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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-11-27, Page 8
• 4 • • ki• •t a +r ' v ulaiAD , o C a S Suitable, Y .k ns xta sand ,k�ootee 'sets o ,fltdfy nth $ 1e• tQ .11:'.4#lths .gift ;fox -,W412364 .11.11141MWOOL **RFS px u,l ;stripes,• 'the new est A.carf -..of this var. • 744ACK . "' th. rias, { Pry fri ed• ar dt ,c.alQrS w, lDs� •.p i•9�der3* �a ��or.�er ,'a�.......:, ... , .t.,.,, . , or Vides;'tau; . A Aw,end+exful .array �� : t hed Ksuitdble :for .ttting . of,..;goebet .dg s,- EetiW es4 Colorfu .,h dker tiOnt • e acs, 3 ite inset .lace ,edg. l ,� .1'kden's:#andkereha. s• '. 'S, $ 'EN;. OWISES t a1S: s olo ed bor `t ed •,border •.Lzusie "V�.1th�ah+Srasxa. � � n ��vt h.t� ..er ..... • - ce-mouizorsier _ for " , aids f, l -you'' �w.ith individ ' • uarity Iv/4th person , mesa S ' Gaz dxar>, a - •ist''s S+ s; 1K•e.dgewood'# tx •.ioni Ta'',- ts, tunas r; •;X • •'$.arcts F 3' .y prepaIed• r .2beaatital :folders ;Ito r ;;sersolal ',essages.' eds�of , .e ooks -� n > s,s ,and if ',we `ik.hntaou wain we corder or,, -you ---;abut -please. eget order_ .m early•. :r r. u,. P � �sn.t, : ':� i r l s:S vita a h„ S"z 4de 1Gt 0eeret ►rY r ou ', ;.addr ed a;gr lP ern c� o, ;lineal des •fast Tu achy after ':IntkP .-, in the United :. Sur.Ch. w•M;;iss :.a is >nt . i fly 'witYs , he. p � d , tterxHamar ug. She '::traie r e; 00,1 a UO „ ,,%roWth„+o# ibis • •:• z ..4 pQ utAkiat .erg•�,�,ax�»..�n ;23 •oouftres were:rs ; of he _ in r de Qr1d •saeia- . f«tpu,, ter, tich. was -sftwined r.,at Lan. iAtextxtatipal. Conference:. y' in•4928.R"2'he:only ivequ1re } eats to .bug : sre 3` -:, a bees p .'.ad'31412.rab:kug to the auid : aw'viand. :i e4 1�ad. Qf:' 1is Wurld;Associ o i Lada' ciixl ►. wll- : ttod , g hiP axzd• .ter Dial. 1el•]c t ip; goodwi re' s of A,he4,ggar - • ii ition4: v ed lY ;,,mss : a•1t • e view some,, of .+the. activities O fish �r� ?tdes -.344-ring •.:..ed.=y t mauntsl:of..rmaQuey' or 044.1.0 Y, 0 pressiteiste iiikeasigiahtatithwaRes- • yara" ak .and •,formed , ttgauls i u ch - n1944 „went went t (rthe''n Qn 0�es,d ��blc.°xzl,s�ne e s 7-7 .�B�,ER ent � - to earxon za ar m„ ge 1) ad to be a�:ied rzon.;ittgerg • ke .bry ,,•gr•o diIan fid„ :,the :��e stitstaliee o• statin « _ of toW 1e'i Fa irErA cl' ". v , ount,:3'.-�'"��a�ats .•Of ! � k� ; �•� �' es. ad . bae ;dde to,! �vst cli g'E:P• ted . X. '000 each- ] ,for a:2OO,bed -.h pital ,bnsR is �b g built wf0l a ek., lox az2 ts2 , : to vx ton .baud •' Yiarton• :. e , -.C. i txv a ' ta,., 0X-, Q�a P i.1al..had' a :,.11.1a. be , se •aid,��,� ...._e felt a !sF an •: adv ed `neo se of ug u uQw:�axld. could. fill ar- rat- �n g he. s ru QUW3ed xetS esoa"l ng _toe Coil to.ubefi kez1c y`:,Mrs:. A E 1 sd.ittceot Y '�' c hat ?, jig - :1eAltli nit::+ , , r�TQ, 4t : o'esa iia , : , ien.'1 ed ? l?: alz !eei. n`g: of,:Lthe a �l�'�ght .K��„iture for. ":i� �: �� .. � , c� r�de-�op • theas,upport ot- exits 3''. jae,u ity rlti: r.. . o,attcilhax1d:c&ti4ensy of the..f?o013r � `""W, B: ..derson_.said-kie_ d 'tx ST p :end:".to 3, now ;howkibadly. •a hospital was :;-needed, but. zfelt;,.t ould serve a every ,,useful upur: ` ed .