HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-09-25, Page 5WEDNESDAYS SEPT. 25th, 1946. KEEN INTEREST: J N, /MATCH Everything pointy to the Into-- national Plowing - Match, being .held at Port AlbertAirfield, on �. October 15, 16,.. F. and 18,, being the greatest event of its. kind ever held in Qntario.. Stimulated. by the of 'er of free. trips to Britain for the first and second prize winners in• " the ' championship classes, entries .areexpected to- eaeh an ail' time high for °the 4I different .classes of.con•petition to be held. Cif, the 42'.. classes,' 24 .are : • in the. ,international group; and Will .be held on the lust three days of "the 4 match; On the .first day, :there will l e'.23 classes: con= ;fined, to local plfowmen, ten tie ing , confined to farmers ,,from- Huron . County, seven 'to ,farmers from Bruce•and•:6 to farmers from Perth..: On the first 'day, there will -be • a special horse show, with9 the'. plowing "teams beim judged•;sole- ]y :on their performance.,The. horse show fwa the ntaj.. classes .'will 'be 'fudged on.` con- formation and quality.: and equip ment as' well as:'on' performance. • ' Junior fanners : • are showing ,a' specially ' keen • • interest'.in : the:,, Junnoi Inter -County team, plow • Mg . match, ,and .coaching classes for farm boys are ::being conduct—: ed in many counties in:,•prepara- • tion fnx,„vth; 4v-ent::.E•xper-t- tractorr_:._ • and. horse plowmen.` 'are giving . fr`" eely, : of their time and know .:ledge in conducting ,these coach ing . classes 'Or the juiiiors;arid a keenly -contested competition, i anticipated. • - The exhibits.,of farm . machin-: ery, equipment and stipplies"'w�ll :hrea-k, er records: Four large ••r hangars of the. foriher R.0 A 1' airfield • will be :piled to • capacity with . 'these exhibits which will also include exhibition of •farm, prdducis • of. fiuron.',and sth rounshng' ' counties, •' govern- rient. agricultural, institutions and, 'by•the' Junior Farmers Associa tion of :9ntario. The breed 'clubs of the .6 arranged have' arranged for,: -special. -cattle shows: All the leading; 'farm ,machinery and `equipment .firms have ar ranged for demonstrations- of the latest types of .machinery, iriclud Ing jeeps,' warble ,•fly•" spray ing equip „ ent, weed control mach - , very and, heavy machines for breakuig and clearing; land, cleaning 'out ditches• `"and 'remov. • ing •hedgerows . These 'demonstra tions ;will be`'conducted' daily, ' The formal . opening of the In ternatiorial Match,;-at'2,30. p m...on: Wednesday,, October 16,. will find. ,His Excellency'' Earl.; Alexander, Got-ernor General j f Canada on hand to . officiate: This will be the first major.agricultural`••everit' at -which the Governor-General will take part'sirice his arrival .in Can- ada, and a' huge crowd is expect- ed to be..on hand to. welcome I itri: .Ample arrangements' have• been .'made for catering : to feed 0the crowds, and a, special_billetirig' committee is organiiing, to have billets available' in . Goderich and the surrounding country for. those „ desiring to stay over' the ,period of ,the match.' • • CREWE ?Ur,'and Mrs: T. IL Culbert and .1"arni13 attended' a. birthday 'party i' ' "qtr-: 'Culbert's mother at Mr. #'r .. Caldwell's ori ' Sunday; Mr. and Mrs_, Eugene Hanson .of La; t Tawas,- Mich., ,visited a 'fey.-. clays 'with her brother,. Sam and 'gilts. . Mr. and Mrs-' Bert 'Treleaven . visited With their, .daughter., Mrs. Lawrence Tremain and •Mr.:Tre- main atJarvis for a few. days' 'Mr•• and Mrs.. Clifford Crozier and Joanne spent the :week -end with friends at .Orangeville and 'iagara-on=the-Lake.:: • . • :Vlr, and 'Mrs: Allan k orbett and family are visiting' friends at • Gtarid a11ey; R• mcloTow SEIITTIN:ET , WCKNQW, ONTARIO PAGE S t• .i�G fh:other tire plants :closed •down for the past two months, 'Dunlop is faced with the great respon4n O�ty f endeavouring.t0 satisfy -the tremendous (�Clflalld tiresfOr tine y0.