HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-01-07, Page 4r�.
Hydro H.oine ,Economi:st. ' -e- t
Hello Homemakers!, Is "nutrition"
,• , just a • vague • idea; in .your 'mind?
Here's . your chance to be "in the
. know""— to Learn the-,. meaning of
terms being, used nowadays , and
,other things you will:. want to know
about nutrition. For . evervyone
should understand why nourishment
Mustbe taken.* the proper pro-
portions to give us energy, to build
and repair body tissues, es to protect
us 'from infectionand to regulate all
body processes: 'Just •think! What
eat ' r. breakfast, lunch , end
you eat � , lh
dinner is, changed "into flesh and'
bones and'blood..
Strength and health' can only come
o; tis
from the food we eat -for
food is thebody's only nourishment.,
Yes, Homemakers! This health magic
conies straight froth the kitchen. So
it's important :to choose the right
land, riieht amounts. of..fond for
- the family . We. -.have all found out
that, when our' health it not • good
our :work suffers, we 'make ' more
Mistakes and -canno t accomplish as
much in a day—which would cer-
tainly please Hitler only; too Well.
, ..Furst of all, . then, Homemakers,
let',s understand nutrition and then
work out our own nutrition pro
grant' You might cut this,' 'column,
Out., and "keep- it. handy 'for.. refer-`
Nutrition; • The ' term • "nutrition
comprises:' ailthe processes. concern,
.ed in the growth, maintenance, •and.
repair.of 'living' -organisms:
Dietehes. Is the'application of the
rind- les of nutrition:tethe feed,
ing,,of different, ages, under..,diffex-
ent conditions,,;in -health and in • dis-
Composition Of Foods: Is the six
groups of constituents called nutri-'
ents - carbohydrates, fats, pro
teins, Minerals, water and vitamins.
Classifieatien : of Nutrients: (1)
according, to their 'functionin the.
body (mechanical energy, building
and repairing., tissues, regulating.
body processes); and (2) according'
to their chemical composition.
Essentials ,of an Adequate' , Diet
'To •Maintain .the riormal body .in a
state of health a diet must contain::
Sufficient carhohyTdrate-s,, fats
and. protein to yield energy for
'muscular activity; . •
tent protein . tor growth
and maintenance, _of all body
cells; .
(3) 'Adequate an)ounts ofminerals
for bones -and teeth and , body'
(4) An' adequate supply.; of- water
for .regulation of . body. pro-,
ceases;'' , '
(5)- An adequate supply' -of .each -of,
the , known vitamins for regale -
hen of body processes.
.,. Protein Foods • (Body,• Building
and Repair):' Lean meat, "fish, eggs,,
milk, cheese, whole grain cereals,
vegetables -- peas and beans • .(fre413
and dried!.. . ' '
Carbohydrate.Foods (Supply'Heat
anerEenergy): Starches, -- Cereals,'
flour, spaghiettti, potatoes, bread,
dried" peas and ' beans; Sugars —
'Sugar, .molasses, honey, dried fruits..
Fats; (Supply Heat and Eenergy) :
Meat: fat,, butter.,-. cream, vegetable.
oils. •
' Foods Containing Minerals. (Regu-
lating); Milk, . fresh 'vegetables,
whole, cereals; eggs, :Meats, fish
Foods Containing Vitamins •(Pro-
tective) : . Fresh vegetables,fresh
fruits,' outer :coverings of grain, milk,,
eggs; liver, : butter, fish.
Water: .We should .take ..5 to 8
glasses of water daily in addition'
to that contained in foods.,
Recipe for Oatmeal Bars •(reques-
3/2 .cup 'shortening, • 1 _ cup
sugar, V4 cup corn syrup., 1 cup '
reflect .oats, . 1 cup' sifted. flour,
1 tip, baking .powder,: salt, s/4
cup milk, . 3/4 cup chopped rail -
ted by Mrs. C. R.);
Cream shortening,blend in sugar
'and syrup. Add rolled oats.' Mir and
sift flour; baking' powder and ,salt.
and add .alternately with the milk:,
Stir in raisins • Bak, :; 'n an electric
oven. at, 350 degrees =' •r 45 minutes.
•Cool and cut, in bars.. 1 ,
Apple Graham Fluff (requested..
.l .
