HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-01-21, Page 5SDA R. IAN IAR! 21st, 1943
Two ShOW5. Saturday .Night
Ttiursday, Imlay; Saturday
�� nary 21,' 22, 23
henry Aldrich,.. Editor
The Aldrich • FamiII', (Woos.
on screen and: radio, will en-
teirtain' You again.
Also "Musical" "Cartoon"
Matinee Sat, ;Afternoon 2.30 ,
Monday, Tuesday; Wednesday
January 25, 26, 27
* in .r 4 -
n Thit.' Out Life
..v ° powerful' dra•ma, with Bette.
DO Ore eatest"triuxnph •
of her distinguished . career.
'Alae "Cartoon" "
;Mrs. Cecil Gardner vis-
ited with. the.latter's parents, Mr:
and Mrs- ;Ohm Quaid; Dungannon,
0.3r AfAerneen. ••
:Mrs. Richaftl Gardner en..?..
tert Mr! and Mrs. itobt.
and'ilIrs:. Andrew Ritehie, Mr.
Graydon. Ritchie of Lanes, .Mr. and
1Virs. 'Henri,' Gardner to dinner on
WedneSday evening last.
Mt*, .. *riled Gardner returned
home,On 'Monday after spendiag the
past ten days with her Sister, mis.
Mr. ,Leonerd Ritchie ',of Glamia
was a Week-eria Visitor at his home
, Mr. Pied Andereon was k visitor
for a few 'days last week With 1V1af-
Manning Pool, Toronto, was a,visitor
over the,week-end with his mother,
Mia. Gordon Kirkland.
• •:IVIrs. Frank Ritchie were guests on
Andrew Ritchie of Lanes.
Miss E len An Kew encle e
_marriage of her cousin,' Miss Jean
Mckinnon, eIciter‘ daughter, of. Dr.
Johe and Mrs:- McKinnon of High-
land Park, Detroit, on Saturday last
to Mr. Lyle Coburg of Detroit. Miss
Ellen ,was one of :the bride's atten-
hawed by Ills Excellency, the
almile Man, bornin any year
from 1902 to 1921, bosh years
Inclusive, who ea, not already.ne-
,/ calved a notice or ord,er,to report
tor medical examination under
compulsory military service; Must
. All out a apecial fortis at the office "
ist4 1043
Foe thisi purpose the Orin "simile
limn" oleo Ineudes any male
ily iteinirated or divorced, and
4;,.. who was widower, or
" *Aileen e child or' children de.
'pendent on him at July 15, 1940,
or an such asale onion Who has
suffered tha loss tif his dependent
child or -Children after. that date;
dvietadent on Min.
le inalso
Pintas °in.». that sin
lioluivoreeelied no
the Osillary eit1140 and Who heti
been esounined es -required,
tarn who one no* In the Armed
Forces, are NOT Winded ht those
risiiiter by February 1st.
Wenn, Nodes& Selective Semite
" Ottawa
SEPTEMBER r . Steward, C. G. Robson and Margaret'
Mr and Mrs. Archie Anderson, Bernice Durnin;' W. W. Stewart and
residents of St. .Helens for 53 years; Bessie. Smyth.
honored^before moiling to Lnekno'w ;�' w DFATHS—Mrs. W. $. ' i'IcLeod;
Clasp Of t5 young ledies went tO
Torento ' to take technical :school
opurse, before comniencing work in
the Maple ,Leaf Aircraft plant. •
••• Torn Ross and other "old .cionjeS"
Monster crowd attended Clana-
men Carnival' that netted the Club
$604,32. 'Beeve Bushell. presented, with
mantle clock by Bruce Ceunty .Coun-
Mr. end Mrs. Peter T. ,:o arter mOvr
ed AO RipleY. cil.
•Prof. A. W. Anderton engaged •as fecal garbage colleetion. syetem
music instructor in local school., ' discontinued for Winter.. : • • '
Jim Gardner took „job as brake- Mrs-Caeser of Langside observed
business. ... . rural schools concert in Lucknow.
