HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-02-11, Page 30
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Lyceum : Moatre
i Two bSbowa t. Saturday Night
' inrsday► `Friday, Saturday.
L February 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
„a; * *
For 'art' -evening of `mirth see
this pieture.
Also "Andy Clyde"
,' "Cartoon" "News"
Matinee Sat. ,Afternoon 2.30
Monday, 'Tggsc>iay, 1+Yediiesday-,,.
Febru'ai.. 1S, 16, 1.7
*• * in. * * ._ .
'abllet spinater.
Also "•Short Subjects"
Suffered; Fractured Shoulder.
While • earrying mals on R.R. 4
Ripley, • John . McDonald - had . his
shottlder broken:. The horse he was
driving :^'t ecathe frightened • at • an
ed" bridge on the.. 6th -concession.
eDonald' got' out 'of • the euit
Hydro. Home Economist • wee
Hello Homemakers! St., Valentine
:drops hjstarrow on Sunday this year
—a home ' day for most of us and
week end leave for many, in uni-
form. Don't forget that home 'is a
treasured place to' 'those prt active
servjce . and . those .'frons' distant
places .'are' eager to learn, whether
`Ove dr, things like their •folks. • So do.
invite them to your home if you can.
How , about an afternoon buffet
luncheon? For late risers—and that's
Most of u5 -it's.
.easier. be Planned -
forehedd, it will not take long to
prepare; arid ,there will..be more time -
for visiting,.. The family, too, will
like some Valentine Day atmos-.:
So; With hearts for shape and red
for Color, see how you can• contrive
a festive effect without expense. At
one end •ef the table stack the plates,
arranging the silver in rows..on each
side of them; put your tray of cups
and. saucers at the other end.. ;Food
for the mam course pis placed •nea
thep teles; andethe;deasert=mearthe
dessert dishes at one side; on the
of -her side, butter- crisp; roils- or Vit
arnin ee bread. 'When ,it's time .for
food—everyone ily', helps,.himself
You'll' wind, tip by saying, "Well, it
was a Valentine party, wasn't it?"
'1. The appetizer' will be tomato juice
• with a squeeze'ofi.lemon juice in
it and just . for today serve a
few , canapes with eachglass
- (spread crackers with pimento
cheese arepickled onion slices).
GG•lorifiethe-tie-in-cdurse kidney-
-: bean..cas-serole with. a bowl of,.
greens s tossed together with
tart dressing. A ,new idea is to
make up a corsage; for eae i
r;...-- om'bine e
gg_ Mwklite,. „Coen. syrup,_
sugar, cream. ;of tartar and salt in
topepart . of `double. boiler.. Mix thor_e
oughly.. Place ever' rapidly boiling
water and beat constaiftly until mix-
' ture holds 'a.peak (about 7 minutes).
Reinove from 'heat; beat until cool
and thick enough to spread. Makes
enough frosting for top and filling
of two 8 -inch . layers.
Apple Cup Salad
. " Core• the apples.. Scoop , o pulp
to make apple .cups. Fill bowl
with cord water. and . as eachle
cup is made put the Cup he
evater::Dice-enougli celery -teeming'.
Marble .Cake
2 cups all=purpose •flour, 21'
' asps. baking powder, ' 1/2 tsp,
salt, one-third cup shortening,
V2 ct sugar,. r/a cup corn syrup,
2 . egga, 2 cup. milk, 2,;tsps,, red ,
• , -coloring, 2•. tsp. lemon extract.
Sift flour, meaeure; 'add baking
powder and salt; sift again..' Cream
shortening, add sugar 'gradually;
beat until:light and fluffy; add ' fia
wring. Add sy..fup` gradually and
thorou hl 'blend in well=beat-
g. Y.
en yolks. Add dry ingredients ' al-
ternately , with emilk , and -flavoring,
beating after• each addition. Fold in,
.stiffly beaten whites; divide, batter;,
add red eolorin� '•to one
g ' part. Put
batters in 'greased pan by spoon-
fuls. Bake in"'electric oven at '.350
degrees for 40 minutes.'
Victory Frosting' .
1 egg white; le cup corn
syrup, 2 tbs. sugar, 2, tsp. cream- '
"-of tartar, .% tsp. •.salt, 111/2 tsps.
'arld'took 'the horse by the head. and .