Holiday visitors With Mr.. and Mrs,
Charles Burt were Mr. and Mrs,
Cecil McMillan and baby Marilyn of
Mount Forest, Mr.: and Mrs., Allister
Collins, Bernice and Irene ofn-
card'ine, Misses Annie and Norma'
Burt acid Mr. James Burt , of Tor
onto, Miss •Ballagh • of Ottawa and
Gnr. R' ifs. Birt ofNewmarket, .•
• Ratepayers of the school section'
held their .annuai''ineeting on Wed_:
nesclay_-afternoonand favorable .re:;:
ports were .given • of the; past • year's
activities. The trustees, Messrsi titin
Barr•; Prank Brown and .Alex Percy;,
were. returned to office and Mr.. Geo.,'
Haldenby, sec.-treas.. • F
• Mr. 'and Mrs. Art Phillips of galt,,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Matilde'', pf Glen
Orchard' were holiday visitors with
their parents, Mr'. and 'Mrs. J. R.
Miss' 'Helen Malcolm returned to
her teaching duties in Toronto after-
enjoying a two week holiday.at the.
Malcolm home here. •
LIBcir. Frank -Currie of 1+'etawawa!'
' 'visited last week at his home here.,
The 'play, "Aun't Susie shoots, the
'works 'was rese tod by the-110177
,rood Dramatic Society in theschool
here on Tuesday evening under' the
auspicesof ;the Red Cross: All en-
joyed a good )laugh, • at , this hum--
orous .:comedy 'and a dancein the
Orange hall was also enjoyed. Music
was supplied by Messrs; Waiter. Col -
lids, Calvin Robertson and Donald
Robertson of • Purple Grove.
Miss Jean' Thompson of Kincar-
dinecris• spending two weeks at her
home here. .. - '
School` -reopened on Monday for,
1943 a,nd teacher and pupils returned'
to their -desks after al nice long boli=
day. Miss MacKay,,is supervising Mr.
K. MacKenzie Of Ripley this ,week,.
a 'student from Stratford Normal
school .who is doing ;practice teach,
.ing in. our school. •, .
Mr. Freeborn Hodgkinson is', not
enjoying .the best of health.
Miss'. Ellerib McBride 'returned to
Ottawa 'after a , two weeks„ holiday.
with her Parents, Mr.'•anfMrs. Reg
Canon 'Wm.A. 'Towhshendof Lon-
dor will conduct service in. the An-
glican Churcl'i-here :on Sunday next'
January" 10th at'11. o clock:
Mr:'B. E. McLean returned to St.
Catharines where he is employed
by Mrs. N. 'B.); ' ; '
' 1:cup Graham. cracker crumbs,
2 tbs. melted butter, one-third
cup browif sugar (sifted), 1,egg.
white (stiffly ' beaten), .3 cups `
slightly sweetened applesauce, .'.
1 tsp. cinnamon,
Mix -crumbs, butter and. brown
sugar. Pile -on a pie, plate and bake
in . a slow ele tris :oven at 275 de-
grees for ;Mit 10 . minutest ' Cool.
Fold beaten egg white into the
sweetened :applesauce. ,Put 'a spoon-;
fu1-.of .-the-:-gralmar►__cracker. _crumbs;
on the bottom of serving • dishes, fill
up ,with the . applesauce mixture;
..sprinkle..with..cinamon..anct-tap_ gith,
more. crumbs.- Chill in• electric re-
frigerator. , • •
Anne Allan invites .you. to write
to her chi The Sentinel. Send in ydfir
questions on 'homemaking problems
and Watch this column for replies.
Mr. Ted Thompson has returned
to Sydney, N. S. after spending the
holidays• With his parents, Mr. and
Mrs: Narman-Thompson•.
. • Pte. Sam' Thompson of London
was 'home , for • New Years. , '
Miss:Irene .Jefferson has rettirned
•to her' school' at Dunnville after the
The Misses Rebecca and Lucy
Thompson have returned to .their,
schools after spending -the holidays
with their eiarents; Mr. "and Mrs.
Y i alrThofnpson.
1N1I?s. Arthur Speigleburg and• little
son, Kitchener,ofB
with -her parents-, -Mt. •and' Mrs... W:
A. Campbell. • '
with, the Gillespie' Co.•
Takes Over Mail Route
• Mr. ''Wm. ' Statters who , has been
a faithfulmail courier on R.R. 2 for
'more • than a quarter century and
who has been, replaced owing to.'ill
health by- his,: brother Denzil : for
some !time past; retired from 'that,
position 'and his, successor: is. Mr.
