HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-01-28, Page 3146 THV&SDAtM, _JAfi11MR3 .280; 1942 0° THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LiVCBNHW;. ONTARIO ;Bruce Session',Dela ed Three Days B Y Y Y ,Ilyfeuni Theatre Storm. - Culro #s Reeve Walked 17 Miles LtTtt!tl, AIM's, Saturday . Night T>lttlay,:, Friday, .Saturday January.:.28, .29 30 :DQR,OTHY+ LAMOUR RICHARD DENNINC BEYO . DTH N,. BLUE �, OR:IZON : (Li teeb tcolput'). Thrills aotioni , ,and' excitement in,,the 'jungle; •'. , • :,Also "Puppetoon" "Musical" '. .'Nevis„ Matinee. Sat: Afternoon '• 2:30 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February 1 '2/ 3 • DOUBLE, BILL , VICTOR: •MeLAGI.EN - & . EDMOND O'BRIEN .in POWDER TO'W`N and • -LEON. ERROL &.'• _. . ,�,�.--L1EE'--itEI.EZ� lit-•-• Mexican S i p tfue • • Sees 'A:.Ghost ST.. HELENS Bruce County Council opened,its January session -at the, County' build- ings, Walkerton, on. Friday evening, January 22nd, after_ a'.3 -day post- ponement due to . the snow storm which tied . up all lines of .cottimun- ication by; hiighway or railroad and had the .whole district isolated. All. reeves with the,,exception of R. J. -14eKellar : of Tiverton had reached the ,.County Town, by Friday. Many v;,f =then; had to ;make 'roundabout. trips by railroad, some. travelled part of.the:way by horse-drawn vehicles Reeve MCInnes of Culross walked fr• om. his home near Teeswater a dis- tance of 17 miles, while Reeve Chris. tie Saugeen:walked 12 miles front. his home at .Turners' to a point on ..the Elora...Road south of ' Paisle;, . where .awaiting auto sped him or alis.,jp ri a .:to W._alke_rt _n�. , ,._. Mildmay Reeve Is Warden . . The' first business' of -the meeting was the election of the; Warden aid 'tthe.choice fell on.Peter D: heisemer, reeve of Mildmay, : who defeated , his only opponent Gordon D. White of Lion's Head. by a vote of 4..7 to • 14. 'Five others who withdrew were Reevgs Rossof _ Teeswater�- Elliott of • Sinloss, ,Far -r -ell' of . Hawn, -Skew felt of KincardineTownship and Mc- ' Innes • of Culross. - Warden -elect i eisemer, the '.first :to bring :the'.. honor to ',Mil'dmay, which • was incorporated. as. 'a village in 1918,.is beginning his 7th year, as reeve. On 'assuming the chair he I spoke briefly thanking the 'Council His many friends . were glad to, know :that. ,Mr. Herbert: Taylor re- turned home on..Tues'day from Tor- o : ;whe a he.: recently underwent tis o elation Weatherpermitting the Red Cross quilting• will be held on Friday 'af- ternoon. af-ternoon., Alli the ladies .are invited. ; M . The, February Meeting of the • Wo- -1, Awmen's Institute will ..be held in the. ' Hall:onz,:Thlirsday, : February 4th at 2.30. Program committee -Mrs. Rice, Mrs, W A. Humphrey; hostesses-- ; . Mrs..D. Todd, •Mrs:' W. I. Miller, Mrs. Thorn. Charles McQuiilin of the R. C. A. M. • C, is .'home 'from the West coast .for the honor conferred on him and' ng o e -ope on . ur ng the year. He spoke of the more fav- orable turn in .the war'and hoped this ;would in . victory year. He also expr"esseddti a-hepe-that-the-Courieip � c-ould .offer'.. some._ worth_ while: sig gestions for the post • war period. 1 Standing com;nittees for the !year i are as follows: Finance ` Messrs. White:, McDonald, Foster, Taylor, Walsh, Shewfelt, Engel: Education and Printing.. Messrs. Fenton, Short; Whiter Adis,. Campbell, Grieve, Evans. Equalization and Salaries • Messrs. Van Dusen, Wright; Ball- achey,• Shewfelt, McDonald; Taylor, Fenton. 9 In spend his -furlough... • • Agriculture . Messrs: Foster., Johnstone, Fischer:, teid, Evans; • Joyht, Christie,. Legislative U ' • .Messrs: 1VIeKellar., Engel„. Grieve, keLean; Adis: • . : • Property Messrs. Fischer, Johnstone & 'Lob - anger. . House of Refuge ,N,iessrs.,, McInnes, Farrell and the 'arden.: ' Children's., Shetler • • Messrs. Ross, McKellar and Chris- tie• . Warden's . Messrs. Sloan, Van Dusen & Short. • Highways Messrs. owns,., Elliott and�M .