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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-01-07, Page 3
IT ' , ,:. aa -. , ...... ..: .:.... .. .. .....-.., .,.,-. ,.� ,.., .. .m,. „.,,,., 17 �, • wrs .,� I o - '. .. .. -M ... ...... .. ._ .. .-.,.,;--:-!,_--f ._.. .. .... ., ivr,C-a1x�<wc3w w. , *w..m,+tns�ls+er 1*t_: ,: ..�,',; ..,,,,a. :SMi, p .% .. ,Q .Cw ,.d's+f•tiw'F *.,r Qi. r,. .... ,. '. ,.. .�, .. q - . ,." •-...-.. .._-..-.*.�- - �___-___.._._..__ - ` -.._-"- ,...,... .. r --- -� . ...-.:.._._..,-. -. _.- � � r> ., ., .._. ..�•� •' 1. u .91 ..' .- , _ _ -. u F ' • �i dies �T - .. SWTIt �WATTEI) - s �`VVs ®Ick wvl't nw • J. 9 i .B . a. , - „�® h�� E t� ' :; M when -there, is no, fighting. R A -10 ' E P 0 RT E R� y Ly �:' REX FROST 1. • �� •, : ,.. I� fupa �1" a. s of 'of . - (" "The Market Basket"! ,most promising young' artist, had' • _ 4 ,,Os Written `By . Homer Metz in Christian Sc,ienpe. Monilor' %� ;,:. x. `„ :.. r'' Doesn't' Knoyv' Enough To. •Under tbild intriguing title a_, rx�w' and Qbroadcasts . no ewes task" on their harMs. ,But „ _ 1111 B uild H'rs Own Home • valuable series. of frets one pel'sonality. diel shine out, .one . , , •, Two of the, most danigerous ,and p• ' - . •� ` STn,c "'the days 'of, ancient Greek; under w'ay iri' the News. Year,. • pilary' Thulrsd'ay 'e*nil f; 10.15 to soprano, voice rang flea .:anC6 d sweet .. . Gwe Lambert ' > petite important,"'albeit most nsu'pg, T • '• X y mythology, the owl has. been re- k 10:30 that, familiar' and cheery brunette of Newmark6t, captured i tads 6i' tlle. war, are mine laying . 3., -. _ ._ ine sweeping'. ' ' • j ,- Phey .a�•e'' . . . w - -.._. aQ .'' ' garded as the wisestcof, •b-irds, bu'f now it,, seems. that thi Iq only ' ,.personality of'Mrs, H. M. Aitk6n >I Y .. p � whose c ase-the-blues-awa ro,• the 'hearts and ima'fna'tion •of lis- , '. " 1 tenors •' d 'ud •es aiilse: So it's' J. - . stric tl jobs for..ex .experts and the J P Y , • , Y pne more of those old-timeboiteffs. .': ' grammes. you hear every Monday o , b orchids• to 23-year-olil Gwen; i ca -ft be luarned by the ,trial a�(rd •" which have stood the test of time "through. Friday'' 10 30' to 10,45 ,who • eo• tl hr mrrseitee :r professional rarl:o • rr`(.. c rr. method. , f H for eentvtlies, b iv to •jte,disp,rove ,. a.iXf. • 'will 'bring to listeners career with CTRL' last 'e N iF.ear's N' . . . ' .l4ecr•mtly we. liad oecasion • to ... - r • "' s;> .. : _ b r e -Alp. fin,din of 2 -0th ren.,.nrl throughout -the' prow -int ; ra-Gixicie - ° ].kea - t-1�a always treen' an ar)ihi- -- ISCU&: [a'eeanit• -iii ,"]ayiaz,, and ' d . • swe pcnfr • wit,lt • br4Sht-faced; ` ... .' :`..'' - science,, -writes The -St.. 'Thomas -Thnc,s-J;ournal, to .B'uyin� ]lel ful .. e- p hints with an' . t)itp of ;C :<;Lli Larry+art's to'hit tha .;.•I � . "hats . ,dr; -, ,a "i . . It is flow re •orted _ P •eye on current'"food, yal'ues abd aif-kavec. .She been studying r . clean cyce�L Bi * +.<Lvy. young- 'has :¢ <' :.. -, Y rJ that behind his .huge' round .tin- :01Q short es; Div ta'ltee ' the.bus ag P Y. sin%=•int r fur"se;�.- ears and since - 5 y Y titer-"wlio. 66,n •et wa,;,;e4 in • r h'°n.",l=i., •e•-,& Owl.• hides otic` • war •working' family healthy,W we'll ' commencerraent of fife" -war. `.has"' . t]•c'L:stt p e,r'i l'o u s .undei t kitil;;s for r ,x.; ': .