HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-01-14, Page 5..i • • URsDAY, JANUARY 14th, 1943 Lypc'eum Theatre WIN'GH M e W,Q„ Shows Saturday Night Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Janu ar 14,-13, 16- SPECIAL CECIL B. DEMILLE'S GREATEST SPECT'ACL.E, REAP THE WILD WIRD" D" IN rEeNNlOR! fl 1C Matinee 'Sat: Afternoon --2.3O Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Jamary 18 19, .10 Y KYSER -ELLEN DREW Y' Favourite . Spy Kay Kyser goesspy hunting, and provides many laughs. ,Also "Edgar Kennedy'.' . and "Picture People" i i WE Al2E iiPAYING ON.,FIVE YEAR GUARANTEED • TRUST -CERTIFICATES ISSUED IN ANY , A O,U.N T•, An ideal authorized investment for individuals,companies, ceme- tery boards, executors and -other flusters. • TMC' STERLING' TRUSTS • . CORPORATION .372. BAY ST. TORONTO • • THE 'LUCKNOW SENTINE , LUCKNOW, Of4'TARIO 42 4 • JULY WEDDINGS -=Cecil Gardner and ..Sugar rationing: begaziie effective Annie Marguerite Quaid; Gerald July July 1st. • Cole and Margaret Pearl McIntyre; Dr. Grant- MacKenzie .reported for, Cornelius .Hogan and Vivian Court- '.tduty in; medical diyi`sion; of , R. •,C. neyr Sgt.' .:Observer Janies Russell and Mary Graham; H, T. Wilcox and Sgt: 9, bserver. Thomas Finlay kill- Muriel . Solomon;` Jack Webster' and ed in action overseas orf July 4th -• _ Dorothy. Lovett; C. J. Maneely: and. Goveent announced subsidyEvelyn .Cranston. ' rnmof =✓ 6 cents a pound on, butterfat. DEATHS-R.ussell Hedley, °' lam Wallace.' .,, ' • • Wilk- ` Jim Parkes suffered fractured ' ankle in -ha i. y'ng 'accident at holy- AUGUST rood. - 1Mrs. Bessie Davies, 72 -year-old Village tax rate struck .at 417 mills, aunt. of Mrs; Bert' War,..d was render- Military Pipe Band from .Listowel ed homeless by the bombing of Bath:, gave ' fine performance, d . Thomas Culbert of Dungannon, 87 ' Rationing of tea and coffee be - yea s of age and 66 years are Orange-' came ,effective, " .. Man, was• the oldest member in the Memorial window • and baptismal 12th. of July parade at Lucknow. font unveiled at Presbyterian church German field gun, relic of the in inemory,of,Mrs. C, H. MacDonald last war, was removed •from Bowling and Dr, and Mrs, Daniel Geddes and Green And turned in for scrap, . ; .Carrie. '. Impressive inernorial service for'. Poorest honey crop in .Years, both Thomas :Finlay held at the. home• of in quantity and quality, reported. - Mr. and Mrs: 'John Jamieson, • • Loot small as "Supertest' Garage Lorne MacLennan .opened Purina broken, into.. Thief even pilfered Feed Store.' change _from Legion's "milk bottle". Joseph Hackett -suffei°ed fractured Wm. Holmes of 'Port Arthur and . hip.. .-.:_. _ _..... a-farmerly of_Lucknow- celebrated-is� _RuralseraP_rubber.drive birthday` _ launched_ ' Which finally netted some five ions. Village Council and .tow'n officials of scrap presented Mr. and Mrs. N, E. Bush- . Lt. 'Col: • G. H. .McTavish killed in. Dieppe raid; ' .'Keriny__McLean; Rev. and Mrs, R. W. ` Craw re= prisoner o f war;'; Leroy ' Waldron ceivedfirst word in six months'from slightly wonded arid Grant :tamp.- their.. daughter, Dr. Helen Craw bell, returned uninjured. . Mr,. and Mrs. Wm: Armstrong Sr. Allan ' Chapple won provincial: celebrated 59th ;Wedding annivers- music medal. far highest marks in : ary. Grads 9, piano. .• Mrs.., John. MacDonald. of Ashfield Eric Haldenb Y `15 ear -old 'son of Succumbed• in St. Mi;chael's Hospital , Y r. an. ;. r r . ;" " r . ort ;Haldenby lost h eeivezi en his life-by'�-drowraing al. Kincardine."- str-uak. by--a--ealf, - , Presbyterian ''and United ,church .congregations.'held joint services' during summer months:5 1,, ell .with silver platter. Mitchell of China. 