HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-01-21, Page 4ASO IS NOW RATO';`and it -becomes necessary that we observe a Strictly pa id -in -advance Policy ' TI1B COND1i OWS, no doubt, have ,prevented' subscri-bets front. as yet mewing their ..subscription for -:earliest -atter: 1�3"'If so:Iilease give this' matter your Wingham, was, pretty wedding •"'7Isabelle Habkirk,' `r of Mrs. Hab- Orville: Hab- de of Dr. Ross Frank Howson g .Hewson e eiw�r• with white on, - and .r sna van in.::marnage'I oriel .George 11Ps. a gown of White faille eetheartt.� neckline ilI ski i" ending. Her finger-tip veil' f�e1?, with . a heart -shaped nalo ',flailed, a fan • of white roses .,peas; Miss Ruth Prier; atter clue slit jersey, with matching ,porn- ` . • Albert ay r spent our hat and shoulder veil. She'in PToronto last week owing to theserious illness of • Herbert Taylor, carried a fan of pink `noses. Sergeant who•'underwent a tiyroid operation *red $°°user;-Petawawa; 'was , „.. an and the :ushers were Dr: on• Wednesday. His many friendsgr°o : will, be glad to know he is' making Norval' Scratch-- • :a»c, Dr. Roy How- son, both of.L'.ondpn.5 Rev. W. A. :,a favourable. recovery. Beecroft Performed 'the ,ceren on 'y 1. : ItGLAND. GRAIN of Turnberry Mrs Witiim ° Ki*►8, . 'Brussels: pre- ; ._ ,retired from municipal. hided -tat ',the or _ . and during the= Township.., •A , e-� ear --after d-`•of-tli `y Marie . signing . the' register Miss ..: . ' of King. sang "Because". The reception t enty--years' service. For the --past was heldlin the church par, the eight ; years -he has been reeve.0 ' ors bride's, mother receiving in a two= . the township and has served f, cre most every. County Council commit piece ensemble oy gu, b nd y pe, tee, save attaining.''to' the warden - with matching , hat, • miide fur and ship. _ corsage' of •Sunbeam .roses.. The cou- . ' STA HELENS `Tho Wong lretek ' In spite of imfavourable waathei and roads, abnpt ltri m 'persons gath- ,ing to honor' � ,embus of tie' � w� '-'111E TROOPS community.• The evening was spent at •• Af -<' erect the Hall on Thursday even'' $>i . FttreKNow,, ON'fk°A$IO in spcial ;chatand. c%n cing • to Music • 'by local :talent, Before lunch, Go*. Mac Webster of . Xitchener spent don Miller, home on leave front Pe - Bert, N`, 5:, was • called to the plat - toren: Stanley. 'Todd read an address. and Earl Durnin made 'the Resents- tion at a handsome wrist Watch.' Gordon.' responded fittingly. After.lunch Miss Margaret ;Aitch: ison, whose • i narriage to AC.. Clifford Purdon • was an interesting event of Saturday, ` .was the recipient of a miseellan'eous shower Of gifts. Dick' Weat ierbead read the address_ and Ross MacPherson, after .showering' the bride-to:be with., confetti from. ='an umbrella, made the presentat- ion. Margaret was assisted'' in open-. ing her gam« by Marjorie . Pardon, Marie Aitchison And Mrs. Gordon McPherson. Afterexpressing her - thanks,, alljoined' in singipg 'Tor she's a :jolly good fellow". • LIBdr. Gordon Miller' left on Sat- urday for Debert, N. S. after a three - weeks' leave,.athis• home. Owing to the'illness of Rev J..•A. Rtard` who was _confined ao the ;Toronto, was the bride's only 'hce's-e with 'n severe cold; there was •no service on Sunday dant; ` wearing a frock of :aqua • few days Taylor a the week -e here and. at, Kincar- du%r Ar •• os ..-.:. Jaek McCall - of 'Kitchener is spending a-- iwg'-Weeks' furlough with his patents, Mr. and: Uri.. Peter McCa1 . •' ''s * s' Pus: Dave Jewitt, gf Niagara-on- the-Lake''was home 'on a two week furlough and returned again to camp: 011 Tuesday. A.•'.s s.'s •*•': Bob Thompson .leaves . on Friday to, .spend. a :• few days in Toronto and at Valleyfield, ` Quebec, before returning to his. boat. at an. East Coast port.