The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-11-06, Page 7Wednesday, November .6th, 1946
The home of Mr, and Mrs, H.
J.. 'L. Eedv, Dungannon, Was the
scene 'of a Pretty autumn weddi•ig
_on—Wednesday,_ .pctober 34th at
high noon when their ; daughter,
� Lucile Sopihia, became the `bride
of Mr- R p Synder Henderson,
son of Mrs. Rebecca Henderson,.
Goderich, and the late Mr. David.
G. Henderson. •.Rev; W.J., Rogers
performed ,the ceremony •against.
a background of ferns and bronze
chrysanthemums The ;Bride, giv-
en. in marriage by her ; father,
entered th'e living' room tothe
strains of •the bridal chorus from 'the .
-:...:, - .l - ..• . .. date . of the. I9461 Nomination
Lohengri played, by Mr:. Wm: meetingd
. for llrIonday;: •November
Wickett..of Goderich...The bride 25th at' .,
• gaw.n was of white ,'embroidered 1 O'clock in the afternoon:
and the` date 'of polling to be, on
sheer .fashioned with fitted bod- Monday, December 9th from 9.00
ice,; bouffant skirt and long taper- a.m. to 5 p.m. _ . x
Ing sleeves Her fingertip veYI �_- law pa 194F was %o
• was eaughf. in :a coronet of: -white prepared and p�
pudgy a„d sh ea-rried a cas-
pomtinen s of officials at the, var-
cade • bouquet of Starlight roses, ious polling ''sub -divisions,
Miss Ferne Nickel, Toronto, coos-
},.•.... Council-hien-adjouFneci-to=meed
. in: of ” the -bride, was the bride's again on Friday .November 15�h
4011,~11•0111110,7110d1W;110;11FikinedilisigAtt awe -
6 '
Kinloss . Council met. in the
wnship Hall on' October 21st
1946, as per adjournment Mem
hers alh present but Councillor
McKinnon. The 'Minutes of the
last regular meeting as read were
approved and, signed„ A commun-
ication from the Navy League of
Canada was ordered fyled.
The tax collector was bonded
to the .amount of; $2000 in "the
Liverpool,' Load- _ -_ -_ -.
oxr:��and- G%be In-
surance Company. .
'.By-law No. 8, 1946 was pre -
pared and finally passed fixing
th d t
only attendant, wearin a em• er. t
g powder at tithe ,usual time and place.
blue net gown: over taffeta with Cheques issued L8rne John -
matching ,headdress =,a✓nd carrying storey fox bounty; $5:00;.' Boy Huff-
a ' colonial bouquet of Talisman man, fox: bounty,. 10.00; Municipal.
roses,' ,Mr. Frank Eedy, 'brother of World;. supplies, 6.10; R. Elliott,
the bride, was groomsman. 'Dur--• selecting jurors, 4.00;.' J.. -.R. Lane,
ing. the . signing of the : register, selecting jurors, 4.00;.. Emerson
Mr. Daniel Walters, rGoderich, 'Irwin, „ selecting .:jurors,
sang _"Because".,„ After the ce ' tine-• ntii g-arl-d-
T._mohy, thi bride.'s mother-:receiv ad.v;, 9I,99; Harvey McQuiliin, fox
ed, wearing 'a blackcrepe' gown. bounty, 15,00 E. H. Agnew, pre-
with insets" of cerise and. blue. mium collectors'bond, 15.00;. Wm;.
I•fe.r.corsage was of red Briarcliffe Smith, caretaking: at,.,hall, 445;„
,roses; Assisting: bier'" w a s.. t h e
bridegroom's, mother • attired;•. in
aqua. blue ' crepe with 'corsage; of
pink' Briarcliffe' roses. After -the
;etep° rorty -held thr-f"roirie 6Hffe--
hap:le, ' the couple -left' do a 'Motor:
Currie ColweIl,:: •fox., . bounty, 5.00;,
• Highway cheques -Pay' roI1- No.
