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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-10-09, Page 7
4 .A Tim a =Tow Sm'I i t T.I i II+Tt W; obv- ow. mutt, POW okintimito new a ko ked;tlleyerj 11 ktitesn; „' 'spirt jacket -Vitro •Scute ldl:s�t oats y' .er; Grace I• i sttrrrta' Ws, . C dills n Kirkland; gltcv ,114i's: y e;,, Hen's CIbthiug --W- phial; Mrs: Salkeld, 11?lrs Wi .1llf"elhtlerer; par. Jamas, .lVlrs, $ k4E Id , 11 rs°. l yee�; sweater,. Altbn.1 tmr,Mi ice'; mi,tts..I i s• S yCef, Nff°s; M Iirtyre; gloves, MIS? Nl'clir- t e; soaks, ffnre;.cAlttirnitt s,, :N1is•. Oryte; socks_;, cctelt5e;-'Misr Melfi. 1 tyre, Mrs. I ran . Ffti31$ Glohiiitr =p ll$ rs I rkland sttiti 1Vf S, S`all+fbld*. Oir1s.' Clot n -fr esS;:.&141 rd'xrr.- ees, :iVli;fi aallkeli :cdr -s ihel ed'.. :AI4 ... gtos-; ,111°s • Sallielctj gV( e'at;- . er, _:11 r :..Stili ld 1 s 13 l c 4.: 'others -. t Ihfaut§t' ,Wkar= .ditcss hits' , CS A i c@Trariesr, ;Vfi°ss• Salt el tt, : romp -F ers, Mfrs Salleltt ; j aclett* BtV:brcrpr- net; croc et . S ll erldr lattitt- =_-.tad rva fitt.11 ' S nkx Na C 1Ukeir 'les-,.' carr ag cover;... r;.. € . Salkeld, Nfrs ., Nf"atlfestoc • Iletxrod°eller G�`lmtlies - SkIrt Salldeld . NY's:. Mathersitirr gess'""r'r1Vfrldlfr;;ti CrT rutheeS; Warr 117Irs . Gra-rrrtthersr ' S`allitd' : vririlild#ire'al erk-'1VfrsR. t I t '; ; ttrruse'rss,„ D.Iffs' Salkeld ,: ' 1Ii►tTBieh�O1 I3;"ire 'rabble: 01 1* Mi!5 nes eee; A'la'n', los:; bttfftts�ti, Ngst 111f`atlfeso�rr,. MiFs'• Agee: prtl`ow': case,•m 'sbteet;N"s'� •1#yr_ce,, read . Lys:; :. pitllitcv case : *h, th, case`, enlig*rd , .1MV- serer, .mss" Solomi'onx; : ertxss.Stltt ]1�fr5r': 5`'aI. keld,.:' Elttt ;r l °.rrs ;; mann r;' 1VIt s Sall e�ldld Mfrs l eee:.s1 -4 plrig 1a : " 1Uf`s,- Ftla�ird. 'Virg: Salkeld;lldttrr ease; . M1ace� trtxtrt,• Mss Bty'o''e 11M'sse t II. Nfiller7 gest t2x�Es+IsY' Nf$s :ce,: Nfrs needles' proint),„ rs;: a11re1ul; et e7stbit e,e, sell,; Jee r: Lyons' Nffs : Salkefl&t :t tltr`g; =Nl s. Bryce;;, Patt l bswi :. N.V61 ..Vag; . '_1�ts 5a'lkeld plirs,Nfrs; S`alTcelda A.1tarr-1fitys 4 ';: t . ears °i , Nfisr.. Efer . Mrs • h,r.olttf#tt s'et; N ls'a Btyc lllfs;:.Salkletlif-;c(ent •pFierce,. Je�an'..'lybs, 1VYss., >pce, Cotton gti�lt -';A�lita�' l�ri�,• 117fi's�:' Sall�eld;; , Mlis °r isers;,; c It 'a lic0e, . We ' .4614..1Wits ' rrbtliters;: .A1tbn 1 os ;.