HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-08-28, Page 4LDCKNoW, ONTARIt LLTCKNOW SENTINEL, .INSURANCE - FIRE,: CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE:.. Special rates :for preferred, risks. Ask tin' there►, ; • J. '.A..McDONAGH •, R.R.. 3 Lucknow, Ont. Fbone 61-5 Dungannon WEDNESDAY, AUGUST -28; 19484 s STOVE FOR .:SALE -- Quebec SPRAY 'PAINTING -fore a fast, 1 at Sentinel Office. smooth paint . job, exterior and heatr� Apply iinteriar, •houses,' barns,• furniture, cars Nothing too small, nothing too large: See Buster Whitby or Syd Rouse, Lucknow. 'POR. SALE --Plank, silo- ltl x 18. ,Apply to Dave Todd, St. Helens. WANTED 4Ye' ILP,, gasoline en- • gine, Must be 'in' good Condition. Apply at .Sentinel Office: FOR SALE-7—frame house in Ash - Id. Cart lam' moved. 'Apply at .fie. • Sentinel. Office. y . ROOM ' AND 'BOARI -can •fur- nish rooms � and ,board for elderly ladies;. M. C Shaddick,Gough Lucknow: , LLOYD'S Corn and Callous- .Salve gives immediate relief from corns ancLral1' se . 50c at TAYLOR'S ~ DRUG STORE. For. SALE -- duplex . home. Mo d- erni ' conveniences for two ' fam- ilies. Apply ;'to Mrs. M C. Orr,. Lucknow. • FOR'S.A:LE—Deering corn bind- .' er..1 e..1Ricnard--patrick; Con. 8, As:hMe• Td,; , Telephone Dungannon MOUSF'ER.' WANTED -For mnothezless. homer ,• Two: children • and one: adult NO Objection .' to one &-Tcr. •-Mr - FFarold-Denni ; HOUSE` FORSALE-•--two-storey cement hue and: Y4,. acre .of land i Lucknow" (fc rn?er ' Millson house) •centrally. located:; Q Poss. ession September lst.. Mrs Essie Purves-, .Lucknow. CLEARING AUCTION` SALE of stock, • implements, hay.. & . grain. at the farm of, Wm Reed, Con,, 7,. Ashfield, on .,Thursday', Septem- "ber. .12th.. 'Sleek.' includes -40 ; head Of cattle' and '7,0 hogs. • Wm. Reed,' .Prop.; Matt Gaynor, . Auc . K,IN•L.OUGH. Rev, W, D and Mrs. Davis of Owasso,. Mich., visite:ct. • Sunday` with friends here. Mr.. and Mrs; Bert. MacLean, Balfourand Bevin enjoyed` .a Motor trip to. Muskoka. Misses Jean. Guest .and Irlma Jean Percy returned home from;, holidaying at Durham. ins Mr. ' and Mrs, Perry Hodgins and, Sharon were Sunday visitors with Mr. andpfMrs:'; Walter • For- ster, Ripley.. . Mr.. Hugh Lane is° critically ill Wingham hospital Mrs, James: Simpson, returned to, her. ,home at, .Hensall after' spending' the past,six weeks with, sp .g � - Mr." and Mrs •' WesleY Boyle 'Mr. and. Mrs. John.. F Black- well of Preston, Visited On Friday with friends' in; the village. Helen Shaumacher of 'Culross spent,.a.. few days yWith her `grand ;parents, Mr.• and Mrs.; Win Wall: • ,Rev; George Honour, 'Mrs. 'Hong Win, # Wiarton visited Saturday with. friends here. Mr. .and 'Mrs: A Symonds • of g, L nsin Mich:, are visiting'. with Lansing, their niece, .Mrs: Geo., . Graham,' . Miss Evelyn 1VIcLeal returned to London' • after a two. weeks' va- 'cation., Irlma 'Jean Percy visited re- cently with ''Miss . Marie Thompj Son: • - Mr. and .Mrs. M. Johnstone of.. 12. • CLEARING • AUCTION SALE of stock. and implements: at the: farm' 'of Russell Johnston, 3 miles Qwest of' Lucknow; ` an', Friday; August 30` at • 2.00 o'clock.: Stock' includes. 6 cows, . 6 'calves, team of ;horses; .3 good' sows, one. with litter .6f it pigs . week old. Russ . 