• _ . . •. *.•* • a s: • She local-branchoof'the Canadian Legion and the :Cfansi'nen Club each received holiday greetings from Flt. RA Alex' Ma n�P: ,The cables read erry Wid A Uapli1'- -Ne v, --Yeari-all welt".;' _ 4�: �a le .left for a short,wedding ,trip, s ; t brown P corsage �. Sunset rages. .r... b" , the bride traveling in a natural wool •suede' accessories.. Dr. and :Mrs: n... ` reside in I.oiide wsori .will with • o 'kasha dress .bin fur.'H - ' ... was swagger Enlists: in •B.C:A.F Mac Graham of Wingham, who js• _employed -by ..the. Bell Telephone Company in this district, has enlist- ed"'in'the ,R.C.A.F., and reports . at Manning Pool,: Toronto, the end :of the .Month.. Mrs• Graham was form erly Marjorie : $ erson 9f Luck= • noir... • - ;wl me Additional'` •lettersof thanks 'for.": cigarettes received. just' before Xmas have been receivd by.' The Legion: from Gi R. Whitby. Ronald. Hender- son. and A. G Aitciuson: Written ori• December' 11th, Aylmer says. the weather, was; not -much like winter. ]}1 Lueknow: 1t wait warm then, with. "lots and ldtsts" -.of rain- and we. are in "mud *and clay up to our knees": Home .From Overseas 11+ ma> • • THURSDAY JANUAkt, 1$ = 'LANES t t:V,isitors,in the coniiriunity tee last;. few week werf4 Miss Mary • Phillips ;f :T • • nto with Mr.. and Mrs .31404.1' Misses Romelda and 7E1i1, ° Lane of_: Orilla, Mr.. and Mrs IGoldwin" Wheeler with their parents,Mr aid'. Mra .George Lane Bra t- an Mist Doixothy. Wigs ford' with Mr.•'and Mrs Bert° Misses Grafi. and Louise .Camp hell of Lucknow, Miss Ina'of, St. Marys and .Misr Eileen of •Kitchener. with Mr..' and Mrs. C. -Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Gien Cameron- and family_ of.. Toronto, ,Mr. and Mrs.,:, Mason Robinson of Belgrave with; Mr.and.Mrs.A. Cameron. ' • Mr. and WSJ, McLeod and fam- ily with Mr. ;and Mrs Roy' Alton. Mr. and Mrs1Robt. Nelson, Jimmie and Jean of Toronto' 'with Mrs•.3. Mullin Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sherwood and; fan.ily, .Mr. and • ,Mrs: ,Leslie Ritchie and Alvin, Mrs.' and Mrs., Andrew Gaunt with Mrs. Sherwood and Earl, We are pleased to report Mrs. Sher= wood; much improved in health: Mrs. G. Vint has returned to her. home' after resting...at the homes:of Iver daughters recovering from the effects of a. fall. ackettand-J ie spent a_. few_ days, with friends • in Ripley ; LAC. 'Melvin Hackett. of. Ipper- wash • mid Mrs. Hackett visited for a few days with Mr: and Mrs. Alex Hackett, 'Sr.. r : ' Mr. and 'Mrs. , S. Irwin and . family visited Mrs. Irwin's parents at Au- burn lately.. Pte. • J: Stothers of LCamp Borden FOR. SALE- Durham cow, due Feb.. 3. R. 'Middleton, 'phone.. Ripley 26-9. • _' FOR ,SALE --wheelbarrows, without wheels. Richard Pratt, Lucknow, BARLEYy-.ear of. ' choice 3 C; Wr Western Barley, 'coming . Treleaven Flour M Hs,°Luch;►ow FOB SALE. -- Pitrebred Shorthorn ` r • '17.. months old. Johnston. Mc - ,bull, _ Leod, don. 6 Kinloss; :'phone 2778,. Ripley. spent an afternoon with Mr and. Mrs.. W:• Irwin and Pahnerr �-, The annual meeting of : the W.M.S. was.• heidtat: the home of ,Mrs: Ebner Alton. The president, Mrs.. E. Zinn eonducted the program -after which the pastor, Rev: Mr. Howse; conduct- ed the election ofm officers. Regret was expressed that Mrs. Zinn could not be with' us another year. Mrs. George Lane was• elected president;. Mrs.•• J. Mullin • 'vice-president; Mrs. BABY CHICKS -4 days old.. B.R. or B.R. N,H. Hybrids. 95.% pullets, $22:00; mixed $12.00; cockerels $5.00 ($7.00 after April. 