10, 4324.15; Writ. Murdie &. Son;
5-00x; • Duncan McConneIl, 230.85
Rae -�i - teous, 6";4'0; -Geo: Scott,
2.50; GarfieId Ostrander, 60,47;i
trip,: the bride donning a' two- Lucknow. Sentinel, 6.25; , Frank lI
pieceensemble' of cerise velvet' Brown, 1.'8.00
and white wool with 'matching LANE, Clerk,—
: hat ,and:.fur coat. Shoe More al
Iigator accessories and a corsage- BELFAST
of white', roses_
Tuesday,. , October • 29th
Dungannon 18, Factory 7
F iday, November 1st "
oms _ 7, Kintaii:.:6
Ra ars 10,. Hacketts 2'
Mon y, November 4th
High School 15, Dungannon 7
Clippers 24, Zion 14
Standing To Monday Night,
W L'Pts
Dungannon • •• 6 2 .12.
Clippers- .
4 4�.�4
Radars �..,.., 3 .2 6
-Zion 3. 3 •B,
High School 2 3 4
Kntail.• °2 -4 4
` 2�'4� 4
Factory: '1 3.. r'2
Atoms •: 1 , 4 2
Remaiiniig. Games
• Wednesday, November 6th
1+ aetarvs-Radars "
Thursday, November 7th
' High School vs Atoms
Friday,, Noverimber 8th
Postponed Game a .
High" • School_ vs Zion
Game called for ,7.45
Tuesday, November .12th '
High School vs : Radars' ,'
Factory vs. Clippers
Thursday 'November ' November 14th,
tpanedll G. eS}
Zion vs 'Atoms—
Factory' vs Hacketts,
Clayton.; Alton had his •tonsils
WHITU--DROPHY removed ' on Friday in Wingham I'
hospital. ltrfiss Hilda .Lane,
was with him all 'day Friday.
Tall morns and lighted candle
adorned the altar of •Sacred'Hear
Church Wingharn . on - Saturday'
morning; when Mary , Terese,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs:Joseph..
Brophy,:beeame:the bride ,of Wil-
fred George White, son 2.,of Mr;:
and '• Mrs. .George • White of ` St
AugustineRev:° 3. ' F. Paquette;
farmer pastor performed the mar=
riage ceremony' and . perforrnetl
the'nuptial ; -mass assisted :by Rev:
I? Brickiin, .P.p. Mrs_ John Ern-'
est; soloist, .sang' "Ava Maria" at.
the. Offertory„ and "On: this •Day
Beautiful'' Mother" during , the
signing' of. the register. -
Escorted:' to the . • altar by her
father, the bride was • gowned in
wkite' ' Marquisette : over ',taffeta
With Sweetheart .neckline, basque
bodice and -Nil. skirt:extending
into''a -slight tea it Het •full length:
veil ' of Swiss embroidered net
was. ;caught' with white ,ostrich
tips. She carried: a 'shower : b'
quet f , American Beauty roses.
Her, only ornament was -a' strand
of pearls, the gift' of .the .groom.
As, maid of honor,. Miss' Mai•
garet Brophy, • sister of the :bride,
wore a gown Of pink -silk net over
taffeta, with fingertip' veil and
ostrich tipsShe carried a bou-
quet of cream roses_ Miss Frances
Brophy, asher sister's:laridesmaid
Wore deep blue net over, taffeta.
with a matching veil and carried
a bouquet of yelfow roses.
fred Floggn, .of Toronto; w a s
grooYnsman and the ushers, were
Frank ''ISesmontt a 'n d '• Gerald
Brophy. •-
?ollo°wing•'the ceremony a dirt
nee was 'served .at, •I:fotel Bruns-
vtaick after' which the' couple left
for a' trip to,' Buffalo',and eastern
centres. For 'traveling the bride.
donned' a '•dr aker • • suit of
fad Wool- with 'brown accessor
'es and a ci rSage of tea roses.
`‘Arti dat you, Jza2'r
you gwine to :tarry mer
ahjg.. ►tto isr dig talkie?"* home., ..
Mr. and Mrs; Spence Irwin . and
boys visited • Sunday with Mr;' &
Mrs. Jack Bennett of Port Albert..
Mr. and'', Mrs. McLean of God
erich • and Mrs, Dick Reed of Port
Albert visited Sunday with : Ray
Alton. .
Mrs Guest has been a visitor
with Mr..'and Mrs. AIbert Alton.
