HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-02-18, Page 1••••• i2.00 4YEAlt,-Ast ADVANCE -50e EXTRA TO U. S. A. smommaggreetwasm..=•to ••,•••••••••, r • Lucknow And Community Aid To Russia Fund Now Exceeds $1,000 • Three weeks , ago •The- ',Sentinel ee, j„ *reefing, , .0 pointed out that it was tinie the : -eine February meeting " of the ' people of •this community did iimie- LeeknoW Women's Insttnite wee - thing M support a too..,Aid to 'RIO-. held ire the TpWn Hall on 'Friday sia Fund. 'They tienn ,it!" By .1v19n-.. with the president, Mrs. G.' ()siren- , day night -Of this week - cash dime, : tions received 'totalled $937.98, plus der, .presiding; The roll call „"Better to have loved and lost than never six large biles of warm,: eerviceable to nave loved at all", was taken by .Viethinhe , . -----'• --," ' Mrs. W. B. Anderson. The to* "A And the end is not yet Further four square life", was taken hy donations are expetce_d,, during tee IfiZer Webster and "Education and . , week, as. well- as a benefit . enchre Better Schools"; by „Mrs. Morgan and carnival held on Tuesday and HenderSon. E-va Greer • contributed Wednesday n i tht s respectively. ,a reading, Several letters Of thanks ..:.:..%'herei is Poot.reason to .believe the 0.eeem read- frOm boys overseas, and hind Will exceed $1200 before the those . remembered it Christinae• books are •closed. time, - It nes beeziJ,a spontaneous free- will reaponee.., that reflects e good deal of credit on . this communitY, BRUCE- DONATES $2000 TO '1 Which in all Phases of 'War work, .e.HIN,IESE'WO RELIEF FUND sm enlistments to financial ap- : Bruce .Courity Counett through the eala has eatablished an enviable AVOrden's 'Committee, has 'donated record0 Oil, liOsm, activity and stippOrt.._.: f....i.2._,L... - ,.._ , $2000 to the Chinese War Relief -geneemis The ClOnation WaS sent to Lon.- ' The Canadian Ala to Russia Fund Fend. clan the laege_atsingldom_a- •had a Minimum Dominion -wide ob- .a44 i • jeetiVe Of $4,00%0Q0. To date ' that tem yet received there, ,where the surre has.ebeen 'almost doubled •and. ferid had reached $17,§00 at the end th in'. , . of .e second week of the .compaigr donations centinue to Come The Bruce County donation was The local campaign was scheduled . .was to conclude on 1VIonday of this week' a part of the $15,000 patriotic grant, approved by County Council but donations Of both cash and eloth7 . at the ing witl...contintie- to be received' , Jarivaey Session. , • throtighout the week 4 least. .. I Previonbly acknowledged $ 548.03 . Fuel Situation Eases. ' Paramount Wenien'aInstitute 2000. 1 The fuel Situation has eased here 'Jerry Cranston; it 2,,.340 considerable during . the past few/I s.. ' ry Leyie,41.. 5 ' , 1„'00 weeks. Wood has been more readily ,• '''' fge-SWine-.11.-eleeee. .... . . 2e00-4.kilable---anel-a-considerahleequante- aCkett's Y. P.,,U. • • ' 5.00 ity of coal' is being receiVed, but Cameron Bros., A. 3 •, Donald Ferguson • • Elmer Alton, R. 7 . nev.".7. W. Donaldson • Anonymous •3.00 •. Old Light Lodge, A.F:.8e AM. 35.0,0 . , • LuckneW- Masonic Cter " 10.00: • • --7"----Miannah Mactiongld ..........5.00 ' Miss Matidie Fisher ..e • Dr, W. IT, J,ohneton ,,,,, 20.00J -,,o .0 ' Dr. inteMri. J.0E. Little '''• .5:00v. • Mi. and Mrs. Noble Johnston 5.00 •-Mr. and Mrs. Chai: Webster, 5.00 Miss Marion Stinson " • 2.09 Mrs. N. D. MacKenzie 6.00 Mrs. Newton 5 John A. Murdoeh . ...... :,... 5..0060 Mary Louise Poi -teens, • _1.00 ltargie itenctersen ° • 2.00 Phillip McMillan /00 amounted to $14,544. Treat sales for Peter ,Watson 2,00 the year• 1943 amounted to $187;647, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lloyd , • 2.00 *e reduction of455,535 from the total: ,Mr: and Mrs. It H. MeQUillin • 5.00 sales of $24118_2_ for. ilieeYear_....1.941.'