" tried to lead
"him Th e -horse swan
his head and due ,to:the th
; a .heavy roads
Mr. 'McDonald was thrown against
the bridge. The horse'`.stopped. and
• Mr:. : McDonald got hold of the ' reins
and'drove into. Ripley `where ':;the
•sltoulder`vtras'set"' by, Dr. D. Carpe-n--
eto: `Mr `McDonald had just missed
three mail: deliveries in ,all -the
guest.' Using' small. lace doily
Stick "in,match thin, pieees 'of car-
rot, buds of radishes; florets of
cauliflower, slivers. •bf turnip &
.sprigs of parsley. 'Perfume with
salt before „lacing on a loge or
wooden tray.
3. 'The dessert theme is cherry tarts;
GATE REGEIP`rS at Teeswater kale • ' using spice' pastry for the oc-
amonnted to almost $3,500 and total cession. Or a pink and white
receipts exceeded $6000: Major ex- marble cake served With cherry-
penditures were prize. money -flavored
$2500 and War .Charity':donations of 4. Your home -canned fruit juices
$1447. The' Society_closedthe year may be eked out 'with charged
with :86 ^cents•` in the treasury,' but :. water to 'substitute for a ration -
with -assets of over $10,000,
ed beverage,', -
one. --half ;apple pulp.'. - Mix ,;celery
and aRpl
e ppulA with 1cup
cheese .or cream cheese: Blend with:
salad dressing. Dry apple cups and
fill with mixture. Serve on 'crisp
bends of lettuce: -
Mee. G. G. •asks: '"Is it possible.
to make the' Butter Spread with only
whole:nest Instead ef—evapora
milk?" •
Answer. Yes, soften the 1 pound
butter and gradually beat in 1 pint
of milk and one-third tsp. salte It
:will take longer. to beat". ' •
Mrs. M. M. asks: "What can;; you
do .with !`.rubbery' beets?"
Answer:' Soak' in cold water over
night: ''Shred be a` grater and 'eook
in enough water merely' to cover.
•......... - . ,....... mmM,+nrsa.mm'.. -- RES ER %E-D7r p ' S P D
Ermers, fishermen and ,rocs:-raisers',wo 1d.labour
in vain to supply food to the United Nations, were
k not''for the added labour of those who prepare,
• pteserve;'park and ship the food,
Thousands of Canadian men ,and women are doing
a most necessary job of converting live and . raw
products .to usable, transportable food for millions
of'.fighting men and civilians overseas. In es'titnat-
Jog'the value of various 'tasks in the total war effort,
much creak should be given to the workers in the
THE __.
Published eveiry Tli'tiraday. 'morning
at. L.ucknow, 'Ontario.
Publisher and Proprietor
THURSDAY, FE$11UJARY 11th,1942
QBy A. "M. Nicholson, M.P.
A special department has been
established in ' Ottawa to deal with
the., causes., and. effects' of :regime
Which eorigipate-. in , different parts
�f the`•Dominion.
Hitler'.ilas used wild meteors ef-
fectively es • an instrument of war --
'fare since his rise to ,power in. Ger-
many. His . theory has been that . th
Wildest ru ors
m if :repeated fre
enough, will •weaken Ili
morale of his enemies. • '
When the war •news was leis fav
?rableT then it_ ,ie _et. Preemie man
incredible . rumors went. the round
'n ' different parts of Canada. When
a ' submarine appeared at a give
point, the story 'that one vessel had
been sunk very. soon was"repeated
and 'a dozen boat were alleged to
have been the; victims of the U-boat
When -investigated, net a single tol
had been taken.
-- f ilieGeemarteactuallyedid --Come
ashore froth a submarine, but rumor
had .the•., n'umbet;o Germans up. to
200. . • •
Theie has' been a report that when
pians at the air training centres.
finish a' flight the •gasoline is. drain -
,ed onto the .ground: When the de=
partment investigates, it' is found
that. ; some disgruntled 'airman has
:had 'an 'unpleasant - experience at ,a
given centre; aid uses his, imagina-
tion, to :arouse sympathy At some
f ' 'the centres they have' under-
;round• tanks.where the 'gas'oline is
impel' While the machines -are over-
hauled. There has .not ' been •a single
ce verified to '
indicate. that
gasol tie is wasted by draining good .
^asoline onto the ground:
Since •the news from, the,, various
battle ' grounds has ..become more
cheerful, the'rumor 'factory has been.
at a great, ' disadvantage:, Less; than
half the stories that *ere,'concocted
six months ago are now being inan-
e' The department also .follows close-
ly the broadcasts originating in.Ger-
many and Vichy.;1y analyzing the
content of the enemy'broadcasts and
xoxnparing theJumors: that 'are based
on the information given, they are
able to find the areas where German
propaganda is having its effects.
