HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-09-25, Page 1$2.00 A Year --4n: Advance;, 50C Extra to tr.' • S. A:`
.. � . • . 12 PAGES
that alln.
It' is desirable Mrs.`T' deputation • -representing
R ,l
children Clipperton, form'erIy A
Miss LG�rria Reid•, whose •ma ria e , Ai hwa Sg•'
in, t is d ow and be pro- g g y • Amberley to J J-
too F"OZ',F'ederafion S�:u ort
k place at her .horrie''lere'. on •
teak>d against diphtheria .and Saturday; was honored at•.mora; • was. in Toronto on.
whooping. cough., Td,do• this �in-. of • : . a series Monday, meeting with the
o.,_- _ -pre-nuptial showers: •. __ . r :r •
,ectivns: of d.. hthers� + 3Loi . , - Minister of•:..•• l�E hwar s 3n •. ; Kinross Townshi Counerl-.has.. ,; •
a to .. d and � .A.• miSeellaneous •. $ Y r
.) . ... � IIOI:YROiiI3• T`Q It °
• r ,. London
.:was - a
• '. w 1looping cou'gh,' �raccsne: are . . , . connection with:, request- ' •approved a • levy o� two-fifths: of ' ROAD E.aj ' �
•1•held , for : her in Londo 'the >•I,. - OOAIPti�T.IQN
n at the. ed, paving_ a ri?ill. far.. ]vederation of Agrictl1=
... ,: Eof this - 'highway, ::
given • on. three :occasions at,,,in-i. -home of. .4-'''.-: and. Mi.'s
Ernest ••' Messrs. 'J W tune purposes, 'This le" - willK
Joynt o1!. 'Luck- vy', ,. ap , The hard surfacin
t;errrals• of one :;xnanth�, These'are : ClppertGn. Some fort `• .
_. .y. Ashfield `rroy'v and - pI -on they ;lafi'tax
rrki�ized• _-a'lcl<--:yen--=tq,gethe -. - �-' . .
... , , . ._... Walter Brown... of ....- y Ia-w--Cziu . �-�roa •fro
z� where friends , gathered • at ' the 4- auth d m . Holy ood on
Red Amberre who' ar Qrizrng this le was , iue'
.are no �reacttons; IPa, youriig•child-: ho: aYy a on' the - �Y ,g xi Kinloss • •. is riearn : co '
rn to',shower ; her with' mis_ 1 executive final
ve of the•Ih h a 86 reading and passed:: at the mp et oni
ren to the. giving "'of,,dipritheria ceilaneous i ~ts - ,, . -b �' road has' been widened..con-
toxoid' but there iiia g w hi c h we°r e Cgmsnsttee 'were amongthose September The
meeting of the Board. • siderably and has a 28 -foot tops
y be mild', bro.0 •ht'into the lining room in visiting,.Queen's P' 'At •the August meetin ,, • d
g ark. . , g g, Mr. ver
reaction's. to the whooping cou h•.. a .decorated basket •by, her tw
o Lorne' Reed of Pine River ad- e
vaccine If there is more mark nephews Tvafi
._�.., and. Lorne .Cook.: - ..2541 RATION dressed the olyr
_.r w_. s,:.. �.. ,.�� �.--.._,_t ROOI%��_ e Cotiric�. utlini
r ,
understand.: and,.
ed .reacE aii. ti<iis. ma. ;. `be discern,' „ : .__ - ._ . - <�s_. .�,:....� .�,..:.__:.�.._ � ng_.tliew stretch.:Il krio
Y, n, The friends:on 4•Starid pine Hill" ISSU'EII 11V- work of Was—completed- a -few-
tinuedi and the. diphtheria toxoid•p , LIICKl'110 (" o the Federation Ile' years•
made the: presentation .of, a
.•,• . .'
given alone: also
ago but '. the wartime
• • ,.• coffee pet•colator, a .3- i � � :. out that
•. ed the -two -fifth Mill levy scarcity of, ;material., postponed
, 3 -piece ece pyrex• During the three, day :d istribu- . was .. essential ' to :finance their completion
Chi.ldreil•.' as, ' young• as three flame ware and a, I of this 10. =mile pro-.
