HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-10-23, Page 3Wednesday,. October 23rd _.1948?.;--:
ioc.: . an Qe oral
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. Rev. and ;Mrs, IL W, Brown ;of Masses,. Alice and Anne Brown y gm '
Mr,. and Mrs. Alex Geddes?
near Sarnia visited last week of Detroit v fisted herewith their Sand a Porti Detroit
' mer Sha�cl�letorl of . spell
with friends m this community: aunt,' Mrs,.,. A. R. Finlayson. .
a few days'with .Mr. and Mrs.
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson' Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bushell and' John McWhinney last week and
Shirley and. Ross of Windsor .Ronald 'of London, Mr, and 1Nirs, •attended, the plowing °Hatch, also
spent Thanksgiving ` iireek-end Wesley White of Pet -cilia and Mr ting were Mr"' and Mrs, :9-
vey Reid, • Fraser and Lilogene of
Port 'Elgin.
. Belmont visited ' last week with' and Mrs, Wilbert •Hodgkinson ' BORN to •Mr..and Mrs"Denson
Mrs James: R. Hackett and' with: Mrs. r S, :C, Rathw. lt' who has �S a . et n on on .
h ctrl on s aturday,
e w:, . October 19 'at
the .cbmmuni . •. , not .tie oriGoderich hospital.
other tela ves in••
prig. good health, •Mr. Mercy ,Hors2e hasurclrased.
Mr, Aubrey,Higgins and Jack, .returnee Koine ' recently, 'from: One ,of, the 100 acre •farms . of Mr.,
of Detroitand Mr and Mrs. Chas, Goderich Hospital where she had .1 John McWhinney; • This one has
Corigr-ain "=af 7 Winghani
--We been4-having , a.-Gomp]ete-rest :for ' about.35 acmes of mid grorvearlim'.''
week. -end visitors : at the' home,'of `a couple ,.'gf' weeks . bet •and issituated .on the 2nd
..34r.,, s. ,Harvey. Treleaven.'. ' Mr •:and. Mrs.' George 'Iletlier- Con. 'of Ashfield and is'• without
and Mr
buildz�igs ;
Mrs . Violet Joir"nstoz of ' Blyth
is visiting"'tier Mother, Mrs.
Jos. • Hamilton. mer visitors over
. Thanksgiving were W. and Mrs..
.WelteMr: and Mrs., Leonard Phillips Miss Elizabeth. G. Welsh,. Mrs Dawnrarid Miss Geneviebe gRam
.• and Mary and Mrs. George Phil-' John Ross' and Miss ,Margaret Ilton: of Toronto. •
ligs..of.ldspent Tf,anlre��g ?>y Mr.',. Jas: H, Pickering r -1; , 0
. .. ..ani.. iss•� ` M i. m _
___ .. yrs-�.:*
holidays•, with • friends` at ,.Port: argaret' :.Pickering "Thos., Dickson Iasi
' Bale; and New-ea-st1 - _ { --Were':recent guests at [e Dome and lllirs John Gajews e, Londonek were
of Jaynes Murray. who is Tiot "en and Messrs: Allan 'and Harold
Visitors at .the home of Mr,,_ d joyin good.health. mtf-Mur
Mrs: RO r ulbert of .- Lucknovr ,< L iel son;=Wo uelph.
, were • Mrs..; 'Culbert,s sister,: •AQrs. Mr.. Dick Reed• Visited over. the' ray Dyer, 'Guelph.
Crawford and Mrs •,. Garrow of holiday, with 'his parents: -IJick• ar- , Mr. and. Mrs•. Russel" Reid: arid.
Port Huron,. Mirhi rived back :,in the U:SA:. several ?and Mrs. 4iIbur Brouin at-
- ' wecek• ago .and is still waiting for . tended i�he d, -Leggatt wedding
Mr.. " and. Mrs. •Iiarvey Agnew•, the. seaman's strike to -end- . Then iri Wuigham: resbyterian rimrt
and Mrs. lien Agnew of Milton.1 he expects to go to, France on the' ori Monday ght•',and .:a'itpr,led
'visited` With.' Mr_ and.Mrs W.' G. next trip the dinner .::at tie Brunswick
Reed .and a ended the PIowing „Hotel follo ng •the ceremony,
,Matc: • Visitors w it h' Mrs , Conrad , , Miss Lur li ie Eec'ly, a•bride-'to-be
•{ r Docker of 'town are her, four �:sis-• .of this month was'leasan sur- i
Mrs.. George Ph 1i' s and Albert'. "tern, .,11Lrs `.Keena ;.of Englehart, e F
spent .:Sunda_:m •; P='is d an tieing tendered .a m2s-.
