HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-02-11, Page 41.P4 "TINE wiorw, o!WTo , THIPMF.PAYtfEffiattiRY f tb,1942 for Children's Dresses and Rompers, edrooi ;Curtains or for Better Quilts TYLE SAYS•44)E SMART"..PURSE STRINGS-AIE' THRIFTY : AND mit WAR SAVINGS' CERTIFICATES", s° r ` ➢ 174go rated .,10, hand. At last year prableraf.of. ..as • fabricbat will .'stand Yip. has 'been' solved. .SPARVA IS GUARANTEED :never to 'fade, retaining its original beauty C- on tinnally SPA VA COMES .IN SHADES :of pink,; rose, yellow, two suedes in blue,'innuve, :white, reds maroon, green. 86 'inches.' wide: • Perr yard „;:....: , i. 490 en my 'Meeting s. Alex 146Wbray pre7; .0..;,II4ston.,4 emphasized ,d1SCOVer, the good in er'faulterare-thick,. Where sionary,inpWs,and As ward aFibe‘is Pril.a011. Meeting crap - have ru AN- ail' afternoon -the 4 614atie-• of it 'aitlOgamate" the next Dur- arter,-,,i Acts -6th, ChaP, verses pielrom the stUdy book Was Hdrryo,.latiVis, Mrs,' 1VIcLded dealing With*rAtiork 'ain't -mg' Italian's -and '.1411e•Liiiris that among the Germans WW1 -have adapted this country for DCA` and GENERA. Mrs. ;Bishop is a visitor at the' home of her sister, Mrs. T. W: Smith, 'Miss Hellen •Valad of Holyrcorl has aeeepted a ; position at Finlaysoxi's` store . Mr$; .Shirley end' her ,.grandson,- George Webster, were in ,Toronto last week. . Mrs: N. E. Calvert. visit fat, urday. '' with Mrs. Horace Altp do '- 'of gingham, y ; 30,000 APPLICATIONS for., `tele-' phones had to be denied b .the. Bell Telephone Company. last ,year, under the Wartime Prices and Trade..Board, 'order issued last•April. Mr. Charles Steward spent .,week in Toronto with Mr. and • Charles ,Henderson.' <' The February. meeting of'titlie '1 men's institute will bes held x Town Hall on Friday,, Febrob at 2;3O. Mrs. Jaines Cook, Who is maid; her home with -her son J F, Ce at Port Colborne, isimproving health after having been .0•06% ,1,, at Christmas tithe.. "' Mr. and Mrs. N.. E. Bell An Jean moved to ,HamEilton-on.'Friday last .where Mr. "Bushell is employed with the . Canadian . Industries Ltd IN JOHNSTCNE .BLOC$ FRIDAY 8,1:SATURD lY f 13 COME `HAVE FIJNI Misses Marjorie Puidon ef White. new are _taking a •COUrse in tele‘ graphy and typewriting at,the'leeal C. N. 'Telegraph' Office. e,GLORIA Jo, KOBERT 'STACK *, Meat Herbert kc. Aukr,ey sroi in the Prayer Circle Were Mrs. DIM:- isices of Jewel' Rebekah 'Lodge will: can Ott -theta; Angiia-G-raham-7bes.j.held':IiitIWT131.-ctr., Tuesday evening Entire preceacla for Aid'. to Russia t'tind. EVeryOne and MrS; 'Doggies Graham: Mr. Danitzbrotight the meeting to- a Close With prayer when lunch Was served by the director, Mrs. Alec McLeod. Presbyterian Guild • , The Meeting' on: MondaY evening February .8th Was ineherge of ;-:the flower comMittee. After. the opening 4Yinn,prayers mere offered by Misa-' es.Maudie fisher, Agnes'Conely and the Bible study from Mark , 1:2/- Henderion. Miss *Gladys: MacDonald avea .short talk ;on -the ,catechiSM enestien. The .topio wag divided into Marlon Graham;:, the second 'Pert", "ParMership with jefalt!' .cO• ndneteceaatt, the meeting 000; met at the";Iiinte :of Miss., Lillian Meettfig ()Oiled hy Singing ;Ninth. _40: writ__ ii.klt:SteVirartled.in,praYer... "How...t.he,,,Salvation 'Army got its kitune",. Miss ..MacLean took charge meetinteadlhe scripture lessen and offered prayer, Mrs: R. Robertson teak the topie 'from the study book '.