'b Royal- Hotel c4ed .as Mrs. Creen moved. to London. • ' • Jack McLean, son; of Mr: ;and Mrs. 4.. F.. McLean of . Whitechurch, lost VictorErnmerson'had three horses' his life by drowning at Niagara killed by ,lightning at Langside and Falls " Ale2 Cameron had two cows killed ' 'WEDDINGS—Robert McQuillan & in the same manner: Charles Taylor Jean McKenzie; 'L(Cp1. Donald Ait- of the 'same comrntinity lost :a horse chison and Dorothy Ziegler; G. G. ' when struck by a car. Wheeler and Winnifred Lane;. H. B. Mrs', James T. Webster suffered 'a Scott and Catherine McKinnon; A. fractured hip arid Miss Christy' Gra- L. Wall and Ethel May Johnston;, ham a fractured arm: John MacDonald apd •Eleanor Stock;: James Burns visited ,in' England Graham Pinkney , and Mary Mc with Robert; Barbour, ;formerly of .Intyre;. Harold Birch and Catherine Lecknow, and who Was blinded by Patterson; E. J' ming .and Ma wounds received in the last, war, the. Clare; Clifford . Crozier and 'Ila' daypprior to the signing of the arm- Maize; G. ,C, Montgomery and Mur- istice. •• • Patterson. A. M. ' Nicholson, M.P-__., in .a speech DEATHS Kenneth Finlayson; the :House referred to the vicious John H. Wall, Culross; . Mrs. • Mary Ann Woods, "Annie; McIntyre, Percy Roulston. propaganda of the brewing compan- • res, and urged -the discontinuance of` ihi'ink less. about your rrg6 s; -more l Aabout your duties, RESIGNATIONS of municipal of- • i , ficials andschool trustees found Blyth temporarily short one reeve, e onecouncillor and' • two members of the School Board. The village clerk b and the treasurer also resigned a short time ago and permanent ap- . f pointntents have not yet bean made. s rquor advertising and • a reduction n the consumption of -liquor., Patrick Hogan was fatally injured n a haying - accident. • LAC.. W. M.: Morrison of Sask'ate i - Wan, flying student at Sky Harbor, was killed in a crash at. Port Al- ert." Alex Mustard of Bluevale I was atally injured when kicked in the tornach by a - horse. C`UNGANNON (Intended for last '•week) Miss . Bernice Blake, B.A., prin- cipal ,of Newmarket Public School returned tolduties after spending.the Yuletide Season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Blake. Miss Ferne Twamley,` Stratford 'Normal student is practise teaching - at. the Dungantion school this week, and-,while=here=is-stay-ing-with-hest aunt, Mrs. John Blake:. BESNEY OU HAVE THE RIGHT NUMBER... CONSULT THE DIRECTORY • c Cloarleephono /roes for = — -- �--- • Your telephone is part of a vast interlocking system now carrying an abnormal Willime.load. .Don't let needless delay*. holdup messages on 'which productionefficiency. ;may, depend, BE ,$RIE>. Clear your lbw for the nett calf. r'A..• USt OFF.t 1tAI(, •bout a tor your ,.,o,va L•- ` Tbese•tan 6,506,000 d lY�,etepbONe callt, they ire very,mportdite. 11,4104, Mr. Gillies Haines, accompanied •byhis son Neil of .Aylmer spent.`a few days last week visiting relatives at' Riversdale,, Teeswater and Wing- harry. His son -Neil was a visitor with - him for a •week, .returning to •Ayl- mer: with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rich- ardson. We are glad to knoweIVlrs. °Annie Campbell; mother .of Mrs. C. W. Al- ton is- progressing niecely at God: erich Hospitalafter receiving. 'a broken leg just before Christmas, when she slipped,on the floor in the house. Since the injured member has • been put in a cast, a lot of the suffering has been reduced and °de- spite her advanced age, We are look- ing_for a speedy recovery.. ' Dungannon Women's Insti- tute' met at Mrs. O. FI Popp for the .December meeting With -Mrs: George Hodge, the president, 'iii the' chair. er 0 was f allied from ti bazaar and Christmas cake sale„ Let- ters 'were read from boys overseas who had received cigarettes. and; parcels thanking the Institute. The letters ;were from Raymond i Currie, Alvin Sherwood, James Mililon and James Phillips It was decided to send ,300 cigarettes to the boys'serV- ing. overseas. The roll call was ans- wered, by: a.suggestion for a homer lade- Chri*stnias r''7.deaoratielt_M'�v� ,r .