•"avish. • '�' D • • _-'Numerous• communications were Bead by the Clerk .among them nine. •esolutions from Other County Coup- -ils' 'recommending' various, changes in Government regulations and stat- • rte .and requests for -grants 'to tthe ;al�;atioh Army, Institute for- the, 'Mind, ' Chinese •; War Relief Fund:' . 'anadian 'Aid 'to Russia Fund, Navy Teague • of •Canada;,-B-ruee- Peninsula• esor_t__Associatona�1` lire Blue°; Tater Highway ' Association. These •.vere-a11 referred. to the • proper com mittee for consideration .and report at a later. date in the, session. secretary of Highways. Cominitt'ee County treasurer.'. Allan Nelsen and .Kenzie . Foster, reeve of' Bruce, were reappointed members of the B oard of. Criminal Aulit; Reeve Ir- win Lobsinger of Walkerton' was ap- pointed .the County. Council's. " rep- resentative on • the 'Beard• of the Bruce County •Hospital, while- reeve ;-A'lex McTavislt of:Greenock was re.=` e lected for. a three-year term as ,a member. of • the .County. -Highway's: Committee. ,The other two.: -members. of the pomznittee :are reeve...E.- Downs • of.. Hepworth• -who is chair- man and. Richard Elliott of Kinloss• who is secretary for 1943: • Trustees, for the •six• High . Schools in the. County • were nanzed. '. as.. follows: Chesley, John -H. 1Viaxwell; Kincar- dine, W. C.' McKeeman; • Lucknow, Mrs.' W. B. Anderson; ' Port Elgin, ,Dr.' J.• A. •Rushton;' Walkerton,'L. G,, Crozier; Wiarton, Mrs: Anne Kast- ner. • Mr. Vince.' Petteplace .of .Tees - Water was appointed a :County Con- stable. in the.• place' of Arthur Mor- den .who is now a resident of Well- ingto"li County. BUTTER CONSUMPTION TEMPORARILY REDUCED • 9. f Yt has, become necessary to 'reduce the current rate of consumption -of. butter,.. -and cor li ly-changes-have--. •---- ' been made in the dates on. which - (brown) spare "C" coupons of the current ration. book may be .used.• - Spare "C" coupons ,10 and 11 may'not be used, for the, ... p. -purchase 'of butter. Coupons 1 -to 4 inclusive, have • already . expired: M Expiry, dates for .spare "C" coupons 'S 'to 8, inclusive, have been extended to aid consumers in stretching put the butter ailodiance over the period" from_now until • • February 28th. Eachcou P on will.continue tb-be good fol. the purchase of one-half pound of butter and will be good only. on • the dates specified below: r:4 HERE IS THE NEW, SCHEDULE Coupon Coad for purchase . •Not good. for ""1 4m1"ier el"iiniht: Oth. Viirehaeee-ofte t - 5, and 6, *January 18th February 28th 7 and 8. February 1st February 28th 9 Marek 1st - March • 14th The r"eSiztt .otthis is to -reduce -each ._Jndi !iidtzaIs allowance by 2 2/3 ounces per Week during the CONSUMERS WiL1. FI ND''IT AbVISiA BLE TO RATION THEMSELVES SO THAT THEY. 'MAY Ilk ABLE TO' M NEW. . ... STRETCH THE NEW BUTTER ALLOWANCE OVER THE NEXT SIX WEEKS. THE' WARTIM E A'NID TRADE U®A-FI , . 3R 7W\ er Accounts for the maintenance of indigent patients from Bruce County at various' hospitals in . Ontario' a- mounting -to-' 1905:50 fog, thea two-' morith period since the November session were approved and passed by tlie..Einance. Committee: Mr. R. I. Wiles, Keeper of the Rouge of Refuge, inhis annual re- Dort to the .Council; reported that at,:- �resect there -are • 61 initiates of wheiri :32 are males and 29 females. The total expenditure on the Insti- Jtution ,for the year was $14,389.15 but from this must be deducted the old ` age pensions and other sums received from the inmates and paid to the County hmountiny to $10;- 076.41' and the receipts for farm pro- duce sold amounting to • .$1870.71, leaving the net expenditure $2442:03. Including the Keeper's family and +iced •lie ' 7 h "the 3itt'liib f-i'n mates the average cost per, week for each person- was 15 scents or at the rate of less than four cents per meal.: The estimated value of • products. raised on the farm in 1942 was 12688.00 of . which products : to the Value of $1870.71: were sold and the remainder consumed • on the prem- 'ses. •')' bt Free This Year County Treasurer Nelson in his sp'sional report stated that at the Close of 1942 there was a credit balance of $14,490.71 of which '$9,- 248.46''b1.1ongs' to the ,Highway: ac-� count and $51.42.25' to the general account. The County levy on,all the `11 municipalities In the County had been fully paid by the -end' of the year. He; .estimated that without an increase in last year•'s County levy of 6 mills._the County could again purchase a $30,000.00 Victory Bond this year and also make the usual grants of about $12,000:00 for pat- riotic purposes. The final payment ---- n.