< '' of 41;e nt'ost meagre -I.Q,'s posses¢• t j _ fed and adegtatel:y c -thea"• ( L xi,;'+i f;laddened ..and ear=s "of , , stirh,cwhcre in the �Atlarvtt.,. Re . l :. i ' ed by any'. hied.' •lhe is a„ bifid how to.•inake' goods' go Purthei• afiSl . .thr'••eyes s01':1CY'3 Ih Car:o Us_ caitips'through- ' � " . axs,!rc=i ,us that wb,(eIt .th-e . war••is • ove:r'ar>tl are jn'the - y 4:. N pr ,: i6ks$I ' morott who vi-u]d'rate very low in a lastt last longer -',IIo v ,and wh�j,tf` iio :� out the prov'ince,, with, sq -kung' . .al]'tho returns w. �,' ..: •• use. substitates.. ,these are the e , songs.,'lldtf'.•Gw_n has also tasters nur,r.tter of ('treaty sh)pw •sunk by' Allied r° u , ;; ;ay $now. " , g o'od thin 11i s A): kens week"] T7� ;` -on• usi`i5ther' war resp' si-b'ili't s . i 11 , . mines milk .f1.5,tonish every.• ' ,k: :. : The ohl .o floes v�is'e w1 -f olrl Market $a s et wdIl contain; And - talten .over duties in a-�i'ety- '•• ' has - ' ,' . on.e.. Il- eVen went�so fair as to ., . ' rmp)y that the ,Tosses would ' far ,. �.,`'• �� `'" riot know a to build•',," U nou �h oma , of hio own • as Iciest species incidentally,?sthe progra'ntape is, to.' e . f;: m,.arkct t)raifc'h :hank; for "the dura-' "'so`"h'elpin'g " :.:., ins ,�4g � , :: l .have 'an 'Or _.be''an evening •fe:ature +because it tion,' and :out. on .the , . execod the rt.thrnarine`and airplane' 1.,r 'toll. • b • to use old squirrel wo(i]_ - b i's recogni ed: that ft has, appeal s be- - manpower. shortage . . ' ;', d . pecker hole or a prajrie' dogs liar- and' interest actually to men 'sari -hrati:em, . tweer9' singing lessons and^ ar7riy• I. ., , ' `' clad, of course, .he' well may be. . r bis' row. At the b .. est, art .owl's, nest a: women-'. ; . As Mr,,' Sitlten her- •, ' „. concerts.- V6'e wslf her''1ot's .of" " ri-;'ht. OfLiii'al' •British.'.. so�t:rees,1. . ' ar'mit. that'In 1ece•nt months both < : �,-' ", Swift thrusts by 'allied bombers :knoc!:ed these Afrika �.lior s (lanes out of the fi i'ht be!'vre t'ae, had is`' never any more. t7i'an --a_ ]•Dose Platform of sticks: He rarely, knows . self ..say , W ile <xhe melf,. earn^. s " h the , Its 'the womenfolk Goad .Eaick 'and ,a happy, success'- �' ful rad;- career. Incidentally, the' the I:1',Ta' rind the it oya1• lvat�y' have a chance to take to the air and counter. att 'ek. Then the British' 8th Arm advanced so swit ' y' a • h. h s y. tly t had enoti •h to -get a1.rt o•f the way of •money, who spend it, thus .the, household t7nt:.rio' (arafan' g'e'ts rolling. .' .greatly Increased the •number 'of'; fro time clear littered wreckage- from Benin, Ai !tela near.Beii hazi.: ., .,,, "_-._. +; ' . >a ' ( g the sliaoter; whereas the crow,':for instanco, Wunder +•'. -birdget "'is' Aef-inite=ly .'a mutual . around province. again im- ini,nes' tdaey ' have •laid in enetnY' ' wa tors; ;which indicates' their Pre- .. - . • • ""'frequent but 'man P �'�! pp��,,pp Life ®�� ! Y of them dry up S Cats A ecessity .,.in).,ilar circurn , •stances, . �3ery dimpult fo shoot. affair" . • 'The• first,`broadcasts. in 'th'i:s "new..series Will give. use•. �' .the ineditttely searching for. new til-. . , elft •and. another av:ard, winner. , '•''' Vl-nSl- 'de 'o$ite-d Calhn-•' ar I b c ds �'I`, }y •• A•. in, •the . sunnier.,• Where •there' is ' JI d' - 'is' Bolts Mice Whofe 13ut 'owl's ful po']nters on. the ,b'uyin,r, 'con- o Galt .and .lut�tsville'are 'alreayiy .' stet div'i] n . P g { 'e ds. . ' g9od _water, 'ft- generally. not j� 'Found' In eke'rt abundant. I� Lit�il�° t, : perhaps the biggest imjartdence, the haPtit 'that, dis• seryirfg a' caokinz 'use o tth-se"' ,o t _ n the January'schedu.e. . . Surrounded' by Secrecy • ... „ Army Carries Tanks'" --- . claims more than aitytllin, else his much disetiSSed food items,, meat, 'tiro �. * *. Mine 1 r ay.n,,, of •necessity, ties' ' ' . ,B . 