., are _yrex tion of 'ration' bbtrks-ins ucknq•:work The Federatio was --:'*i ---
thsmay=b=gxar�ete -i:n --measuring cup;
�' � 'cr�l�`itr�h'way^Iir�'an�w�ixch ..
.. .��, . there were 2501 'books issued' : or' inally financed on a Ane -;fifth' mill ''v1
' •lections l*reoltentl~y , they . are 'is second to.none, in. coni arison
about•fifty in'ex'cess of-the`nurn- l levy, which felI': abort of meeting P
to other . fine y
given at even, young ,ages,, The ;:. her, issued : fiira: ear' . ' the financial re lGzighwa s.
years i requirements. ,
Kinloss Makes Levy
Department .of•Heait'h at Taranto
recommends: that ' hildren•
• ,have received: this treatment• at
an early :age have..one more
• section ,ofdiphtherias toxoid at ,18
'Months,, again at si;3i<:years,and 'at
ten years.„:With. this i'nmiwe-
' '
welcome at these ,clinjcs.-the• older
children up to. ten,- years who
_have ben. _ in'noculatedj- -Some-
years agoy to, get one injection
All childrenin . Luckiiiaw and
vicinity; under ten ::years:: may
conte to the clink. No: charge is
-- -made . s 't�i is a pui lr ervieeT
under they Department, of Health..
They will. be lido in the focal'
Towns Halt front, 9.3e_a.rn. tb noon>:.
The dates are' October 1st. Nov-'
ember, l' and . y
November 9th
Dr -:.W.. V. Johnston
,.. The distribution ' was ' • . in • sPitef of this ne 1
• . • . • < super- � - �• :. w evy Iain-; •
SCOTTISH :B R � � E vised b mi.s. (.loss: rate a : STRUCK
y E. hT:. Agnew who P Yers will find sheer' ta_ `B'." CAR,
v' was 'assisted by,Rev. C:':H. M _. t bili lighter this ear- The b
' lir • ,ac Y Cowrity
s. Stewart Camer.oLAD'S LEG .BROKEN
Cameron, .'one of Donald .,ROKEN;
Harir'Qy, Treleaven. �iT. • A,, i rate is down from 9.3 t°'8.7, mills
the last `;war' brides, Lucknow- Porteous: Helen :
• Gammie, T. , W� r and the. Township rate has;..been The recon
bound arrived here' _ �� � d day after starting to
e , last Thurs Smith, Rev R. ',;A. Josef - • 'Mrs: lowered; from 5 to 4 .mills.
• • .. ,, Yn, .The school. little: Tommy Watson, five-
d:ay, night, andd. was. given:. -.a roes- Chas,: Mason: Feder
I12rs W. A. coon-.� anon levy will appear as aYear-Old
_ ._ _ _._�_ .. ..... :aon of -Ca . .-.
Ing reception .to the' skirl n' the " u . `
s,- -Wei Bowel- Mrs. George . Yep � to ;item -on --the--tax kip,. ' Malcolm
p stn an Mrs-.
;pipes. �, � . Watson,, had• his :right
: Joynt Mrs. J. In
• C. 1VIcNa� Eileen; School Section No. 10 < rate=
Mrs.�.Came on arrived• ,a Half- Hall; Kathryn.relieved
g d y shattered when struck
• Agnew, P:: W:1 payers are' this `year relieved of :b a • car. '
fax on. the Lad -y Rodney ori Se Hoag Mrs. Hugh , i ' the •scho' 1. '
.A r gh Cuming� Re`r�[. -:: o debenture o:f _3 6.mlls�.' T:oinm asm_been=_ _ . _a
�r _..., .._ �. _ - . Y -l? Izvirig a��Calkt
errnber--d- th--ania=reached Tdronta H`.:F -Dann.• John: D. Ross
, „ s HeIen•i�has been. retired. '
_ . , • - , � which. � with his'mother, while .his..