•ptit Eecli cj ttlt,c. lVfrs1='. Bryev, 1vfiFsv: Sa l e 1Vf'rs5. Gar ruthexsh,fareki c$ttili , Nfir'ss:) 'CeY Mss ff liett:: w fal1e'rg-f 4014-, •M. s ycef. Nfi"ss• Nfrt'itty6rrr, : cC f6iterir cbtttr ff1l Y . illf5r : he 'sots, Jeartilyoptsscwf&rt°; vt,o�rl 'M�r .4. li lies4Or r cO:pr ti ted. bedspread ;era Tlyrrrr :4. l gritted' lAtii;p a 4filltt tYs ; awls i11fc,°_ ot1 r"' 1�Y ti, e': Mss:; Be�tiVfiss,Llas' lbeS a 4. tit•,• Mathet rr}.,aa t :Mrs.'; J, •5a.n4 ;. heoal rte ,(`�►raE ' LI>Tts- Ntai tyx0 ; braided rage -Grace=. itstbtir.:l• 111' t' orb's.; crckf etec - rtt;> ... `NJ's. 1VO4Iresan : •ernbrd deredi ettsk i6tid 11h s: Sas z- i on:7.2 S. •g ilrelaj.:r erttl 4c sh°ib , Vis;• BrydiEf.; Nix's • Sal Yet; ' waol cushion ' Ac'Itb ltysv=• Mfrs, Sa:1= kelk other: et/shit/A.MIs.. S`alke1d', Mfg:: 1Vlatheso : etxI'riorrt'x, War irr- Srgriia•,..1G�Irsw Hkelt tt$,.1110 Mat}ie .son, rernod'el,led"la'rtieles,'•Mfs, a1-: keld;,.1VIrs :Ca4rtxtlrers; Nfi's 21; Wire. 11cIntkr, e; • ce7tttee . j7siece, MFS, Bee rs S Intl lu'l tl-'ar cl'attf;. 1!ttts: Sail eid . Jam.: 11Y:011'S:1' eiol eMbrbielery',' Mrs 5 11� 1d? .AFIt'trrr. 84is_ ' cn{td v�tiQtlt3', Nfnr- s, yet •AFI,; ton Afos,; fa reWvAt+t°i :pi .'evi 1�trs, Salkld' • • Fifteen pp'e* ctiStf a i'.•I rshe4: Chub,- Tr�rElovo�'-' Wtrnreri'S Irrstf- tote, • • Itii•'1i �IEItI' L.tf �jj• iVfait; Alibrr>li'os-4, lanrd- sa to;. kltow Ctrs ,,; ai'irr a-1 - scene, 'Mrs. :- atewitt- ;still'l fi ; .I11fFrs. C , I r~ltiaitd'1 stietbit. A lib . grco ;, MrS' Slat tl,Ost�rt :Mss Sal» 441d; spa i'stro ; . 11 $s;:.•. Ifirk- lsfta� decttrati tel ler•• tVf s;- •kala it Red. a"stlili;1 •golon oil white asters 4,10E,, S614'ort Pink. as'Cfg, g...0' t1 wwll,l:Mis; I�Cirlc iqt d `giros; aa,i g;3,11,41'e: Ittirkla I'd tifr : golo bxkl. 'etYlict1Gyrt asters, :v • 14IatCretbit',.I1 rs: lirlril~2ancYl eaattas dah-liav;, aalob oto.;• dt�eor�atrv'e chalilf r S: .' r 0th: well;' . eolfk't1: g1adli; R th velt, 1VfrsA . I red. ;lad., ...;.a lelr, 11 is." Salkeld;Ilathweli; white g1adid1i, . S. C. Rathwell, s, Salkeld; yellow• gladioli, Vim '-Salkeld, .'Mary : McLeod; African rnarigQld 1Vfrs° ' Lavis, 9frs, Solorrton; Preneii marigold, Salkeld, Mrs. Solornon;.dark snapdragon', Mrs. Solon -Ton; r ;: light snapd :. , . - a we r ' rs.. Solomon; zinnia, Mrs. Solomon; 1Vlrs° Salkeld; collection r :5,; C. tathwell, Mrs. Salkeld; annuals Mrs Salkeld, :Mrs.Solomon; white horses; Illus' Salomon, cent- ' ,rnon, N!'�°5 11;►I`ci rt son roses' Joltri•IHenrderstiri' Grace ITustort collection, arses, Mks; :So1 moon; table b'ciii uet,. 1 }s�, Sal el'ct:y. MIs, Kirkland calendula, Mrs,.. Salkeld, ' a CK. Rathtwell Petunia., A!fr Shcairttdn, S. C. Iathwell A IadioI s + t e Mrs olornon', $'. C.Itath:weil, 1VIrs. Salkeld;: gladioli, lb'- splik±e's, Mrs. 1VIcIntyre, S. 