'De" Witt. Mackenzie In'•.' Each 'alfit h•as its. huge water 'Us Y ,efu'1, In 'Keeping Rats and Prerogative .10 .t]t0 title ,Of "wise," butter an' short '' d e g...'.There s Recent]' the ,CBC newsio-m '' cl'.aakrd : i'n' the utmost secrecy p.:'.. . ' Ch.ristiam' S:cien.t3P, Monitor tanks 'which.travel wi 1 th. t 9 -ad' Mice 'kJnder Control 3s his mailifer Of eatiii >. The T c an -'interesting baelreround t- 'Tlie 1 , distjnguislted- itself b,'y 11 a..mb the , "We, do:. our best to" conce .l tli� Vance: Indeed> every. vehicle car. . :` "" •owl never, s•ecnfs .ti) `lc;airn' that he 'can-, .' Mj Arl:et� Basket .you'll,. k'notiv' • fl`rsti:release pito the ublic,'of ',thee P , nttrrtlxer of. s}}'fps ' we;, know, ou.r . I I ant writiu • Ti'onx an inlro'stit- ries• 'watei and he is of '. f,. 1 t ,uph'a•ppY :The • common Ilouse cat• is : a:,. trot' "} olt Itis m]ce .whole . de', 3 abbot. Mrs. Aitken •- is . dopating , > httt s of. the' la•ndin- of American ' • •• mirics have sun,l; zutd the.- enemy : able zone m L'ib a tivhii>.h each da Soldier `lyho has an. ani l" "esti I i' • Y Y , P Y teen mighty useful mcml'e1 of ,. ,S.Rtte e fact ihdt' he suffers, terrible her lin e t e and services' an, Radio .tro.ops. in North, Afiie'a within -a • � • .. '- -„ ..' d-cs liiscw c:. The -longer the .society 1 is Uatced Uy iti merr:ile;5s sun: on.' his 'hi}a: iP tt.eated ri' ht and ke:)i ixi , jts. atd.arks -f in•fii;;r soon' at every Station-CI'11B: is donating. t] 2' R " t -series matter of 5 c co.ntls after. the state-i� " ' location . of a nfir _ to field, is kept :.--°-fit ' -�"""--- - - ,' , place. And ortge of Ute'plares•,wliere'. Imjn.g B•rfttsh battle In trte Present, drive, fhe Bri-: nt1• •The awl ,insists .on b-itirag time ..' . mal:in the a' w•ar. g m' ment had been 'released i•n V ash- . . ,, . • . li)delon the longer will that .field • -- t drrss, whie)i -ia made, of ex-trehiely. tish have chased,' the 'enemy- so • Tabliy ,is most useful is around the his • mice down. practically vvhoje bine gift and service to' 0•ntario' i',ngton. .The CSC also had %an- ' . exact•its toll in shij�lain#. 's�rim businoss,. be - hey wool an'd-b'uttotts r'igltt" to fast 'ghat. soine` o'f the• Allied' 'troops , big.' lumber• camps in • the loot-tft . ivhil'e' the.;liawh ] shrikes are•: listeners. Kno•wi•ng the. 'sparkle . c t interest.,, 'Mr,,. ;ot.her, scoop ,to its credit a.• few . •,.The'•1( IRC, `, to Purr. ut' ,effi- ' YcaI,toLis.,warf:ire,.... r tHb''ch)nr underneath: this .load I - have' had' to' make .water, bot- ountl`Y.a In forested areas, w}ieie. , wi a .enqugll .to' , ar thc?irs apart arra G ,..hit;tc.n .,j3tns' into'Mil her., . listening' days ago. males . . have •a, wool' jersey, and, I would .. ' tj'. o two 'or threb days far' all the lumbering industry is uow at' into; conifortn'ble, mouthfuls, After . work,' Wile suggest• you . pest Ottawa, tuhich a pont 14,irl.g'• la�'lr;ha's -lie im •artaht . , ,..? p , g'►ve a girod deal right nova f4r'an purposes., That ; means .atiout'•a its height, a -number oP• tvel•1-foal , cjr -stroll.