- A Hallowe'en :social which -was
held.. at., I3ackett's. church .with
Bakes and. Zion as'`:visitors Iast
Monday; October 28th wasn't .such
a good turnout: of costumed : ped -
pie. Only two were dressed and
:we . hope :;,for more comPetition
next:year.:. • • `
Miss Mae ;• Irwin' 'visited'. last
Tuesday • night with Miss Joan
Camnleil of Amberley.
Mr. • and" Mrs. 'Ralph' Cameron
'visited' 'over the •week -end •'with
friends' •irr Toronto. • , • "
Iver„ and Mrs. . Charlie Sherwood
of 'Detroit visited Sunday' with
Mr. and Mrs:. Les ' Rithcie • ani'
.Mrs. Sherwood.'.
Mrs: MacKay and family Of
Ripley Visited Sunday 'with: Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred Hackett :'a, n d
' Mr. and Mrs., Peter 'Cook and
boys visited Friday . evening.. with
Mr. and Mrs. Spence. Irvttin. . '
Mr` ' and ,Mrs., .Roddy rnglis. of
Toronto •have < returned home to
the farm..
Miss' Pauline Inglis has gime to
Toronto to spend the wv, inter I
Months, ' • -• • ' .. .
Visitors on 'Thursday evening
with Mr. and Mrs.' George Fisher
were Mr„ and .Mrs.. " Eddy Moore
arid family, Mr. and. AM's.. Jack'
Cro rston and family, ' Mr, and
Mrs:, Ronald Forster and :family.
Ur,Lavergne-McMillan of Kit
chener' ;spent the week-eridat his
Mr. and Mrs. Erving Zinn spent
'last week -end with friends at
Owen Sound. ,•
Mrs. '. Sam :Kilpatrick attended
,the trousseau tea. of her • niece;
Miss Kathleen Gardner: at her
borne at Ziozl on Tuesday. after,
Mrs. ,Jim Sherwood, Mrs.' S. J
Kilpatrick and Mrs. Bert Trelea-
ven. attended the W,M.S. Presby
aerial which; \vas heI'd at, •Ben-
miller 'On Wednesday:. •
Mr. and; Mrs. -Bertram 'Curran
of D'ungann�o visited Sunday elf:-
ening with Mr. .and- Mrs. ' Jack.
Curran and .fainily,:
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Durnin arid
sons called on ,Mr; and `Mrs. Mar- day.
vin Durnin on Friday evening.
Mr., and -Mrs. Alan Corbett and,
family Spent the week -end with
friends: -at Grand Valley and.Har-
Mrs. L. M. , Humbers: of Hamil-
ton • is the' guest of . her cousin,
Mrs. ' Jim Sherwood. .• • •
Mr..and Mrs. Charlie Sherwood.'
of .Detroit 'also visited with his
brother Jim and Mrs. Sherwood
and family.
• A number of ladies attended
'the- Port 'Albert Thankoftering
meeting. on.: Thursday.
Miss Pearl: Jones of Toronto 'is.
spending some time with her sis-
Mrs;; 'Benson • Shackelton.
Mr. Chester ..Finnigan who has
.spent the past 'few -Months in the
west, returned' home.on Thurs
ane :more:.
one too
Even Hydro, cannot always find immediate room for( one niore consumer.
Present demands for Hydro power .taxes existing facilities to the utmost. o t. ,This is
due to ever-increasing use of low-cost Hydro serviceplus necessarily restricted..
Hydro construction ;during and since the, war. Sko a '
�t ge of materials and equip- ,
trent makes it impossible to speedily accomplish expansion long since planned.Lines and
transformers; now serving any one disfricf can carry just so muchower
Wherever that capacity is being completely used by present consumers, addition:
of new customers could be made only at the expense of service #o the old, until
new materials for extensions are obtainable. This condition applies in city, town
and country.. Everything possible is being done to overcome it. New equipment
is being installed as fast as; it becomes available. Your Hydro Commission trusts
and believes you will recognize the facts; and assist, y your
•� patient co-operation,
' in the orderly restoration of the prompt service that your Hydro always' strives
to maintain. .
In the meantime, let your Hydro know as early as possible of any
planned substantial' increase in your power, needs, and use this low-
ow•cost' servant wisely.