Alphonse• -Murray
Miss Dorothy Pinnell, returned to.
'Hespler after • holidaying with her•
patents, Mr., and, Mrs. W: Pinnell.'
Ir ,
Miss Eileen Valad returned to
Windsor :after spending the past
week at '�h ' home. • 1 .
Mr. ai'i: Mrs. Ray Schumacher and
Jimmie spent Sunday' with Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Hodgins.
Mrs. Nicholas O'Hagan of Rivers-
'tiale••-"was the—husky—wiener for. -=the --
geese drawn December 8th.
A ,number from here attended the
Fireman's-: Ball in. Kincardine- New
Years Eve. • •.
This gay bouquet, hand.
painted in natural
colQrs,,is typical of. the,
Spode flower design of
T"+..� .x�'x�s ta;s�•�i. : �'�..ca+�inw '''�''ac;.�,xs:
' tie . Lawry s. • fou
will never tire of its life-
like beauty. .
wan. icites- 4 Bread and hotter'Piates
4 Salad Plates. 4 Teacups end, Saucers ., ,
1 a
S(ii rD. Jeweller, Lucknow
Pus. Dave Jewitt of• Niagara -on -
the -Lake ;spent last week at 'his'
home here. -.4' • :
. � » s. »a.. .
Jaek-McCall •of Kitchener • spent
New . Year's with his parents, `Mr.
and Mrs: Peter ; McCall:
Gordon . Miller of Debert,,
son' of Mr. - arid Mrs. W. I. Miller
of St., Helens'is home on "furlough.
• . 'a «:. .,
Jack McLeod of Woodstock spent'
his • ew Year's leaves at the .home,
Mr. Wzn. S
of father, McLedd,
Clair Johnston- and J..-.0 • ..Alin
strong of the 99th Battery at. Peta-
wawa spent their New Year'•s' leave
in town. ,
us. J. J„ Phillips of Niagara -on -
the ake.pNew . spent ent his year leave
with his uncle and aunt, Mr.' and
Mrs; George Phillips of Fordyce.
•IP .: . . • .
Donald Johnstone Who is stations
ed in Quebec with the . R. C. A. F.
spent New Year'.swith his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnstone. •
Wm.-Sitimsori,.' Jr., of . the 4 Brock-
ville Rifles :' .has been transferred
from Nanaimo, B. C: to Kingston and
paid a flying visit to his home here
on Tuesday.
1. Make a New Year's resolution to
let us' have letters and items of in-
terest for this, column. Everyone is:
interested in what the boys ,in Mil;
form are doing. We ;will appreciate'
your co=operation-.., , -
• *' :» * s' ..: .
Joins :Navy •
John Foran' returned to Sudbury
the 'first - of the week . after visiting
at., the hoine of his mother, • 1Vtrs.
Con Foranof West ' 14awanosh.. John
has enlisted in the Canadian JUN/Y.
and, is awaiting his call to report.
The Sentinel is much welcomed by
the boys overseas, according to var-
ious ,comments madein letters home.
Mr.: and Mrs. Robert. Hamilton ;of
Paraiinount received a _letter from
their son Jim recently who had .re-
ceived " a cgpy of The Sentinel which
'ywas sure good to • get".
Arrived Overseas .
Sam McQuillin, son• of Mit. Herb
"Mc7aluilIin aof`Toron o d-Spr: I�'e�l�
McQuillin, recently arrived • over
seas. Like,, hid•. father, Sam was in
uniform a comparatively , short time
before proceeding overseas. His dad,
wheels with -the Canadian Engineers,
has been "Somewhere in ,l~3ritain"
since early in the war; and no doubt
father and son. will .be anticipating
an early reunion:`
* " » »
Returns From Overseas'
To Take Officer's Course
Sgt. Art Traplin ;of • Owen Sound
and formerly of Lucknow has re-
turned , from overseas to take . an
officer's _raining' course: Art, :who.
is now 24,'enlisted two weeks after
the outbreak of the war and went
overseas in November- 1941. i` ie has
a 19 -year-old brother overseas and
his father Sgt. • Albert Trapliri is
attached to the.. Armored Corps at
Camp' Borden. •
• * » ,. - lie
WIO. William Shrimgeour,. Son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scrimgeour of Mil-
verton has, been ,spending 'several
days sick leave with his parents,
Bill, a member' of. the .R.C.A.F,, was
invalided home . from' overseas after
being seriously injured in a crash
that•'cost him the loss of a leg. He
has been a _patient .in-.Christie_.Street_
Hospital, Toronto, where he has un-
dergone several operations. Bill has
peg -leg;• iti-i;s Mesh get- asoutad
With surprising agility.