>begitis, all'Of these.lt'ir.cl's make a point af'aippin;g, into The .. _; ., of tuning in fol:e)gn'. lir-adeasts:. ' , _i . . ad:aiftagr, oval _tither forms ..of' . uart. cats • are considered 'nche, Sar• overcoat,- q oP;water.'Yoti Ire su1- S Y to' of •prey •tjisgor,f#.e the fu'r and. Dont s, ' Market Baskets every' a'ltuxtday . and lrepor'ting. 'outstanding news naval action. ' It can 1'et alt enein . !+ Y .would' kee th a m' -Tonight •I's'lia1L all' but freeze in,. .prised"how far you' can make half P e r to alfa ret, clown, Hats . back up tU� Dash ,the t.hroa't in: the• : ' 1.0.15 to.;10.30 p.m...ovpr : C•FRB, itccros to•' the central ne,�;sro'om, ' :j .., watcrs'irlacccfiC)ble to ships. 1�•or m; .bed on'. the round' des•1it a teacup of '.water• - if -u are attra.c:ted: io the woods'-arn•t, Y.f g 1. e g Y must. 15 lotto. oI pellct4., Tlfey ggt n�i•}(ily' '''sick .. their C „ 'pro- * *; <. u. Rollin the •stdr ' ., were tuned in to Dakar Radio iri. '' Africa _. ___:___ _ -��. ; ,- exam -I�... .}1 _ _..... .. :...... . P c, t ihc. }3altrr where ,.. _ .. , , .. _ . _._. .. ,, : .: by the q gnitides of grain ltep.t vtro-leu ISfijanlas, an efd,erdown Nevertheless,' 'the ::.des has, '• stomach I -n the D counts '' ji}. o 3 •• V4 estetrn an apparently , d 8. `, N, German U-boat crews arc trarined .- • for the horses and- b' -.the arll'a - sleep'i» Uag, sevoral -,wool'. Til , many' real, ait ' etions. , This time y' g g ' s :.ce,,., but't;he owl's 'e;iting manners cause `him bec'orne' _ `searc}i.of nc�w vdces Itew'tal=. „ is ',• t• }gas, tuner' ,ii}. to• Dakar Radio in: P ' , ' ' ... " mina layin is done b ilAT`:, g , y -PI'ranes to Ywiiich the swirl easy ac- abs, and a raineoat•iprled on top• de year there much delightful. ca'if (to slcker-.tliair'. °othe'i , ant ,.. ,thal the phrase many �$'' forth .Ameri•ca• • ,to • learn .' that -j`'• • p)ati'cs''at nig•lit,alfio'liave' In .the 'desert,, oceans of sand' weath .r'. 'The ce's•s: Mlce,,..likewise, ..•Snd3 ,the e, aft has, a. bracing th,e , s. When' the bun clog is of yq,u,dvrll .have heard^ -over -the Dakar , still '.all cFrengh West t6 laid' trines' in the"ICi'el Canal and stretch. atva.y to blazing horjzflrie.' tan and •for' da • catnPs a paradise and wit}rout the, g Ys on end' there s w- , 'good tlie' owl suffer; indigesti-n' "- 'a•'ilay;'simply CFRB , airwaves' Thursday ev`6-' Africa lia'd official'ly,'come over ' L, 4. at the'' mouth oi✓. the hhiire: In , cats would increase 'beyond -' all Duh of-t•hi.s waste -will arise the -a ,pleasant warmth in '.,the mid-day, ' � ' at least oni;e Because. he i s tiio igiforaflt fo lear'n lesson, nin s 9 to rJ.'30 'dvrin� the bn- g ' tario, Caravan biroadeast._• to the United talions. .'An alert. .., , the past 16 months, according, to dread sandstorms." . sun. bounds. ,:.' I s ' � M' Judges :' editor put the news ori.as, a flash _ t '' ' :tin auth'oritti.'ive B.riti 1�1< sh• source,, Yet there are tales where Ute° 0•n •the desert is . . 'the' ,cooks and 'earnP . aIfag from esxperie•iice: `fellow who• were ,called • u pqn io, decide over t-hC CBC national network; . s;,, ' ii ' the RAP hlas'flow . 