HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-02-11, Page 30 • • tllbAY,R>�Jl1Y'�ith,1942 • e. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LVCKI4OW, i t4TAftid 0 • Lyceum : Moatre : Wi NGHAM i Two bSbowa t. Saturday Night 0.YA ' inrsday► `Friday, Saturday. L February 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 JOAN'"BENNETT F'RANCHOT TONE „a; * * ''f(E TAKES A FLYER For 'art' -evening of `mirth see this pieture. Also "Andy Clyde" ,' "Cartoon" "News" Matinee Sat. ,Afternoon 2.30 Monday, 'Tggsc>iay, 1+Yediiesday-,,. Febru'ai.. 1S, 16, 1.7 MARYORJE MAIN, LEE BOWMAN° *• * in. * * ._ . "TISH" 1Vlaayv=il'�b'erts-�eaeelea�t's 'abllet spinater. Also "•Short Subjects" Suffered; Fractured Shoulder. While • earrying mals on R.R. 4 Ripley, • John . McDonald - had . his shottlder broken:. The horse he was driving :^'t ecathe frightened • at • an ed" bridge on the.. 6th -concession. eDonald' got' out 'of • the euit Mr. By ANNE ALLAN ie Hydro. Home Economist • wee VALENTINE BUFFET LUNCH • Hello Homemakers! St., Valentine :drops hjstarrow on Sunday this year —a home ' day for most of us and week end leave for many, in uni- form. Don't forget that home 'is a treasured place to' 'those prt active servjce . and . those .'frons' distant places .'are' eager to learn, whether `Ove dr, things like their •folks. • So do. invite them to your home if you can. How , about an afternoon buffet luncheon? For late risers—and that's Most of u5 -it's. .easier. be Planned - n forehedd, it will not take long to prepare; arid ,there will..be more time - for visiting,.. The family, too, will like some Valentine Day atmos-.: So; With hearts for shape and red for Color, see how you can• contrive a festive effect without expense. At one end •ef the table stack the plates, arranging the silver in rows..on each side of them; put your tray of cups and. saucers at the other end.. ;Food for the mam course pis placed •nea thep teles; andethe;deasert=mearthe dessert dishes at one side; on the of -her side, butter- crisp; roils- or Vit arnin ee bread. 'When ,it's time .for food—everyone ily', helps,.himself You'll' wind, tip by saying, "Well, it was a Valentine party, wasn't it?" it?" TAKE A TIPS • '1. The appetizer' will be tomato juice • with a squeeze'ofi.lemon juice in it and just . for today serve a few , canapes with eachglass - (spread crackers with pimento cheese arepickled onion slices). GG•lorifiethe-tie-in-cdurse kidney- -: bean..cas-serole with. a bowl of,. crispreek greens s tossed together with tart dressing. A ,new idea is to make up a corsage; for eae i r;...-- om'bine e gg_ Mwklite,. „Coen. syrup,_ sugar, cream. ;of tartar and salt in topepart . of `double. boiler.. Mix thor_e oughly.. Place ever' rapidly boiling water and beat constaiftly until mix- ' ture holds 'a.peak (about 7 minutes). Reinove from 'heat; beat until cool and thick enough to spread. Makes enough frosting for top and filling of two 8 -inch . layers. Apple Cup Salad . " Core• the apples.. Scoop , o pulp to make apple .cups. Fill bowl with cord water. and . as eachle cup is made put the Cup he evater::Dice-enougli celery -teeming'. ut a app in RECIPES Marble .Cake 2 cups all=purpose •flour, 21' ' asps. baking powder, ' 1/2 tsp, salt, one-third cup shortening, V2 ct sugar,. r/a cup corn syrup, 2 . egga, 2 cup. milk, 2,;tsps,, red , • , -coloring, 2•. tsp. lemon extract. Sift flour, meaeure; 'add baking powder and salt; sift again..' Cream shortening, add sugar 'gradually; beat until:light and fluffy; add ' fia wring. Add sy..fup` gradually and mix thorou hl 'blend in well=beat- g. Y. en yolks. Add dry ingredients ' al- ternately , with emilk , and -flavoring, beating after• each addition. Fold in, .stiffly beaten whites; divide, batter;, add red eolorin� '•to one g ' part. Put batters in 'greased pan by spoon- fuls. Bake in"'electric oven at '.350 degrees for 40 minutes.' Victory Frosting' . 1 egg white; le cup corn syrup, 2 tbs. sugar, 2, tsp. cream- ' "-of tartar, .% tsp. •.salt, 111/2 tsps. vanilla. 'arld'took 'the horse by the head. and . " tried to lead "him Th e -horse swan g his head and due ,to:the th ; a .heavy roads Mr. 