„ -10-00 In addition tothe above there were three thousand dollars worth cif War Savings. Stamps sold through• FREIGHT TlieUP CUT SENTINEL TO. F911R *GES',R For the second time in the hest three issues; The Sentinel has been published under difficulties. Wea- ther and. ;ritlit-of-wey conditions which the C,14.11. has been bucking, have disrupted freightservice par- ticularly, and last 'NNW& our neWs- :print. supply 'did not aVe until Friday. The: Sentinel,Was published on schedule; but contained only the four local news pages. Our readyprint shipments Will be received for the .next few weeks by. express, which should improve the service; and avoida repetition of •ilast, vveek's fotir-page 1Ssue. 7.00;..in 'hopper _cars Only, Which are dif- •' to unload; The SaWmill, Com - 2.00 riany has had a: quantity of wpod .5.00 for pale, limited however, by a snew- btoCired, highway to :Dungannon. 'A quantity ofecordwood is • at he read,. side, near Dunonnon and • Will be trucked .here and: buzzed • inte short woed„.--TheestilelelY that wee -on -heed •weSexhausted the • end �f the .tveek.: HURON COUNTY W.S.C. SALES eHOW DECLINE IN 1942 • • Sales of War : Savings Certificates for the month of December in Hur- on County amounted to $13,124.00 which • -1S--5,`:' 1eddeticire'7fea2rir- the: annatint in November when the sales • Attended Agricidtural Council' Mr. J. W. Jpynt and J.• P. John- ston, representatives of Bruce Cotin. ty Ceunil, attended the convention of the Agricultural Coupseil in -Tor- onto last week. The Council, which iumede up of representatives of the n'hrions CcitintY Councils in the Pro- vince, voted to affiliate •with- the Federation 'Of Agrieuiture• •••• ONATE7 $50 TO - CHINESE - AND gusgxii. *AR FUNDS • At a meeting. of the Clansmen Club on Tuesday ,evening $50 donated to War Charities. live, ntY- five dollars will go‘to. the lecel Can- adian Aid to Russia Fund and $35.00 to the hineSe 'War Relief .Furil TO THE fpgTRON OF THE SEPOY'THEATRE We are not ,writing this as 411 apology, bnt4An 'explanation, hop- ing you will uclerstank' , As you ktu4-4 we are trying to •bring to Lueltnew a ,forrn of enter- tainment and.! relaxation that has ` been for m, We neve thou .laticknove woul if a theatre w reaming' a ..lefeeing...imy.part in its- .:stablishmentebut resolved to be a ateady patron,bvell -aware, that no eusineas, let alone a theatreecan run without its customers or patrons ,Lticknow is a sort of -border line town, hardly Inrge -enough (we as ;et believe, alttneigli one has hopes) ,suppert a". eriirn. theatre with its necessary flee -proof bending, not ...punting 'the Seating and :heating aquipment whihh • would run Info Dusands of dealers. How• could* this form of enter- !,einment be made available to .our me town? By 16 min. hints'. We bed heard of: these and had „leen to plied. where this type of entertainment inaseepresentede and had enjeyetLit„, but it was ,only this fait that the "bug" came to us to get equipment ef this type. We haire • procured it,. and, consider oursetves ..ery • lucky. as this equipment is :absolutely, unaliellalele noW.. 16 rxim. equipment cannot be ex- pected to be aseperfeet as 15 rum. is, although it ta very 'good and we feel proud .f projector.,We have Early ,Rising •.anly one projector while -a theatre With: standard ekiniPirient has twet With ' railway officials making ' • • .ef; there-We4r.letl_to,..getanothe eVerY -effi-eit-f5 keep trains on scnee dukin spite of the weather, agents ab4 the line have got t� be , on the job much earlier than usual each Morning. .The locals, agent, A. W: Hamilton; is required to be at the _depot at 415 a.m. in order that the movement of plow a and -trains can -be closely Checked! ' years unavailable. t many timea. thet he greatly ."bles,sed" located here, never HOME ON ON HOLIDAY FROM -• . • . ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND Mr. Gordon ISthtters of the :Bank • of Montreal staff at St John's, New- founlandspent the peat two weeks with his 'father, Meeepenzil Stetters • at .lielyrood. C4:of'don is spending this -week with friends in the Kit- chener 'district and: leaves by ,plane .on Saturday to return to St. Johns, which 'Can be reached in abput;ten 'hours flying time. He made the. trip put by .plane also. - Gordon was transferred. to „New- faiindiand' ;early last Stiffener. He made the journey by train and boat, reathing St. Johns on the steamer C_aribeti, 'which was sunk by enemy action a few months liter. Gordon was also an eye -witness to the dis- astrous fire at $t. Johns that claim- ed the ,slives of 100' persons, many if. them servicemen. RECEIVED OVER 7,000 STAMPS Mr, end 1VIrs. Smith Wm. BaldWhe R.-7 ' 5:00; Susan Kilpatrick • 5.00 • MUatheWS• 00 Lucknow Public School Room 1 • • 3.25 • Room 2 •3.80 Rottrn 3 • ' 2.40 . Room 4 , 2.00 Kinahan, •R: 2 • 1.00 • Alex Hamilton 5.00 Miss. Helen Hamilton • 2.50 Rae -dr Porteous • , 10.00 1VIrs.-Harriet Wilsen 1.00 Theodor Howey . 1.00 .Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Anherson ••5.00 Mrs. P. J. McMillan ' 2.00 Adam Johnston, R. 7 •2.00 McKay family, R. 6 5.00 „ Mrs. Darrow ••1.00, John .Ilarger 1.00 • Mildred Ritchie 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Alf Sher*ood •2.00 Mr. and -Mrs. Henry Gardner 2.00. Fred Hodgins, Holyrood 5.00 • • Mr. and Mrs. Chas, chin • 4.00 • Miss Catherine McDougall 1.00 • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Corn-. '• eron, R. 1 "• 5.00 Miss, Dinsmore • 1.00 Virden Mowbray 25.00 Mrs. Jack Campbelk • Miss Gladys MacDonald. Redvers Johnston .H. M. McIennin ' - 'Vat Hamilton Bert Roach Wm Webater • Geo. Hassel .. J. R. McNab Fun Lovers Club, No. 9, Kinloss Miss "Jeari McMillan Miss ' Lena Robinson Mr, and Mrs. Alex Andrew • John S. & Eddy McKenzie otit the-Courieririthe month-OrDe- eniber. Some of these Stamps would be included in payment for some of the Certificates, ,but if is belreved that most of •these Stamps would still be in the process' of cellectioe as , each Stamp would have to be combined with fifteen others before the could be turned in for' ertif- icates. - ' BORN ARMSTRONG --;-.At Port • Arthur on Wednesday; February lOtin-to 'lVfr. • and ‘Mrs. Malcolm Armstrong (nee Beseie 1VItudie) a son. THOMPSON:-.In Chicago 7 on Tues- day,. February 9th to Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thompson, a son. ' KOSMYNA--eIn Detroit, to Mr. and Mrs. M. KosmYea (nee Phyllis•Mac- Donald) "a son, James Cherles. • MORGAN -In Kineardine General Hospital; February 5th, 1943 to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Morgan, Ripley, a daughter. COW owned by *. J. Roulsten, Cori. 2 Huron, is doing fier bit to relieve the beef phortage, by pre- senting her eviller with twin Calves each year, during the past three years. . , • • • WHERE. YOU PLAY NEXT WEEK This is the third marathan draw for the evening of Thursday; Febru- ary 25th. " ' . • ' •• EUCHRE • Mrs. el Orr, Mrs. S. Jut as we said, they are unavailable and we were tied by the filen who .eupplies the filing for us thet none af their custotners use More, than one peojeceire '" • Ccinsequently there is :a hort pause- of about a minute while we• 6'14/.1.0 reels'. If it. film breaks there is an additional' fietish berthis does' f•-liaPpee--ver-y---eftetealthough-w.e- had a little trpuble "lest Saturday. These pauses we cannot help al- thauth they. become a little shOrt r through nractice, However we believe theY will