'i i} so ne 3,000,- .the .whole; ' •desert .is m-st attractive. In the healttfful •enaugli ,despite its, hard= ' •ers .logk upoji't11e cats as almost' lie who first said that the, 'its[.1k' • the, w)nner 'of, the three' nnnths' '' half an hour before the annoulfee- 'i , , 00Q Srfiles ]ay) 'g' ntin.e , an ial the ' spring the air is ba'l,m ',and this' • ships.',Br,itislt and Americap troops ' a part of the al -g6 crews necessary Y P .owl, wah a' wise old bird , '• J didn t what 'was' talking, pr' sio<nal' contract, ;an *- awa^t•d, ' .meat'cati from .any other'source - aist six rnont s more n.e la' i P. rrl� y. ng i ea to keep the ,joU running 'smooth'ly,' norpfally' 'arid •iregioif -produces a, sip ,f to be extrelilely well.: Th�e•y. ,know' •he about: - offend by . the .Caravan to tl}e. in . t1. Arirerica. Good v; or'k? , ffi-hts have been d t] f Np•t :pampered but well Ped'and' . -•- Y --- - . _�. ., „ ma .e tan m •' I, all previous months of' the war.. , .great . varfei.y, o.Y •love y flAwers, 'Buttercups. ,rel' o co.urse,, ; o.ut flt :.the ,pen' all and,they'are early. to bed 'housed in the barns and .shanties,,' • J. 9 just' the ether `niglft'the .British' Daisies and This 'i.s but; when -there, is no, fighting. the cats: grow sleek and fat and have thick coats fur against tale :" , •• ��( ��� 1[ia(1ro 'said that in less than one winter, yesterday, on Can>ps must• observe 'rigid black- s of 'of ervice' , week recen'tiv 500• mi'nes'had been .a hillside where sand grudgingly out rules: •lest the enemy s'ee •a • severe ,weather the ffojthern , o E 1 if } • gives way, to determined bits 'pf wfnte'rs. A1tUou�h located In th'e. ) �SE�' ��®$ secreted in 'enemy watei'sc light and drop bom+iis. AORIZONTAIit. Answer ,to Previous Puzzle 12 She .wore the .-. , grass and shrubs, 1. 'picked. white depths of the forests,, these rata . Together, in all ciimbat th'c= It ' da0k •before.6 ?.m' .'these ,don't do. inlfcll- prowling ,around 1 Star'of a E NEST E�'!=V I •simplgst of daisies wird• butteteups; w7tich ;re=' 1 Thousands of Birds Se'r.Ve famous fou T T - as'a' titres, it is estjritated that , the days nd :this means ,that' tlt:e • and 'catel r birds and With Royal' Ai Force mingled me of my awn h)fls in Ver-' sante, far g p O U S ERNES[ O D h N costume. Royal ';ivy. and ' the RAF .have' moat. boys are %» bed: by 8 o'clock' -or so. tTrey are too well fed•.. A good a - y r^> of dancers. CURS U'% �I D 0 T r . pr�'t . upwards of 100;000 .mines • Qucer'sp.ee)mens of anmial, ser- There's' n'oth)rig,"'rto . do but' clean lumberman will. never abandon his : ' 12 Doctor abbr.) .O S S E I N '• K E A 15 Liberator. . The, pieVoris .az•e 'at war again, II'V . intn this v atcr, while',the .number when you• can't have, lights ;thAt 'cats when the joU is finis}tedo leav • pent; , a'r1d insect life move altout. - 13 Edible fungu$, N E. R E O ARC a 8 Visible vapor. of American ! Lid mines has been are good enou.gli,.ta read.'or work In. them .to. hug wild their'•rolc •is even 'niore--o-rdu-• ti c I' ruUhed my.. eyes with amaze- . _ g I;t astc] 'bec;anfe' wi]ti' • ' S R M1.O V E', t EIf\IT S S C 22 Slave: • eonservf11i,vclly pint at 30,000.. . a hY. catq` ous than it was 'in • It?14-18a'. Tn 14,More acid'.: i..._ _-,�...__....: d. ,y_.. -- •�.. ._ meat when _I_encountetel3 aAray-'• �_ - .�__ ,��• a menace to,,Hale' and birds. ho e da= tt, i'_ �r PANIE EO'AN tI >?6Gem from at► --- --- : 5 Y.. jW1(tfes Into. Mutiittiona . coated kangaroo about six inches -' _. - :. _. _ _. - - • - ,....{.- Pl _ _ _.. _.- - ■ .- .";� tars; nows we areahearin>r lofnthe° 1'.2 Ban nets. 1!E W fel'; . R A I D t` S A EIA oys a kvcn ('bias's w'ar: hip -lets Cavy iHa[l. H.- had br.gr hinri' legs for , ' r q I' D'E P L !A NET S BAR 30 Snell .for a - , • I cherubs who sat . illy aloft, the 1,9 Concise. 