- yah rea .,ari article on, the sub- iect "How to spend Christmas". Mrs. _Popp assisted by Mrs, Smyth served refreshments. A social time, was en- •re• ad. • It showed total receipts 'of the jayed.and an exchange of gifts" was year to be $6,057.7.1; including a bal. riade among the merilibers: ance .of $1,'032,.58 from . 1941. Total : 'The ratepayers annual meeting of expenditures were $6,00.86 leaving U.S.S No: 8, Ashfield was held in a balance of $1,004.85 on hand,' Mr: the sohorsl on Wednesday afternoon Wilbur Brown' was re-elected trus- • _ of last week. The attendance was t e f r • period.of three years. The Very small. Mr. W A. Stewart acted a ntr et of s' plying the ,sehool,' ; „ as chairman and;Wilhur Brown, sec- witht¢ *w not let, there being rotary: The auditors' RUSSIAN. PEOPLE FOOL GERMANS BY GREGORY CLARK ' The .Germans ' have '.won all their battles so far in this war by novelty and. Surprise'. The people they have crushed,, including- such British forces • as they= -have bested,- were people, who for one reason pr en - other. were unequipped with novel- tiesands had no capacity' to. ,sunrise the Oerrnans. The people of .France had been patiently rotted by novel and.,skilful political -dissension Th British troops'withewhom I sh. the retreat in Flanders in 1,'940 we to all intents and purposes, as far as• • equipment,', and training were concerned,, ' the same , troops with whom I had ' been demobilized in 1919. But .the reason the Russians .have held out. against battle seasoned German ' armies ever' freshly sup- plied with novelties, ,both material andintellectual, is that the Rusans themselves; at the. very outset, ad- opted the' principle of novelty; and surprise: This principle of never do- ing what the enemy might': expect you , to do isfatal to the German character: If you creep.• into a room to say boo at somebody, and sotne- py PAGE E . 1C1 NLOSS• CENTRE On Thursday .afternoon while Ideal Supply trnek_ of Listowel driving slowly on Concession 8, loss, two miles ..east of Holyroo the truck turned upside' , down • ju after Meeting Ray Schumacher. heard a noise and on booking 'armee saw' the four wheels up.:, 1urryi backs, he got the driver out . and listed in turning. the, truck on wheels with little difficulty. driver and car escaped without scratch, •so at,s better to - be bo lucky 'than rich. , d Sympathy `is extended • Mr Wm. Thompson and 'friend. in. th loss of Mr.. Thompson wh -passe away last week. • • MisS Isabelle ,Ross' from the Wes is visiting her uncle, t.VIr, John Ros and Mrs. Ross,' • • -Mr. and Mrs.Bill. Stirling of Clin to n -s ant Sunday p with Mrs. y t Aline Ackert and Jack.1 Mrs. Ray 'Schumacher• and Mis Helen Valadr were guests of Mr. 'an °Mrs. Donald.McDonald, Lucknew., The Holyrood Young People wil present ' their play "Aunt Susi Shoots the Works" in Teeswater. on Friday "evening A number froth here attendedthe reception in Whitechurch for Mr the was Kan- st.. d. iw as - its' The 'a btu. Mrs. e d t s e.$ s d el _body saya_boo_.at_.you,at:_throws yqu- and,_MrS Donald._Maitin:,(,nee_Mary-. elf balance. _ r.._ _ . _. .: Johnston) ,.7j_ Have Surprised Germans . • Mr• and Mrs.' Nicholas O'Hagan Y Technically and mechanicall •, the ,of.•.Riversdasle, Mrs. Frank O'Hagan Russians have- astonished and sur- of Detroit spent Saturday with Mrs. 'prised not onl ytheir enemies but James Valad. their allies in the high • .develop- . 1' • NOTICE .a AT THE REQUEST OF OUR. GOVERNMENT TO SAVE ELECTRICITY & MANPOWER, • Our Plant Will 'Remain Closed Eachl THURSDAY- :� w ':. AY • Afternoon UNTIL FURTHNorm,. R • <•E.., SILVERWOOD DAIRIES LTD. LUCKNOW — ONTARIO. , ST. • HELENS' The January meeting, of the Wo- men's Institute was held in the Com- munity •Fla 11 with• y1Virs42: Ball.presad- ing.. The roll callwas well responded to by naming the ¶ most essential thing in my medicine cabinet and why. Thanks. for Christmas parcels were received from the following. boys. in service, Charles McQuillan, iionald Cranston, ; .Gordon -Miller, Russell Webb, Alex Purves, ' Wilbert