not seem too long when yen -know that it ie just' a few moments of feverish activity in the projecttemerooni, while you can rest your ere e for the inotrierit :and talk with your neighbor about the weather., . ''• ' • We have been, greatly encouraged by the patronage of the 'people of the community and' trust it Will cent - Wine arid that --yr-lien you' come you will understand 'what Weare trying. to do arid net expect to much, el - MacKenzie; • Mrs. Jack ,Hall. prerinse-you a.. gond -Fettle linicte----Roberelta-67t--Pu-es r--411tmlg"e--ca' . evening's fun. • • , ves, 'Mrs. Orr., • J.. R. MCNab-Mrs. D. Marshall, Dan. MacLeod, Mrs.' Dave ,I71. uston. Mrs. A. Solonione-•Mrs. P. McCall, D. M. Thoinpsbn, Alex MacKenzie., •R: J. Button -Mrs. P. M. Johnston, •Mrs : R. Rae,-.Jeck Hall: P.' M. Johnston -Same Sherwood,. liedvers Johnston, peter Watson. -Austin Seterrien - Whe. Mrs, A. J. Wilson, 3. L.: Mckilan. " BRIDGE • Mrs. • Harvey Webster -Mrs. Chas.. r,7ook, Mrs. T. S. Reid, Gprdon ,Tay - ler: ' • • „ Mr. E. H. AgneVer-.P, J. MaclVfil- 'an, Mrs. W. -1S. drs. Donald: sob. • W. J. Douglas -R. H. Thompson, Mrs. Hooper, Mrs. ChM. Webster. At Mrs. H. R. Allin's-Lena Ron- inaon, Mrs. Cliff Cannel', Mrs. J. C. McNeli, Ben Pearlman Mrs. W. J. Douglas -K. C. Murdie, Ars. A. C. Agnew, Mrs. NeWion. • Mrs. W. B. Anderson-Lilliae Mit- 2.Q0 ellen, W. Hessay, Temple Clark. 1.00 At Mrs. W. B. Anclersen'eMrs. • /00 Crispin, Mrs. .1. R. Johnstone,..Mrs. 3.00 T. Clark, Art Cann. 2.00 ' Mrs. W. A. Porteous -Cha. Web - 2.00 ster, Marion MaDougall, Mrs. Jessie 3.00 lylcIones. • -2.00Miss F. E. McLean -Wes 'Huston, Harvey Treleayen; Mildred Trelea- ven. • At WS. R. C. Robertson's -Mr. K. C. Murdie, Mrs. Morgan Hender- son, Mrs. Wm. Seltinid, 3. W. Don- anison. ' • Mr. H. R. Allin-G. 11. Smith, lett,s4,_,E„,„Iskelbartanalrilhal Ste- wart. • . • Mrs N. S: Celvert.T. q. MeNab, HarVey Webster, Mrs. W. V. John- ston. • , Mrs -R. C. itebettson-e-Mi's. Prest, Harold Treleaven, Mrs, B....Pearlman. Lillian McLean- Mrs. Cameron MacDonald; Ar. Ni4 Preet; Mes.•11‘ 11: , • • SUBSTITUTES • • Euchre -Mrs. J. L. MacMillan, B. Naylor, James SmitkeeNeil MacCal- him, Cathie* 1Vicareger, Mrs. Roy Bleat. • Bridge -H. R. Allin, Mrs.. Bert Roach Bert Roach, Mrs. W.• Hen. derson, MeV. it .11. Dann, 1W%. Me - Alpine, A. C: Agnew, Mr. V. S. Vessay, Mrs. Harvey Treleaven, Dt W. V. Johnston, Dave Horne, 0C, s over big. I think its wonderful hew Robertson, E. Agnew, Cameron $ 937.98 people regiond", MacDonald. H 'EWITT-In Kincardine General Hospital, February 10th, 1943 to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hewitt, R.R. 2 Holy - rood, a 'danghter. • 11):09'1 ReinembeiS Boys. In Service As 4.00 Youngsters When She " Was. Here 4.00 The publisher lied an interesting .2.96 letter last week from Miss Leea 5.06 Smith, a former Sentinel eniployee, 5.00 who went West over fourteen years ,age,„,,t,p_akift_Ceiterents„where she has since been employed in a large de-. partment stoke and which has its own priding and 'edvertising, de- partment. Leea's letter reads in part: • "lVly there have been se mapy changes down there and it certeinly makes me feel eld when I think of allethe boys going in the services Whte Were eonly- youngsters When ,I left laticktow. Alex MacKenzie has -sure made a name for himself. I saw the piece about him in the Regina Leader as well 'as the„piece in The l. SentineA ` Mrs, Dave Huston . • .1.00 4Mrs, I3. A. Higgins 100 ' oGordon risher ' 2.00 ° W. J.. Davison 10.00 Mrs: Jessie MeinneS .. 2.00 Miss R, A. Woods • 2.06 Norinae Stewart 1.00 Fred Emberlin. • 1.00. Wm. Gellert t 1.00 Howard Cann ' '• 1.00 Writ Lyons 1.00 °Ward Hoirland •• 1.00 Wire Haddock .. „.„.„...e 41011 • 1.60 . Roy Bleck (' 1.n0 •leen MonbraY - , , 1.00 Ronald VatiCamp ,....,., .. 