4, i - ' still tirtd; on .•wi'th mines ag wia-` j'ntnitin� ,lid absurd little' front p ey Willialr „• P O D AiY S AIS P R 'I . Yisli]n lire: -itf'nfs'-1 - ...I!, W" s-1 THIS.i% C{�-�o:.� �5-- L�p� ._ �t�. homers of the R..A.F. 1 g fi t • ' er#St3tl-= --"'T ora re r 20 Advertise-. T RiE S lJ ttr,:.•.- '' .",': a rec:rrrt C, rlrn un . d)a `,%(h taints rout , tlio•u'sands 'of' bush, •at t-h'o eild, and . hI,..lead• a -- -R T� , Y Y t' men r s - 3 aht. ' .. #� EN'A.T'E . L �'E.. ,f I ,t1 C i_�� '.,4 F"ri,, I 1 J.. ' • name as nicht flyers. At ]east • r --r ' 1'l,i,ir-u n,t< a] officers anc3'sai]ors "han�lcom'e }lair .(tf 1?titterfly' ears. It' ,." 21 Destructive D R.iA S P S EiE•p Y S 3G Fri toting 1. was a lcanearoo ,rat. �OME DAy THS E,���TE• twice recently pip'eIotTs released L-a-� 1 . ate 'di•oppini• mines in Japanese +, p u insdct.. mistakes. raliijl; iri+r riot- froni,'orllinar;y fish- > Actually, while, this war .theafre _ CANADIAN -BRANCH ' ' .1� alcor dalik arriv. d tie. morniflf 23 Roosts: 49•Local . • VERTICAL 3'8.To hate. ' OF. NIAGARA PALLS at their loi'ts w)th me csag*ec fi<Lm 1 24 Jumbled type. to�ition�. *. __ Mg ict•i';.. • is generally referred to qtr -idly as'. 1 f 11)ru� obloi„ed'40Rosembling WILL CUT AROUND { ail•eraft• about to make a ftfrcec]` ". 25 Clearing h. l`:nr} then there's the' story of •'the "(laser., it 'is n.ot by :any w g-ut...'51 Ei h.th ounce. from ir',r rout. Adam. . Y BF_H4ND GOAT ISLAND larding. 27 Dr , > ,'•. o . how, C1drlri . +Innen ous ti rating, means all d •fffing sand. There are ' ANPSmAL' THE- ' • Jo y ' ' 53 Rajah's wife; - (rt 1 of "be." 42,Ge,.d house: 'i''here are thottsanas of birds 28 Pi'intmeasure. 55'Snfall 3 T3r;,r'ilr,:n title. 44 Ct+t11mU11•v'efb, mail cue rollecti,ng• . ivashcd„ up many stretches of higher .ground WATER THAT NOW GOES /n} "°"-.1, ; o' . altanr.., mites rn' usi (� whiafl ,Produce slutibs`and some' OVER THE AMERICAN A/ ",,, swift ailri rel}4rttic, iri'the,si itials 29.Actsofsel]htg. d-j�ressione, 4NrUvc metal. 45)'i�;are. J L t d . n them ' IFALLS...�E,gv1NG ) 31' Dutch , atrbbr:). 57.Moole gray's. '(`hen there is a conAider" ;`' snrvicc of�thr .Air Fot•cr.' f igrctus ( r y aj>jt}e. 5 ctl::,ntrtil': of III,' 17 Io =size. a5, w( rap''wr;h tvhi•oh.'to make tau= able belt of fevf �'N•a' �►iV1E.ta/eA>\/ are,i}1 the crews of all botlibcrs 33 Groans. a.8 Currtl i.j<rnd', . ►.:,per.'43'Itic.i er(H e:' ' nil ions. ile land which.ex- ITIAn B(✓?V�10RY. and recon'nai:;aance' craft which ' 35 You. 60 To sully. • • fiTic-ratlits, • ' 50 Party for•men ' . i On the defenske. side it is'. •.tenils'roii.p.1ly ,from the attractive Doo ..1, 1 37N'atur} '• " ' seai%Ort of I)crna westward to T3on- ojicratc Diet the seas ar-alta' 4l • 62.heuter i lou and rte. only. lanrely due 't(i .Che: remarkable .•':i:✓ - e:� Britain, It a fitachine is for( ed' power. pronoun.: , F Nr�.+U�'c. S2 Silent. P eoura!'(; 'and ri'sourvvfulness of fiasi. There are fur.i.her greon .je' ! °�a� •%a ,,, f bels a.nd warlis-hill1.s anal .gorges eJ�". ,^,,' d -w n, or the radio fails. a carrittt' 339 Surgical tool: 63 She i, MIN id rods. 54 fipritt. tho len iflio nin the All't'rd•mine '- S� 411team abbv, p-inh.-Irersrd`IviiIt 11.. ,, ',,> ". piI -and i4s mossit.;•i l+.lay jiroSe It p 5. ct„r:a h �t11. (< 9• o ulori••cri It Arclii'( 0 C ( trlosy title. few'cotu rs that :tial s}iippinf;,con- .