'McDonald was thrown against the bridge. The horse'`.stopped. and • Mr:. : McDonald got hold of the ' reins and'drove into. Ripley `where ':;the •sltoulder`vtras'set"' by, Dr. D. Carpe-n-- eto: `Mr `McDonald had just missed three mail: deliveries in ,all -the guest.' Using' small. lace doily Stick "in,match thin, pieees 'of car- rot, buds of radishes; florets of cauliflower, slivers. •bf turnip & .sprigs of parsley. 'Perfume with salt before „lacing on a loge or wooden tray. 3. 'The dessert theme is cherry tarts; GATE REGEIP`rS at Teeswater kale • ' using spice' pastry for the oc- amonnted to almost $3,500 and total cession. Or a pink and white receipts exceeded $6000: Major ex- marble cake served With cherry- penditures were prize. money -flavored $2500 and War .Charity':donations of 4. Your home -canned fruit juices $1447. The' Society_closedthe year may be eked out 'with charged with :86 ^cents•` in the treasury,' but :. water to 'substitute for a ration - with -assets of over $10,000, ed beverage,', - t one. --half ;apple pulp.'. - Mix ,;celery and aRpl e ppulA with 1cup cottage• cheese .or cream cheese: Blend with: salad dressing. Dry apple cups and fill with mixture. Serve on 'crisp bends of lettuce: - THE QUESTION'BOX Mee. G. G. •asks: '"Is it possible. to make the' Butter Spread with only whole:nest Instead ef—evapora milk?" • Answer. Yes, soften the 1 pound butter and gradually beat in 1 pint of milk and one-third tsp. salte It :will take longer. to beat". ' • Mrs. M. M. asks: "What can;; you do .with !`.rubbery' beets?" Answer:' Soak' in cold water over night: ''Shred be a` grater and 'eook in enough water merely' to cover. 9 oc� r, II •......... - . ,....... mmM,+nrsa.mm'.. -- RES ER %E-D7r p ' S P D • r•' Ermers, fishermen and ,rocs:-raisers',wo 1d.labour in vain to supply food to the United Nations, were k not''for the added labour of those who prepare, • pteserve;'park and ship the food, Thousands of Canadian men ,and women are doing a most necessary job of converting live and . raw products .to usable, transportable food for millions of'.fighting men and civilians overseas. In es'titnat- Jog'the value of various 'tasks in the total war effort, much creak should be given to the workers in the THE __. LUCKNOW SENTINEL Published eveiry Tli'tiraday. 'morning at. L.ucknow, 'Ontario. L. CAMPBELL,' THQMPSON Publisher and Proprietor THURSDAY, FE$11UJARY 11th,1942 OTTAWA . LETTER QBy A. "M. Nicholson, M.P. A special department has been established in ' Ottawa to deal with the., causes., and. effects' of :regime Which eorigipate-. in , different parts �f the`•Dominion. Hitler'.ilas used wild meteors ef- fectively es • an instrument of war -- 'fare since his rise to ,power in. Ger- many. His . theory has been that . th Wildest ru ors m if :repeated fre enough, will •weaken Ili morale of his enemies. • ' When the war •news was leis fav ?rableT then it_ ,ie _et. Preemie man incredible . rumors went. the round 'n ' different parts of Canada. When a ' submarine appeared at a give point, the story 'that one vessel had been sunk very. soon was"repeated and 'a dozen boat were alleged to have been the; victims of the U-boat When -investigated, net a single tol had been taken. -- f ilieGeemarteactuallyedid --Come ashore froth a submarine, but rumor had .the•., n'umbet;o Germans up. to 200. . • • Theie has' been a report that when pians at the air training centres. finish a' flight the •gasoline is. drain - ,ed onto the .ground: When the de= partment investigates, it' is found that. ; some disgruntled 'airman has :had 'an 'unpleasant - experience at ,a given centre; aid uses his, imagina- tion, to :arouse sympathy At some f ' 'the centres they have' under- ;round• tanks.where the 'gas'oline is impel' While the machines -are over- hauled. There has .not ' been •a single g instan ce verified to ' indicate. that gasol tie is wasted by draining good . ^asoline onto the ground: Since •the news from, the,, various battle ' grounds has ..become more cheerful, the'rumor 'factory has been. at a great, ' disadvantage:, Less; than half the stories that *ere,'concocted six months ago are now being inan- e' The department also .follows close- ly the broadcasts originating in.Ger- many and Vichy.;1y analyzing the content of the enemy'broadcasts and xoxnparing theJumors: that 'are based on the information given, they are able to find the areas where German propaganda is having its effects. Letters 'which'' come to . German prisoners of war from their parents and friends_in-Germany also provide some „indication of the thinking in Germany: While the .'