Letters 'which'' come to . German
prisoners of war from their parents
and friends_in-Germany also provide
some „indication of the thinking in
Germany: While the .'-n ajority Who
write seem to feel• obliged to'pay
tribute -to ..' the '.'Feeh"r-e—otassionally
letters come through indicating that
the German people are tired of the
iacar and' -er.e_dissatisfied-with-Cone
ditions in •general. • ,
Charles McQuillin of the -R C. A.
It . C. .who has been home on fur=
Lough left for • Vancouver, B.C. oh
'Friday: • •
Messrs. Murray Taylor and Allan
Miller 'of the , Y.M.C.A. canteen ' at
Port Albert were-•horne for the week
The February meeting 'of the' Wo-
men's 'Institute was held in .the. com-
munity Hall with.'Mrs. Ball presid
ing and With •16 ladies 'present: Let-
ters of 'thanks for Christmas parcels
were 'read from -Angus -McDonald,
Frank McQuillin . and Goldwin Pur-
ves. The report _ of the 'Red Gross
work was :given and sewing .and
knitting_ were given~ out: It was
.agreed to donate the quilts on hand
to the Russian relief and an appeal.
was ' made for • good used clothing
he for' the Russia relief. Friday, Febru-
e-. ary 19th.was the . date set for the
Red' Cross i`ltin Mr .
eu s. ill
q g• titli-
erford•'f read a ;poem ."Housewives`°.
-, hnd Mrseleall gave a reading !Vilest -
y. _ling.in . Nem:We:A .very. interesting.
s ' review of the story "Remember him
Chore" was • given by .. Mrs. ' Stanley
n' Todd. Arrangements •were made. for
an At Horne on Friday .evening next.
A good program is being prepared'
and, 'proceeds will be for patriotic
• purposes. Ladies please bring lunch.
1 At the conclusion lunch was served
by the ,hostesses, Mrs. D. ,Todd, Mrs.
e _W 1 .Miller .and Nies. 'Them.
Mr. Harold Taylor has Wee e to
Port Albert .'where ._ lie. will, -be em-
ployed in - the-'.Y.M.C.A. 'canteen.
The weekly Meeting • of the Y.P.U.
was 'held: on . Monday ' evening at
Stanley Todd's 'With a good atten-
dance:..Mrs. Teen, Todd, missionary
convener, was in charge. The scrip-
ture' lesson was' read 'by Mrs, W. 1.
Miller and a • reading "The message'
that wasseriee was given ber Mrs.
Gordon. McPherson:.The topic from
the. study ,book on the church, the
.city' and the non -Angle -Saxons was
taken by Mr -s. Tod& The; next meet-
ing will take theform of a Ste 'Va•I-
_ntine social .cal next Holiday at Earl
Durnin's. ,
In the years before wai was de-•
clared, , GeI•man propaganda agencies
spent fabulous sums of money so
that they would have in potential
enemy countries agencies that would'
sow' seeds of discontent.
The parsonage of Victoria Street
United church, Godericli, was the
scene of a !quiet wedding at tine
o'clock Thursday .afternoon when
Rev. A. 'J`. McKaye united in mar-
riage Lilian Margaret, third eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Sproul, eonceseion 3, West Wawa-
r ash, near Dungannon, . and Mr.
^harles. Wesley McNee, youngest
son of . Mr, and Mrs. •,oss McNee,
^oncession 2, West Wawanosh. The
"`ride, who' was unattended, *ore
a becoming street -length dress' of
blue crepe and coat of blue boucle
with fox' ttim with blue accessories.
Mr. and Mrs. McNee 'Ieft for a short
honeymoon in' ±oronto, On their re -
te=n they will reside on the bride-
roemts farm.
Carmen United -Church, Toronto,
was the scene of a Weddiegg when
Miss ' Genevieve Noecker, , daughter
of Mr. and Mts. K. O: Noecker, of
Daytoli,._ ee.arne_the .bride.. of- Fly
ing Officer David Hornell, son of
Trs. Hornell and the :late H. A.
ee, eer-eenelle-oteetimieo ierr e-Ae-Ar�^
lhur Steed, of Toronto, fbrmerly''of
Brayton, performed the ceremony:
a bride, given in marriage.by her
father, 'was attended by her sister;
iss Audile' Meeker. ' AC2. ' Bill
erornell; brother' of the groom; was
est man. Alton Noecker, brother
:f' the bride, and. Douglas McKech:
ie, cousin of the groom, were ush
ere After a short honeymoon, Fly-
eg' Officer- and . Mrs. Hornell will
l elide .at the. West Coast.,
Pryer 1?or Re„vl'val.
canning, dehydration, curing, packing, reftigerating
and shipping industries.
