wolf ,snateheth them, and
scattereth-then, : • -he -fleeth- hes.
causefhe -is 'a hireling, and careth-.
not 'far -the. sheep.,' Christ`. is the
!Perfect' Shepherd as opposed t'o
own imperfect ministers. He'
is the•..true ..,shepherd as -opposed
to the, false shepherds who .are
hirelings ,and hypocrites;, He is
the good shepherd who' gives Hie •
lifefor the sheep .tis opposed 'to,
the wicked. thief who, takes their,
lives tb preserve his -own. • '
• .".1- am.the•'-good shepherd; and
;'know mutieown, ,and mine -own
• know. rue." ; 'Phis' islthe 'know=
. ledge of mutual. love, ,trust and
sympathy. We. know ourselves •
'truly only in "Christ's knowledge
of us.
One Flock, One Shepherd
"Even as the "Father knoweth
me, • and I' know the Father;'• and
lay down -my life for the 'sheep.
Anel. th
are net of .this' fold: them also I I
must bring, and they shall hear
my voice; and they shall become
one flock, one `shepherd."' Christ
foresaw His death 'and Could have .•
escaped. it but that. He• came to•
die fee the sins of the peopje.
We have • here our Lord teaching •
us how to think of the certain
issues of His work and ours,.
There ie to. -be but one ,Shepherd
and over all the earth a great
unity of obedience to Him. •
"My sheep .hear my •voice, and
--theme'—and. =theys foliev'-
me: and I give unto their eternal'.
life; and they shall never perish, •
and rio 'one shall snatchAllem out
of my hand. My Father, who -hath
given then unto , me, is greater'
than all; and. no one is able to
snatch them .out of the Father's
hand." What infinite privileges .
are granted to the true sheep of
the Good Shepherd: they are'
given eternal life ; they shall
never • be taken out of the safe-
keeping of the ShephCerd; they pre
the gift of the Father to'the Son;
they ' are forever safe in the
Father's hands. All the. power of .
the Godhead is • here revealed as •
more than sufficient for the
eternal preservation • of those
wheal the Father has given to the
.Son. . .
dEar Ratleo eDitor.S; k
sense. I -a'a' bin togethu'R With
aMos fur •sew mennY Years, .and•
sense MosT o ro rernemmnlbur
me Na m Otos bac1 wen it wuz
;eAmrs,,.' i' HENRY" their aint
muTchloteLL yo tHat •yu dont
kno. oUr sloGGen is "keEp sMilin
whiLE dial.in'. beeaUSe yo ean't
go Rong '.with a • ANDREW 'H,
Brown enTerPrize-b'e-AuSe • We
aIm ' to pJseas an: ' kEEp all • cUs-
tomerS satiefiEd. Also mp•Sic. fez-:
niched- fOr wEddings an sociahlEs.
RespetivlY Yo'rs
FrEsid't .& ' ,pRogtisin' diRectr
(also aMos jeans)forme-rly • fresh
sir taxicaB 'Co. INK.
' Radio editorsacr,'o0' the.'United
States and 'Canada were highly
amused to- receive, recently''a'.let.
ter, of Which the above `is an
tract. Equally sorry were they, to
kern that North .America's fam-
ous black face •.comedians Amos..
and Andy would be leaving the
air on February ' 1.9th next. After
23 years of radio and stage as-•
sociatign Freeman (Amos)' Goa -
den and Charles (Andy) Correll
naturally, nave many fond reser
lections• of their past : successes. -
and of . their • modest beginning..
Way back in March, 1925 ' the
boys .auditioned: for Bob Boniel
at. Station' EBII, Chicago.. Their
song, -"Yes,; 'Sir, -that's` by "baby" -
was presented with what .waslithen
a hot , ukelele ' accompaniment.
"Well," • said Boniel when. they
had finished, "you 'boys aren't
bad but we've got a lot of singers
on this station, I tell you what'to,
do, drop .around ' tonight , about
11.30 and I'll put you. on the air
for one 'song, you understand that
we '."don't, ,pay ., for 'talent, but:
after: we sign the station off .at
midnight, we- give all . the artists
a plate luncheon." SUE -II -Was their
introduction to radio. - a• free
lunch but no pay. One day . the
manager of., a, rival radio station
in Chicago asked Gosden and
Correll if they could dramatise
one of the•coniie strips in the local
paper. Their retort was that they
felt they could- do .a better job
by creating 'a radio comic strip of
their own; and se on March 19
1928, they ,'first appeared as
Canadian Women
Have London Club
• Canadian women in the Ser-
ices or engaged in war work .in
Britain now have their own cc
tral ' gathering place in Caned
Corner in London. A. fre p
• painted bright blue door st1 nds
open at 5 Suffolk street; just be-
hind Canada House, off Trafalgar
Already more htan 100 young
Canadian girls, mostly in uni-
form, are making use et the club's
facilities. There are a comfortable
'sitting room, rth'Canadiaii nia'g-
azines and papers, a rest room
and a -snack bar. A house .mother
is in residence, .and' with day hos-
- tesses shares the task of giving
information or advice .to- recent
•arriva: • who as ;.,; ,A.tM„kaaeav ; .
err way around London.