the' following :Friday where she 1 Orr .an HIt;.elen�'Ha �il ` ::•.Newfather
m ton Tax: Collector
• was:. stationed at'Ottawa :in the
was met .by : her husband.,' They! the August meeting the Canadian- Army y service: He. had
spent .a week in Toronto;; Haired ! PLSALVATION( Board appointed Mr. Gordon AN, recently „ been posted ,,,
cui__-anc hond:an: rbecor come. •, - _ - ,4 •
e I . - _ : Wall- as tax eail'eetor.,His .the .
here .:ar 3ontreal but St.f was Therese ne
last. Thursday evening 1• ARMY CANVASS only application received for the'
account of the. polio - epidemic
Mr. and Mrs.. Cameron were position, . ..P. e
p ion, :Which}, .has; reviousI
married:, : :mid: -April - •K Plans have been:been ,. :. , • • . P Y Mrs. Watson and,. Tommy � were ',
made and. can- been , heId. by Mr. David Car-
�, .. ,in . in her , � _. � . :. • : - •.. deIayin� .taking.; , u ` '
native city of ..Glasgow:- She Was `vassers. appointed. to conduct.a'P residence :
ruthers., there; and
focal; cam 'ai 'ori beha
• ' , the:. young. , lad, had ` .
formerTg Betty Hart Stewart re-,, P, � If of the, �• • b
the' :: ed .to, school at •
Salvation Army Hannle Front A - start' Galt. `-
turned from. overseas early. in . p
SEVEN: TEAMS.. t N Tommy was tossed onto the
sums ler. peal - These canvassers :are giving
F Boulevard- when' struck by -.the
freely of ..their , tune, to, assist • iii. ' SO
this;,vsrortr� car and : Aalthaugh •.his `;leg was
THE FAIR Is ON :: Y Project. 'He prepared:
, .. ': very seriously' shattered, it
•when thyfortunate
eel the At a
• , 11 Town
g m , i�neeting held in the.
Luckriovii Agricultural T: I ,. cheerfully and as�liberally as you Hall Iasi' Tuesda. night,
. , . g a Society s Y presided'.
can r
Daylight s'a.'vrtzgtinre, which bias • 3fst Fall Fair i5 on.. :ever byLiarold.
today (.Wed
Greer;` plans Can't Ad'comoda
to Applicants . •
en. iii effect tis Lucki�dw during :.nesday) ,arid with a breakz'fro • The .Saltation ,Army continues- were made td organize an. Ind•
, .rn g oor
' Deluged:, with'applicatiosis the
the past. four .rnontl=is .wrlli of- the•;: Weatherman attendance .fi to Took, as.: always, to tlie:people softball Teague similar to that at Un :.i
for. most' of .th. finan
eiaT ,.e .., _.
fically end .On S'und' - .. . h l �t whfehTo
iversity .of �. Toronto . ha$ :had
�,., ag',,n•igl�t,..;Sep, . �uresahould:- be shattered ;=r - .. m, : _ . � -_, • T.- -_ _ - _- _ p Aerated -her -e -a: few• -years. - - •
to needs 4to 'turn rv.hundreds of
rnber 29t1t •at; "-Midnight_ The F sir conclud to meet •the •cost of i 0,3e -r aga,. An ' executive prospective• ."
� , • .. es with ,a � �was. elected stud
Ckturch: serve'; 1tensiv'e unrecompensed Work cone away- Bill' 'Chin " ' '
, cees Will be• held , cert . in,.• the Town• Hall,. by• the . ,' 1• :. .. rk The• with..Mr� P. W. flow president,:
:locallytruth of the sa was •one 'of: •560 who •
as Usual, Daylight' time,: ; hi hay rated - . r -la . Cousin ying thatit is' more': Harold Thompson, • 'sec: -tress and wanted to
but on retiringblessed to : give. than: ,to dentistry, but was not One
. g* Sunday night, be' troupe, of •Zinnia, and vril bereceive. including the .manager.'s of :each ':en
, ,, of the-175.d.who
can, best, ;be appreciated by real * tearn:'re resented:
'sure. to set then •• clock back• an. followed. by a. dance: toy music _by. P At present thistunate
adrmtte t
includes Bill l teed : J ck Ca -
were or p;'.