1.00 "I hope 1943 sees this 'war over 1. O. Anderson Iii" Son ...,,:,16.00 and that a nteriber of the boys will , Iluesell C. Robertson , . 5.00 be., spared to, cOrrie back, Just now • Writ. Viten we have a drive on in the stere . Indeer" Softball Club e ... 20,00. to sell War Stamps and it, is gOing We have received geod_triticisrn, a.,th favorable and unfavorable. We -new, there is always room for im- provement but we are writing this answer some criticistn that we 1,:el should not go unanswered. We ire not, cannot compete with a 35 equipment. $pme day Lueknow. thale• have, this., -:avtaYbe .new and :vonclerful inventions will make it 2ossib1e sothier than we can. hope ight note. We are: proud of our .1 .me town, its progress through the its rink, its. school, , its Water stem to ittention only some. Sure - y there is no reason why More hie- rpierhents shall not come.- • We invite yeti, the, patrons, to • me and enjoy a good drama on the screen such as, "49th Parallel". -• • 1 11:4 14 „ ° 11-1:11tTY BFLoNy • This district had it nstomary' week -end storm, featured by an.. ex- tremely cold wave, that" 'sent • the mercury zoorning to 30 belo*. zero early Moeddy morning, according to • the official weether observer. This is by a good deal -the coldest say thiS area has had since February .9th, f04; when a recard low .of •nearlY 40 below was set. That was the Year that Many apple orchards 'weft permanently' damaged by Jack Frost, but a contributing factor at that time was the fact that from Jan- uary 26th until Meech 2nd, the tent- pera tire never rose a ve hePfreet- ing point, either day or night. • Although Monday's. terriberature was -30 belotv, Sunday was probably the colder day, with a sub -zero tem- perature and a howling Wind ,fteim the north. It reached 11 below zero On Sunday morning and thrtnighout • the day --never got above 8 below. The high. wind whipped up a bile.- zsard in the afternoon, that reed° vialbility a/most/ill' and Again erect- ically haltedmotor traffic -on° high- vea'43As that were open. The wind calmed -down on Sunday evening .and the Mercury started dewritvard to reedit 30 below, Sieb-r. zero Weather eoritinued on Monday and, at night dropped well down again, with TueSday teeming dawn- ing clear, bright and, ,enappy, but by night it was storming again. A Short time ago The entine.i .,..arried an, item ,in connection with: order Mrs, Edgar Hollyman had received from overseas for cencelled postage - stamps. -1, Ten. thousand -stamps-- were--wantede and- already 7,200 have ' been' received and for wardedto Britain. The balance of the shipment will follow when fill- ed. The respOnse, which has mime chiefly from the local public school and rural schpols in the community, has been much appreciated. • . Dance Postponed • Failure of the orChestra to reach here last Thursday, dtie to the ele- 'bents, retintrecl the postpenentent f---thee-Legieres--Valentine Dancer much to the disappointnient of quite nutriber of prospective patrons who were on bancl for the event in spite Of the weather, Village Was Divided On Annexing ith Ituion Or Bruce County When thia Village was young one of the most ContentiouS and bitterly faught'questions, was„ whether Leek - now would lie ennexedas a:portion, of Huron or Sruce, County. Situated on the Boundary lirie,• those who had property on the north side Of- 'Caripbell- street • favored Bruce County. Those an the South were equally firm in holding out for ‘'Huron ,Connty. Such . then; as Robert Orahatn, Thomas Lawrence and Jenies Somerville had holdings cal the South, while Malcolm •Cenin- bell was one of the. big property owners pri. the North side. , But here's an Interesting story of the