`Wholesoine RecreatiOn", Which was very in- structive. Hymn 369 was „sung and C..Rathwell closed the meet - their 116Melatid.. Those- takmg part mg -with 'the 'benediction. Supipart the Canadian our Donations of githilt C 1wHiNG AID TO RUSSIA AID TO n'US1.1411g1:, Leive Donations at T. W. Smith's Garage ocal Campaign Ends February 15 LOCAL COMMITTEE: , Mr. Lloyd SteWart,- of 'Stratford .Was a guest i• et the hozne'of 'Mist Grace -McPherson of .Milverton over Week.:entt 'Lloyd contributed: a 'solo' at -the Morning service in the .Milvertori ' Presbyterian, phut*. rgri-e-iir,1116-11.-Treelf*iid, _here .Witt: his Mother, Mrs.' 'Undid' Naylor: ..l%tra, ,the winteri, but their return by ;di Tuesday by big:eked roads. uNIVERcAL PICTURE ApicussioN Adults 'Oer Children 15c Mining Next I OBITUARY JUYEN1LES WON MRS.: ALFRED. IttECHIE In he.a/th for the past sev- eral months, the death of Mrs, Alf in Lticknow early last WeditesdaY morning. MrS..-Ritchie who was- a patient sufferer brenchieal asthma; had been critical*: tlifo was impreved: and' her 'death • came 'somewhat tuielipeCted/y. Lyla Little, was in her 48th year. She .was a daughter of Mr. John : and the .late 1Virt. Little and was horn ,at .1Cirdotigh. 'Later the moVecl to the J.J.:Siiiitlilarre east ef Lucknow where, they re. moving tO Listowel, where Mr. and Mrs. 'Ritchie ' were married twelve years ago on Chr.is_tmas Eve. Since :then they have re,sided -in ,Lticithaw arid at St. Helens.: The funeral .serVice *at held in the LtiektiaW on•Saturclai afternoon, conducted by Rev. C. H. MacDonald. Interment' was in Greenhill ' Cemetery With Prank Graham., Archie - Aitchison, 'Andrew Ritchie and A. 4., Wilsoe- aCting as pallbearers: Besides her serif:Wing himband :andrage&father,_Mra-Ritchie_: Ayr- vived by two- brothers; Gordon of Ottawa____and_Jolut, of. ,Toronto and one sister, Mrs. Mildred Siddall ef • Found stricken at .his honie Wednesday. morning with a severe' paralytic seizure, Angus M.a0Kenzie, .verigrable resident of the Village, on Menday evening, Mr. MaCKenzie, who was 75 yeart ;the late- MurdOch MacKenzie and Mary Beaton, pioneer ,Settlers in Kinloss Township whii cleared the farm now owned by Allister -Hughes, Later the fend* lived•near water and at Kincardine, before Angus returned to LuelcnoW to, en - :‘gage in the bakery besiness here, Which he disposed of • ta the" late The •DePartinent, of National De; anctboneaWas-piaced last veceibber. In '1907..1'x/fr.-Sap- lehce has 'Made the 'follOWing an- too,,mueh importance Cannot be at- Kenzie then moVed to Taranto .40enceinent votb reterindetti recent tacherrtoithit se:erningly propaic job; where he followed hit trade for :-riereates' in ,dependent'S ',416Witnegi they, say; ) : • • , many years. His wife predeceased about '15 years ago, and after anid _ArMy Avittinidennatal;P„,401.•iriat iattiota acnadnbaajaens th4iille a eith of hiS sister Margaret in , included ,iikorieice vketows for, le- :sa.ve6; atter by, his kind' and genial itianneem January. EffectiVe'fiOnt:January let;. eVerinially add to trengthened old-friendahiP tits and t943, it amounts 'to .0:4046ira Wife deadly; larepartioneltlor Hitler and s ariy new friends. eethusiastic curler in his with children 'for whorn dependente Tide ,cainiiiiigrf. is a' year-round,. allowarides are. in force. younger days, Mr.' MacKenzie was Prapatitkat and :Must be sustained .,"wdysTE ,b10 FAT" IS SALVAGE *este no fat" the Plea of Nat. 