HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-08-14, Page 7A
Dl ESDA ', AVGUST iNa. +
aCuum- genr.e
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a• SEE IT .ON•1;0!;LA'
ODE. TO .THE LAST GOLF BALL July High Was 92 '..
The official weather observer
summarizes July as a delightfully
fine,,. -haying a n d. ' harvesting
month, with rainfall ..below .aver-
age at 1.98 inches, as compared
With 3 91iic gs last -year.- .--The-
The=highfor the month 'was 92 de-.
grees on July 19 and the low
was 39' degrees on 'August. 16.
(By "Economical Andy") •
Wee batted .'lump o'' hack t
Irk funk upon; the tee 1''put . ye,
Lest some. 4.11 -chance -leave-:-me L.
without ye,
Forlorn an' dowff.
Taegreet, intil an empty .poochie;-
An"- up-: gowff. y , . "
''Ye're cur • has". been sadly
Yer:"thai'rins Jing out in tatters'
• ,•tanglet
Yes" shape, aince roon' is-• irony
But still an' a'
While :tae the ' hole ye can be ;
Ye're still. a ba';
Weelr there's the green, fower ,'
banner yaird, I'
Wi' rough an' . whin .an bracken
• snared,
0, -may their sinful'; souls :be.•
spared, I.
Whae sae ' did draft it!
I'm, swingin' for .the warst
Thank heaven! , I've ' scalfed it.
The' finest • sermons" are those
that are lived
On Bread Route
Hector Purdoir, who is employ. -
ed here.' in ..his, ,`brother Athol's
bakery, look over the village de-
livery route' 'on Monday,`: which
had.•been in .charge of Sam .Mc
Quarl1ri. sin- is -employed : at` the
Lucknow, Sawmill • plant.
It would be :fine if' we :could:
get three things marching abreast
viz.,: Supply,• Demand, and ileac
onable Price.
' •` Jack There 'goes the Man Who
cheated me -out of, a fortune.
John: Too ":bad! How did he do
Jack Hewouldn't let me,mar
ry his .daughter.._
Joe Louis: is reported: to owe
much of his 'success to the 'ability
to. sleep at any .time. His ability
to put: other fellows to sleep' is
also a ' contributing factor. "
HAT'S exactly •why Peerless Motor . Oil, since
"It's Alloyed", is more than a GOOD Ihbricant.>It's
the :BEST!'
Developed?Ifter..:intensive-war -rc earth,. this -remarkable
" loyggprocess-builds up the resistance' of this superior
lubricant to heat and pressure. This means 'it .stays, oil
longer, giving extra protection.
better performiwce•at lower. cost,
You, too, Should ;switch 'to ..Peerless
Motor Oil. Unezelled products, to-
Set4or with 'the friendly, .'efficient
service of your B -A dealer, makes
B -A the . first choice with' most
Q—Does the Prices Board have
any control over rents of a small
property in a township where the
Owner Makes a living? Also does
it ':control tourist home rates and
housekeeping rooms 'for. -service
A--Irthe tenant of the .small
property in the township is a
farmer and makes his; living from
the. farm the,° Board has no con=
trol over the rent. If the lanid-
lady of a tourist :Mane'. or house
keeping' • rooms, furnishes- every-
thing; .that is.:the bedding and.
linen••,and: dogs the laundering of
these, • she: 'car fix her own rates.
If the..tenant. :considers • that :the
rates, are ,too high he ,may apply
for: a reduction to• the nearest of
five of the W:P.T.B. The rates
must , ' be comparable to rates
charged for similar aocornodation.
in 'tie ' sarne neighborhood.
understood od that priority
certificates for , new cars were
cancelled. My 'dealer ,says , thisis
not so. Is he correct?
A—Yes..` No new cars may be
secured without, thle„-.,presen<tation=
of a priority certificate. • • ' '
Q --Can you .quote me • the ceil-
ing ' price orP a can of peas. I
understand -the -rice-w ':r-' '
p a� ecently
increased?' '
A..". Prices- var
y according to the
size ,of the , can, the type of ,the
vegetable and the. canner. .:Ve
would have ,to: check the: par-
ticular grocers costs' before ..'we.
'could quote the correct ceiling
Questions regarding •prices and.
rationing and any other regula
tions' of . the 'Wartime Prices and-
Board will be answered, if
• are' sent
yto .the. Information
Branch, WWrtime;• Prices . a n
Trade Board,. ,Federal ` Building,'
Back From: Hospital r.
Mr. Richard . Baker of ' Holy -
rood. who had his leg badly frac-
tured early- in May '' when: `kicked
by,, a horse, was able to return•'
;homerecently from ' Goderich
hospital where he was a patient:
since his 'accident.
'Was ,79 Last Thursday
On,Thursday, August 8th, Mrs.
Joseph England obse" rved her
79th .birthday x Guestson this oc-
casion were Mrs.. r R. Deyell . and
,Mrs. Scott of Wingham and Mrs.
Oscar Anderson and her sister'.
Alma of Bay City,, Mich. Visitors
the previous week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. England. were. Mr. and
Mrs. Torn England and two ' boys •
of 'Galt. p
HOGAN=In Wingham General .'
Hospital on Wednesday, `• July. 31
' to:...Mr:- and ,Mrs:, Dennis- -Hogan;,,
R. 3, Lucknow, a son.
Do unto others as :though you
were the' others.'
to the 'dth n,'
means: simply • less'
andless value for bis
dollar' ...his living costs
soar as tree and careless spending
drives up the price of goods 'still hi
short supply.. Inflation is no respecter of
persons '.. •, like the rain, its 'evil falls on
the just and the unjust alike.-
• Thus, Canada's fight against the menace
of inflation isryoxrfight...the•fight.
of each of our citizens
'-12,00.0,O00 •
. <• .7.Y 4Y.'Ot'.
'Y•• 1
�tlw�+rr y
d$f? > 4aG.ti.
T IS. YOU '.',',•. OR SHOU'L'D 'B8.
If .youate a No • 1 citizen; you will be doing your'
'share ; to ward nil the menace of ' inflation"' facing
Canada today,
How?.'.., By conservation in your personal finances
Here are five waysyou can fight inflation:.'.'
• Hold on to your, Victory. Bonds
• Buy only those goods which are in fair supply
and save your money for the day when ,goods
now in short supply will be`readify 'available "'
Avoid black market'purchases
Keep up your insurance'
• Bund up your-siivsngs• account „
is is conacrvauon--the; first requisite for personal;
security+thc'fitst attribute of good. citizenship.
If we oil help in all five ways, the threat of inflation, . •'
-=rampant in sono other,countries and now menacing
ui—can be beaten•and'stamped out.
Let us all be No. 1 citizens: Remember, if you are a
No. 1 citizen,..y_.ou wilLlook after No. 1 .. Save -for'°
yourself and you save forCanada.
working with Canadians hi. every tpalk '
of life for 128 yedrs +
to A 1,11101 CAIADIANI
bh4 Z