� ,• -�3 Greaser, A.""';,"',- ._ 1--i' t� J^, h�r-•,r ' Ti'i�poli. - * '• >\\� .. to' -lie tT•c -,Oil M. tvrt t to rase. .. •tinueg to mote ]'reels through the � i6 Barden. .a4 She started it I1 IIn: %("d in •a dcl;rce. . r Thr' country Purl adios F.1 �'- .TrainedyTo Sea Fly' g 47 Hundredth of school'(ifi . > .-Ati:+tcri GlICurtbeast Brit.i• h Charincl and other water- a - Way S. - _ ,: Ag'heila is pure devi. a Exports in till, Signals Diree. a ,right angle. dance; iri _. , rei ies. , ' ?abbr: ). . 11 Y,_t-0 ' . '� t+n,]ouhtrdl,y one •uf••trie'out; Winter in the desert' extends tol;ate 'of the Air 1linistry cgat- ' 1.stanJin„r achiet:enurnts of .these from•Novem•ber to April, and there ' 11 trol the birds The. Racitu; .1hu,on 3. `l 5 .. b F .5 .. y td tt. 'r 1 Z • . - IZ 13. t4 . unlirralriod bassos was the, over- !s much rain. f.n 1>ocenther• an'd •• Service, a c-nimtttrc of ]cacjiti;T ; ••" t5 . I ,Januar ' the temperatures 'di -6 to r fancurs, '� helps . thopCands of . . . comin4. of th( mennee -of the !vagi Y P P , � ® R - inagacCe' 'r1}inc• t:hi:h' Sank so freezing'; and, it is partioula.Yly i . O V..�. ! pe -plc to' place their r;goons at, ` cold ,on top of f.he atr(iot escarp,11 the dir~posal of the untioti. 17 } Q ' �. , m:t;✓ 11•itiOf ships in the..first aore,r9assvNEA.SERWOE;INC. 16 $ 1, I I 1.menus which ri a abruptly out of ' , EAfc'TH Q Year ("r of the. war. Y o (Twine to tltc f rc stet , [teed and y" the do:�crt fI(tm. 'rh^so t rh1Fl:+nas 15 5TRUCK P,Y , I rat[^r Of m-r'c"it aircraft the ZO o 2r ZZ . Z5 , 'I ho stow. of 1}itw• this was ac- `7�&4�. . work"TivaiN, 11 " ont rli••ho,l haw rrren.Cy cowle to fl"tire lat"goly In' the figlititig, Hn- r • pjgrcone task in th!s wnr is hn.rder , '. C i „ 1' ` . ON AN' AVr--FZAGE OF= • light. ft is •on inspiring and thrill- ' came. trey. a.ff .rd un nrn] d.efemC: a, F-%F7'Y 71_A4�SP � ' tii.fn it u::cd .to -he', They etre z5 Zb `r'' 27 Sunittrer Is Hot' ` ',7 _ I in •talc of Lho happy teaming. of , ,. �t°_``�Y SE O�VG?/ c c(1 tq i' trarnc•d first, t0 br nrr used courncr 161(1 t,•ir•rinr:i. Summer is the' dry, hot se:rsnrl. n O5THi5 sea flyin •, Yxpci•icnCed birilc• zB �: x9 �a � " 3F W liar n..i:•ltt .:t l,(rluan plane , Then temperatures soar to nraybe SOLDIES'• . \ �/ kccp their ivin,_,� clnsod sn,j (1(i a- a� AT, \� \; � ' c'cicad dro „-until lilivy a •e cls" r ? + �; -3' Y drn t ta,I-. tji:ig Y•tic mine in 'slia1- 120 der;r`ors •or. mare 'I•'a9trc n.}:oil'. in x P ► 1 f, l . PoSr noV �, is �" -�� /i of the Clip-strram frclnl, rho aif�q ` low waigr -if the. 13rit•ish cutest• =•theoretical ,chae}r, 'with sttii ten -L ./ A4;1 4QE.2�?ST (+ c r-- _� 35 36 '; • 7 343' `�� �r i. Witori.. Qw, t ide trent Out it was . porntur•e:t li rch hither. I Wve seen , �, � ereit, : Then, Op'oIlinl% their. Win};s.. . o.�,4IG A`t'r49S, :. > they fly arcl:rnd t:,fiev or `thrice .._ ' the snii'tc rnpo;,,tae on the S'ilrat - � 41 4Z , q3.' 44' • Ari ` qb fonlid lyin;?• �Ir.utrli•d on t.}~u' be^ch. • O,p✓j,E,�' �i.Eiivts' r'"''''• ",: ' ,T an cxpei is �oychalnhtly ap.. Peninsula east of the Suez• f anal or„ - and •male for, li, rote• . prnaehei! t.iic lethal mjtch'rne. One hit shoat Iii-n.nii°thnl's lint. t4TTC �TlC,1/ ,_ ,The..Arn'+V iat'ItiAV, Pigeon 5cf- sUtOd C}0 yar(Es awa . tvrih a note- Cirgimrinf the' middle of iVf,ucll _ t _ vire is also c-niinuonsty -n (iuty, 47 k8 49 50 5t 52 E-. .. Z _ and• sa:<eral him&e i homing• pis= ' . ]tool?