early days in Luchnow as taken frOrn an illepteated Atlas, punished in 1880: Attended Fairs, Convention RepresentatiVes from the Luck- how- Agrivilturel- -Society at - ..the Convention held in Toronto' as wee were presi • en • o ar- rish and S. E. Robertson, James T. Lyons, president of the Dungannon Fair was also in . attendance ae a representative of that Society, While in the ,city Mr. Lyons Visited with his niece, Mrs: Fred Heath, formerly, Jessie Carmiehiel: Tqi,I$Sp; RATION BOOKS NEXT WEEK • . • • , • . ' Beginning with the first settle- ment of what is now the thriving and prosperous' Village of Lticknow we find the pioneer of the place was Eli „Stanffer, a German, who- iaalso defined to; be the first white Man; who ever crossed the Township of ...inloss. He took tip that .section of .einless on which the chief .portion af the nortnern part of "the village now stands, in the vvirrter of 1849-50, and was billowed soon afterbYWal- ter Arnistrong, who settled in Waw- , anosh,,'just east of Ithe'eVillage site; while south-west, -north-west and. north -eat respectively of what has since grown to be the village, Daniel • Webster and ,fathilyeWillia�tes- ancIT-David lienderson; and adder: ick 'Golan, settled about 1853;,'t'he. former in Astifield, the others in kinioss. The l last named 'gentleman, though by no means young when he settled here, continued to reside where he originally located till April 1879, when he died at the extreme old- age -of-one hundred, and three • Oars, a circumstance well calcula- Ted to confirm the generally con - Ceded fad of the extraordinary 'salubrity Of the climate'‘Of this sec- tion ofthe provinee. •• . • • The-distrinution of.:the new teflon_ books is scheduled to start in this district week. Distribution will be at the 1VItinicipal Office and at firg-Ciffice7AT-these two. offices distribution will .cornmence next Wednesday enchistvill eontinue • to the enofthe week. Business hours will be, frotn 10 to 12 a.m. :fritde.ittfr000mil. 130 to. 6 0:clock in the • . In Kinloss ;township the distribu- tion will be made by :school sect- ions, with ration books available at font d'eleek-olirWednesday, Titters - gay arid Friday. , • II In Ashfield arid West WaWanosh, the nearest distribution point Will be at Alton'a Store, nungaimozi. Dis- tribution at that point will be Al:in- ducted on Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday between 40 to, 12 a.m. and 1 to 6 pan. • Volueteee workers will be in Charge at all distribution centres. We upderstand, it is permissible to seCure' the new ration books at the most convenient ce3atre;but children •••inder 16 nutst not apply.• • Residents of rtiral areas may , apt - ply for their neighbor's books pro- vided No. 1 Ration Book with the attached application card is present- ed. In urban centres any ,senior or responsible member 4a household may apply on behalf 67 other mem- bers of the household. • , The serial number, including th' letters, ,must be clearly, written on the application cerd pie back of your present book. This card should be left in Ration! Hoek No, 1 for the distribution officer to tear out Your present ration book will he returned to you, aS well as the new ration boOk. • • In 1858 James Sornerville;-'Who had seVeral. years Previously settled in the, southern portion of Wawa - nosh,, ,removed • to the site pi the triliae,'inirthising'..the property of ,1VIr. Stauffer; and the s,arhe year erected the first mill in 'the Tbyvh•-• ship. of Kinloss, on the Nine Mile River, ' which flOwa through the pace. The same year. he also laid out-the:Village-plot :gave it its, pre - Sent nonie-after the city in India whose Celebrated siege by tie lerit mle-abotitthat-tini0- r one he - prominent annals of the