•-our.�debentur.e- deht.-,ate,:; nein to $1673.59 will fall due in Decem- ber and when thisis paid the Coun- ty will be entirely free • of debt The arrears of tastes of the fifteen townships and 9 Villages making re -i turns.to'the Office of County Treas- urer showed a total of $12,511.02, a decrease ,of about $2000.00 from the previous dear. :TO the date of going td -press-the Couhcil on the reconimendation of qlre- fir'z'ara -=coirirnittee-reeve -tirade the following' grants: . Salvation° Army for rescue home work $200; Institute for Blind $200, Chinese Re- lief Fund $2000; Canadi n \Aid to Russia Fund $8000; Navy4,eague of Canada $1000;;,'Bruce Peninsula As- sociatiori $100; Blue Water Highway - Association $200. THE LUCKNOW: SENT NEL Published every'' Thursday morning -.- at ,Lucknow, Ohtaasio. L ' CAMPBELL THOMPSON „ Pu121asher and Proprietor. •THURSDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1942 1942 Review , DECEMBER Santa Claus paid' annual r Visit to Lucknow; ' but lacked the , usual -ai3dy..and . fiats. - • Richard Elliott re-elected:reeve of Kinloss. Councillorselected were Alex 'MacKenzie, Dan T. McKinnon, J, W.ol'well and • P. A. 'Murray. Brow Smyth elected, reeye of West' Wawariosh..Councillors elected were Everett Finnigan, David Mc- Allister, Gordons McPherson; • and Wallace. Miller. - {• Retail prices .of tea, 'coffees, oranges and milk reduced by Wartizne Prices and . Trade 'Board. • • • P. A. Murray•elected president of the local branch of the Canadian Legion, • • Twenty men from Lucknow mot- 'ored to Winghain as blood donors'', at the Red Cross •'clinic., List of Ashfield reeves .since 1851 compiled . bY -Clerk: Gr -E. MCDoisagh Little Joe Howald had his hands badly ,frozen on December 20 when the mercury dropped to 21 below. Butter rationing . went :into effect on the -basis of a . half pound per person Per week.• p ill Company's Lucknow Sawm 's p Y plant,• destroyed . by fire. Kinloss Council ,petitioned' the Wartime Prices and Trade . Board to substantially increase the • price of wood to allow something over ;and a•bove--la1 or -costs:. - se • Government announced increase in 'soldiers' pay and dependents''`' al- !Dwane; curtailment .of 'liquor sales and ' married mencall-up between 19' and 25.' J. W. Joynt elected •reeve by ac •clamation to succeed Reeve N. E. BushellCouncil and Board of- Ed. - ucatio% also elected -by acclamation., Local post office "literally swamp- ed' by volume of holiday mail. Mrs. John"Buttoii suffered a frac- tured hip ori Christmas Day, and.. passed away, in Goderich Hospital a '-few ,days later. , ' • ' Mrs. Annie Camptlell of D Wzgen non suffered .a fraetul'ed , leg at the home of her daughter, Mrs: C. W. Alton. • . ` ' • WEDDINGS -Ross MacDonald & Bessie SteikUrt; • Georg Gral a'f t •Parsons and Pauline Johnston;. R.' T. Smith and Etta Belle MacDonald; Jack ,(.ail eI'"spie and (1i%e Fair • ,. P.O. Tom 'Wilson and 'Laurin. Mil- ler; J. G. McIntosh . and Olive Alton: G. G. Wagner, and Eileen Winnifred Griffin. DEATHS -John Elymer' Tiffin;' Mary Cecelia Dean; Anna May Car- rick; • Raymond Brown;. Margaret. 'Simpson; Fanny 'Joynt; 'Mrs; Alex McKenzie; Leila Begley; Mrs. James McCluskey; 'Mrs. Wallace Twamley; 'Mrs. John,utton; Mrs. Frank Free- man; Mrs. John N: McKenzie; Ken= meth G. Boyd. It is now permissable to classify all sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles;, who live• more . than three gallons away as distant relatives. iTn'ted "Church Y. P .S. • The meeting, -on Monday night was held at the home of. Mr. and Mrs, Ewart Taylor and • opened with a hymn. The scripture was' read by Celia Wilson, Readings were given by. Miss Kerry and by Ruth Winter - stein. The top on Eric Knight was taken by Rex