'ionalAalkage. anthorities in 'Ottawa HEIVFIRST GAME Aixiii an" Vricl# 'night in- Kincardine, to' nose ont the Laketidersa.3-2 and win %the „wenn& gaMe of the On- tario Miner liockeY'juventle series It, 'was , a4belated opener due to highviray cenditions in January, and believe it or mat the game Was play- ed:on Soft ice, ai a result of a bright mighty rare this winter. , In spite' of Om slushing 'around,. the lads dished up an' entertaining tUsale, that Wat anybody's battle.' Kincardine . igoing into the third, but, lettnr Havens . broke, the goose -egg in short. Order. Ab dhin gat .*-the tying ''connt and brother" George ."Porky", made a- niCe Play to net the winning counter. , Bill•A.-Johneton turned in a good gressiirefiess was the "bad Man". of the nighta The .10cals served some 'are penalties While' the Kincardine team. escaPed the hoosegoW ail night. A. Johnsten, Purves; 1st line, , Ab Chin; Geofge Chin, 'Roy 'Havens; Alt,- Bili Treleaven, Ronald MeTrintesir'Elmeif, Culbert . and Eddy • belated entry into :the 0.4.1. A. Juvenile series, *hich new includes Kincardine, Luclumw and Winghani and- Makes a Much improVed group. A new schedule has been drafted, to conclude on Febitiary 22nd, when the twn top teams will piay‘off ,for :The new" ‘tchedule agreed upon Feb. "5,r-Lucknaw _at Kincardine. Feb, 10L -Kincardine at Luekridow,, Feb. 12-rWirighant at' Kincardine. .Feb. 19-4Winghain, at LUcknow. 'Feb: 22—Kincardine at Wingham. Game Postlioned The juvenile hockey game Which as716-11ave----olverred--the ace here lett:Wednesday-night was post- *Med, when a late afternoon blow ,phigged up roads very quickly and 'Made it intipoesible for the Kincar- dine boyd to get through. They were tiVere4iighty,,-#04•W*ri and :head 'were to have been featured in a pre- hminary *Min Of tbfrcit54* bill, but they too 0100 make it. : t▪ hird and fourth child, amounting to $1.00 And $2.00 respectively. 'The, ,incre.asedtallaWarice for Vie fifth and .3bctli. children will -not be inCluded in. the January, cheque, Mit *ill. be Paid by supplementary cheque if the dependent has corapleted and Crass thetkariinfon, in every house - old; -inathe2eitie*and_tewns and on the larms, from fweek to week' for the atiation of tite 'war until victorY among the first to join the newly apparent excellent health and quite Light OO dar colored rendered ness and death Caine at a shock to fats are equally tacCentable for the his friende here. purpose, required in the National h A public spirited gentleman he • was alwa s interested in recreation - returned the required forms to the 'pause dark ColOtal do not reduce the al enterprises and at the tithe the new arena was built, prior to his return to Luclmaw, donated $25.00 to the building fund. - A faithful member of the Luck-. now Presbyterian church, the fun- eral service will be held there this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2.30 with interment in South Kinloss Cem- etery. ROBERT G. WELLW,OOR Mc. Robert S. Wellwood passed' away at Winnipeg 'General Hospittd en Tuesday, January 26tli nearing the close of his 74th year. He viat a son of the late Mr. and MO. Wm. Wellwood and wilt a native at the Betbel community, loCated between St. Helens and Fordyce, where he attended school also ehurah. During his 'early manhood he made several business 'flips to Man- itoba where afterwards he made his home and married Miss Isabel Mus- tard of Gladstone, Man. He engaged in. farming and, the general store business then 'branching out in 'to the threshing machinery Wholesale as salesman, collector and branch inanage.r. In this capacity he liVed in Yorkton, Sask, .Vancouver, C, also Brandon and , Winnipeg; Man. United Church, a Maton and in pet, Ries Censervative. He is survived