-theductiontnontiII ;�2ii� • Other tire companies, Dunlop accepts this responsibility. Confident in the consistent loyalty andproductive-,. ill' of its employees .w=ith whom the friendliest relations. have alwa .s "` t sssse s!' is 9 e�isteil Possessed.' of the understanding and, co-operation of Dunlop:l]ealers''everywiere• _ Dunlop is bending CVery effort concentrating every eso ri e . : ou the ,production of Dunlop Tires to.meet the needs of essential transportation. regular' Dunlop customers and all others whom it is ;` sslble. g -established- ,-dealerso.sec�=throu¢h its , - . • done' ean over -,eons the ritiral-re. mf: tires ty-mid there -are- I-cw' of:improV:ement. Even the manufactur rs of new, cars and .truck;are obliged to ship cars and • trrcka without'>tires It cs-' utterly" impossible. for one tire plant to attempt to :reasonahl .:serve' . es' nt�al':transportation :equip these new irehicles and. to ;take 'care of consumer sales. 'Never: theless;•Dunlop'•Dealers'are exercising the keenest judgment and sense of fair play in estahlis'hin g equitable:, distribution of their.. vert limitedr supplies. :in addition to being the only:`Tire Plant' in Canada recently o sera ' +� ,, in addiiioa • p opera. to they pressing .demand ., Dunlop is handicapped:' in its.effo by;:shortages'of essential,mater% als including, tire .fabrics: steel and other:.metals for tire• beds, Moulds, 'valvoss, etc.,: and other tnaterials and equipment essential': to tire .building which, on account of nnseuled labour condiiiods elsewhere: have been, in short su < < 1 or :not .available at alt Beeause of these slip es, Drop,, in spite of haying been asfar ahead in its raw material inventories :as conditions • : � been unableto maintain" normal: production;- Users of. •tires such• •as xhe:new .6.30 -lam wiB. thus appreciate the difficulty of getting .into quantity production of tlns particular . t re- . • In the face of this gr Ye unprecedented situation, „p Dunlop , r in the...public interest . �s going .beyond commercial considerations and. is doing,1ts level .best,to':serve'tire users;Tiroughout: Canada.. Dunlop assures .youv that it Krill continue to Serve Canadians to the utmost of its ab sparing no` effort or expense: There is stillgre.at need forpatience, ;of, course; forconditions show nOSign of easing. ` :But when times'r-eturn to normal - - wberrpresent•d ieulties are ironed • out ,.l)ublop with its a andi roduction`fa' -tr - . with the " P '� P... � _� assurance:of the: steadfast lovalv and •mutual' good+ill of its employees and'. the co-operation ofts:dealers - _ - wil again •, -be inwli . a position to make available *tire users evesyere unrestrieted•i uupplies.of the famous, • lono.-seryin', sniooth-riding: Dunlop :iliniori ed Tires. • President DOM.. rare, 6m1 I.uisber :owls Cwwpn�i, Ulnae* • ' DUNLOP - CANADA Makers of Dunlop Armorfzed Tires ..."The World's Finest" On Thursday afternoon: "ineni- berg of the omen's Missionary Society met • at the horde of Mrs. E. 'Zinn with the president, Mrs. Kilpatrick in .. charge. After the devotional period, Rev. W.' Rogers introduced the,• new study 'book, "India at the .Threshold' and p quiz do India 'which was very in': teiesting, Mrs. Jim Sherwood and Mrs. Zinn. •saizea, dilet 'and Mrs. Sherwood ,gave a musical, s+�lec- tion. "Sweet bye', and bye" • with nual • scholarship of '$100.40 to a variations. Rev. Rogers .closed the Meeting with prayer. • Mr. Ronald, .Treleaven com- menced working in the Lucknow. sawmill - on Monday night, HURO;1l' FERE RA 1ON' On LttS 100: SCE' LARS 5 HIIl • Huron County- Federation :of. Agriculture are "offering an an -- .40 nee :worthy County student, entering his.. first year,' of . the degree course, at •the 'Ontario ricin- `. rural- College, in, general••.agricul- ture, animal husbandry or field husbandry. Any, County student .wishing tQ make applicatiotn :for this schol- arship; for thefall term, should do •so ,at :once, to the County see: retary, w. V.'13 oy, Londesboro.. The comrhittee to award this; scholarship, 'will , .consist ;of the president, vice 'presiden't and"Tie secretary treasurer of .the County Federation' • and the 'County Agri- cultural gricultural' R.epresentatfve. A ;C.i'.1 ►P, ;CIAL is t be run � from : Toronto . to Vices . water Csn Teeswater Far Paz, riving .at II am, anti";comanenrg the return' trip at .8 p.m. '