'C: Rathwell; per- ennial eallectk nr. lVirs • Salkeld, Mrs, Solomon; pansies, 11 O: Sol - yrs • ° Fvf gut*. Tuberous begonia, Jean Lyons; begoriiaa, other variety :MIs. kel'd fern,. Mrs. Solomon; best house plant, Ws. goy: Alton,. Ni'rs, Kirkland. • . • ' • Settrtcrl. Child ..,.,. . ` . ••Asters, David. Kirkland, Jinnny IHackett petunia no ' nur tuber; Jirrtmy Hackett; zinnia, ' L. Sal- keld,, Tommy Cole; cosmos,: Ann .Todd; annuals, L. Salkeld; Afri- PAGE tfla marigolds, Tommy Cole; naso. turtium, Tommy Cole, 'Ann Todd 1rerich . ' marigolol, L. Salkeld; snapdragon, Grace Huston; 'glad- ioli, L. Sa ke,ld; table bouquet, Ann Todd,, La/0-fence :Salkeld, Craft -5 • . .. S.S. No. 4„West Wawanosh, St, Helens; S,S. No.' 5.. Ashfield, Zion; 'Projects: S.S. No. 5 Asli field; Zion; .S.S, No. 4 West: Wawanosh, St, Hel-'. ;ens;, .S.S, No. '13 Ashfield, Belfast:, • • • a 4, 7. 1 hdt'asret Ca ta'tdC °Sevin js" Londs?'' ' •Canada• Saings'••L(tnds•are the sue cessor~tb .VietorSY.Bonds and: War Sav ings Cert ficates.., Then.ate.Four:' coon tys promise, to returnvbur• mone yotr-ata 'Y'time aod•topa53orneresbt at"att attractive rate. cite!, Co macltt:' S41:.ixtg's . ands b'ein ° o ered7 Because dtirin� the°vier' tnro. lltrrs •of Ail. Canadians' learned th sawir s habit •o`y', ,. buying, � 7etory Snnu . no. War $av:ings . Certificates" A.' re:entsui v ey_ shown. that .82570 of' them Want ta+ •keep on ,a "in.g, by a=,inilar plan fes' 1s the trovernnren't° gel%ing Canada • Sai'rnys�'fiords. fitst. mo'ev?' pti No. Bhrrb !ing tieeds.of the Govern nient can be inet by 'other. 't 'pes of loans. • The tr' atn ,p`ur'pose of the Canada:, Say-. ings Bond is to provide C'a'nadtans "Asn• th. a t..co'nvenient Weir to continue- this land of saving and investment in .peacetime: thPre any limit to the atnoT't?ll of '(aithda 'ri;r nfis I c tds: that. ane 'per•sbnu . mctlll?'? 1 scr:rvhryt?`' �._ __.._ '''i'e5. Tliere,is: a 1init of $2:0,00 •for` A�' each' inili<yidtial, but cath member of a.. farn.tiy. may Bold:'. hoods tip: tb' the,1Pmit; ', iYhcrt'is'the pr. ice of CG{a'ttadpc rc'v ngs 'lords: • ,. • q� 1004'0': aThat is, a: X100,; bond"ctisfs i;1OO:.Ifpa ''neat `is not eomp1etbd• on or hefbre •November, '.1 th, 1..046', interest iIl be added to the purchase: price. • 17i,what' dennniina.t'i,4rtS erne Ca'fatla- Satlytize.Lo/nhds{�i(tvoi141.4e?? .