3 ohnstp ,• Prop;: Well. Henderson, ° Atte. Insure, In Sure Insurance Confederation .Life WIND, CAR, FIRE—Preferred Rates for Preferred risks. ACCIDENT .A SICKNESS Consult .:. ,. JOHN FARRISH Phone 82-13 Dungannon ARP.. OF T TANKS Brothers and Sisters' of ;the late: Mrs. Ida Flynn -'•Wish•-to. •express. their.' heartfelt thanks-. to friends P Stuart IMlati eitz e Ba;RRISTER & SOLICIT08. Walkerton, Ontario. •LUCKNOW. Each. Wednesda7 OFFICE' IN HENDERSON BLOCK:•' ACCOUNTANCY Service for the• Small Merchant, Professional Man and .The -Farmer. S. J. P Y M 11If Box : 40, Ripley, : Ont. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW FIRST' FRIDAY; EACH ' MONTII< - from a.m. to 1.T WM. 'SCHMID'S ::STORE Liste lel ••'visited with 'Mr. and, Mrs,,:' H. A. Graham. The --Sr. W. A attended .this an-� - , , nual lawn 'social at the Bervie; ' ' and neighbors' for; acts of kind- nual f A-c-oak'-sto-to µ • Wiinglra'rrnr Ontarfo. 1 itectory on Thursday. ness :arid exl5ressons of:'sympalthy heir loerpav last a Mr. an 'FOR , .S ' extended tl em ice -•-t sided for the oil g prograi i ne*' and; three heaters; coal. or N it. 5. Hetherington, : K. Barrister; Etc. Wingham and Lucknow Each • . Monday $z •Wednesday, Located' on, . the''ground floor in the front •of John Kilpatrick's Building;•. 'Phone ;Wingham Office 48 • • '..Residence 97 a t• ern�oon j. holidaying 'with his friends. i ^Th .'Rev L: W-. Owen pre- •owin :. meat. the. hy�tnn"Jesus the. very thought' i o ortunity. ' ` 'Thee" opened the meeting:: ' I wish. to take . th s pp of Th p the• •matron ` and . Otto Hewitt` read the: scrip. :of .: thanking: ,-Mrs, Ho ital •' ` and 'followed; nurses of the WinghaYri , sP ture,lesson prayer, 'during ' "wn .read 'a .poem: and for their• kindness to. me g Mrs. M.:Bro v . ess and' also Dr... , n and Millie' Cuyler favfored`. m recent` .itln Jea y I r nd Dr.. Howson for .th the duet f Beauti ul .Isle;.of Johnston: a , wi • their.:kindness; and att ntion.: And to the many good friedns who •T roughtan4 wilt so -many ,beauti- ful' eautri- ful':flowers, fruit.and cardss while T was. in the hospital and also at my home. A• million thanks,. to all. Mrs.. W N. Bushell:` _ d' Mrs: ,Ernie,. Harms worth of Toronto visited with• r and;;Mrs �'R y Alton.':'• 'Mr. and Mrs. Vernon`Hunter of Lucknow .visited -Sunday evening' with Mr. and;; Mrs .Tt m Hackett and .family. • • : Apply at 'Gamin a Apart- wood:. pp F *Lents,.: Lucl oW, before 130:' or after` 5:00 ocIoclr., ' a� BACKAt t S are slowing;:. you. gip;• take R s ' ' CAPS;, Pains and, aches; are relieved ` after" the ; first lose: .1VtcKfM' S -.DRUG'STORE, TAYLOWS ' DRUG STORE. r°OR 'SALE. _ 3 sawdust burners • Mile • for either stove F or; fur- ', new-' Apply 40 Dixon,: Box 63', Phone• 135, K>ncatdure.•" . SCHIJETT'S , at` Mildniay- has 10 • chesterf'ield's, • 10' pianos,; • studios, > nattressesr "congoleurn:, rugs;. oil: turners Tor:: immediate sale Free delivery.. -I •dA • CLERK'S_ NOTICE OF 'FIRST• • POSTING VOTERS'- LIST -voters' List, •1946, Mdnieipalitserved by the Bervie ladies y of I Mrs..Perry .Hodgins entertain;-' the village of Lucknow.. in -the Coua`tp -of-Bruce. _.