-n ajority Who write seem to feel• obliged to'pay tribute -to ..' the '.'Feeh"r-e—otassionally letters come through indicating that the German people are tired of the iacar and' -er.e_dissatisfied-with-Cone ditions in •general. • , ST. HELENS Charles McQuillin of the -R C. A. It . C. .who has been home on fur= Lough left for • Vancouver, B.C. oh 'Friday: • • Messrs. Murray Taylor and Allan Miller 'of the , Y.M.C.A. canteen ' at Port Albert were-•horne for the week The February meeting 'of the' Wo- men's 'Institute was held in .the. com- munity Hall with.'Mrs. Ball presid ing and With •16 ladies 'present: Let- ters of 'thanks for Christmas parcels were 'read from -Angus -McDonald, Frank McQuillin . and Goldwin Pur- ves. The report _ of the 'Red Gross work was :given and sewing .and knitting_ were given~ out: It was .agreed to donate the quilts on hand to the Russian relief and an appeal. was ' made for • good used clothing he for' the Russia relief. Friday, Febru- e-. ary 19th.was the . date set for the Red' Cross i`ltin Mr . eu s. ill I q g• titli- erford•'f read a ;poem ."Housewives`°. -, hnd Mrseleall gave a reading !Vilest - y. _ling.in . Nem:We:A .very. interesting. s ' review of the story "Remember him Chore" was • given by .. Mrs. ' Stanley n' Todd. Arrangements •were made. for an At Horne on Friday .evening next. A good program is being prepared' and, 'proceeds will be for patriotic • purposes. Ladies please bring lunch. 1 At the conclusion lunch was served by the ,hostesses, Mrs. D. ,Todd, Mrs. e _W 1 .Miller .and Nies. 'Them. Mr. Harold Taylor has Wee e to Port Albert .'where ._ lie. will, -be em- ployed in - the-'.Y.M.C.A. 'canteen. The weekly Meeting • of the Y.P.U. was 'held: on . Monday ' evening at Stanley Todd's 'With a good atten- dance:..Mrs. Teen, Todd, missionary convener, was in charge. The scrip- ture' lesson was' read 'by Mrs, W. 1. Miller and a • reading "The message' that wasseriee was given ber Mrs. Gordon. McPherson:.The topic from the. study ,book on the church, the .city' and the non -Angle -Saxons was taken by Mr -s. Tod& The; next meet- ing will take theform of a Ste 'Va•I- _ntine social .cal next Holiday at Earl Durnin's. , D`U N N N`ON In the years before wai was de-• clared, , GeI•man propaganda agencies spent fabulous sums of money so that they would have in potential enemy countries agencies that would' sow' seeds of discontent. ,WEDDING BELLS M'CNEE—SPROU1. , • The parsonage of Victoria Street United church, Godericli, was the scene of a !quiet wedding at tine o'clock Thursday .afternoon when Rev. A. 'J`. McKaye united in mar- riage Lilian Margaret, third eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Sproul, eonceseion 3, West Wawa- r ash, near Dungannon, . and Mr. ^harles. Wesley McNee, youngest son of . Mr, and Mrs. •,oss McNee, ^oncession 2, West Wawanosh. The "`ride, who' was unattended, *ore a becoming street -length dress' of blue crepe and coat of blue boucle with fox' ttim with blue accessories. Mr. and Mrs. McNee 'Ieft for a short honeymoon in' ±oronto, On their re - te=n they will reside on the bride- roemts farm. HORNELL.