PSI'-Pop'8 Right the First Time
Amos 'N Andy over WMAQ, Cllr
cage. The rest pf the story is his.
tory,, 'we11 known to the :vast
majority . of radio listeners in.
North America. :For more than S
years they: had • the largest ;'week.
• ly audience, of .any program • on
• the air. Suffice it to say that
Amos 'N Andy will ' be sorely
• . At the beginning , of this yeah
the • strength of :the Royal. Cana?
dian Navy. was elose.,.;,plo '50,0001
men, operating ,,,tore than . `' 5001
ships. That 'is. a Wong "stretch ' from
the - strength at the., outbreak
war; i',00:men and '15 vessels in
operation, For . most Canadian.
sailors the• most dramatic moment,
in their. daily • routine is not. when
a submarine lets loose .its torpedo „_
' but when the roaring windeswhip.
the bosom; of the sea into drama-
• tic fury 'arid make each moment
of the day a.brush with fate.. Ho;w
one little vessel of ,.theRosial
nadian Navy rode• out a storm' et
sea will. constitute: the feature
story of the, ,CI3C network broad-'
' cast Comrades in Arms, Friday,
February 12', 10.15 p.ni. But this
program is not alone a naval' pre- -
• sentation; on the occasion in
question the .Canadian Army will
• salute the birthday of Abraham
Lincoln: a '
everyone ion -OW§' that the
first , vessel.' to .. cross the Atlantic
Ocean. by stesm power only wan
built in Canada by a Canadian.
Sir ..Sarri�nuel 'Cunard, Halifax bus-
iness • nian, was to. bec.otne the
outstanding ship -owner. • in
Nor;"tli. America When in -1883 he
•planned and supervised•the c'on-.
struction of :the "Royal William."• •
This fully ;steam -powered, vessel
crossed . from Quebec .to London, ...
:England .inr twenty-two... days.: .
'and was the,. forerunner of a little
fleet of,:fo•ur -ships with a- total'
tonnage of 0,000, which became
• the 'nucleus ''of the great Cunard'
•Company of modern times.. Tile
full sten j of the life. of Sir Sam -
"1101 C'`un;,rd' will be .heard by 'Ga-'
•nadian.eshoelch,ldren on Friday, •
February 12, 10 aan. ,:.s .another. •
in the.'ier;es of history lessons 'in
^th.e 'rational s:hooa broadcast o
the.' CBC..
1, 6 Pictured .
U.). A. top
army .official.
14 Original .
musical draft.
16 Arabian. 00
17.N.ale child
38 Crowns of• -
20 Sauey..
21 Goddess of
nswer to .Pre$ious Puzzle ,
.15 Vehibles:
2.0 This general •
was an aide 'he
General' —.
DI TTO 23He. is•a
E->" 'L N .student of
EwEA•T p<.sl
24 Pi:inci 2le._.... _}
• 25 To corrbc:e.
',7 Roof hied.
'8 i unk sed.
22 Residue from
pressed grapes
24 Having made
a will.
• 26 Slumbered.
30 To furnish •
with new
_34 Eating utentiT.
35 Lowest deck
on ship..
36 Ballplayer.
38 Play for actors.
39 Toward.' •
• 40 Wood spirits.:
44 Box' sled.
47 To. gleam. ,
48 Higher' in ,
53 Enthusiasm.
54 Body in sky.
55 Mournful.
56 Cuckoo. '• `
57 He rose
through the
rank s b
58 He is now
-Chief of -.
1 Pep, .•
2 Otherw ise.
3.Genus of
• 4 To deL;::m
:5 Detected.'. .
G es -see
compos mien.
7 Sphere
etivn; •
gem sett:r.t
9lnjur.s. •
10 Tract sof
11 Den. ,
42 Pound ti L'cr.
29 Small child. '
31• To make a
- mistake.
22 Room r eces:.
.4 G'-ps:
37 Sturdy.
;1 Fertaining to
42 Dull. •
43 Made to float.
44 Irish fuel
45 Arm bone.
4G Ycive
4.9 Food• paste.'
50 Opposed to r
51 Bird' ctf prey.
(abbr. );