"Bacon .for Brittain"? Yes, bur also canted- salmon --'
and dried fruits and evaporated milk for Britain and'
our allies overseas.
The. Bank of Montreal is working With all war -time
industries and their workers:by supplyying the kind
nt banking service needed --through, hundreds o#'
conveniently located°branches. . - -
B• Al I if or tit T 11 11 111 IL
A DANK w VC�,t:blalEu .
MODERN, EXPERIENCED 'BANKING SERVICE ,' the Oatcarne of 123'Year' Sta ntf tl Op ttat;oss
Lucknaw Bratlfh: V. N. "PREST, Manager
The Prayer Meeting for, revival
will he he'Id this Friday evening at'
7,30 o'clocky The Bible reading class
under the, leadership. of Rev. Robt:
1VIacConnell w�i.11 meet at 8 p.m. The
portion of scripture, to ' be covered
this Week is' 'St. la'tthew chapters:
8 to 21. Old and young %re invited
to conte and bring your Bibles and
any questions which -yeti 'wotlld like'
AW1. Hoffman, W. le:, R-C:AF:,
training at Trenton, forihierly -o-f
Dunnville, visited her ncle, Mr.-
affil__ lU rc�Iglwrt 131, tree-lastewe lr�
Visitors over the- week -end with
Mr. -and' Mrs. Thomas, Dickson Sr.
were H. W.^Bryan of • Ipperwash,
Miss `Minnie Dickson, R.N.,. Goder-
ich,• also Miss Noreen Taylor, their
granddaughter of Thamesford who
is a bank employee on vacation and
who is remaining longer' with them.
Fus. Irvine•: Eedy, •Niagara -on -the -
Lake spent, the week -end with, his
parents, Mr..and. Mrs. IL J. L. Eedy:
St. ;Valentine DeY on Sunday will
mark the 61st wedding anniversary
of Mr. 'and Mrs: Abram Culbert of
Dunganrione Vffee areglad_to know--
nowthey are, enjoying fairly good health.
Congratulations and best wishes for.
(continued health arid ha • •mesa.
- les - - - ies- ' ergaret 1 ickson who ' is,
taking a business course ee Goderich
spent the week -end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dickson Jr.
Mr. Everett Errington is• nursing
his . right hand after having it sev-
erely, . jammed-- in the, stable by a
cattle beast 'pushing the door on it
as "he went to close the door_ One
evening 'last week. ' -
AC1 Bill Caesar, training .at•Cen-•
tralia, is on 14 days' •leave. He spent
the. last week visiting at New York
Bind Montreal and 'expects to spend
the remainder with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Caesar. • -
, Mrs; Wm. Wilson' on Con. 6 who
has not been very' well and. staying
at the - home of her son, Mr. Jame.
Wilson,, is much improved and ha
returned home:
,Mrs; W. R. Farrier'spent the week
end with her daughter, Miss Winne -
feed Farrier of Toronto:
Mrs, Lorne Durnin and little son
Ross of St. Helens visited last Fri-
day with her mother . Mrs. A David
Kennedy. , •
The Young WoMen's auxiliary Will
hold their meeting Friday afternoon
,at the home of Mrs. Dawson Craig.
The Y.P:S..of• the • United church
invited the Y.P.S. of the -Presby-
terian church to their .social on Fri-
day eveningt They .played progres-
siete-crokieole_and•-Chinese checkers -
then • they showed lantern slides on
Mission - - work around Labrador
lunch was served and all' had . an
enjoyable evening. "-
Miss Doris McClenaghan,
of the Women's Division, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCleiiaghan-
and who has 'been stationed at Leth-
bridge, Alta., , is home on two weeks'
leave When she returns lithe will
be stationed at Rivers, Manitoba
and her brother, Sgt. Melvin Me=
Clenagnan of Stratford was home
-for the week -end, but we 'are sorry
to, report he took ill, and he has the
measles, We hope for a speedy re-
We are' pleased to.report Mr. Jos-
eph Tiffin Sr. returned home' from
Winghani Hospital oii Monday of
this week. Mrs. Tiffin spent a few
days last week with Mrs, George
Tiffin of . Wingham to, be near her
husband while in hospital.