ord Ostrander. A con- test was conducted by Rev. Stewart. The meeting closed with God Save the King. The meeting for February 1st will be held at the home' of Rex- ford ,Ostrander. , ' R A.PI t' CITY .. Mi?. and Mrs.' Stewart, 'son Donald and Margaret 'Gollan vis= ited Sunday at Mr. Chas. Thomson's. Mr. Richard McQuiilin Sr. is nurs- ing a pair of sore feet the' result of'i getting them frozen last week. Miss Mary McMillan was a visitor with her aunt, Mary. McKenzie dur-, ing the week -end: • While down street Saturday:1Vlfs: W. G. Reed slipped in a store, strik- ing her left hand on a box. A bone was splintered in her hand , Mn Robert Mc>`1'ald and little. dau- ghter Roberta have the sante Birth- day, January 22nd. This year Mr. McNal1 was away on • the railroad due to the storm so the party was a : day late, _ . '.A' welcome sight was • the- mail 44rviff Fd -stiremDon': Two engines On thesnow plow' came trfl ough and later the mail train with two en- gines also. Someone remarked they wished the track plow could clean off the highway However earlyTuesday morning this week the highway was opened and 'cars are able to get through now, School opened - Monday morning after ,al- most a .week's hblidays. - Mr. Archie Nicholson was storm. stayed while at work at, the Air- craft factory and spent his spare time inthis burg: • ,LANGD.L., -This +' onamttnity survived the. storfn . very well • and their roads were kept open by gb ng over them each'day. Our mail man, Mr. Alpert Gammie, also lived up to the reel ords ' of the past mail couriers of this route and made his trip when there was mail to deliver. ;The melt who deliver • biead from Teeswater in this section ,'have failed to Make their appearance as yet so we coir .gratuiate; Mr. • Gammie. on making his rounds. . Mrs.. Robt. Reid. returned - frons Kincardinei,•gn Saturday. Her dew:ghter, Mrs. Joe Helm of 'near 'Tiver- Hambly' of London, the operating ton was. ' to have had a an .operation. in Kincardine hospital last -Monday, Owing to the ' roads' drifting Dr; q phySibian was forced to turn- back at Exeter. '. • The Red Cross socl , evening is to be held weather P ren ga itiin this Friday evening . at the home' of M. -and Mr* -Fred Tiffin. Gaines and welcotne bingo. will again be played. Anyone is . M Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scott, Mr: and Mrs. 'Wesley Tiffin spent ' Saturday. evening with Mr. and MrS. George Tiffin, ' The Red Cross, uilting which was to have been"held at .the home of Mrs. V. ,Emerson had to be post- oned owing - to the cold weather. --•- (intended= for 'last week) -.. 'Mrs. Baker' and. children of ,Mid 'and are visiting with her parents' 'r. and;Mrs.. Jack Wadel. Miss MacPherson spent the week- lid : with her friend Miss. Grace Richardson. The Langside Red -Cross held their v,c ial . evening • at the home of Mr. and Mrs., V. 'Emerson on ' Friday evening. Games were played until 11 p.m.' when 20 games .of' bingo. were then enjoyed • by an attendance of 46. Itwas decided to have'biigo gaznesnn_Jatwary 29 ww,enthey*ill again Meet.: at the 'home of Mr., and Mrs. Fred Tiffin. • The collection was $6.30. ' ` Mrs. Frank •Miller, Betty,' -Harvey and Allan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt..;Reid: A gloom' was cast over this .con?: munity. on Monday evening when it was learned that Mr. -Wzn. , H. Conte had stied. Mr: Conn was.born at'Bea- ton,' Ont. arid for 6(1 years resided in :this vicinity where he°• will be great- ly missed for, his kindness and "will- ingness to .help.; his comiacunity ' at all time's.: The funeral was held on Thursday from his residence. Rev., A.