Jurnin,'Harold Woods and Harrison paylor. It was decided to hold Vie - tory -nights -Again and a-coniiiiittee• wits ;appointed: to arrange for a'.pro- gram and social evening. ' `-'I" was the title .crf a reading given by Mrs, Phillips; ' "Something ' good about You" that bf one by Mrs. Webb and "The Open 'Door" of one by .Mrs: ment o gines for w•inter• fighting . ' , W. A. Miller, Mrs. Rice in her topie. in ther planes, transport and tanks. ,LANGS'IDE NORTH � gave many :helpful hints in Home In tlie, military att,:�..the. Rusisans Economics: I' t `was ;'agreed to. hold have made, contributions • to . the Mr. and Mrs,' Bill Lapp' "and' Doug- the • Red Crossuiltin ori Fri q g day, world history of war' in the break- las visited on , Sunday at Mr: and . January' 22nd with each one to -bring' ling down of; big ' armies into small Mrs: Wm:.—Ores. • , a few sandwichesfor; lunch. At the `armies,each complete unto itself in .Mr..:' and Mr -s -a= ex -MacDonald . conclusion bunch was ser-ved by -the - bath fighting power ansupply, visited recently .with Mr: and Mrs: hos sses Mrs. F. G. T Y � , , odd,_iVIrs. T. But in'addition nrganized' nov- FT. G. Moffat. elty and the Russians have Miss 'Katherine- 1VIaePherson re- fer months been . running a` compe- turned". ori'` 'N'Ionday . after . spending 'tition amongst; the men, the' boys, the holidays, at ' her' horne.,at Glen- the girls and the women, every last Sandfield one' of whom. lawfully regards him- Mrs: McKenzie Webb, Mrs. Alli - self or herself as a fighter for Rus- Mr. and 'Mrs. Ivan Connelly and seer'. Mr, Gordon Wall spent Friday..even- Hughes, ;'and Mrs. John . Webb sia, to see .who can think up the in With ' Mr and' 'Mrs attended the funeral' of their cousin, most outrageous .surprise for' the fat , - Farish Mof Mr. Archie .Cameron at Campbell- Gerrnans.' And when youget every • • • I ville last -Week • . ° regiment; every battery, every air ; The January meeting of the •Mis-' Bron. BandMrs. Susan Andrew of Zion is a squadron, every factory and every was held at the .home of visitor with Mrs. •.Helm and Mr. and village .and farmercompeting in . Mrs.* -Robert._., Donaldso - n, Mrs. Lorne 'iffaada. such a 'contest, -.the • Germans'are: . Miss `Betty Donaldson_is visiting ' The' weekly'meeting of the Y.P.U. very likely to be surprised. ' •with. her grandmother,'..Mrs: Don- was 'held at Earl Durnin's on .Men: Pavel Nikitin, one ofthe warcorgi aldsonwof Culross. -i day: evening with a good attendance. respondents of the Red,Star, Russian Mrs.. J, . W._`Ross of. Teeswater The persident, Earl Durnin, was in rmy newspaper;, tells this one: ' spent.. the week -end with' her par- the chair` The topic "Going out into J. Todd and Mrs. Ward. ' Tlie installation of the new of- ficers of the Y.P.U.-'by Rev.' G. A. Ward was an :impressive feature of the -service service on Sunday morning. A and teacher among the Indians. The. financialreport was given and it was agreed to donate $10 to the La- brador Mission; $10' to the Mission- ar and d .Maintenance fund and $10 to the •church treasury. Next week the : meetingi Will be 'held at Me- Kenzie Webb's on Tuesday night. ' a a, 4'VH (TECH:RC1 We are Sorry to,report the sudden': death of Mrs. 'Fred Davidson.' She was, taken home front Wingham.hos-__. pital on. Monday arid' was thoug htio '- be improving nicely until Saturday: afternoon when ' she passed away: very •. suddenly. She leaves Aci mourn her loss her husband, two, daughters • and one 'son: The, sympathy sof the community is extended to the be- reaved. ,• „• • Pte. ; Athol Pardon of. 'Camp Bor.