. WOmen's Institute decides,. "no , . Flight Sergeant Alex MacKenzie
more lunches7 at monthly meetings. awarded the pistinguished Flying
Gerald Menzies; . whose mother Medal
waS formerly Cora Moody, reported, ._Busiaess *ea's Association decidr
missing at Dieppe and later as a ed' to adopt 56 -hour schedule the
prisoner of 'War. , , beginning of the year
.. Roderiek RoA, Lochalsh, 0AI:caked., Swarm of deer hunters invaded
700 bushels of Oats •off 7 acres. prime and N'Ortli-Iiiiiiiii-iliii.:Irig one
lighting to be, cut ;by- at lead One- ' Luckneve lead Bruce County qn
fifth: ' Third Victory Loan. 'retal %ales of
Rev. R. H. and Mrs: Barnby of -09,050 averaged -alined $100 pea
capita and-ahnost dmibled objective
John Rose of Ashfield Presbyterian
church; Mrs. Robert -Detroit;
James IVIacrionald; Hugh Taylor,
Increase in milk 4t'irices ',became
effective.' ,
Day Service iri the United Church.
St Helens school Won first prize Mr. arid Mrs! Win.. Hunkphrey W-
in rural school cOmpetition at Luek-; ebrated their golden wedding. ' ,
Merchants adopt half ' holiday Shorthorn heifer in -the 'Legicin's
throughout the year, except month prize .draw. • , , •
of December and annelid Coirunittee: " Sgt. MacKenzie Mowbray, son pf
sidered too low by Producer& ' after e, bomber raid on Germany
. Orland Richards won bacon hog On October lst. ' Early in the New
competition at Fell Fair. " - Year, a report fririn Germany, vie
Ernest Clark of the - Veteran's the Internation,e1 Red Cioss, advised
Guard visited here. Was forinerly of that Sgt. Mowbray had been killed
Paramount and one of three 'broth.; Flt -Sgt AleX MaCKenzie took
ers te,serve in laet war:with Melvin part tri raid on, TUrin, . the greatest
Clark paying the supreme Secrifice. raid made pn Italy up.to thactiree.
WEDDINGS—A. M. Phillips and Transfer of Xteeye N. - E.. Bushell
Jean Lane; Melvin 13rown and Irene by Canedian'Industries Ltd., was
Mogride; K W. McIntyre and 4%.1lia CreWe of four escape injuries as
ion Cowan; Lyle GaYnor arid Eve- bert made forced landing oa, farm
Elizabeth Macrver; Wm.1Stirling Decision harided down in favor -0
md Gwendolyn Ackert; Donald Mc- Ernest Ackert in conriection with
Iver end Grace Blake drainage -appeal 'in Kinloss ToWn-
.erly of Ashfield; John MacDonald, ' Alex MacDonald, .reeve • of Ash -
Jack Hunter, brother', of rs.. p. County wardenship in 1943.
aterson, Thomas Allen, Mrs. Sam --I Fall euchre marathdn won by Dan
merly of Ashfield; ,Mrs, Win. Elliott, MacDopalcl and Mrs. Morgan Hen7
Ernest Robiriion. demon.
Death occurred of David LlOyd
George Moffat, infant son of Mr.
and "Mrs. Lloyd Moffat of HolyroOd,
Councillors re-elected by acclama-
Mr. and Mrs., Joseph Hackett cele-
brated 'their :60th wedding anniveri-,
Port Albert bomber and crewe of
Old Country fliers,lost in Lake Min. -
° Mr. and Mrs. John Howe 55 years
Kenneth McLean of the Essex
Scottish reported as a Dieppe pris-
Dr. and •MrS. J. F. MacKerizie of
Detroit celebrated golden wedding
_Tom Rueelas completed sowing
156 acres Of.fall wheat.,
D. A. Andrew appointed .Domin-
Alek . MecKenzie'e plane ' t tossed . WEDDINGS—J. E. Collinson and
oVer on its back by exploding ellen •Marjr MacKenzie; Vidor William '
during raid on Ddisburg, aermany. Barrett and Vivian Bone of London;
Third Victory Loan opened with Themes MePherson and Margaret
minimu:m Dominion' objective of MeQuillin; Earl Plowman and Inith
$750;000,000 which was far exceeded Sheppard;• , Lloyd McDougall arid
Attendance ef some 16,000 shatter-. Anna Mae Farrish; LAC. Matt KellY
Rev. S. T.. Tucker onducted anni- Hollywood •tnee Dahlia Pears); Mrs.
