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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-09-04, Page 3
• PAY* SEM 4th,! i;. .•. .OBTAIN, lea �r�r�n NEW RATION' BOOK spent Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steward. and lithe son • Robert - . Bruave of I New ration books Malian Book ,London spent the week -end with 6) will be distrtlmted firom Sep- tember `K9 to .:September 16, In J I..ucknow. they will,' be Uksued en Thursday, Friday and. Saturday, September 12, 1:3, 1 t,. Anyone- can get a new ration• , book .in any locality. He does. I not h„aye to go .to the'distribu- tion centre in .his own distract'.. 2. He • can send anyone over 16 to get his ration book;:. �,e est Week visiting MTs. Nat .Cr,moi. and Cooke any • .Jack ares holidaYini this week „w relatives in Detroit, • Mr 'sand .Geor'geJo . hr and .. Ear—aid; Detroit, yrd, with rel- anves her • rfaaeKenzie of Toronto is, th.didag with her -tither, ¥r_ 11 G.MacKenzie- his . parents, MC, and Ldrs. Chas_ Steward.: Miss Marion MacDonald who atterided he Departmental Mule Carl ow' in; Toronto this,. mer was Susi ful, Ili obt4in1ng. her ThgheSchoril SP .Certificate . , Robert • 'Button; who ree-, cent? y underwent. an operation ill London, a rid' w h o developed'd 3 In the • present ration ' 3r anti 1�i�rani'.�relea�en: � . ... 'book c+0 ' 'ai sonto are a two - week ' pr- l6ur .naua upon• returning -lir the illatYoan soak :5 'there ' • a �. trip• v>tlla e, is e®nv'alesciug at bier ' A Y >'44'"ia�ni'` Dome. „green card, RD -19Y: This b t icon pp 'r"% r a . acQuaig o €af -a�s Ia - - book. I nst be-fiuea - .• _; . . •�? ami` d�ersoi4 - •ra C tag is — hot at Tier Imam,.. ;and �o C�� • out befoi`u book ap- , e: have returned . plied for If must sot be tor>n.. Brian . . � W Their boanel m � NET- and; AIM : P.: Johnston Toronto, having spent two 'weeks' _ of Ratan Book out • 5 are .holidaying, at Kitchener' and vacation with her . t , .' . t Having: filled 'out. RB -19J, the Etii"a, •! • Jack MacQuaig and l ary: Mac .-: oronto ,,, ask spending the creek -end: . at them' fioaee: ""T 'te ,wicked ;shall be turned into heli; and .all the nations tshhat forget Godes saki 9; verse 17. -FOR PLOWING' MATCH VISITORS its of and;salmon's 'efing hitwho Inure.' , t _ � sg'.accihoda 'for, Inuit R International_ e at • 'oft. est on October 1 'I , IT � -1 Sere requested to .leave their names at Johnston's Rest pit *1'S 1111, POLLO PlOtii�,r_ `Dahl!—T Hunter .• ; Webster ltd -=iesiBeArellauni mit 'J Tye, • —Reeve;mac Ging and Mrs... Charles Steward pe•?son who wants a lieW rat's Mrs. John i- - !�. ion' book °must faire --. 1. aser�4of Saskatche- • �. --, . �� RE -1,01 a� -ems. ' visited With Tier brother Mr_ With w� it,. The Russe Middleton and 111is.. Did still in 1l tearout dleton, ariio also had � ass �' their. •� th�e..RB-191 , . • a • e file geed ar dletpn of,•'FoareSt _i 4dvt_) 1 ,A Week-nd guests at the hoarse of. '.fir_ and, . G....'-bsfrander is -ere Mr.. and. Mrs,. Everett Os. trainder, : lb+fr. 'and firs:. R,aYmond, eSPUIrv'i ander`-and`thei L... n ^-a 1 l; all, of Wl ndsor a • . Sepltem r IZ, when but-• and Ms ' Cagier ' Ronna• • . c 'Severn: Bridge viS- ;here, Tasti`• eetc and attended piicant . his 'new book and, re= taw's his'old 'book to him. Coupons a1rea y. good at that time in, Ration Book 5 w not e irei When the new' bOoh• is. ithstied b :,Tema .go. • and Z CS: Le. ,, • n ter 1 ! 1 •! n • R21, an d neat Cou- Mrs_ James Snowden of:, East ncr mote tyro SOUS who visited recent`- a gbOd, . ©G'a�wnosh and her fir. lY wat1i reiat>:vtss lied ��e re-:_ �� Pu.-_lgoaa-Dk'� e turned to their home at S'udbure •ieliia-Ta nxan of Lu etic `k made valid.. Invalid, coupons. spennt the weeis•-end holdap at. in tlae 'hook at . that s`lr� andAcs's;• Stew art Bni .of 'Lis$oweil . w n t.h . • t he i r c 'plan tune can. be destroyed_ o- finds, -to •apply new. ration.book between t.:llae.