-NOECKER , - Carmen United -Church, Toronto, was the scene of a Weddiegg when Miss ' Genevieve Noecker, , daughter of Mr. and Mts. K. O: Noecker, of Daytoli,._ ee.arne_the .bride.. of- Fly ing Officer David Hornell, son of Trs. Hornell and the :late H. A. ee, eer-eenelle-oteetimieo ierr e-Ae-Ar�^ lhur Steed, of Toronto, fbrmerly''of Brayton, performed the ceremony: a bride, given in marriage.by her father, 'was attended by her sister; iss Audile' Meeker. ' AC2. ' Bill erornell; brother' of the groom; was est man. Alton Noecker, brother :f' the bride, and. Douglas McKech: ie, cousin of the groom, were ush ere After a short honeymoon, Fly- eg' Officer- and . Mrs. Hornell will l elide .at the. West Coast., Pryer 1?or Re„vl'val. canning, dehydration, curing, packing, reftigerating and shipping industries. • "Bacon .for Brittain"? Yes, bur also canted- salmon --' and dried fruits and evaporated milk for Britain and' our allies overseas. The. Bank of Montreal is working With all war -time industries and their workers:by supplyying the kind nt banking service needed --through, hundreds o#' conveniently located°branches. . - - B• Al I if or tit T 11 11 111 IL •rrER1r SMALL 1lCCOtiNTs ARA , A DANK w VC�,t:blalEu . MODERN, EXPERIENCED 'BANKING SERVICE ,' the Oatcarne of 123'Year' Sta ntf tl Op ttat;oss Lucknaw Bratlfh: V. N. "PREST, Manager iz. trot The Prayer Meeting for, revival will he he'Id this Friday evening at' 7,30 o'clocky The Bible reading class under the, leadership. of Rev. Robt: 1VIacConnell w�i.11 meet at 8 p.m. The portion of scripture, to ' be covered this Week is' 'St. la'tthew chapters: 8 to 21. Old and young %re invited to conte and bring your Bibles and any questions which -yeti 'wotlld like' AW1. Hoffman, W. le:, R-C:AF:, training at Trenton, forihierly -o-f Dunnville, visited her ncle, Mr.- affil__ lU rc�Iglwrt 131, tree-lastewe lr� Visitors over the- week -end with Mr. -and' Mrs. Thomas, Dickson Sr. were H. W.^Bryan of • Ipperwash, Miss `Minnie Dickson, R.N.,. Goder- ich,• also Miss Noreen Taylor, their granddaughter of Thamesford who is a bank employee on vacation and who is remaining longer' with them. Fus. Irvine•: Eedy, •Niagara -on -the - Lake spent, the week -end with, his parents, Mr..and. Mrs. IL J. L. Eedy: St. ;Valentine DeY on Sunday will mark the 61st wedding anniversary of Mr. 'and Mrs: Abram Culbert of Dunganrione Vffee areglad_to know-- they nowthey are, enjoying fairly good health. Congratulations and best wishes for. (continued health arid ha • •mesa. - les - - - ies- ' ergaret 1 ickson who ' is, taking a business course ee Goderich spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dickson Jr. Mr. Everett Errington is• nursing his . right hand after having it sev- erely, . jammed-- in the, stable by a cattle beast 'pushing the door on it as "he went to close the door_ One evening 'last week. ' - AC1 Bill Caesar, training .at•Cen-• tralia, is on 14 days' •leave. He spent the. last week visiting at New York Bind Montreal and 'expects to spend the remainder with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Caesar. • - , Mrs; Wm. Wilson' on Con. 6 who has has not been very' well and. staying at the - home of her son, Mr. Jame. Wilson,, is much improved and ha returned home: WHITECHURCH ,Mrs; W. R. Farrier'spent the week end with her daughter, Miss Winne - feed Farrier of Toronto: Mrs, Lorne Durnin and little son Ross of St. Helens visited last Fri- day with her mother . Mrs. A David Kennedy. , • The Young WoMen's auxiliary Will hold their meeting Friday afternoon ,at the home of Mrs. Dawson Craig. The Y.P:S..of• the • United church invited the Y.P.S. of the -Presby- terian church to their .social on Fri- day eveningt They .played progres- siete-crokieole_and•-Chinese checkers - then • they showed lantern slides on Mission - - work around Labrador lunch was served and all' had . an enjoyable evening. "- Miss Doris McClenaghan, of the Women's Division, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCleiiaghan- and who has 'been stationed at Leth- bridge, Alta., , is home on two weeks' leave When she returns lithe will be stationed at Rivers, Manitoba and her brother, Sgt. Melvin Me= Clenagnan of Stratford was home -for the week -end, but we 'are sorry to, report he took ill, and he has the measles, We hope for a speedy re- covers:. y We are' pleased to.report Mr. Jos- eph Tiffin Sr. returned home' from Winghani Hospital oii Monday of this week. Mrs. Tiffin spent a few days last week with Mrs, George Tiffin of . Wingham to, be near her