Versary Services -.in the United lames Byren; Mrs. Waiter Eifert;
Church. ' ', Mrs, Aleic Fraser; 1V1i.S. john R.
value. . Ella • Edith MoOre; -8, ' A. Blair of
Jewel Rebekah lodge officers in'-' Winnipeg; W..."11. Johnston; Mrs.
stalled with Mrs. Redvers Johnston Walter° Day; John S. MacDoneld;
Bill Mitten differed fractured le
MrC. A. G. Elliott moved to Strath -
Cecil Mullin concluded more than
12 years as mail courier on krt. 2
ard. •
Article and.picteres poitriyed de-
. velopmentr-- of a growing local in-
dustry, the.Maple Leaf Aircraft
A Merry-go-round of , residential
changes, took place. '"
Rae deNall's car stolen from in
ront of ' the Maple, Leaf Aireraft
plant, where .1. H. Crawford's car
was abandoned; McNeil car located'
ten •days later near
'WEDDINGS—Alfred Sherwood &
Maude Cooke; It. 4c, Teeft and jean
Bernice Marion Culbert; Jas. Percy:
Mrs. 'Christopher Hetherington; W.
A ,,,kddie from college flanked Breda
Collapsed from the strain. ,
You're killing yourself by deigiees".
Publishe d .every Thursday morning
' . at - Lucknow, Ontario. •
Publisher and• Proprietor
*Most of the AppeaLs 'of the Aid to
Russia Fund bave been addressed"
to the virorneri 'and girls of Canada.
With the three-quarters Of milliori
the men and boys of canada were
challenged td diaplay their ingenditY
in raising money for this tritinte to.
the men and boYs of the other great
race -which shares with us Can-:
adieu's the northern' hernisphere
.Women and - giris can stage
bazaars, . coneerts, teas, sales? all
manner :Of attractions for raising
donations. What can men apd hews
FOr it is _the power of invention
-in the men and boys of Ruisia, not
only in their armiea bid in the vast
tivilian dynamo of Rusaia, that is
the seeret Of their success against
Germania Frightened • •
Solovyew Red Star viar correspon-
dent, the. Germans -are ' frightened
to take priioners because , out -of
every batch of priioners sent to the,
rear, a definite. proportion Of thein
escapes. and joiris the guerilla hands
thet are :increasing in size and fdry
with every Week of this terrible
winter campaign. .
Of. prisonera are raided by guerrilla
parties' waiting. to free them.: Some -
ellraided et night, an holes blown in
But until they were taught and
killed a few weeks ago, a trio who
Will: direly ge down in Russian his-
tory , es; national heroes; an aged
man and his two small grandsons,
aged 12 and 10, Were the liberators
of handreds of Russian Soldiers to
join the -guerillas behind the Gert
man lines.
The old men poSed ,as a, hlind
peasant, and with his -two Small
grandsons 'holding , his hands, and
all laden with, bundles of worthless
chattels, they vvalked the highwaYs
along which the military traffic
moved, including parties pf prison..