-moi Baas parents, * :and Mrs Thomas: tA+aa , Caa�ici� mug daa� :ail teas fr. and W s Lamed' Com' •a><id . sand Dr n '' seed s+nn • Boli 1. aaidi �d~ris f �n y ,o lr%wcastI' 'w York ,City,drat the .Past mYce rick as heard' with :interest Tai. vocal. anuaanber ' at the Clansmen Carnival: Past 'eda ay 'and on S u >i 'd a g m : the • Presbgte Ch Mr_ road . •r 4 r G :. r nstron creek i s: , relatives' here.' Car ' c oiiggal �"S',- . Y Mrs., Jack Hussey who su fered; a' rainex ankle has: at *14 anomie of her parents, aid; , '»na» ,. . Sep.ember. 9 and Sep Will be, :unable to :ga- r Septeaiibe 30; • T itS means •t , lames 14411, l g srassip: be •••without .5,•' c ogns, ' 2 meat, mus . : ' a�n1 nnttes •c poor.•.;, • • 13odgiins .. ` Free'. ' 13:1 •, Russell:.riansteo .. • and :.: ,OTI it.'t on , witft b `nprie said i ntataag icor Buaagbeas ai acarti ora a -.1.3'' as mats ;mist .'. . . Edgar: Love'tt..�; Lu *n w . gym F dayb • August . 2S at ,alley are 0;66, '.' . . IL. ate. �`, . T�eav • • 1omd. as clred. ;and , i ge 'arria o1 G`oides;aeh; ;p. 89th __ .s t Ise' •'they. can. a:`cave.. 1 and .1i9[rs. Percy Cro,s ate' .1 1 JP 1 oY Delhi mit Smiday'at .tom .eon the 'Second _C a .. On their retarn . ito .. Delhi, . •Sandra Jean Cry ac: • them £og o g. mer. and ESN' ' end ' erf e :'is-- gEl gam•.. re vivexl i that aid an; ;the &aver ' RTesezr sac;.F.opened boofi ay .cam,'. t :children: O�BITUA�RYa stool 01: c .; and • • Pow mm, . 1aave dais `where f.'the first tis •MIS.• mos. S TELE& emP ed''ait the tr b� harvest ! dein yews, > g : > ° haaBae�t _ _. t: " tie lila ..lo a-`-44.541"23111--- * =j0• 1 � t eA Joe ,Austin Spenttine 1i olada s - ileriod ttbze, death another two or tlza t sworn m :rived o�urae[i in for! amli aaaotor trier to8exc)fa, �.®f n� Ridgeway'r : F � a�: �saa„.' CianPl�� �� and' 'Nit: ligerviii .13r0h WhO•. Spents•ris-0; Summer here: ie.: ,Mis.. 'Treleaven was formerly scgooks AgE cLosiED 1284.. On the Ust Ingot •of emit Sarah Easter: Shelr°n and Wai ' , ,, ' , Week after a concert for the eail.. c'e•ek-:. EEttb.k.#..5 beert einploYed'ars SteltOrl of )itillidr**:rreirptaltiims of i IL.•.4.1,! 1.6e-tml wl.ant PuOtis: at it,ifTfP ':ire --'1 jut tfie saiiet ett .11ch ,,,ehildit.e,An.:,, : 3fr..' aid. MrS.L. f 'rank King arid a' :'•draftstrian • at.% CTer41.-al. "re.0.11-. .Eitgiami sai-#171,1*-24 jiorrit :at Kiro- ,Si)egitir',* S6ditri*IS !ti*IC:a4-ilalg nei:c4it- ''-' ,-,iiitling caalie iiiiard ai iiiiciie, ....sir.,...... itrig• irdi, a•ennigienf week's. with 1,;‘,w,".yeat -aildi recentrY Portha-qed 3 •1356.‘' ' ; ., e ' ,,,. I. '• - .. ,-,H..., .* ... 1::/..f.1)0711s,,•'Ir_a;634.1;:i..,„•m'sith•litar,%1 ili;te, ' as...1•Slaper'FISed. . '. -. '11-Y-.. . "131-H,R.4. . di!' eartor- •lfrs.•Jarnes MacDonald., sinte Mr..' a• home ;at, aref,t; 'Cli.f.r?, ,.F.,;ast, •••iiqinesS 'frit!, to Montreal... . .....ses-i-:•-..-- . ' ''• ' e lae"--..A.-1,:rat•-• ‘F*14tell{:, and. Gcoalwrinli°:f1S4t 47.j ....1141111i•-.. ItailielitieM'a*ar-‘1:;;rsta4!ied.1•1by'.11-''''' 14...tr.61133;i17:e•-and..(;411;ialtS• .giira'.. •,•Ivirs•haS ir,,'orited and operated the' Me 13e -de;-- ni-, .-A-: ,- .. hieit. -,tee,:r2i b: -.-'elf.: 3,:ltr..rtret•- :.:DailDs/2.41d;:; Ss.1,7413,14124-elt.eZ4-1,52m. ":•7'. ' 13e17?n5-7...ev:e'*.-- ativosedi ....I die itoee tit.), bi.:. iiii.6,,_ ,s,c,;..,t,:17.7 . ra , , ,„,...,. _,,,.:, ..,• ,;;.: , • if: .1:7„.. :.,-.1.,;-. :936 Mr--; • Trelea ' . , bonald, alL,,ss., '14 Z• •-*.t:' a_ vc.1411, ,1., ' . Whai ...:. , . , ,,Sva",:s`cr:c6.,. r expires:on 43,c.1.4_, ice. t-,:r.ect _kilo. , ;7-gth..e.i, dewvalite4ere.cast.re... airgtioni sale on .Thursday, Seip--; taken at 'rite nt--nel Offx-e, up I prnrate,:y, ..,.. 1, timber' I2th... ..• ''' to that date. : 1 Mon.:fail.. Atigust :Nth •cit'4•,,i4 filtter4 . 1, The funeral sen4cei.was candiget.- I, ed by Rev::: •J_. W., Stewart Rev. u or Airs sTreTelliert.. ,The pailbear_: ,, and, George H 'mirk' TreleaVeri at . A stepse.n. 'Walter B. Treleaven •1 ••-ive.s.,.. Catherine Alice Treleaven, i bouses,„ bards" furnitiire, cars *10'17111PiG. WO :LARGE uster Whit r Syd Rouse LUCKNOW • ovzi • heel' oischestr Admissjop