hour. Farriers• .orchestra. ,,, , 4 mp:
'bell,'„Cameron , MacDonald Got -
:don Fisher` and Alex Hackett
-: The. league will probably:,:.on :
list of..seven teams, three ,picked
u.ldn •
f � :
With the idea: in,. mind of est- •STUDENTS•
RESUME--ablisi ing: a r?ecreational:certtre iii, ,
Luckriow for :thy youth 'of the. Ul'IF VERSIT- STUDIES
izing'how much better 'it is to, be
'able to help, The Salvation Army
than• to�be' one of• those in trouble
who must•
turn to7�The`'Army for
You may show, .your thanks by.from those. in town. :,who: -.Have
'Supporting The ;'Salvation ;Army'"entered, their.. names,. ,a factory
:Home Front ,Appeal. Rural' can,.: team ,a High• School team :' and
tribuiors may leave their dopa :probably:two rural! entrants from
tions at McKim's Dru' . Store. Hackett's and Zion-
., The executive Is meeting. • this
' •week to 'draw u .'schedule' and
• `�/tl'�tGH'�►IVt ' CCOUPLEpa
•eomtrmunityr espeei4y,: , a; d'eputa• -
tiiamfrom.. Arnong.we1I known.•.young peo- : ,. , - is' expected to: get the- eague
le who„have resumed :Or Started WED , FORTY
The Clansmen. t'�•Iub re- : � YEARS • underway. early• rie3rt week.;
• 'cently' visited the erstwhile :Fort - ple
Albert Air, tfnivei°sity�courses are: Dick Tre _
ir• N{avigation School' to , .. '. Mr.' and. Mrs. Alex Hackett df A '
look over ' - ; leaver in its Last year in med SELLS. BELFAST .FARI�I
several; •btirldings'.•which• _ Wingham observed their 40th
'cine. at Western.tUniversity; John - TO JACK, IIt/pIN
might be stiiitedr for'.suck a Aur wedding anniversary at a family', .•,
Pose. ' , Mowbray and raid Johnston in Y,
;3rd and 2nd gar Medicine
gathering on .Thursday, Septern-
.n ,.'� . � - Mrs,' Thorrias Henry has ides -
,chase of these buildings is, ber 5th at the, home of their dau- '
g , Toronto: 'Catherine 'Johnston,, 3rd ; posed of her farm a 'mile, south
Made' through.•”*ar° Assets ;Cor 'year at Toronto, Wno is now talc- ghter :and son-rri-I'awr Mrs 'and ; of Belfast to: Jack Irwin made cn a , ., Mrs. Pharis Mathers
n o that
_ t.,,,, a.far ion:_,oi _,their ling -tea =public .4hea-Ith -- nursing- --_.------ -, -•; -. • —community;; andiwrIT halcl a lar-
origiriai cost;. hitt .for the. most course; .)r.loyd Ackert third year.Mr.. and Mrs. Hackett farmed ing auction", Sale next
isart are nots a in . Ashfield on. the • IOth Conc s Monday, l
john ; . e Her brother Mrs Case McAIlister
cite: Inter Sion: for 39 ;... , During. guests .
national.. PTnwin until.
anacKen iesste and Toronto;
trn'edi -years..g this of '. Chatham`,of honor were Mrs. Lewis
i ' .. , . IC;I _-.... f year., _ has ,_been with. her a
tt tiredeinatier',: period l r.. Hackett served. on:'the Taylor, Mrs: J. C:. alms
cine at Qu ens; Aian McKim for the past ter,' days .pi'eparan•
Ashfield :. Council as 'reeve and•
The Clansmen dere ation were Gerald;Cu Bert, 2nd I for the sale_ Mrs: Henry g Mrs.:Stewart Cameron.