- .H. Wilson . of . Wltiteeintich ,. had charge Of the service. The. .pallbear era were Messrs. Charlie Tiffin, :Ed Wade1, Jamieson Fiettypiece,' Chas. Taylor, Jim Richardson and. Sam Hutchison. Burial was„ ino the family plc iri” Wigg stn ceineefery. ;'.Mr. Harvey Scotthas gone • to Thunder , Bay District to assist in bla-eiesiflith'woi r't 'One of the hardest things to real- ize is 'that people can be different froth us ;without necessarily being crude,. crazy or crooked: • H'OLYROOD' Messrs. Joe Scott and Elliott Tay- ler of Ripley and Dick McQuillin of Lucknow, . with the assistance' .of the majority of the Men on the- 8th concession, plowed it through' from, Ripley 'to Holyrood reaching" Holy - reed -at se -Veli n'clobkkSaturday even- ing. - Mr.. •& Mrs. ' Ernest . Ackert return- ed from the West on Saturday. Mr. Richard Elliott attended County,: Council part of last week and this.' week. ' Congratulations to Mr. an s. Clifford Johnston on the arrivaiof a sister for Donald on Sunday, Mrs, Jas. Smith; and :babe • spent Sunday evening at Mrs: Abner Ack- ert's. Mrs. Almer Ackert and Miss Grace McKinnon called, on Mr. and Mrs, James, Baker on Sunday., The Women's 'Institute At Horne will be field next Thursday ' night, to which all members and friends are -invited. A. program, lunch and' dancing to Carruthers orchestra will feature tl)e evening. '(Intended , for last week) Mrs. J. E. Turnbull of Underwood is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Robt. MacDonald.. and Mr. MacDon- ald -at present.. Mr, and, Mrs.' Baynard, Ackert °t +''u<tids.y.-at-Vi -.and-Mrit.--Jaiin.. Reid's at Ffeid's Corner. Mrs. Howard Harris and Lorraine spent last week with the formet's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Jamieson• at Lucknow. •° Holyrdod store is being remodell- ed at present and is -going' to be much larger than before: There was a presentationp& d"ante iirthe hall• dn- ednesday night for 'Mr. Everett Johnston of the R. C. E 'at Dunnville",who was—horfi. on a 48-hour leave. ' Miss Marjdry MacDonald, teach- er at the 10th Concession school. spent'. the weellk-end• .with Mr. and Mrs, RRaynard Ackert. ' Miss Eilerei Elliott spent' the week end in Lu"Cknot}r with Mrs. Wm, Risb'b. Mr. Billie. McKinnon, 6th Con- cession spent the week -end with Mr. Lorne Eadie. Our sympathy is extended to Mr, John McKinnon and family in their recent bereavement, • • RAGE• :THREE Ontari) H�spital Plays. Dual RoIe A1, ndpned, Baby Finds New' is approximately,S1.5.0 per day more Home NA CLUE TO PARENTS Man the .combined income from the . - patients for their'municipalities) plug ', the government 'grant. " ; • This is one reason why the Hos. -.r ---_- pita'i has a deficit every' : year de - it . soinetinnes happens *that very spite the tact that operating. :Cost* stb Young babies, who have been abmi are amongst the lowest. in N doned.by their parents. find their way. America.. for institutions of a sten` to the Eiospital for Sick Children,, Aar type, •• and, "the services and ; Toronto. There' • they .are given a medical assistance are recognized by':thorbttgli medical:'check-up betore',the hospital world as outstanding In beim transferred to., the organized'effi;ie•ncy. agerlelea•responisibl`e for the' care of MANY PROBLEM CASES such; children, in the Public, wart of the {los- • i4ot long ago a .3 -weeks -old . baby pili! for Sick Children over‘ eighty girl was fountre t late ire evening, doctors, many of them reading child crying on the doorstep of a private specialists, 'give their 'services with- ' dwelling. The infant was wrapped out charge Fourteen days is the in • warm clothes and • appeared to. 'average' each_ public ward patient •te' hays had fee best of attention. There titqeated. But a • large number ,.ace • wag do c:ue as to the. parents. I metes for weeks—sotne for Months - • Pdlic'e, •were called: and'.ihe baby -a' few' for years because they are was taken to the Hospital for Sick problem cases of the ,most -difficult Children, where' she was given a .kind- , warm ,arelcome by the. night', statt. At an times •the' Hospital, must. be -wedcootie-1,ittle.aister,';a ,.-said..._the frready—to.-meet-•any etdergen .