__.. Ll ed • :the.Presbyterian: W M -S Q. Xt • Wednesday • afternoon G AUCTION SALE of Notice is herebygiven that, I household effects, corner, of Bri- have complied with. •Section, 8 of anniaaid South Streets, God- the 'Voters' List •Act •and I have Wednesda: `.Septeiriber 11. posted up:. at . my Office iii'. the erxch, F� ;the 15th 'day' of ,, IVirs. Thos..Elliott. `and Joan of said: Village .on , ., at• one o�clock.. No res' rve, .prop , ; ..1048,'the "•list' of all London are'visitiriig, with Mr. and s,'� Cornleldi ;Prop. ! August, A.D. I1IIrs. Karl'Boyle. "erty sold_ Mr persons entitled to 'vote in the l Iell> ffenderso a; Auc_ .. Elec- `Mrs: . • M ,OLidley' of"'•Lucknow` said village at'Municipal UCTLON SALE of farm stack, tions and that such. List remains sperit.:a few' days with.` relatives Pssection. ' � here:. • . '_ . ts, and�standing, crop, at there':for inspection. :rmplemen .. i .. • T'ownshi And .1 hereby call : upon all Mr. and Mrs. • Gordon :.McBer • ` .Lot 8; C'on: 9•,. Ashfield. P - Thursday, August 29th at' 1:30: Voters to take in-imediate `pro Hey and family of i{rncardine :ares' lock:.' Henry Horton &.:Steve ceedings: , to have .apy "errors or, IStvisiting with: Mrs B Slessor,, others, .Props.; ' Well Bender= omissions` corrected • according to Mrs Levi : Eckenswill•er and n,, iuc. Douglas. Lancin►ti.....are; visiting. trig' •the 5th day, of September, with her p ts,.1VIr, and. Mrs. -:' �pyrwE : RE,. 1•vOOD-- D ...w194 . •. ., Orahram� � H We have good dry mixed'; ,ofd Dated, ' at Lucknow, Ontario, The 7SepteMber meeting of the r wood for sale; also hardwOO, . and this'.`,15th day el August A.D ' V omen, Institute • will . be held.F r. mixed, 'slabs,' 'green a and dry. 1946 . ' • `• i at, 'the home: o f, : Mrs. ' Fr k .� , , ' I JOSEPH AGNEW, Order early to .insure deli�rery, ; Thompson Convener, Mrs 1 pati 'r - . The . Lucknow Sawmill 'Co Ij' Clerk c f ' the `'illage of Lucknow..1 • • : ',nerd. Ackert; assistant, •Mrs. A. ' 'Murray; to -plc, Grandmother's ! • ,Somewhere". Mrs.: Rev' Cox- read a .poem , co posed ,by• Mr, Co a' Marjovie-Firrie• sang -a -s'o't? ---- Mrs.' Owen gave a very splendid ,talk On "Christ the centre of our lives and not, the . terminus". Mrs. ,ra ed Moulton read a poem. Arch:: deacon .'• W... 11 Hartley 43oke briefly ' and closed 'the • meeting:' ►.with the ,benediction. `Lunch was DON:.ASKIN,,wel1 lcno'wn Rivers' ;dale merchant. has sold his store. over. •'PI ANO: AND' SINGING ,. 'Phone 145-j Lucknow. • ;; • "Or': Apply': At HILL'S . STORE, ere's: Ni N. .IEN : YQ in leo M• r. • and. IXrs: Jarnes Boyle L motored to Brockville and Mon -1 treat during ,the week. •• `Q. • .1 la• :w .he att�,.day_.for appeal be- . • We will be mixing all usual brands and also will mix 'the 2-12-6 without filler which.can be SOWIl in alp ordinary seed •drill. Order early please. I. JOHN JAMIESONc, .Manager . Meeting.; • clebate-L:r"esolVed.' that ter' hthnernaket than the ,pionper never, teb• eld'to'learn.;*rell call—. test .,-., oatmeal .coekies; luneh ternmittee, Nit's. Frank ThornPsen .and' MrS.• Charlie ilodgins. Flopital, on' 'Tuesday, AuguSt .20, to Mr., .and Mrs.. Jim ' Nelson, a i - Mr.. and Mr,'.' Leslie 'Irwin of I Londen called' on Mr., and ,mrs lines o� handle• complete els Equipment, Tonics, Bug 'Killer, Feeds,�' Poultry Eq P � w� : Salt,:: Etc. ur bags.in good'condition• Refund: given• on -.all_ A Wl4 ON YOUR—FF D- COSTS by feeding - .our e Pellets. ,No 'WASTE • . have on hand a good' stock. of and Poultry Con(entratcs kwteaEt_gegrs, aws..ioft:nGa?; :os 'ibtle warn'. BETTER RETURNS a er Registered Egg Grading, StAion