g year in en-
prett u • .` ..:., , councillor. The icon Ie move " , Each
ton and`
is .re '
nanrrnous ori• their set- gineering at Ajax; BILI, Treleaven. p d .ta . ser..ving, part of the home' and -will' received °a miscellaneous
ectiori' of one of the'building- their. home', in Wmgiam a year
• shower bf' lovely acrd egsetl gifts
dice...,of Toronto,' 1st year m mechani= ago, where Mr. continue to reside on the farm. ,.:
Hackett is• anthanksch fittingly ,their
s are being sought on, this cal engineering at :P lax, : and g , Mr: •.Toe Br"ooks , who has been
and? otherare n•All - „
gs,., at which lvrary Marshall, • first year.. in. •is,Chalmers dealer,. employed `b Mrs, Henry thanks for" being, so kindly re-.
tinre:the Matter. They have four sons :and ane membered;' 1V1rs. Fred E
Y r 18
er Will be subrriit- :honor Iangtiage'course at W stern F years has not been enjoying good erlin,
ted ta' a Meeting oft daughter, Cliff, Tom, Alex on Mrs. P. '..M: -Johnston and Mi
tver�sity,, London:
health, :his future plans are as
g he. Club for University, ':. the 10th Concession .of AshfieId Jean Bushell assisted the. res ee�'
final. decision.
Thos v
Melvin in the Bank of Commerce, yet uncertain: es in openingtheir-gifts, e , visiting the. airfield Were e brides
big, b5 Vawin For Alberta Woodstock,: and 1Vlaizie on th - _..,. _ joy d. wlrfch -
• ,J*I. . g e PASSES IN �..• g a �ing song was en-
IT k: If.',Agnew,;, u r •. SOth, YE o ed.,:•
Allin .1P; Johnston,ston, ag:a A n C. Miss: Wirtnrfred I e�rc�-, f'f.'Kin- Lunda y, east, of.I�ucknow, also J Y
Tito s ' . ., , 12 grahgdlildren. `,<• The death of Arthur: xrwin _ Mrs: Pfi li
I� on, W • .E . Porteous, a lough... rvl o. for the past ten oc t Stewart;. president
ernESe'r of the in' '.onchs ;has been o.n the nursingFor tle occasion. Thursday, the otxrred in Walkerton ,Hosprtal on of 'the •)tristatixte,: 'presided for
investigating COM-
IC j a
mittec; vara: , • table on the Ia`wri was decorated' Sunday in his ' 80th year, The short including
s unable to be present. staff of: Grove's IV'
Flos- y programd ng solos by
�r dniZatio Fe s ' leaves the la with the bride's : cake, and ,yei, funeral service brother,
held; at the Mrs, .' W::loynt and IVl ss T
dei ns lir ,Port, Flgin, petal, rgo , home
of, his brother, Mr George g
§leart of the week for Lert?vyri, Al- low chrysanthemums. the, bride e A iaew with• Mass Elizabeth
Amon and Walkerton a r e l and oom of fort•Irwin Dungannon Welsh . . i
g. rieighboranl towns which Berta, where she wall', take a y years` agoon Tuesday af-es accompanist. Lunch was.
hare alr4a . , _. _ were the recipients' yof many ternoon withintgrnent. in Dun- served at the . conclu
already made they purchase position in the Ratepayers I#os beauti ul• if y , P Sian of :
l btiildirt gifts_ ; gannon Cemetery. Teasant evening:
8s, pilaf.
Made :.$10:00 Donation'
A donation of $10.00 which
;was made by Purdon's Bakery to
the Lucknow ,- Agricultural Soc-
was not listed ink' the prize
list, and...is acknowledged thru
this medium
.Three overseas• brides,` who `re-
cently ,arrived in • Lucknow,' were
honored on 'Friday night%;;at a
gathering' in the Clansrnen :Hall,
sponsored-'by,Tthe L`ucknow Wo-�
men's:' Institixte,' and ' attended' . •by
members ,of 'the 'Institute and
ati�'res and Bile `ds._of
comers to to*n,. to
whom 'a
'cordial' Welcome is extended': The