� g� as s Pose. e raimi� ---it, trend all i Vii• Y . t a ut all ,xn the' ,w "'. to da �.ir�;arxeed.,'. m a rxrto�dera e, ° Y, ` ,ou1d,a, 11 .f or gener kSitY: in''con 11ght� :ii -o dvb3% he . atrabea .tributng to. he•: -project: "If>.we ub -u a s,E• , d' : a� y. •d :v , ontlezuark on: ch,:t• .gs;-ve s t g tcha tfb,e arp�.ity dead',;�e,.dded F41doe� ..aliei e el e . J R� "�clIab aaid�b at if •dye -?:stenS�w'* ';A7�tnter• . We�erxt:• o p..slzp zb6ck ;as:a��d�n ctnal�stye:„PQrS” 1t M .r' ::and .c.i .- ,x untt3'- '4-we:,:tgotosuehnzienand:.,B id;M ntrd d, ,unice:01Pent. t o ?:yzP o;,c--pimrf�,std , eexedthele ,;eracWsetnt of the -,actual t?g.. at n pa1.: gon IYxn; .Ste towin f; ,A ,-4,4410i31d datMs• xdon., . 7.331,33o •^ .struction w o ld be. o, .two- to •irovide.d ,,:,Seitttsh airs •port ::the' fine TYears Y, � arra •accardxng' to PeS...S etch , ant ng. ' ..as.s pe .cofxditzons but .the.L ne was•, Pe a:f ' ned.'-by :Mary,'• -Pu tg4-us.: rad :' to to•,lt`ake°.thel: iatiVe It. waS' x yMa eft e...aan d,,,4ake'r• 'F :3V, ab• .•,who .nnoved•. the -,sag _fhr•ee4,,;:Seotch A,tngs, -1,1that beet. �g'hta..tfcr_rtb arz; early RA10se Id '�klon `��`�Yat-`a--�@r�znxt<te� - p to-'give•'ftir•,t. er eonsidera fon.he . ° •nd~ \WP11: ,.as ;beaded' by , ,, el; to ;the ;.question --and to„::apply_ for Mr , T Me a oh � `b - Car utherS-cr stra::pro icl.ed . ., a.;Ybnsp�tal �oharter. � : W. .1:3:).0V.j.50XliSctlitXidedrAti AtiuSicaarid a ,lunch >.gounter; vas T•QPe aced -,-by jmemberS, . of •- the ?p�yskegteal,00te��b..put xthc.:§uc ..•. .. '• ., :;p ss; of.:such. an::Under'- Zig,:, r'et. a hea ,c1ub . -assured 4he-- meeXing '''''..the - would y z:aupt of.�ight�•rersfMrst, C• Gardner; S a,RgOS..4 e;i i S ..C*. ' . `.P..ate Rerg;riMrs-,1,,-L on.;; •-� - nce sec„ J 1rsl erg . . ;;supenapply sec ar.dner; ;press :sec ,..;Mrs:•. E.z. ardner., ..A ,age • etowd, :1hpttgh aS e v, at:.tt def s st �3r ar' $tgti e, a U'S Maddievisivr 1IJ �c�esi�tc.. , • . , dl rte` tv c+ e reo Ste'sue Y support it; Ilitt*fidd24404t4ie:....tfLS: "the_ aaeeng of>the Ash %geld" L S, .tenet '=at the; -he of -Rev ::and "Mrs—Wookley "..°, here was a:good;:lattrndance.`Mrs,. A. Alton led u.in ,: Prayer.' ::JVIrs. A. :J•ohnston read ?salm.91 y Ars: W :frvine;<€ay.e • a reading- pn fhe W., 1111. S. Sunday,. Solos were -given', ,b _,Mrs. • Peter 000k: -and .:Mrs. • ''..1.461c. .Gardner. Mrs :Lv.ingstari' e :Menary :led•_ in •;pr'aye'r , for Terri-.. pgraoce-,'":41VIrS. 7 •Geo . Hunter and yrs. ;`W Gar,dner.,gav;e readings. • The ° devotional Period oIosed;,w•ith: -;hymn. -392 and ;prayer. .by :Mrs..: Mrs. ;B ;ert .Al.toin. :Reports :were:,given om, the ';different-deparit ents. 'The ;,election of 'officers :iyas as; f chows .president, ,Mrs Woolley,; secretary,:Xis%`:-Bernadine Alton; treas., -Mrs: A. Alton; cor. rsec.,' 1vlrs. F -Ritchie;.supt. of Systern • atic ; Givi. i g, , Mrs. ',,Bert .Alton;. z4.1 Sw da Qo ' y�P •*� '•., , �r: J.V W it, r PatOttgaavatirifitatiMill ' ik-APPtegisik,d ni c 0,04'tc•t u edy - e,nte gelc ., ofsRoxd by': Tw,altorr `MJJ,nrted:" phi ©�teul< ftui,• r '::Socte�t' very rs `t lt ng: tiztdas ?bli of iy t alit+ rs t: •