�( $"Ory-$r1OOj $ 00• arid $1,QOd • • C ?, Cern 1 ` ca sht mig • bond =aGt semi aline b'ef oar e Z b c?nber'. Yes, any branch .int' ,CCari'ada of any- chartered:' bank .v I I cash your barns.`:: in-: reed at2-'14 Iv' -at ' f i1i face: value, plus' inter-. est a . 2 r r. %, •upon ' of identification as the; reristeredr holder ( ' ; Crani Cee• a!d t: ?av?n ys4'.0onds 'b ' assigned or 'transferred? • . ` They cti be cash - d, but not assi fined. or transferredT,This .is necessai`rt to pyre= s'en't' any tn'dtsridu~1 from tie niiing. • more than the authorized- l rtrit: ifa3't Irfllp • a*: iI"licit inferest.is' ciicI anCanada, .p Su os .T'gntls`?, • , Q '23,4 /c --pa 'able yea ly' on' Noverobpr 3..t, from 1947 tb '*Jo y -by' caupotri. cash - able without charge' at any branch in Canada' of.. any bank. (1,4 A re 'interest colt ours• 1-'e • istered? P g 1Vc They are pa:'yable•tO bearer: tom" ( l l;y �is st iecesSary= t7r'regrster Gam - atlas: Savings Honels" , legistitatgives protection' yin. ease, your°': bond ` n' :g is• lost; .stolen or iiestroyed,,, It is also th'e'siinpiest Way that. • indiri'duals; dO not hold' niore than. tire'• X2,000 t• (CA� 4 Int a»hose•'rtatme' can Gan•acd(i B'Savings o'nds be'' registered:? They.: cat' be registered only in the •name of one individual, adult or Minter,'txp.ta.the•ariou.:d nt.of theantliorizIinut: Cam Settings' &`mita' 0*gia-N .teredar tke wont' of a child be, caa-ice,•d? A , Yes.' Ba'n*s: .are familiar with th'e n'ece`ssary` reg xl.,atiays. • _ n Cernteckt S' evtn s: " ., .y Bow lYe' d� :•. posed of :164;i -registered the'?rents: of a+ decreased person?. 4•' Yes:, ,gily''bank w2T 'supply the reces-" sary information., • '( Can T rep'ldc'e m'y Cicirteilat Sag.vin '%: Bo'r*,?., t"he are 'los't; .'stole'n d'estry fd" . • • A 'res. It is` ;wise, however,` to 'keep Canada Savings Bonrds' in a safe place, • as yon: ' would any other' valuable daeu • ; ' merits.' In` case of loss: you should i zn'me., d•Tately•"notify the' Bank of Canada, Ottawa,; of the :circuinstances , HOW, WHEN ANim, . ,A WIiEA'� 7C•'t�Y'' ( ' T#'here can .I: buy Ceinadac' At any ;branch 'of a bank or from. an authorized inv'estmeirt dealer; stock broker, , trust "or loan company :- 'off through the payrollsav`tngs,plart"if this d1'tiTtiN .Is in operationat yont Ince of of • it 3h't. place„ r pa?� f• `o'b"' Cana Sa shit ,..Bonds. . 4 Ar In, anr of .the .fol1owii g 3..._ .- i By payment i=t full. at time of purchase 2, By 'monthly •instatr thorough a bank, trustdr' lour t opaz By regular deductions from pay, Where ern,. o*ers operate . the Prayroll Savings Plan. s • • 1 'r