1st), John Cuyler, R.' 4 Kincardine,, 'phone Ripley .76-20., APPLICATIONS WANTED by .Twp. Of Ashfield for the office -of Assess, or, salary $125.00. Applications to be in Clerk's hands by February 5th, 1943. C. E.,. McDonagh, Clerk, R. 3, Lueknow. LADY, married er single,able to spend ,'few hours a week selling -well-known Rawleigkili Proauets can makevery goodpr'ofits: Easy work For details, apply Rawleigh's,'Dept. ML -271:309-A, Montreal FOR : SALE—Two registered York- shire sows" due February. 14th and March .3rd; four Grade 'Sows due April 1st to 10th; all with Advanced Registry Ancestry.. May be• inspect- ed .atthe farm,,•.9th .con., Ashfield. S. B. Stothers, :Arthur,. Ontario.' TENDERS ends of for 20 c WANTED ER WANT TENDERS beech and maple bodywood, :18' in. long, to be :delivered.: to' S.S. No. 8, Kinloss, by April lst. Tenders will be received by the undersigned,to Saturday, January 23rd;: 1943: FOSTER G•, MOFFAT, Sec. • S. Irwin secretary; Muss: G,eo:;Henryy TENDERS. nll..he.'received:.by the secretaries mere --'__:,.,.,:a�.e,...wG ,,,,,.ate of ,�_;.,�►, ,treasurer. The other re -appointed and the Heralds are • to be. appointed at • the next raeeting• ;The annual Meeting of the `con - Sergeant Arthur Tr'apl n, aecom-• gregation and Sunday . School , was and his mother - Mrs Albert. Traplin church A-ien Donnie held in tvery prosperous � roe of te panied by' his wife, Tittle and hap - of Owen Sound, were recent: visitors py year's work was reviewed and with Mr. • and Mrs. Murdoch Mathe- the officers -for 1943 were appointed. son,, east of Ripley. For the past 15 months Sergeant Traplin has' been with the•--Canadv'n ' Ari�nv overseas. He returned, to his home in., Owen Sound on Christmas :,day,' having been•=postedLto anada Jo ,fie officer's .training .coures. ' q a s.- Ai w oyal,•.obey. the laws, pay ordinary taxes, provide for self" and familY, save something for futtut independence are the relaiively sinsple duties of citizenship in peacetime. • . But in war -time thhsis .ares 4.. 'have the privilege of. , joining the armed arduous duties, which call trn his great - requirements *are the oblige - tions of extraOrdinary taxes, Vuxory Bowls and wu charities. Scigreat are theftnandal duties - imposed by war that the citizen mut resort tf) unnstial., *drastic, ruNGANNoN ,EIM wood, or any portion thereof, 'to be delivered. at the Town Hall, 1943. Tenders io be received on or before Saturday, January 23rd, .1.p43. JOSEPH AGNEW, TENDERS wANtEp for 20 eordi 14-ineh Maple and beech body wood and two Cords of cedar to. be deliver- . ea and *piled, at the schoel on or before May -1943. Tenders Misies Ellen. Maize and Lorna received up to February 1, 1943. seriously ill in Guelph ilotPital. . At the annual congregational meeting,* of , Dungannon United church . reperts of the year's work „were presented as fallows: Thornas Webster, treasurer of the 'Committee .0f steward§ reported that all.current expenses of the Church bad been met and a substAntial 'balance Was left; Mrs, ,;kverett Harris reported that ,$187 had been &attributed to the missionary and maintenance fund Of the church; a report of the .TInited Church ',Debt, 'LicTu-di 'Fund Showed that 4167 had been 'contributed laY the Dungannon ,tharge, thsvi„reaehing the. allocation ;et by the Huron Presbytery.' MrS. J. M. Reed gave the report 31' the Women's Missionary Society and Baby liana and told 'Of an AEC- ive year by the Society, which sent $175 to the Presbyterial treasury, exceeding the alloCatien, and $13 to 'the treastirer for the Baby Band. Mrs. John Blake, reporting for the Women's F-Assotiation, stated that S139238 had been raiied during the year "and a large amoimt of this ex - age: The 'W. A. also Procured 27 froth the cominimity fri uniform and had