We are !sorry to report Mrs. David
Kennedy is not as well as she wasex'
scrned froth, thisportion. ofl- the last 'Week. We hope .for a • speedy'
es•' recovery'.':
' ,
armers of Bruce
tizt bE bout ht
and' paid for
- Our lives are,enthe keeping of our
armed forces. We must provide'them
w_ti, food 'and the munitions ' of war.
Nothing eve can do will equal their •
• sacrifice. Save every dollar you can
to foobuyd: ships, tanks, .guns, planes and
.. ,
Invest every dollar you can spare in
HOL k000 y. Mildred Pinnell, •• chorus by 10th '
•... Con. "school, solo by .Mr. Robe Mc- •
eelefiss teelene ,lad "weiitele muck
.• w on Monday to assist in. •Finlay
ilio,. store:
Messes Grace McKiniiorii and Mar
- re MacDonald' attended,,.the - A
Mme at Stratford on .Friday night
Vire end Mrs: Wm. Eadie and Mr.
. Eadie spent. Saturday at Mr. Cha
alae. rs__at Wroxeter. Mrs Eadie
vet) spent the 'past sixweeks her
e mined-:€er a' visit.
Dextald,• vialin duet -by Messrs Mark -
Johnston stop and Eldon Eckensw"illei• ac-:'
- hers
atthe piano.Vocal
MisseompaniedbMissLillian Carruth-
, Elliott and Mr. Lloyd'John-
the journal compiled by: Mr.
• Richard. Baker end_ Mrs. Vm: Eadie
was read by Miss Grace McKinnon:
s The program :closed with God Save
the Ring. The rentaind r •of the ev
enin was spent 'in dan�in .
g & 'Tanen .
-��*•as-'seg-v�u�.i-col%� . ' ,as oxen . .
- to help, defray, expenses. .
•Tie 11.W.I..held then• annual At
Home in Holyrood hall on Thursday
evening February 4th. Eachnietnber
was to invite some guests ,so a splen-
did crowd was in attendance. The
program opened with a chorus by
tee school, a'few remarks of •wel-
come by the chairlady Mrs. Howard
Harris, 'piano,, solo by Miss Eileen
Elliott, piano duet, by MissEileen
, Miss Grace McKinnon spent Wed,
.esday „evening 'at Mr. and Mrs
Oscar .Keiffer's.
Mr.' and Mrs. Reggie,; Broom and
'iaiy!R spent Sunday evening at; Mr.
e"r.. and Mrs. Roger Corrigan were
_ :ert visitors .at • Mr.. James Baker's.
l''ec are sorry to reeor••t that Mrs.
-alad has beenco effned - to the
house. since Christmas • threatened
wiSth t astoid, but -we are pleased to
know she is. .improving. ,1
HAS.T. Pocl _. dramatic.._soriety
will present their play "Aunt Susie
shoots the Works" in Teeswater on
Friday evening., -• '
Mr. Joseph. 'Hodgkinson of . Sarnia
was a recent visitor with:his• father.
1Vir. J. B: Hodgkinson here.
Members of the Women's Inti-
, tate .entertained their families and
friends ' at their. annual "At Home"•
in the Township Hall on Thursday
evening last. A much- enjoyed pro- ,
.gear- was given, after :which lunch
was served anda few hours dance • •
with music by Carrfuthers.orchestra.,
- ' ,13; r - 'i nk Gurrie-o petawaw
••ent a few days at his home here-'
Mr, and Mrs. Cliff"Bortherick of
e•-• t.Catherines spent• the week -end
With itheir, parents Mr. and Mrs.
A. Borthwick, Kincardine and Mr.
and Mrs. James Hodgins here. -
Mrs. X Does your 'husband 'talk
in his sleep? • = ". " ' "
Elliott and Mrs, Bill Graham, re.:. • Mrs. 'Y;• 'No, and it's very exas-
citation by Ronnie Graham, . solo. by Aerating. He just grans".
a r
rktit •
_ for.
Your . tele` 'one is part of a vast interlockingsystem now
miming an abnormal wartime load: Don't let eedics* delays
.hold up messages on which production efficiency may .depend.
OTHER ". distinctly. directly into
the iuouth iece. SPEAR.
A 1 S W`E R prOinptly whew she
' bell rings: ,
BE BRIEF. Clear„ your line for
the next Gill. ,
UsE;ori-ritLAK honrs for your
Dista c Calle.
theirs i 1!
. . � llYe tliiit�C� raM' fook•tr7jtJaa. tat
b on 6,500,000 daily telephone
ca11t, tkey nee 'nee? importmt•
• e.
'' ,t�N
On .Stce