This #old man and these , two
youngstera were themselves giter-
gering_along the roads, wag over-
taken 'bY the party of marching
Russian prisOners,, under:guard, the
soldiers would sing 'out greetings to
the old maxi.. And. the little boys
would banter back and the Old man
wOuld Mumble hia'aripirrent curses
at. being forced ' into thelditeh 'to let
had been Pessed..The harmless gibes
of the little boys; the imprecations
of the old man, had carried to their
of War gang the instruction that, at
'a certain spot not far ahead, a giter-
rillia band would attack the esant
and everybody who was fit arid will-
ing, must run, a.' certain direction,
to a certein wood, past a ,certain which had beep used to land troops.
village, where: cOmredes awaited , Heavy Tall, of Tanks '
them, With arins. . ' "Telly American planes ire in
Every piteher goes once tdo often use and the Air Porce is taking a
to the well.' The old, man . and the heaVy toll of German tanks. Sup -
little' 'boys died tinder a blast of plies appear to be plentiful and the
Germah belly gun& on e roadside. Canadians ara.serving with. the R.
Ingenuity Needed ', A. F,,, while the other nations, air -
But it shoWs you hew aged men men are in separate units. They met
ancV little boys can be ingenions. 0 nuinber of ' American fliers there
And it reMinds yob licAir the people and have the highest praise for them
of Russia, as a Whole, in i uniform' as fliers and men: The representa-
ancl out,. are. fighting this war teeth .,,tives of the Prep preneh Who are
and nen. • - there also received high praise. They
And it may be, a few luindred had left Egypt before ,,the landirig
Canadian. nien and boys can dream of the Ameeicans in Tunis, .and lied
up:' some schemes to raise Money no word of the late fighting. .
for, the Aid to Russia Fund that
million dollars at a greater clip than
the first - Civarter million.
Send your donations and the don -
friends 'and fender wilriers or fel-
low diners or fellow players in this
dian Aid to Russia Fund, 80 King
PO. Bill ICennedy, referred to in
the folloWinil article is a nephew'
of MrS. Thomas Roach, ConeeSsion
,Kinloss. His father is the Pres-
bYterian miniSter at Southampton.
Bill 14:dried the Air Force two years
age, atilie age of 18. An older bro.:
"After travellirig oVer thirty-five
thonsand miles by. sea -and at least
touChing at five continents, two
Southampton fliers, P.O: Bill Ken-
nedy and Sat, ,Pilot Chester !Plante,
vice withk the :RA.F. BOth boys gra-
same Air School,. 'and theli9,, cOurses
have run .paraltel since' ?that time.
'Early in January of last year they
sailed. for •Englead and after short.
Wile there volunteered for tekvice
lii the East, and- Landed in- Egypt last
April. Most of their service while
in Egypt was -oh the .grOurid and
both welcome. the epPortanity to
duty in the'f-ture On another front
They left Egypt in October apd ar-
rived in America ln•Deceinberi with
only a few short: stopovers oe the:
Way tieing. The group of fliers that
they were with expected to be post-
ed for -clufY inimedieterY on another
front, and their twenty-eight, day
leave at their honies is indeed a wel-
Begat 6riidIttous."
• "Beth of them appear te, be in the
pink of condition; and are well tan-
ned after their.. time spent on the
desert and the long -See voyage.
While life in the desert is hot the
pleasantest neither has any com-.
and dust were their chief trial's
while • on duty in the East. Flies -
were eVerY,w, here and hetped to`
spread diseaie and infection. San•i,r
and even the slighted wound .he7
came infected and recarired immed-
iate attention if it were not to be -
restricted and neither would relish
a meal of bidly beef if offered to
them. Some vegetables, were plenti,-
tut, and during the time that they
Were stationed in the cities, they
lived verY well. Sun arid dust
.TQ serve' 1?eit ancl:tirofit most froin this' yeaes urgent need '
k‘. ler more _ogs.. and more . pOtiltry meat; start -good chicks,
• earlier than-. ever before. Pet yeur 'brooder to work 3, or
7or even 5. weeks -,:iltleact of your. tiniel AThat will give"
you more Aime to look- after' them properly before the Spring
rush , more time to grow end develop them' properlY befere
Fall and give • you higger„ better: birds, 'laying bigger eggs
when dernand highest and si.ippliestowest, neXt October and
November: •
' Order, What You Need EARLY -
Be "forehanded".1' The dayS
; are gone when you could walk
walk out again with all the
, goods yOu wanted. Cheek your
. equipment. If -You need ariy-
thing-,-Lrepairs, replacements,-.