Pte. Roy Webster of Ipperwash
Camp called on relatives around
town Sunday.
e s * * * *
After , eight ••months of travel
hither and yon a shipment ::,of cig-
arettes has. finally caught up with
Alex Smith- "somewhere in India".
By. . air mail; Alex Chas sent ; the
following ackriowledgernent: -
-.' R80091, Sgt. Snxifh;'
• ; R C:A.F., India:
November' 21st.
Clansmen Club,
Lucknow, Canada. ,
Dear Chaps:
Thanks •for -the cigarettes received
today after"a long .voyage., They are
postmarked for April, and since then
have:seen• znzfeh of England . and
much of this , Eastern Front.
-These well known packages: were
always welcomed in England. They
are doubly welecen_e ltre where the
scene is strahge..and.,e more dif-
Best wislfes -to you all and May
_the Lucl now' Clansmenlong con-
tinue to boost the town which boast
Cheerio, A. W. Smith.
«• v »' 'a r »
A Recent Letter - •
From Howard Reed
• December 13th, 1942.
Dear Mother and All; -
Well here I am oil leave in Brecon,
Wales and having 'a swell -time. The
Welsh people seem, ret rice arid
make' you feel. , right at home.
The night before last I was in, a
place and the . old people asked me
to; sing for them. So I gave them
few• of the old Canadian cowboy
songs, "Silver .haired Daddy",. "You
are my :Sunshine" and a lot more
Land they all .cheered:
Then I went to a dance and never
had . a better time since I came over
here. The Welsh people talk a lot
different to what we do .but I' can
Understand them pretty , good.
I'mgoing to Lender' 'tomorrow to
finish;, up my leave.
Well Mum and Dad; hope . you are
all in the best of health as it leaves
me in the pink. '
All my love, IfeWard..
In another letter he states; he'.
hears the. Toronto hockey broad-
casts at 2.15 every Ir Sunday .and
would not, think of. missing one.
In a letter received from Welling-
ton, Harvey" of , the R.C.N.V:R. dated
December 6th, Great Britain, he
wished to express Seasons Greetings
to .his friends and neighbours who
were so kind and generous to him.
» .» * . .» »
Home .On Furlough , , •
ading Telegraphist Bob Thonip-
son is spending a 28 -day furlough
at the home of his parent; -Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Thompson, while his
boat' as • refitted -at an East Coast
;'Port Arrivinghaute:•ori 1liemv Ycar'rs
travel: On the first lap -of the•train.
t ip, Bob Vvas one of many pass-.
tigers who stood for a distance'of
85 utiles, The ,aisles were filled an
t try and catch o little rest, sone
of the „service ink leven tried the
1 gage racks: Sleet near Montreal
had broken down . communications,
arid trains •which were running be-
hind schtlitile to start with proceed-
ed with caution, with the ,trip from►
Moritreall to Toronto taking twehtys
one hours. . .
--Ne-xt-Su'nday-will • be ' Missionary
Sunday here and service will be at
4 p.m.
On Friday, '"January • 8th, at 2.30
p: nn.' the annual congregational
meeting., will be held in this' church.
• Mr. and Mre. • Ralph Nixon . are:
maieing an' extended- stay with-Mr:-
ith Mr:and Mrs. Wesley. Ritchie., Mrs., Nixon
is 'somewhat improved iii, health .but -
has been- confined to bed...for the
past couple of weeks. -
Mr.. Gordon Kirkland, visited ,his
mother at., Teeswater on•'Sunday.
'stets titray_ancL_Charles Me-
„D.onagh- spent- part of their' holidays
With their grandparents, • '.Mr .and
Mrs. Fred Anderson. -
Mr. and Mrs.' Marriott and little.
son of Thedford were holiday. visi=