y �d Mrs 1a,... _ �arid�-Mr-spm 3hxri a .M ..eeklaneous kitchen. . o , a L e
AIlister` Bird cif- Brussels Mfrs �,�erton and Mrs: 'Stock of IT'olmes- l;orne'of Mrs Alvin Sberwood on
• James Bird returned borne ,lith 'vilte ft is the first time all five Monday' eve.y .Ing : A chair in .The• ,';
them for a visit , '` sisters : ha e beer • together,' 'for:' .1"iii room., Was re
� � . g p � tii�='. decorat=
° 'Messrs'... J a.rri e s •,McCullo gh• ,se -era1 years; There.are also fine, ;e - anti. wa$;..reserved It) . iss`
Windsor, ;Sam :Stewar• , Wii'dsor- 4 brothers in :the ' arnily. '; ed
..tx Y,. y, who 7"''S.'taken: totally by
ChasChas. Stewart* Detroit and Wm.,:r :Fran Guest f ""surprise', when hoaxed' : to .the:
y: of Duluth:visited ,.1as� ' _ o Wadena, ;Sherwood hoine to he greeted�by'
Sask., is -visiting., old ' friends in y
'W.eek with- Mr :and;Mi.':',E 1� the strains. of "Here Comes tliE
the a is at. A7,
u 'w _� _`� Gore pity �zid' Y9 3---'11-r----a---b
present —a _ b lave itrc ,7�„ Rcb:
1} dv
t -- sr- 'y 35 assembled: guests.
Mr and'Mrs, 'Jirn McIntyre' o per „knoll, Mr. zi'd Mrs Guest pear -old
. } LYttle T Tnda ` .Blke
ii, Nile and:. •Mics Myrtle .,McIntyre • went 'West "oV'ea; forty years• ago, f daughter of ' Mr and Mrs Cecil
of. Goderich. visited last cv,e:e .There, her e, her .husband recently pass- Blake rode ' a• iricicle :4ntto': the
with relatives, here;
Alta, . and •' Mrs. WJ, ' ,. Lane •,ot . erich were recent guests of 'Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Hodgkinson of God',.
Mr, and Mrs Duncan.Blue and ngton . of Wheatley, Mr. Will Rae
Mri nd Mrs, Alvin Blue and clan , and 2Vlr, George Porter • of $t,
ghterm;°Donna. of Allenford were Marys; visited �at the home Of., Mr,'
visitors at the . home of Mrs. .
and , M.rs. Robert Rae last :week
Henry. and attended: the Plowing Match.
of emen
�. +ager 1*
e tan i
pp�'av� s� �a *Aareof Yew
eve y`ou m
prc p � courteous
supplying any ,Of: Your requirements -
em ,'
E, R1"
with -Mrs-.Matti?ew,Sproul Week t, e•da- aa'Mrs: •Guest was foriner
end visitors at 'the Sproul . home4 1y:.-L4zie Lougheed,' :,the parental_
Were Tula_ and. Mrs::` Gerald Kettle home , in Lucknow at "one 'time•'
and acid Mrs.. W Nippleof 'being east, Of the. .'C.N.R, . •depot,
Leamington. „ D, • near th McQuaig residence:::
-Tle' death of Mr: ' IJavid . Little,
lifelong and highly . respected
'resident.. ,of. Ashfield Township,
occurred. suddenly at :`his , horde,
Concession 10,.:on .Tuesday morn-
ing from a 'heart attack. '.
In his 68th year' he. was'.born
•: ' and spent'liis' lifetime on, the , f arrri
. where. lie died. ] parents' were
tle. late David Little and Annie
Corrie Mr. tittle. was • a ,good
neighbor •. and ..a -fine ' Christian
gentleman • who was . held' *in
esteem �bg •aIl� who
knew `him:
ln 1912 he = ed .Miss Nellie
White who ''survives With ; one
daughter; Mrs. WiTlram' Wareing
(Vera Survivin' : also. is one :oro-
g ...p
ther, , Mr..John Little.: of Ashfie ;d
Two. brothers James and Torn;
Rpredeceased :him. ;
The :'funeral service was held
at his late residence on 'Thursday
of%inion, ca due eci�y: Rem: _'C?
B: ••Woolley' of :Hackett's 'United
Church, of which Mr.: `Little ,Was
a member.' Interment was ' • in,
Greenhill Cemeteiys•the pallbear-
ers being bltessrs.•'Robert Nelson,
"John ' . Farrish, Wilfred Farr sh,
Ewart. Jamieson,' -.Adam Johnston
and .L'loyd Rolbb,.'The flowerbear-
ers '::were Grant Fairish; . Lorne
..Farrish 'Gordon Johnston, James
Nelson; Jrni'Phillps, Archie Phil-
• J�ips, 'Gordon Armstrong, Leonard
• ,Mrs: Stephen' Martin,: a beloved;
• ' • resident of '.the' Kingsbridge Par
ish, passed away in G`oderich hos-
pial• on Saturday" Morning 'She
had been in failing health for a
• time but• had been in the hospital
for only'a few clays when,,the end.