history of the Erlipire-en, d named the streets, after-theViitish generals who dis- tinguished themselves • during the Indian war. The impetus givere,--th the Place by the building of these mills Was the real starting point of the prosperity and growth of the. village; of which Mr. Somerville it therefore legitiniately-. the founder, tholigh ziotractuAlly, the first settler. And as well as being the founder, he has been to a very great extent also the builder, die subsequent de- velopment of • Lucknow beteg as the GoVerriment to reconsider their 'portion 01 ,the *Make was in the Townships of Ashfield and Wet Wawenoih, in the CeentY ofJon, to , 'wheied emunieipal goweinnent ,the inerbrity were thereferentore close- ly attached, in addition to which, the ,‘ place is but 22miles from goderich„, the county seat of Iluroe, whereas it imiles from Walkerton, the 'county seat of Spice. , Early in 1873, a meeting called for the purpose decided to incorporate, „and the Huron-Cotinty OCanecil pass- ed a by-law assenting to such corpoeation so far as that part of 'the village within Ashfield and Via- wanosh was concerned, but stipula- ting that the new village should • form a Part of Huron County. At the same time the County' •C.caMcil: Of Bruce passed a similar by -la* in relation to the' Kink...SS portion, the , . "rider" in this case attaching the *village to:, the -County' - of •TBruceer- atherithan_harig on the-torns of, -- Ailemma thus presented to them, the rillagers sought relief from the Leg- Islature, and a SpeCial Act of In- •:orperation. Was nessed at the ses- .3ion of 1873, Which conferred the . • ?rivileges sought for, but it it an 'pen 'question to which county latiche aew should belong. The new organ, izatien commenced With January,,. 1874; end the first Village Chtmeil 2onsisted of M. Campbell, reeve; • Alex McIntyre, 1Va1ter Treleaven, thenias Lawrence and'ehas. koone- •• 044 a . . Ration book No. Ttvo will contain 15 pages 'between covers. The pres- ent book boasts eight., Tea, ,coffee and sugar CouPons have due dates printed on the back. The first of each become due March 6, Butter coupons are dateless as are the spare Caimans. Here's what the new book cep - tains in the following order: . One green Sheet of tea and toffee „cbupons, eme pink sheet of sugar coupons. Two orchid Sheets of but- ter, coupons. 1'aotir sheets of heft spare "A" ,• coupons. One sheet of blue spare ill" anipons. Tviro sheets of grey' epare "C" eottpons. One • white Sheet of instructions regarding canning sugar. One application for • eatming. One return postcard. One pharige of addreSs• pateard.. ey; c'settireillors. , - • The Ouestion of cc:1=V juri'adic- tion being left unsettled by the Act , af -Incorporation; 'accounts for the passage of the following resolution' at the second meeting Of the Catm- "Moved_ by: Cotmci-ltor Lawrence,: • seconded "by Councillor Treleaven, -theedie-Clerk'be-imtri---,--ictel-to write to the, Goevrrtor-in-Council, to have the 'Village of Lucknoiv annexed •to the County of Huron for municipal eitirposes, as this Council considers the village. disfranchised under 'the present 'tireumstanc,es.,;-Carried." • ' No. '1 of the village ap- pointed ,61ee.`T... 13iirge# Clerk. and treasurer, Which offkeerlie'difitinu- 1 *9 ed to hold till January 1st 1879. The question of tountY annexation continued to 'a.gitate the citizens for :many months after -its incorpitration-----• and• it is averred that an Order-in- sev- • ... Council was actually issued annex- ing the village to Huroiibut_n ere preasure of political influence suppressed the rrieasuke before it was gezetted; Wheeeupon the -, GOV- ernmerit serit up an agent to take .