daughters, all living the weit. -Mr, brother' and the late Mra. Frank Howson Was a sister. Interment' wai at Winnipeg, Thursday, January 28. Dependents' Allowance Iktard at Ot- tawa. -Any increase .in 'pay assignMents froin recent pay amendments dates from FebruarY 1st and 'will be. hi, chided in the dependent's checine at the end of February or by suPple- nientary cheque at the stune•time or early in March. • Dependents receiving allowances ire requested to refrain frbni'lend, as • the. volume, of work involved in making the pay cheques is . large and inquiries will 'hamper ,And per- haps delay preparation of paYments. ONLY ONE LICENSE .PL,ATE • 'The impression exists that on pur;; Chase of 1943 car marker, the froM plate for 1942 Mutt be left mi the. car: Advice has been received that such it n8t the situation. in ihe first place it is not legal to have.niarkers for two different years on the veh- icle. The 1943 plate, affiXed to the rear of the .car, is the Only plate which should be on the vehicle. The number of 1942 plate, appears on 1943 license cards'. so that there is 'no 'difficulty about gasoline ration books. PUBLIC SCHOOL rums lit South Porcupine have "adopted" a nucilber of afi-gaiIirfFiaiers-of-wa`r.- They write them letters and send small gifts that may be sent through a selected list ef 'Canadian firres,, to supplement the Red Cross toed par - rcerme content of fat, although saved are likelyAto ,spoil it. be kept in a cacti place at all timet, o that they do 'not become raneid. Rancid fat yielda less glyberine. No More Chtistntas. Paper •From 'nom; On 'Women 'Will have a chance to exhibiA their ingenuity in Creating pretty Christmas packages ith nothing but i:dain paper. Menu-, ings has -.been ,fOrbidden by the PriceS and Trade Board. ✓ produced in Canada 'in normal times approximates $200,000 annu- • LUCKNOW UNITED -CHURCH SUNDAY, FEritUARy 14th Chilthen's Story—Dragon's Junior the 7.44 li.M.--tSubieet, "Christ's Wpx Savihp STAIVIPS • Read the:story ef Adam' Worth "Emperor of the Underivorld", in: thit Sunday's instalment of "Man - minting with the Pinkertonsw in the Anierican Weekly with The Detroit Sunday Times. Be ture to get this AUSTRALIAli 7-FRONTENAC SERVIETTES -- WAX' PAPER ,ROLLS For Horne dr Lunch Rot ..401aErFt:LEIvxthiraileS4h°7:15:4_, HFECurOlooneletrri t hcr'bsF111 ni2(17-tua a ra roa le renesn:0' shat:F 1: 011 d :97 m 'eSt roo tt°205;;Tes: Ink' AL BENNY TO ENTERTAIN TROOS IN CANADA' Jack , Benny, and hie radio, Vag. NBC broadcast frOm the CBqe,con- I3enny's .Visit to Canada wilt 'be part of his extensive tour of armed forces camps which he is enter- taining troops. It is underttOed that atOO:OOS t. to ,de.' one Of- hiS Weekly braadcasts. from Toronto' since he says he gets more andience from that city than from any Other city ori the continent. Since worcrgot out that th0S-nnY trtrupe-was-cornieg-to Toronto; Can- - questt_for_ticketsaior_theslitev. CRC officials state that no tickets will be available to the general ,pgblic. The yeason for this is that Benny • has specified he will broadcast only befere audiences made up of .men • • and woMen of the Various armed • CHEK -ORDER 'YOUR .Chicks .EARLY, AND BE SURE , OF *DELIVERY • spicw. DISCOI:INT ON FARM( ORDERS We Qin Fill Your Order,. For ANY BREED & ANY CFt.OSS oini FINANCE PLAN s poi reliable farmers, we will sup* lest with Rog Chow at to- day's Cath Price, pay when tbie Hags, go to market—no carrying, Loine MacLennan 'Phone '77-w Lucknow. The Dungannon Valley tore Stock tiomt- and err eine OftAtteXt Atte/