- Mrs. Martin was formerly Mary
Hogan, 'one of.',�a family. of eight
• children'°'of the late' John Hogan
and Catherine Austin. She u -.as
in hot 74th ,year and was boiai• ori
Concession' IO' .Ashfield; iii_ �vl ich s
`l'Ownsh p she ;has `'spent her e:n-
tire• life and had a wide circle cif
friends 'and .acquaintances c�~i o
• tric�U ti 'her passing;
•?t°rty'-eigtit years. ago she mar-
+Vied her now bereft husband, :and,
in 1914 .they' inoved. from' the farm.
to the store at: Kingsbridge' which
rs` now m rharge 'of their son Bert
Regnieni.' mass Was . sting'in
Kingsbridge,. R C. Church;; o
Tuesday rilorning. at nine &dock
by Father Donnellan assisted -by
Fathers Ford. and. 'Fallon: Inter-
• menf was in Kingsbridge Cern-
`etery. The pallbeai-c s were six
nephe vs, Ambrose ..Hogan, Frank
Hogan,'' Louis:: Hogan, Fred .1421. -
Mon, Mike ltllai-tin and ' Terrence
Hussey. During the, ,service Mr.'
Le'. Mire . of Gocierirh' •. s' a n
':Schubert's "Ave Maria" with.ac-
compaiiiinent ,by Mrs, Carl
room with the .cain~.ier loaded
many lovely .and usefvi gifts :i'p
on opening thiem Lucille express- I:
ed her •
thank* •B.efreshmsn# znr-
eluded atower cake baled by
h'ei•brothIi�ria�e �d'bear.
Ing the inscription.; ` Congratu a.
lie e that swells in prosper,
will. shrink , in: adversity::'
oney.:* Asn : 'ffr�.. :-
: -..
Jame ^+ovzrted, �,� Jay
AB HIE .McKILLOP .• ids :Of at' lloan •S
Archie M ' a� �' ice'°�iiaAe`
• cKillop,; �iatrae of ,
the .Lawrence Station areaof ' ra ins �'JoWer `'.` wz'.fora.
wr �a io er�.�g .
Southwold 'Township, and for .a maw
number. of . • .ears . ui. the rnmi„
industry • in : Northern'. 'Ontario,
g � •
died is Westminster hospital,. •?• • Y
London, ursda October att, the" late ..Nen McKi73op; and•: .?years
following a : lengthy .illness, due Mme' McintYre •oP I x ?The • ',a1, Whichwas pitiv-4tie,'
• rence Station: Hp w.as :a haember,
to• war.- services. 'He..'served. aa5� a. took la€e.
sapper with the; ' 179th ° Baftlibn ' of ju cBride s: Pi-esb rsam ;church . , , , the L. . .
in': the first. World;`W.ar and.' re- �Surviving� are fwe•� 11 rs: home with t .* ' .
cexved. mention fr .
., am the �•°;ng• in B.. Cazup�be3, �`,mga1,.. Airs., o ... ' �I..
• � z1nE3��f.K�c'
19:1:8 :,can, Graham, 3suc w.; •Mrs. �J.: i es'l:ry ;lau ;
W -;Mr • MMKiBap has hued f n 'Tar—Stl7I, Misses $ A•:;and HT1 Me- the:ger-Vice:-Interment:
onto., :since, the First • World War i lop, $t' Thornas.'':.Anottier sin-' McIntyre. C ;: , '
and. was unmarried..; He was a sonter; Mrs.. Duncan'Mc lop; ihed • zi7i3:
• Besides her husband, Mrs. Marl -
tin is survived' 'by : two daughters,
Mrs, R!rri 'Larinan ;(Catherine): of
A.sliff eId; Mrs.. M. Law : (1VMonica)
of Goderich;: Blaine_ and Bert 'Of
ingsbridge: e is also 'survived
by.one sister, •Miss. Hannah Hogan
-of. Godericli and, one„ brother,
Henry' P. ;Hogan, of Hanover. :and . ?
by eighteen 'garndchildren, hav
ing proudly...claimed ,the largest
nuinberr, of grandclhildren in the
parish. "` ' •
1EDWAR6 W. tEcrinIIN •
Edward W. Durnin,,'a native of
•;Dungannon:, died suddenly ' a t
noon last»'Wednesday 1, in `=seer•in
his. '59th . year: He was a . son.; of
the late Mr: and • Mi. Thomas'
Durniri of Dungannon.. He was a,
teacher'- in • the high sclbools at.
Van 1ieek Hill: North Bay, Corn-
wall and Essex. He was a: rnember
'Alf the Anglican Church. His wife,,\
,the former • eel r'ietta Barton, pre-
deceased himby::.several years:
Surviving are two sons; Warren'
and Robert. and a daugh'ter•Grace
'0V -Essex: a brother, Margin Dur.:
nin, Dungannon, at d ;four.. sisters,
Miss ' L. E.' , Durtriti. Fort'• Frances:'.
Mrs. • • C. A. ' Whitely. Coderich
township: Mrs A. P. McNabb;
Toronto.. ' and Mrs,. (Dr.): H. R.
Bali.. G'oclerich, 1 e was, pire-
deceased: by a. br••rther, Andrew,
acid ar<s.ister:. Mrs. •B;Icvard �Garrs-
::ort•. The funerals vice €as h,yt� id'.".
:xt. =the` I. Tits " of hi ; y Si tt'T". Mrs.'
q1f. R. Hall. Gocier;ich on Saturday.
Int,errnent . in•," Dungannon)
cer `tt tC ry.
�olep one . ,IPLE
Miner, 'Ross` .
k'3.” Bay Street -. "1'o "