[. • 'I'hc'' tither tvalkerl up to , the hot. sontho;,st wind known as •„a a-- 5; Lha 'rn)no, Iuilko 1 it over s,owly, the Kltamsin blows .per i,rdically ©• S -:,o :�� � ��� " � ", � ."`f r Y �1� cons, in tr<lii1:rg as ni"so3}„ ers 53 54 55 5b s57 w" , - ® , ,; ...r"..," -..,,,.,,_.-.r- r 7.M AEC, L,9 F1 9q. i'(7r t}li' �t. �. :]]'IIIc', ar(`. .htinlf; " . � __.anti retitrr++ d to 1.1}o man with the over -a period of 6b cf'ay a.. This is ' ' n h,horl=• to toll hint which part Dnp of the gr(:nt fi^:ils of fi•;lt+ing, , cusfonicd ,to Imitlt• cond:tions SIR " 51 6Z adC rn Ill) was eioing t- remove rrst-11".117.114111tIrM_X �a Tr_1 T"T c ��: �T � � .. _ � _ .ba t�t�?�,i;tl7 ,_Vk,_ i&a..t3ak"� � t furnace: ..,. iers which eel lodE tt.car ^, . :�errEit discovered . "N)i� T: .Shote..tl the. tr< come down at !:Ur.'s,ft? - - . •- ThP 'hti•riu sin frrquonJly is a-. jit,nrl, zr G3 tt , ._�. _- _ 4 'T'hen the examiner strolled, back ]ea.dr•n wi1h� C:ind ghat vela 'enn.'t- ••�••��� :.. ..�„>e,: .___._ _ � --- - . ' . to the n6ni•, •removed'the part, see through it. - - 00 "--` am tend r(tctrncd to his Colleague to Tho trgcl k, brolidly sneakin', , •' •. . , report his 11r•:t tttu:( j;<tch t1ine' P g �� - ��11H�1 a'il � 5 I51�'li� • • p camp ,in tents and trucks. All aa ��//���crr y� W T ' a section was taken Off Clic pro- . _ _ .. . •,. - p 9quiptttcnfi is redticc;d to the mini. '-�-- --- - ` .te.t, is )&.]fed un tl' the r F ` 1.1. cc.clurc t tritfm bcnause of the pr-b}am 'of' Yi7iJ'C`'t A i/W,1 MaF(ES,' mine. wars d"?int,nticd. tranesport' and it, should not be for- �9• " A5 i' "" iYI'llr (lLatt,t g0 j+'Ort�untrtrty t.hC giireti t)tat" t'ltig 19 'rc baffle--� VyLY� r"?iLL oP i Q,,1 , I I' M � Y � 4 K• W A7" pp i... C3 M !3 , -' ly P .. r 1 .,.. til'. �J` l (� 1i tl , } a1 4��I., �fc. . tm L" _ <.. _.,._, i_ .a ..,.t. t t' �" _ a ZLtt(f pii�ff� :jt� t' ' rat ati for t i7Tf l"it T1ie ir'eT, fl'Ont I':111'i) �-, I+;1 t� / ° � liv_ ,�.._.._ I I E I nf+ It Y Ct'1Sr(. el a 5 ) Gth� ti1fltt rP.. 103.0, . . { Itut had' it gone' Off cid killed is nnly:onr', mal'n rasa and Ihat. is �- _� � , v the ririllitary highway 'slc)rtitl„'tl-e. P .1°rr- 1.1 y .. thr apeciaLgt worltitlg' on it,, the YY.• r ?' 1. othcc^anan L onlcl have liatl'.all [lar Mr rli^tCrralican: /✓ t.._,J"! a-. i .��; ''� � t data n to 'the iii iink of the.'eli- Tlt•is vit-tit question •of'.tra ,, tt> "%• `1' • / / i , .- `,o i�S ,"Insi-nn ls` littlted last<parably with '11TO i� -=" 'o'''-"-r��'�'� . r" p ,. . ,?`.aw•'wlien•two'experts go,9cftrt greafe,�t hardship of a soldier. bti f� . ' I ... - 3 . c t� ,0-q o 01 film e a iniac, th'e one Who h'e Alltt d• of Axis, alta _I;__ _I_ �_ _ _. tlial is t' (. �....,t.nr�Yn�,tpY_� t, �. .. C to scarcit of •watrf in a t r td (== _ - -- =ft - i - ._ _ , bolts It Ovcr d'ousn t bother Y i wlla t e ��` a. . i i -r .. • , . to 4'e c,rC to his cOm- ' loan stvr'ak and a.cquirG this"t !?;iii • wrcpt tacit p ._ ,. - -1''f „•. a. rf,a anfO �1-1e uses a portable tele= Cam jt sites >Yrrfernl1y are+ h;t sod �t _ It „ _ 4 n .� I f1MA\ __. ob some vat. • r' ,r ,. hone. et point. •Thrse are >. �% .'�;, , „• !? i v . . . .. - . w I , r 1 ` ' * � . n .. • , g , fq X, ( � "=r ix.lf ., # :.. , . < ,i` ,.T. , !+ i '1!° ... , i. :., Y,• ' . , , rR,10.;, nt s� tiw✓ '+.z+.. a ,, h,+',�. a,, • ' 'K w 1 m:: .. . . . .. , , . • , .. " w^I. Jy, ��YY U :f• r a , �.Y . .. i'M.,. ,. _. ,.. a . „ ,___i,'&_._:.:... ;. ! � ... a .. - ,