,everi i handful of nails -.-order
job of it, for it you overlook
anything , you, can't count on
Making it 'good at the last
'Nat's also true of feed; fuel,
. and chicks good Chicks.. Or -4
der in advarice. 'And While:
you're ,about it, make sure
they're good .chiCks. Don't
and hope on second-ratere.• •
Don't Order .too many. Over -
.crowding , is disestrons. Good
chicks grow fast. They heed
more room every clay. 'Don't
prder' mere. than experience
that .yOu can raise right. If -
you -want to. raise -more-thare--
handle at one thrie, start. one
brood • extra early, and . an-
other in the Spring.
,cloes the 'nick'
Minnie: Arou look all put of sortis.
What's the Matter?"
Nellie: "Plenty. an account of my
rheumatism the ,,clector told me to.
avoid all. dempness---and .you've no
idea hew eilly I feel sitting in an
empty bathtub and going over
self with a vacunm cleaner".
bleached clothing very quickly, al-
though both agreed' that altlichigli .- •
the temperatures were extremely
able dee to the dryness of the desert
high it was not Particularly notice -
air. During the daytiznee minimum
of clothing was worn ancl their iron •
beds. were too hot -to place the hand • '
on comfortably. At. night the 'at-
jnosphere cooled off - end sleeping'
Hydro Heine Eiontenisi
."They .both have an interesting
collection ,of picturek, bah of ecenes
in 'England and hr the desert. Some
very fine pictures of Alexandria and
Cairo are inclidled in the collections.
Sergeant Plante's collection includes
sinne intereating pictures received
from ,German prisoners, one of
which Shows Hitler talking to tiro
German offiCers: .Another shows
*finer and ond of his .high ranking
generals .addressing :Nazi .treops_al
Crete. Others are paratroops landing
at 'Crete and in action at other
happena largely through lack 'of
points. They -aid) have soine good
knowledge of food. Values—and...sel'
dom through lack of Money. Nutri -
flames, and of .smashed gliders
o xperts have found -that Most
of don't get enough vitamins end
minerals because we don't knoir
how to Spend our food dollars. •
An American lumber Salesman 'ap-
plied at a Canadian recruiting. effice
"I, simpo-se yeti -,want eernmii-
sion", -said the officer in- charge.
"No thanks", was the reply. -"Pin
such a poor shot, I'd .rather work on
a straight salary".
. MAKING- WIRE OF YOUR green and yellow veget .
MINERALS AND VITAMINS your Vitamin B., the richest source
is brewer's yeast while chief food
- Hello Hrimemakerst The Nutrition
source is found in the Whole grain
campaign is Under way. Once again cereals. Other good sources are
we discuss minerals and vitamins.
Why? First of all, because 85 per fresii Peas, fresh lima beans', navy .
beans, spinach; carrets, pork, eggs
cent of the women at the last Red and milk. Vitamin •C (knewn as
Cross meeting we attended yeqUest-
ed it, and, secondly', because recent Ascorbic Acid) is folind especially
in oranges, lemons arid limes, as •
surveys sho* that Canadians are net
getting sufficient:. (1) calcium; 0) well as in .temato juice and pow_
toes. ,Potatoes are a good source
because of the arnetints in which
they are eaten. .
,sure to Check up on the "liard-
toget" vitamins and mirierals and
getting their daily qupta: Later on '
we will have something te say about
the other vitamins, Such As Vitamin.
and Vitamin B2.