• a vote of the people on the mieetion, • when, through an alleged "crooked- ness" in the management of the poll, the Vote resulted in a tie, and :an Orden -in -Council was made annex- ing the, 'village to Bruee. Previous to the issue of the order, however,.. the Council protested to the GoVern- teent :against past (and as they , also rightly surmised, intended) proceed- ings, and. even subsequently prayed Much dee to his energy as was its inception to his enterprise. He has always been one Of the leading men in this Whole seen.* of country, both 'in respect to his 'private bush- ness and in aiding and encouraging all public enterprises. He is a' mag- istrate of many years •standing, and Was the unsuccessful candidate for the Corm -none at the general election of 1872, against Thomas Farrow, M. P. for North Huron. The' winter following Mr. Semerr ville's settlement, Mr. :M. Canipbell • arrived and opened the fleet store. At the same time also (wither of 1858-59) the: LtiCknow Post Office • was established, Mr. Campbell being coiiimissioned as postmaster, a posi- tion whiCh he has ever sine :re- tained: From this time 'forward settlers came in thick and fast, till the ex-. tent; wealth, and population of the plebe had so developed by 1.873, that steps were taken for incorporation; and in Connection -with the conium- -nuitioneofetnia-muehedesireeteresulte there was fromfirst to lasts.e much selieming, wire-pit/ling, gerryman- dering, and Sheep preen& generally, that a brief statement of the facts may not be out of place. It shotild be 1 reentioried by way of preface that the point at issue Was -whether ,the new village should belong to the Coenty, of Huron or to 8ruce. From what facts are' at Our COininand We cannot but conclude that the adva; • cates of the former Schenie, were intist Unjustly and .irbitraviise &edit • with in order to furtheirothe politiesi prestige of. parties having irifluenee at "headcivarters"-faCtS and cif.- • curn.,stances combined, pointing to the great preference Of the inajority to'be attached to the County' of Hine on. Among these "circumstances" we may tnentieri that the greater • determination; but the resolutions embodying their protest and petiticin were barren • of result,' except to: place upon record their disapproval af the arbitrary act of the Govetn- ' merit. , :Since • incorporation there have aeert but few changes in the person- nel of the Councit Mr. Campbell continued fo hold the Office of reeve till D. A. :Crimmon Was elected 'in 1878; th .latter gentleman was ;iacceeded in 1879- by George Kerr. For the current year .the municipal [ officers of the Village are: Reeve George Kerr; councillore, G. W. Berry, D. Canitibell,. Geo. holcHardy, M. Corrigere . clerk, W. H. Smith; treasurer, D. E. Cameron. , s• Although there are a number of fine'business. blocks in •Lticknow, little can be said in -praise. of its general style of, architecture. This remark, howevee, cen scarcehrapply to its private residences, ,of which there are a large number of ,hand. - some ;and efperisiye ones; spree of .-themee•'xeeptionally-ea .,. There is a Methodist, an Episco- palian and two Presbyteitan, enurch- es 'here, the former of which is the - oldeat, built in 1868; and previatia to this time the toW disearded schoet-house Was used for holding divine service, which, Previous to its ereCtion, was held in a htitel, Rev: Mr, Smith haying preached the first sermon in the place. , Lucknoer possesses superior edu- cational acivanlages; having lately.. advanced in this, regardlrom a m de- cidedly • domoplate school -house (built, by private subscription ,in consequence of the hostility of the • ,tovvriships to the enterprise) to a handsometwo-story white brick school, erected at' a, cest, including • (Conthated alt Page *We) • •