Sent Christmas cards to eaCh. Everett- Harris, treasurer for the -undo School; reported a balance. "lass had given' $7.25 to the can - lien), Articles Made 1VIrs. Moore gave a report for the .5ect Cross -unit of the church and the many artieles of clothing: made fOr the children in England and /fohvarded through the local Red Crosi. rePort of the sesSion showed 232' Members in the church, 20 bap, "stra;--two-Marriagesi- eight It was reported, that the Young Follawing the receiving of the re- ports the following ..elections took place: Samuel Roaeh arid' Oeorge V', Harris, , hOnortiry ,,eiders; John Blake, Roderick McDonald and Wm. Stothers, elders to the session., of the chtirch; 3. Ryan, D. E. Ander- soh and Thomas Dickson, jr".; stew- ards pr tisree.rara' :64,447norntssit- F. • T. ARMSTRONG. OPTOMETRIST •LUCKNIOW EACH WEDNESDAY - AFTERNOON • 1430 to 6 o'clock -AT WM. S. CHM•ID'S STORE d .r P. STUART AlacKERIE BARRISTER .&` SOL_ICITTOR, • Walkerton,. Ontario: 'IN 'LUCKNOW Each Wednesday Afternoon & ,Evening' At; G. ' H. SMITH'S . OFFICE 4 NOTICE -T-0 CREDITORS,: j In ' the Matter.. of' the Estate of .Ida. Fulford McLeod late of the Village. of Lucknow' in the County of` Brace married` woman, deceased. - NOTICE -is hereby given, . pursuant td the Statutes in that behalf, that all Creditors ' and -others having claims . or demands. against the es-: tate of the said Ida •Ftitiford•McLei d -, who died on . or about . the sixth day ofOctober A.D. 1942 areacequired on or before the Thirtieth"_wbday of .. t uary A.D:,1$43, tin. seta y poi pr Paidil. or deliver, to the undersigned, executor of the last will.and testa merit of the said deceased, their names, addresses• :the full parti'cu ' lars • of their claims,a statement',of their accounts, and the nature of the s, i any, held •by •tthettt. duly..:: securities, ,f a ,�, . , verified ,by affidavit.-: AND take notice that after such ° last mentioned date the s aid executor. Will proceed to distribute jbe assets. '.of the. said deceased among the per- sons entitled -thereto, having regard: only to the claims of whit:h he shall -`'- then have notice, ' and that the said executor will not ,be liable for the said .assets' or any part' thereof' to any person or persons of whose. claims . notice shall not have been rec-ewed--by-him_at-,the time-Of.,such distribution, Dated at Lucknovt!, Ontario, this Apply to Roy DCl'1 C4CILy-4l Gci Fourth -da -y --of Januar►,-AD.--1943. Wilfred. A. Johnston • A-short line 'id -thank you for the branch of the Red Cross.' ' You May, be stir* the gifts vviii be 'Much. appreciated,_they are things .needecU verl' mulch and what's are' others , Who .eare,. no mattei where we are, for the welfare cf Canada's armed forces. I .might mention here, for thosc who doubt the stability of the Ree cross; 'that while r was serving • ir England I reteived -woollen article's, sent froM Canada. I 'might say alsc that I wa.s, not the only recipient who reeeiVed articles front the Can- adian •Red Cress. Many of my pals ,many of the R.A.F. and, s9idiers of the British and Canadian :..armies. 1.Take it from, me folke, ..Your effort' are well appreciated by' all. You have the pleasure of 'seeing your boys overseas receiving' the' artkl& you werk se hard- ta, make. So oniie again Milts thanks a lot for yottr gifts, and here's, wishing PS. -,-T0 the folks 01 Zion,, Happy and Prespereus New. Year and The Bank ofi.,Monueal WI= you the service of a Special Sav- ings Account, in which you Can deposit every pay-day, or other income date, the right proporticniate amount to ' cover your war obligations when due. THIS, STRANGE WORLD. tie "'isms" .that infest. this world of arigi y0.1 gtyCPne to your ..e.ommunism—yOu give beth cows to the Governtieent and, it, giVeS you hatk some' Of the miA. Fitscistrv-You keep the Cows !Jilt give the 'Milk to tilt povernment Which sells sortie Of it back' to you. you and takes both coa. , New GoVereirient Shoet4 one COW, 'Milks the other end BANK ,w1irKE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOligig":, • Moder* Experienced Bankine,SeiriCe Lucknow Branch: V. N. MST, Manager 016 CARD OF THANKS I Bothwell, Ont., Executor. Mr. John- A. MacKinnon and fam- I NOTICE TO CREDITORS'''. ily wish to express their heartfelt , thanks ' to friends and neighbotirs for the many kind acts 'and expres-, sions Of ., sympathy extended • them in their bereaVernent, including ,the spiritual and floral bouquets, 1 Preabyterian Guild the Music cOnimittee, the, theme for the ' evening. was the life ari.c1 'Writ; ings of John Keble, the liymn-writ- er. Dr. Little and Mr. Cameron Mac - Maid contribnted much t� the pleasure Of theie present -With: their, violin musie.. Marion MacDonald read the scriptural reference for the' Bible Study, which was prepared, by Mrs. James Little aild read by IVIandie Fisher. Miss Pearl Hender.- son then led, in Prayer. After the singing of hymn 277 the brisiness of the imeeting_Was cliscusSed,,Hyrren 482 was followed by 'exam- ination of the- Catechiszn question led hyRodriey McLennan. Katherine Agnew- Sang, a solo 'arid the life of John- Keble was ably surninarized by. WS. Clark Fielay•sori. itubF Ir- win read one of John Keble's poerns, Then Gwen Stewart played` a piano _Selo, Two, ..contests_were -conducted liAy. the "inusie convener. When the meeting closed with hymn 666 and a prayer by Mr. J.23. Ross. In the Matter of the Estate ef lames -McDonald late of: the Township Of Ashfield in the Ceunty of Huren, NOTICE is hereby given,- pursriant • to the Statutes in that behalf,°that all Creditors • and others having estate pf the. said James. Me - A. D. 1942 are required on or itei fore the Thirtieth day of January - A,D. 1943, to ,send by post Prepaid. or deliver, tO , the underaigned; ex- ecutors of the laitsWill and Testa- ment of 'the said deceased, their names, addresses, the full partieu-. lars of ,their claims; a statement of ....IN their accounts, and the nature- orthe securities, if any, held by thOti duly verified by affidavit. , AND take notice that'after, such last mentioned date the said excutori: will proceed to distribute the assar sons entitled thereto, having el the said deceased among thity- only te the -claims of which they , shall then have notice, and that the said execntors will not be liable.for the said 'assets er any part thereof , to any person or perdons of ,,whose Dated at Lueknow, Ontario,, this 'Fourth day of January, A.:D. 1943., Margaret C. MacLennan, . Robert Hamilton, ,Are your eggs fresh?' Medal* the hen 'doesn't realize I've got them yet. tee of steWards:,,Mrs: Everett Harris, Newtori,,,.itoynt orotilit* or. w4. n, TfficiltoTs-Tor W. A. met at the horne . of iletri. school suPerintendent Was deferred- with twenty in attendant*. Mrs: to special meeting folloiving thy Joynt.opened the 'devotional Peried chureh service Jamiary 24th. hwith a reading, feilowed bY singing Urge Liquor- Restrictions ' a. hyMn and prayer in trnigottd It 'WAS Voted that 'the (torch send Mri; .R,. 'Robertson read Psalm 84 a reseltition to Pr4.irniq (ion (',011 , feil• sviiptore lesson. Officers for ont apd the Chain -hen of the Ontario. ail 'the departrnents of work Were cOmpli.onte 'with Minister a New Year reading' by Mrs,'W ' k" .1 ft, , pit -411 liquor soiling Anderson, and A 4610 hy be restricted te,eight hears pp.! wei-k TreleAusli. A hymn and, praYer the Meeting: .