, Mineral foods build up bone' and •
amid the whrle of every Cell in the , TAKE A TIP
body. ' The "hard -to -ger minerals. An 'Adequate Nutri -Thrift Menu
are calcium and iron. Calcium is. Breakfast Applesauce, rolled oat's
neceSsary not only for building with whole milk, whele Wheet toast
strong bones and teeth but also for witik fautter, cocoa. •
proper .functioning of the nervousi Dinner:, Liverjeiled potatoes,
system, proper beefing of the heart, stewed toreetcies, whole wheat
control of the muscles ,and -enrich, bread, butter, orange custard.
ment of the blood. YoU van' make. Suppel: Vegetable soup, grated
sure Of your calciurn quota bY raw beet salad with cheese, tea bis -
eluding' in yeur daily diet one pint cults, hOrne canned fruit, milk. '"
of milli per 'adult and one quart • of • THE QUESTION BOX
"The Italians made model piison., milk' per elm& :AM_ products ..stiee. M. C. • asks: "Are....eggs. !calf,
at the pads. Apparently the former'
are used to semi 'extent as labor
parties. Not so with the Gernian
prisoners as they are kept in close
confinement. The native Indian did
African soldiers are making akSreal
name for therrieelVeli, but are not
ketting the share of publicity that
they deserVe.
chant fipally wrote his customer, :United Chureh T. 10. S. . , , ,
Sayillg, "If YOu do not pay me what • Tho meeting opened with a hymn
you. owe within 'the next ten days* inid ° after ' the, Lord's prayer;. the
1 Plan to tell all of ' your creditors scripture lesson, was read by Jean
that yeti did pay tne'.', . 0 Ant. Mrs. Roy Black gave a -read-,
„ - topic "Itobert Burns".,, was given '14%
,"Plettge, can, you tell me why the Miss L Kalbfleisch. Ceille'Wileon
tide is not up4liiis niorning?" asked , gave a reading. A spelling match was
the little girl rat the seaside. I conducted by Eva Greer, The Meet-
' "Yea, rnisfr„ replied the old fight...! ing eloSed with ,id Save The King,
Cidbert; Thelina Gimes and "Babe einian, "It's becanSe it was Mit all I The meeting fo Jariliarli 25th will
be held at Mrs, E. Taylor's, , Their inive cash registers": ' ' •
Book; CharleS liehdetton ZYklalnighei •
eWhile 'both bat welcome :„ the
gethileirilillie- air again.- They 'wit
report to, their headquarters and will
be posted from there tO flew duties
at seine unknown destination".
ydu get out and find a job? When
I was your age 1. was working for
$3.00 a week in a store and at the
'end of 5 years I owned the , store".
Son: "Yeti can't do that nowadays.
as cottage cheete may be used -fel, culated as nutritive value when used
• your quo ----11risaleate
, Irpn makes red bloda cells and I Answer: Children ere not- served
carries Oxy geri 49 ,.,the cells of every , much ,cake and it is wise to serve
organ and tissue. Minor . disturb- omelettes, etc„, and make eggless
arices—eVen slight infectionscauge Cakes when eggs ire expensive:
loss of iron; BUt in spite of its • im- Eggless Cake .
the body and the amounts, obtained • -.cup sugar, 2' cups flour, 5 tsps. '
One-third cup shortening, 1
portance, iron cannot be stored in
from food.s are very small. To make°
'titre of your iron ration, we cannot
stress tio much the green leafy veg-
-as well sas fruits, *hole grain
bread and cereals.— .
tamm-rich foodS Wild up resis-
tance to ...disease, promote growth
afid keep the --body functioning
sthoothly.. Vitantin. 'Cannot be hoard-
ed In the body SO again We urge you
to get. your. vitanain-rich foods daily.
Cheek Up especially oh your Vita-
mins: A, and. 0, Vitaniin
butter, itti*, liver, . eggs ate the
baking powder, t cup milk,
grating 'otinutnieg or 1 tsp. van- -
MO extract, dm raisins
Cream .shortening arid Sugar..
Mii apd sift flour and baking '
powder and add alternateiy
with the milk:. Add flavoring
and raising or citron. 13eat well
and put into a greased loaf tin. •
Bake in electric oven at 50 de- :
grees for 45 fo do minutes.
Anne Allan invites you to write
tor her clo The SentineL Send in your
and Watch this cohmin for replies.