-1m.' nurse Who took the infant from 'the mediate medical attention is impera-•. coat and; two blankets* it which it wan- wrapped. ' "licitaround and enjoy yourself.", the nurse continued, . es. the .tittle one laughed at 'her in tire. not only tor accident eases, but children,: with 'detormed•''packs •;and limbs detective eyesight ---rare• dis- - eases and physical disabilities must g1ta as if'.she knewshe'had founa Ihave prompt help.alsq. '-lf-it'ts icor,.' a fir* ;tome. ' forthcoming... permanent • disfigure, ' Who knows what tragic story tieb :ment, •d'efprmity• or chronic'disease • behind: 'th.is incident" 'But perhaps.' is all too often 'the •result. it brought•some grain of ,comfort. tit1 This •worthy institution which- ac - the mother's heart, to know -that her., cept, its- little patients. regardless .of brown*eyed baby was in. side race,, creed or ;rnanclal 'tirctihi-... capable. hands. stances has- just. 'started its ad'nuill' wonderful; it-wodld`be if Christieas appeal /or funds to•: meet every 'ease"ended as happily as this an' unavoidable deficit ,and' to:enable , .t • one.. But-ail--.too-of-ten•-there••ts* a :ti---to-be-eiitltinued an just da--- sombre side to 'the story. • 'effective .a manner'es 'In;the { rilt4' For : well over half a, century the This year $138•00D must be raise& fl‘sgit:3l for "Sick Children has been Government ,grants have not .'risen.' a sanctuary for the sick and crippled with the ^tremendously' increased• costs of the past three' years of War.'. Despite an expense ratio among • the lowest in North ;Arnerice "fol• chil- dren's hospitals. the. difference .be tween our Public Ward rate as ante- . orized by law and their actual" out- lay; `has gone up front $t 25 to Con- siderably more than $150 per patient day. No' help' is receive `fold the To - children from every part of. Ontario Accident, cases: 'children. with :der • formed backs' and limbs: defective 'eyesight: rate. diseases .and. physical. dsabititiesr all are eared. for• and. nursed_hark •to` health, regardless -of race, creed:or. the.ability of parent's • .to: pay the cost of hospitalization. • Some idea of the. immense- value • and' wide scope of -.this magnificent , • work may be '.formed' by consider- roam• Federation for Commiiriity • mg the • fact that • during the . past Service because.. of the tact that 'pa- year ..alone... over. 9.500.sick and' crtp- bents are 'admitted- to the .:lfosp'l al•, latV:thildren.-were-given-treatment-=frota 'every part=-of=the- Province: • -• in ' the Public Wards. The Out- There is dire necessity 'behind this• Patient ' Department handled well • appeal for • help. ` Little . ''•Children: ot''er 85,000 visits: •. • • depend 'on. 'it for , their change, tor'`' 'Leis thin: • five cent.per cen• of '.the: health.' • Your. gift should be mailed ' • • • litt7e `patiens'.. aree' in the.' Private', to the Appeal' Secretary; The Hos . Wards.: and these,. are : the! only ones pital for Sick Children; 67 'College • able .to • pay ' the full. cost • of • their Street, Toronto. • care.. . This; means that 414 of :the . A ehanccee.gdr health and happiness' 432" beds in •tlie;.li'ospital are in Pub- is the gaeatest' possible gift to little • lir.;Wards where the cost per•patient' children. • e J N' BVLrIY Y ; illy; town -arid -village ---throughout--- - Canada today: there' are -...gaps where once were. young men. •They heard a call and put on nary►'. • blue, khaki, horizon • blue, . and they have gone,, answering a call .. ; - They aim missed - missed not only in their homes but also fin' the -business places which once' they filled. They have gone from every institution in Catzada;. but from nonemore than from the chartered banks. There is hardly a branch office from coast to coast Which is not today the poorer --and the prouder ' -for those who thus laid down their pens. - Bit every branch` manager, as ..he shook. parting • hands, had this consolation: he could: say to every regular member of the staff of the. bank, "Weill hold your place. It will be waiting for you 'when' y.. ou comepledge. That is a ,led8e.. '• _ $o' it is the, part of those who remain to serve. ' . - their country in . such a way that the promise.may. be kept: "We'll hold your piace.q. There. W re .14,433 single and nitrified :min from, le to, •1I ed• b. the Chartered Banks at 45 . Years of ope etrlp d� Y , the` outbreak of over.: 5,05.3- cir 35% of .theta had :joined, the armed fortes by October 31st, 1942:. The CHARTERED BANKS of CANADA