- den, spent' the week -end . with his parents, Mr. • and Mrs. A. E. Purdon. , The. annual 'meeting of the Pres- byterian chtirch will be held on the' 24t:h-otaamiary7aE' "clock. • A reception was held in the hall . here for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mar- tin. artin.They were ,presented with two occasional ' chairs and an end table and other, gifts: An, enjoyable the was spent by. all. : Miss Olive: Terriff spent a week with her sister, Mrs. G. Cox` in Tor - 'onto. recently.' - ' We are sorry to report' the death of Mr.: Win. Conn who 'passed away at his hoine on Monday evening. He' had , returned 'home from London *after having an operation there but suffered '•a relapse and passed away. The: sympathy of the community is extended ' to .the relatives. "Not all Russians are big men.' ents Mr. and Mrs. F. G Moffat. ! the world" was taken by Rev. a A TEN 'O'CLOCK CLOSING' ' Kin - , named Vl aseh. eel o,who isW Messrs. George and Jim Moffat Ward, who gave a most interesting cardine'on Saturda iPts in in - and kicking, y n • is.:no�v l Ores. of his ,experiences as a Missionary April 1st, at least. H "has . developed. the most extra- ordinary technique of .long •:poles still alive cki g, rs all arms g an shoulders' and hardly any arms: spent -Saturday evening -at --Mr: Wm tai dunrrg^whrch he -aid of many . in effect and will' be observed•, Until with boat hooks' at both ends by which he. travels over the roofs:of Stalingrad; •crossing streets •and lanes' by swinging across on his pole, and also light ropes with hooks at the end, which he flings across streets from roof top to roof top, ctrapezing hifnself almost anywhere, he likes. With carbine; bomb. and 10 -pound packets •,of TNT, he has' Wrot)ight havoc. in astonished • Ger- man headquarters and outposts; for what sentry can see a white rabbit in the snow at night? And . who can tee a white cloud. drift amid . the: lazzard,' high overhead?: •;Crawls Through Sewers "With- a' "Russian lumberjack's pack sack 'containing SO lbs ..of TNT, Vlaschenko recently • crawled thru a sewer system'; many hundreds of yards 61'which was believed to be in ruins and 'destroyed a `bridge im- mensely valuable. to the Germans in Stalingrad. He ,vias. gone two days and we thought 'he was killed. Then the bridge blew up. So we had a feast ready two more days ° for Vlaschenko's .rettirn.'; Inas own ex- plosion bad given him a,hemorr of the neise'and ears and had strain- ed his eyes in some painful'fashion. But .he .was only -four days in- boa-, pital, and the fast I saw of hint he Was rigged up in• his white night' shirt, with ;a new 20 -foot: duralu'rnan pole the Engineers had made for him in his honor, and his coils of ,,.delicate opo,-off.%r-anbthex.,night: , .novelty and surprise for; •the Ger- mans in Stalingrad". ' It is. not the government, the war council or the •army and aircom- mand of Russia that is fighting on: our side right now. It all the people of Russia. No aid is b •much or too good for them.Send your, contribution and.use your ingenuity. to think up ways and means of in= ?=r *ig.•etheXss"t't!' .;end $1: lr's to. the King 'St. ' W., Toronto. e P IP : sport was no biddc i r .�.. \\" K M.USREOIST'ER oa, oRriwavEDMrEir4frfR URjBTH BIRTKDAYI • .. to REMIND *IOU that, ° ftg your sixteenth.dY attai;t}�y yo�i,are requited TH1S is thirty days after •withift 4. birth attend ,at any . law to a . and obtain pf ,0 in Canada h raaster�.,,Yout froth• the strat'ion' cer rim' 'National' Regi sate. if you have .reached our ,• •giisteenth blitrds►y+ and, registered, chance, Wive got red , you should do so at Once., . _... _ _. a on report the..lcha'nge a CarPost Office.available at any • reit perso�►s. are re - All registe vi to have ' their 'gaited by laVi in registration Sessio1 at their art1rnetliainaY be required _.._ a 1 pro tic -1-e istration to .Pro uc 1, the prop�at'aa .... certificate,b9 time.unties, at arty It is a pat tic duty • to to nilly �o With the National 'Registra- tion regulational pena'lties. oid.substaft av e ,your address'...... _. by doings . . wi''�t8 sin ` .. nfa9i5 +lM aterritiela • c1 ' ttAlR1ee""d Ci,A'ttols9.js 'LIncATrt91b ....-.-'" u!■M ,ma•• " w is ikigat �. tiro°"`" otiout Vets " 4 yyp,rttwa. ftp — • ' •HumPFF0.E mt4CHtti •Wait of Lbbduh ' 0'004 CANADA �•i