husband while in hospital. We are !sorry to report Mrs. David • Kennedy is not as well as she wasex' scrned froth, thisportion. ofl- the last 'Week. We hope .for a • speedy' ipt es•' recovery'.': /i ' , • !AGE TIME armers of Bruce FREEDOM tizt bE bout ht and' paid for - Our lives are,enthe keeping of our p armed forces. We must provide'them w_ti, food 'and the munitions ' of war. Nothing eve can do will equal their • • sacrifice. Save every dollar you can to foobuyd: ships, tanks, .guns, planes and .. , Invest every dollar you can spare in WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES.' O�it IF YOU PREFER VICTORY BONDS • . ONSUL.T YO1JR LOCAL BANKER BRUCE INAT ONA COUNTY COMMITTEE ' A ' FINANCE COMMITTEE t HOL k000 y. Mildred Pinnell, •• chorus by 10th ' •... Con. "school, solo by .Mr. Robe Mc- • eelefiss teelene ,lad "weiitele muck .• w on Monday to assist in. •Finlay ilio,. store: Messes Grace McKiniiorii and Mar - re MacDonald' attended,,.the - A Mme at Stratford on .Friday night Vire end Mrs: Wm. Eadie and Mr. . Eadie spent. Saturday at Mr. Cha alae. rs__at Wroxeter. Mrs Eadie vet) spent the 'past sixweeks her e mined-:€er a' visit. Dextald,• vialin duet -by Messrs Mark - Johnston stop and Eldon Eckensw"illei• ac-:' - hers atthe piano.Vocal duet by MisseompaniedbMissLillian Carruth- , Elliott and Mr. Lloyd'John- store the journal compiled by: Mr. • Richard. Baker end_ Mrs. Vm: Eadie was read by Miss Grace McKinnon: s The program :closed with God Save e the Ring. The rentaind r •of the ev enin was spent 'in dan�in . g & 'Tanen . -��*•as-'seg-v�u�.i-col%� . ' ,as oxen . . - to help, defray, expenses. . •Tie 11.W.I..held then• annual At Home in Holyrood hall on Thursday evening February 4th. Eachnietnber was to invite some guests ,so a splen- did crowd was in attendance. The program opened with a chorus by tee school, a'few remarks of •wel- come by the chairlady Mrs. Howard Harris, 'piano,, solo by Miss Eileen Elliott, piano duet, by MissEileen , Miss Grace McKinnon spent Wed, .esday „evening 'at Mr. and Mrs Oscar .Keiffer's. Mr.' and Mrs. Reggie,; Broom and 'iaiy!R spent Sunday evening at; Mr. Eadies. e"r.. and Mrs. Roger Corrigan were _ :ert visitors .at • Mr.. James Baker's. l''ec are sorry to reeor••t that Mrs. -alad has beenco effned - to the house. since Christmas • threatened wiSth t astoid, but -we are pleased to know she is. .improving. ,1 HAS.T. Pocl _. dramatic.._soriety will present their play "Aunt Susie shoots the Works" in Teeswater on Friday evening., -• ' K•I NLOUGH Mr. Joseph. 'Hodgkinson of . Sarnia was a recent visitor with:his• father. 1Vir. J. B: Hodgkinson here. Members of the Women's Inti- , tate .entertained their families and friends ' at their. annual "At Home"• in the Township Hall on Thursday evening last. A much- enjoyed pro- , .gear- was given, after :which lunch was served anda few hours dance • • with music by Carrfuthers.orchestra., - ' ,13; r - 'i nk Gurrie-o petawaw ••ent a few days at his home here-' Mr, and Mrs. Cliff"Bortherick of e•-• t.Catherines spent• the week -end With itheir, parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Borthwick, Kincardine and Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgins here. - Mrs. X Does your 'husband 'talk in his sleep? • = ". " ' " Elliott and Mrs, Bill Graham, re.:. • Mrs. 'Y;• 'No, and it's very exas- citation by Ronnie Graham, . solo. by Aerating. He just grans". r a r BEJ'61/fEYOU HAVE 7HE RIGHT NUMBER... CONSULT THE DIRECTORY 4 • rktit • s _ for. ALL»OUT 'PRODUCTION ry: Your . tele` 'one is part of a vast interlockingsystem now miming an abnormal wartime load: Don't let eedics* delays .hold up messages on which production efficiency may .depend. HER "W#IRT/M OE TELEPHONE T4 ICS" OTHER ". distinctly. directly into the iuouth iece. SPEAR. A 1 S W`E R prOinptly whew she ' bell rings: , BE BRIEF. Clear„ your line for the next Gill. , UsE;ori-ritLAK honrs for your Dista c Calle. theirs i 1! . . � llYe tliiit�C� raM' fook•tr7jtJaa. tat b on 6,500,000 daily telephone ca11t, tkey nee 'nee? importmt• • e. '' ,t�N On .Stce Se/et/zee WP uta 4. 49